I Am the Corpse Master

Chapter 1741

Page 1741

“I don’t care about these, Jiang Qing, it’s enough to have you.”

Mo Chou rested her face on Jiang Lin’s shoulder. She knew that she was no longer a living person. Naturally, she didn’t expect a large sedan chair to be full of guests. As long as she could put on a phoenix crown and a robe, and worshipped the world three times with Jiang Lin, it would be enough. .

Gently patted Mo Chou’s back, Jiang Lin went to find Shi’er and Cui Hongjian.

Mochou was pacing in the room because of his excitement, and the flowery smile on his face was very bright.

Tomorrow night, she will become a real bride.

“It turns out that my marriage didn’t go well and I encountered disaster because fate didn’t come.”

Bei Te bit his red lips lightly, and Mo Chou muttered to himself.

She even felt that she no longer resented the incident of the ghost king robbing her relatives.

If she married smoothly at that time, how could the husband who she had never met compare to Jiang Lin.

When Mo Chou was full of excitement, Jiang Lin found Shi’er and Cui Hongjian, and settled the matter without much effort.

Shi’er was naturally reluctant at first. If his master knew that he was holding a wedding for a female ghost, he would have to use Prince Yan’s mansion for the wedding, and he could be peeled off.

Moreover, Jiang Lin, a living person, can’t marry a female ghost, it will lose his life.

However, Shi’er finally had to nod in agreement.

Eat people’s mouth is soft, when he and Cui Hongjian often went to Jiang Lin’s temporary residence to eat and drink, Jiang Lin didn’t say a word.

Now that Jiang Lin has spoken, he still has no room to maneuver. He really has no face to refuse.

So, the next day, Shi’er and Cui Hongjian went to the market to buy some wedding lanterns and other supplies.

Jiang Lin also went to the market to buy wedding dresses for himself and Mo Chou.

After nightfall, Mo Chou was waiting in a refurbished wing, while Shi’er and Cui Hongjian carried a sedan chair to pick up her, who was about to get on the sedan.

“Brother Shi, can this person and ghost really marry?”

Cui Hongjian, who was carrying the empty sedan in the back, asked Shi’er in front. He had never heard of such a thing.

Until now, after everything was arranged, he was convinced that Jiang Lin was indeed going to marry a female ghost.

“Of course not. Haven’t you heard that people and ghosts have different paths? In general, as long as ghosts approach strangers, it will bring bad luck to them, and in severe cases, it will make them sick because of ghosts. Not to mention that Jiang Lin is forcibly married with a ghost. If he is married again, even if Mochou has no intention of harming others, he will still be able to drain Jiang Lin’s yang energy. I’m still trying to figure out a way to this day, and it’s my fault that I was so sloppy when I practiced with Master, don’t mention how much headache I have at the moment.”

Shi’er couldn’t help shaking his head, and told Cui Hongjian about his knowledge of ghosts. As long as he didn’t eat and drink at Jiang Lin’s place, he would outperform the living gods every day. He would never nod to agree to such a thing. .

‘so serious?”

Cui Hongjian was frightened by Shi’er’s words. Originally, he was quite envious of Jiang Lin, but now, this envy in his heart has subsided directly.

Just kidding, kill people.

Chapter [*] The bride escaped marriage (Part [*])

“Do you think this is a child’s play? Humans and ghosts are not at odds with each other. If the two can get along with each other regardless of yin and yang, the world will not be in chaos? Besides, they will marry tomorrow. It’s terrifying, but this kind of thing is not allowed, and it is forced to do it. If there is a success in the sky, let them be a ghost couple together. The headache is Jiang Lin, he is not a listener. Lord of persuasion, I just thought that most of the time when they got married, it was not going well. At that time, the will of God is in front of us, and we will persuade them again.”

Shi’er kept sighing after saying that, if this happened, he didn’t know how to explain it.

When the two were talking, there was still some distance from the wing where Mo Chou was, but Mo Chou was so excited that he couldn’t sit still, so he waited behind the door for the sedan chair to arrive.

Therefore, she listened to most of the conversation between Shi’er and Cui Hongjian.

It was only then that Mo Chou realized that she had never heard of anyone marrying a ghost when she grew up.

Both parties have passed away, but there are family members or clansmen to help with the marriage, that is, to marry the dead, but the situation like her and Jiang Lin has never happened.

The words Mo Chou heard just now were like a basin of cold water, which directly woke her up.

For a time, her whole body seemed to have lost her strength and leaned against the door.

During this time, Mo Chou was so happy that she ignored many problems.

She forgot that being with Jiang Lin would hinder Jiang Lin, and she also forgot that no matter how she wanted to, she couldn’t dedicate her body to Jiang Lin.

That would only be harmful to Jiang Lin.

At the beginning, Mo Chou and Jiang Lin told Jiang Lin about this not long after they first met.

But now, even she herself has forgotten.

“Jiang Qing, I’m sorry, Mo Chou doesn’t have the blessing to worship you.”

Mo Chou wiped the unstoppable tears and made up his mind to leave. Jiang Lin was so kind to her, and she couldn’t ignore Jiang Lin’s life just because she was loved and loved.

If she gets along with Jiang Lin again, even if she doesn’t marry him, she will still hurt Jiang Lin, and even make him lose his life.

While crying, Mo Chou went to the bedside, took out the portrait that he had always treasured, bit his finger and wrote a farewell letter on it.

After a while, fluorescent green handwriting appeared on the back of the drawing paper, with tears dripping from Mo Chou’s face from time to time.

Originally, she was looking forward to reuniting with Jianglin’s church and bridal chamber, but now, she had to choose to leave without saying goodbye.

Just at this moment, Shi’er came to knock on the door, Mo Chou took a deep breath, tried his best to control his emotions, and responded, “Wait for me a little longer.”

After holding Shi’er and the others, Mo Chou took off his wedding dress, took off the top phoenix crown, and flew out from the other side of the window.

After Mo Chou flew out of Prince Yan’s Mansion, he was immediately discovered by the red-robed ghost servants who were sent by the Black Fox Ghost King to guard the surrounding area.

“It’s that girl, catch her!”

“Are you looking for death? The master asked us to arrest a man this time, nothing else. Did you forget how she yelled at us in the hall?”

A red-robed ghost servant immediately rushed over to see Mo Chou, but was pulled by another companion.

Hearing what his companion said, the red-robed ghost servant who was going to capture Mo Chou immediately shuddered, and no longer dared to have the idea of capturing Mo Chou.

In Prince Yan’s mansion, Shi’er waited outside the room for a long time before knocking on the door again, but there was no Mo Chou’s voice in the room.

After shouting two more times, Shi’er felt that something was wrong, so she pushed open the door, but Mo Chou, who was supposed to be wearing a wedding gown and a red hijab, was gone.

Shi’er rushed over quickly, and saw the book left by the bed and the phoenix crown that was taken off by Mo Chou.

“Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin!”

Shi’er didn’t expect that Mo Chou would leave without saying goodbye before getting on the sedan chair, so he chose to escape from the marriage, and immediately went to Jiang Lin with the letter of farewell.

At this time, Jiang Lin was still in his room waiting for the sedan chair to come from the other side, perhaps because he felt sorry for Mo Chou and failed to protect her, so he loved his wife very much.

Even if he goes home in the future, he still wants to put Mo Chou’s position on the top of his heart.

Hold it in the palm of your hand for fear of losing it, and hold it in your mouth for fear of melting it.

“Jiang Lin, the bride… the bride has run away from the marriage!”

But just when Jiang Lin was full of joy and planned to pick up the bride, Shi’er ran over and said something that made him almost petrified.

Handing the drawing paper to Jiang Lin, Shi’er said again, “Mochou left this drawing paper, and now I don’t know where it went, and she also left the hood of her wedding dress.”

Seeing the words that Mo Chou wrote on the back of the drawing paper, Jiang Lin’s face became bloodless.

Trembling all over.

Mochou is gone!

His bride, escaped marriage!

In the farewell letter, Mo Chou also clearly stated the reason for leaving, and did not want to hurt him.

Seeing the teardrops between the words of this bloody letter, Jiang Lin was almost heartbroken to the point where he couldn’t hold himself back.

It was even more painful than when he first saw Gu Mengxue’s body in the lake.

Because when Mo Chou chose to leave, he must have suffered a heart-breaking pain.

If he had a choice, Mo Chou would never have left before the church.

If I knew this earlier, I said everything and didn’t hide anything from her!

Jiang Lin was extremely remorseful, and even his intestines turned green.

If he told Mo Chou the facts early in the morning, even if he didn’t say that Mo Chou was just an illusion, he could tell Mo Chou that he would never be hindered by marrying her into the bridal chamber.

But now, because Mo Chou didn’t know this, he left him with a heartbroken mood.

“Jiang Lin, don’t worry about her… She might have heard my conversation with Scholar Cui, or else she wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye.”

Shi’er also realized that the reason why Mo Chou chose to escape the marriage was probably because he heard the content of the conversation between him and Cui Hongjian.

Otherwise, Mo Chou would definitely not wait for the sedan chairs to arrive, and he would have to leave without even saying goodbye to Jiang Lin.


After listening to Shi’er’s words, Jiang Lin, like a wounded beast, grabbed Shi’er’s neck with one hand and pushed him to the wall.

Shi’er was frightened by Jiang Lin’s reaction, and Cui Hongjian, who was beside him, was equally frightened, and hurried over to calm Jiang Lin down.

Glancing at Shi’er, Jiang Lin took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and released the arm that was holding Shi’er’s neck.

Now it’s pointless to find out who made Mo Chou decide to leave without saying goodbye.

The most important thing now is to get Mo Chou back.

Chapter [*] Meet Cai Wei again

When he thought that there might be the minions of the black fox ghost king around Yanwang’s mansion, Jiang Lin’s heart was all over the place.

Mo Chou parted with him with grief. It was already pitiful enough. If he was captured by the Black Fox Ghost King and tortured again, he would suffer a second injury.

In such a situation, Jiang Lin felt his scalp tingle just thinking about it.

Without thinking about it, Jiang Lin took off the groom’s clothes and threw them on the bed. As long as he found Mo Chou, he would have to put on this groom’s clothes again, and he would have to marry Mo Chou.

After that, Jiang Lin rushed out of Prince Yan’s mansion like a gust of wind.

He never thought that Mo Chou would leave him, so he didn’t put a magic talisman on Mo Chou’s body, and now he was asked to find his bride, but he didn’t know where to find it.

If Jiang Lin was in a calm state, he could directly use the ghost blood on the blood book left by Mo Chou as a medium to find Mo Chou’s location, but now his mind is almost blank, and he never thought of this section at all.

This has always been Jiang Lin’s biggest shortcoming. Once his family members are involved, it is difficult for him to maintain rational thinking.

As for Rong Yuyi, because he didn’t know that Jiang Lin had the means to be positioned by the media, he also did not give Jiang Lin any advice.

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