I Am the Corpse Master

Chapter 1727

Page 1727

Still can’t live.

Still have to go far away.

On the way, he may be eaten by wolves, tigers and leopards. Then he has to serve as a flower protector. After all, he has already started this way. Should he be sent to the west?

When he went to save him, when did he die?

“Xiao Caihe, my brother will take you home first. It’s estimated that it won’t be long before you can see your sister again.”

Jiang Lin touched Xiao Caihe’s forehead and sent some spiritual power, and the little girl fell asleep.

After that, Jiang Lin let his spiritual power withdraw and released the corpse poison in his bones. From the memories of a young Caihe, he learned where she and Caiwei lived.

Although he didn’t plan to help Caiwei return to the sun, it would take little effort to use some spells to bring Caiwei’s soul home and use some means to get her to meet his little sister.

“I’ll hold her.”

At this time, Jiang Lin’s arms lit up, and the Yu Ruyi transformed by Rong Yuyi turned into a streamer and flew out, turning back into a human body.

Rong Yuyi originally had a junior sister, but seeing Caiwei’s sister encountering such a thing now arouses pity in her heart.


Jiang Lin sent Xiao Caihe over and went back to Fengxiang Town with Rong Yuyi, and went to Xiao Caihe’s house through another road.

Along the way, Rong Yuyi was shaking Xiao Caihe in her arms. This little girl was crying because she lost her sister even in her sleep.

Arriving at Caiwei’s house, after Rong Yuyi put Xiao Caihe on the bed, she looked at Jiang Lin and said, “I don’t know what you think, since you know that the girl named Caiwei has a bloody disaster, her family’s There is only this little sister, and you are still watching others die. Now this girl is helpless, how do you tell her to live? ”

Although Rong Yuyi didn’t know why Jiang Lin wanted to help Caiwei, she really didn’t understand since she chose to help and let others die.

Therefore, in her tone, she also complained to Jiang Lin.

The main reason why Rong Yuyi is like this is that she thinks Xiao Caihe is too pitiful, and secondly, she mistakenly thinks that Jiang Lin has a good impression on Caiwei, so she speaks to save her, and gives her sister the strange fruit of curing her illness. .

But since he had a good impression, Jiang Lin still did not help Caiwei to avoid the disaster of blood, what logic is this?

“Don’t tell me you are because the dumb young man has a good opinion of others, and you don’t want to take love with a knife. This is a matter of human life. Besides, the relationship is what you love and I want, and both sides have no words. I don’t know what you think about things.”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Rong Yuyi wiped Xiao Caihe’s tears, and gave Jiang Lin an angry look.

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about. In your heart, I see a beautiful girl and have a man in my heart?”

Jiang Lin didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, this Rong Yuyi actually misunderstood that he had love for a girl whom he met for the first time.

He also mistakenly thought that he did not help Caiwei to avoid the robbery completely, because of the machismo mentality, and for the so-called face, he gave up people.

Listening to the meaning in Rong Yuyi’s words, it seems that if he really has any thoughts about Caiwei, Rong Yuyi also asks him to take the initiative to fight with others.

I’m your future husband, you let me compete with other men for a sweetheart?

Don’t you think it’s outrageous?

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin explained: “First of all, I don’t have any feelings for Caiwei. My thoughts are on you and Mengxue’s other phantom body. The reason why I want to help her avoid disaster…”

Jiang Lin told Rong Yuyi what he was thinking at the time, and this Rong Yuyi was just thinking about things that didn’t exist.

After listening to Jiang Lin’s remarks, Rong Yuyi also realized that she had misunderstood Jiang Lin, so she pursed her lips and murmured: “Since you have chosen to help others avoid robbery, it is not good for people to do it to the end. , if it were me, I would not be like you. My master taught me and my younger sister like this, saving a life, that is also a merit.”

It was also because he understood Jiang Lin’s actions in principle that Rong Yuyi did not argue with Jiang Lin.

After all, Jiang Lin also felt that Caiwei’s heart was kind, so he sent his kindness, and had no other thoughts.

But she could understand in principle, but it was difficult for her to recognize Jiang Lin’s actions.

After all, it is a kind and beautiful girl’s family, and she also lives with her own little sister. She feels that she can’t do it to let her watch such a girl’s beauty and life.

Although she didn’t agree, Rong Yuyi didn’t mean to complain about Jiang Lin anymore, because Jiang Lin was indeed the younger sister who saved Caiwei, and she also persuaded Caiwei.

It’s just that she felt that her choice would be different from Jiang Lin’s.

“There are many poor girls like her in this world. Even if I have pity in my heart, I can’t rescue them all. This time I met them, and I knew they were kind and considerate, and I gave her a good reward. But no matter what. How to say, there are many things that need to be considered within the scope of my ability. I have urgent things to do now, and you should have heard what Caiwei said in the sedan chair. If she doesn’t marry, she will be in her hometown. If she can’t live because of rumors, then she will leave with her own little sister. If I insist on saving her life, can I still give up in this situation? Even if I send her all the way, when she remarries , the husband’s family will also inquire. If she finds out that she has repented of her marriage because of me, what will she do? Is it possible that I marry her?”

Jiang Lin spread his hands, he also knew that Rong Yuyi didn’t mean to blame him for this matter, but he still wanted to talk to Rong Yuyi about some of the reasons and things that need to be considered.

As a result, Rong Yuyi raised her head and looked at him quietly.

It is not impossible.

Anyway, the meaning expressed in Rong Yuyi’s eyes is probably this meaning.

Jiang Lin: “…”

How can I have such a wonderful wife as you.

Jiang Lin patted his forehead. It was the first time he thought his wife was weird.

Although this wife will be with him in the future, Rong Yuyi, who is the party involved, knows it, but even so, Rong Yuyi still sent him such a message – it is not impossible.

Anyway, it can save Caiwei’s life.

Rong Yuyi felt pity for Caiwei’s little sister in her heart, and felt that Caiwei’s poor life was too regrettable for such a kind-hearted girl, so such a thought appeared in her heart.

If you want him to be a good person to the end, take responsibility for Caiwei’s life.

If he pushed the time forward for a long time, if Rong Yuyi knew that there would be such a result, it was really possible to give him such a trick.

What’s even more bizarre is that Rong Yuyi treats him like a big bad wolf for his junior sister’s sake. Now that the object is Caiwei, she will let Caiwei go “the sheep into the tiger’s mouth”.

Chapter [-] This is the soul flying away?

“Then what are you going to do now?”

Rong Yuyi looked at Xiao Caihe, who was muttering to her sister in her sleep, and then looked at Jiang Lin.

She knew that Jiang Lin had the ability to bring the dead back to life, but since Jiang Lin didn’t make that choice, he should have thought about it in his heart.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for her to persuade Jiang Lin to do good deeds again.

It is difficult to know others, do not persuade others to be kind.

“I went to Caiwei’s room to take a look, find some of her hair, call her soul, and use some means to allow her to continue living with her sister. In addition, I also worked with Xiao Caihe’s neighbor. I will take care of it and leave some money for them to raise Xiao Caihe to grow up. If Caiwei is going to be reincarnated, this little girl will not lose her support. ”

Jiang Lin told his plans, since he encountered such a thing, if he didn’t care, he would feel uneasy.

Anyway, it is just spending some property, and for him, it is nothing, and it is not difficult for him to use some means.

Moreover, even if he had no conscience and was unwilling to take care of this little girl, Rong Yuyi would not agree.

After Jiang Lin walked out, Rong Yuyi looked at Jiang Lin’s back, and a smile appeared on his face.

This time, she also felt that she had a better understanding of Jiang Lin.

Although this man is not as righteous and awe-inspiring as her deceased master, he can sacrifice everything for the well-being of the common people, but his actions and ideas do not disappoint her.

On the other hand, Jiang Lin went to the kitchen first to find some straws for the fire. Even if he brought Caiwei’s soul back, if he didn’t let her live, there would still be a lot of inconvenience.

The main problem is that Cai Wei, who is already a ghost, will hinder her sister, and the ghost and yin will be detrimental to Xiao Caihe’s growth.

Therefore, he prepared to use straw to make a straw man, and let Caiwei live in it.

After taking some straws, Jiang Lin went to Caiwei’s boudoir. He walked to Caiwei’s bedside, ready to find some hair strands.

In fact, Jiang Lin only needs to know Caiwei’s birth date and use Xiao Caihe’s blood as a medium to conjure Caiwei’s soul.

But Xiao Caihe was a little girl of six or seven years old, and she certainly didn’t know the birth date of her sister, not to mention that he couldn’t bear to let him bleed a little girl.

Therefore, Jiang Lin chose the second method.

After removing Caiwei’s pillow, Jiang Lin found some hair strands that Caiwei had fallen off, but he also found something else, Caiwei’s apron was also under the pillow.

“It works better this way.”

Jiang Lin took the apron in his hand. Originally, he wanted to find some more clothes that Caiwei wore during her lifetime, tear off a part of it and put it on the grass figurine, but now he has this apron that Caiwei once wore. more convenient.

At this moment, Rong Yuyi came to the door of the boudoir. She also sympathized with Xiao Caihe, so she wanted to see if she could help Jiang Lin.

But as soon as she got to the door, she saw Jiang Lin was holding a girl’s apron in his hand.

“You…you didn’t come to find that girl’s hair?”

Rong Yuyi frowned and looked at Jiang Lin strangely.

What do you do with other people’s underwear?

still in hand.


Jiang Lin didn’t expect Rong Yuyi to come over suddenly, and immediately hid the hand holding the apron behind his waist.


After coughing twice, Jiang Lin explained, “I’m… that… the one who was going to tie a straw man, this apron was worn by Cai Wei, so it just fits on the straw man. Uh… this is not something I took. Yes, under her pillow, I’m here for the hair.”

After listening to Jiang Lin’s explanation, Rong Yuyi still looked at Jiang Lin suspiciously.

Is that really the case?

“Don’t say that because you think I have any special hobbies, this apron is really useful, and … and I was going to use the clothes or skirts she wore during her lifetime.”

Seeing the suspicion on Rong Yuyi’s face, Jiang Lin explained it again.

This Rong Yuyi looked at his eyes, a bit like he was looking at a pervert.

Am I, Jiang Lin, that kind of person? !

Seeing Jiang Lin was a little embarrassed, Rong Yuyi couldn’t help but smile, and then she said, “I didn’t say I didn’t believe you, why are you so nervous?”

You didn’t say it, but what did you look at just now?

Jiang Lin gave Rong Yuyi a roll of eyes, then turned around to collect Caiwei’s hair.

Rong Yuyi no longer doubted whether Jiang Lin had any hobbies, so she walked up and said, “Is there anything I can do?”

“Can you tie a straw man? Half-human size is enough. These are the necessary red lines. You can do it.”

Since Rong Yuyi wanted to help, Jiang Lin also gave Rong Yuyi the work of tying the grass, and he would have to set up a spiritual circle in this boudoir later. Hurry up.

After a stick of incense had passed, Jiang Lin arranged a magic circle around Caiwei’s boudoir, and then he put the bellyband in his hand on the grass figurine that Rong Yuyi had tied.

Pointing to the sword, Jiang Lin began to chant a spell in the room. Rong Yuyi, who was on the side, watched carefully. She had never seen such a spell cast by Jiang Lin.

After a while, Jiang Lin frowned. The yin qi in the room was already quite strong, and a gust of yin wind was already blowing. Under normal circumstances, Cai Wei’s soul should have been summoned by him.

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