I Am the Corpse Master

Chapter 1763

Page 1763

If so, why did Zhong Kui pretend to be Yan Chixia?

If Zhong Kui really sent her a marriage, it would be the same for Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin would have an extra child because of it.

In this way, the relationship between Zhong Kui and Jiang Lin is mostly friendly.

Then Zhong Kui changed his face, what is the reason?

Not only the Black Fox Ghost King, but Caiwei, who was brought by Zhong Kui, was also full of question marks.

Just now, Zhong Kui, the master of the Netherworld, actually asked the Heihu Ghost King whether he loved Jiang Lin, and directly shocked her.

And the response of the black fox ghost king made her even more unexpected.

The ghost king who robbed the prince killed her newly-acquainted sister Mo Chou, and Jiang Lin was now Mo Chou’s husband. The ghost king of the black fox actually admitted that he loved Jiang Lin.

What’s happening here?

Moreover, the Black Fox Ghost King seems to be pregnant now.

Caiwei guessed for a while, and then she was immediately stunned. Most of the babies in the womb of this black fox ghost king belonged to Jiang Lin.

Young Master Jiang, what the hell is going on?

At this time, Caiwei even felt that Jiang Lin’s impression in her heart was a lot worse.

How could a man do such a thing with his wife’s enemy?

However, after contacting what Zhong Kui said again, Caiwei felt that it all seemed to be related to Zhong Kui.

Just now, this Zhong Kui said that Jiang Lin and the Heihu Ghost King could have the current results because he deliberately facilitated them.

From this point of view, Zhong Kui seems to be deliberately matching Jiang Lin and the Black Fox Ghost King.

Yes, that must be the case. Young Master Jiang should be unable to help himself. It is absolutely impossible for him to do anything to make Sister Mochou sad.

Although Caiwei hadn’t determined whether her thoughts were correct, she had already defended Jiang Lin in her heart.

At this time, she also looked at Zhong Kui, wanting to hear how Zhong Kui responded to the question of the Black Fox Ghost King.

The Black Fox Ghost King killed Mo Chou. Since this Uncle Zhong knew Jiang Lin, why did Jiang Lin have such a relationship with the Black Fox Ghost King?

“Because I want to use your relationship with his husband and wife to help me achieve my goal. My request is actually very simple. After you are with him, I will go to him to discuss things. This scumbag has passed away from me. A lot of things, logically, I need to recover, but now, I have other things for him to promise, and you, as his woman, can play a role in this matter. When I was looking for him, You just need to help him or not, and give him more pillow air, it’s that simple.”

Zhong Kui didn’t say everything too clearly. Now that the Black Fox Ghost King has not expressed his position, he said it for nothing.

In fact, Zhong Kui’s request for the Black Fox Ghost King is another purpose of his.

He knows that Jiang Lin’s character is the kind of person who is very unwilling to cause trouble. If Jiang Lin really knew that he let him take the lead in the future, as the key force to deal with the future catastrophe, he might not even want the immortal treasure. Willing to promise something like this.

But if Jiang Lin’s woman blows more wind by her pillow, there will be at least some chance of affecting Jiang Lin’s choice.

Zhong Kui’s fingers lightly tapped on the armrest of the seat. If it wasn’t for Jiang Lin to be united with them in dealing with the catastrophe, he would not have started with the woman beside Jiang Lin.

Just arrest Jiang Lin as a tool man.

But unfortunately, such a plan does not work.

“What if I don’t agree?”

The black fox ghost king frowned. She always felt that it was too simple for Zhong Kui to ask her to agree to such a thing. If she is really lucky enough to be with Jiang Lin in the future, then Jiang Lin may not How to prevent her.

If Zhong Kui asked her to deal with Jiang Lin again, how would she deal with it?

“Don’t agree?”

Zhong Kui smiled softly, then the smile on his face faded, and said coldly: “I don’t want to threaten you with your ghost life, since I have a way to tie you and Jiang Lin’s marriage together, naturally I can separate you. I can tell you plainly that you and Jiang Lin already have love. For me, the goal has been achieved. Of course you can refuse, but in the future you will bring one Let the child live, he doesn’t even know who his father is, and Jiang Lin won’t remember who you are. Sounds incredible, doesn’t it? Do you know that you know Yan Chixia because of your In my memory, I was forcibly added such a person, and I can also make Jiang Lin’s memory completely without your shadow.”

Hearing Zhong Kui’s words, the face of the Black Fox Ghost King suddenly turned ugly.

She still had a bit of luck in her heart. If she pretended to agree, she would tell the past when she saw Jiang Lin.

But Zhong Kui actually has such a great ability, he can directly make a person who doesn’t exist exist in the minds of others, and he can also completely erase a person from the memory of others.

In this case, once she didn’t do what Zhong Kui said, she might have nothing to do with Jiang Lin at all.

Even if they meet each other, they don’t know each other anymore.

“Then…then even if I wanted to, he might not listen to me.”

The Black Fox Ghost King felt that Zhong Kui was no longer asking her if she agreed or not, but an order, but even if she carried out such an order, if it didn’t work, she would still be busy with nothing.

Chapter [*] Be broad-minded and large-scale

“You don’t have to think about it. I know Jiang Lin well. You have become his woman, and now you have a big belly. He doesn’t know how he can spoil you. These few days The reason why he didn’t come to you is because he didn’t know that he was delivering oil to my ancient lantern, and he was confused and didn’t even know how long it took.”

As he said that, Zhong Kui waved his robe sleeves, and some images appeared on the white silk around the hall, which was the sweet time of Jiang Lin and Mo Chou in the Yanwang Mansion.

“In the future, you will treat your own woman like that little Mochou. This cooked food is basically a bowl of water.”

Looking at the black fox ghost king, Zhong Kui continued to speak: “The role you can play is greater than you imagined, I hope you will remember it well, it is Zhong Kui’s decision to save your ghost life, if I want to cure your past No one can save you from your guilt. Besides, your beautiful marriage is a red thread that I pulled for you.”

After stroking his beard, Zhong Kui nodded slightly, quite satisfied with his plan.

At the beginning, the reason why he chose the Black Fox Ghost King was because this beautiful ghost was revered for wrongdoing, and the crimes he committed were enough to punish him. On this point, even Jiang Lin had nothing to say.

Therefore, if he can control the fate of the black fox ghost king in his own hands, and let the black fox ghost king do things, it is also equivalent to his extrajudicial grace, and let the black fox ghost king make up for his faults.

Moreover, the marriage between Jiang Lin and the Black Fox Ghost King was facilitated by him. Strictly speaking, he did not count as taking advantage of Jiang Lin’s woman.

Because before the Black Fox Ghost King knew Jiang Lin, he was already carrying out such a plan.

If Jiang Lin came to him to talk about it later, it would be very simple.

Oh, so she is your wife, so coincidentally, before she lived with you, she was a prisoner I pardoned. As the chief execution officer of the ghost town, it should be no problem for my prisoners to cooperate with you to do some things. Bar?

Even if Jiang Lin came to ask for an explanation after knowing the truth, Zhong Kui would be able to say these words.

Then Jiang Lin could only pinching his nose to recognize it.

It’s not good who you want, and you want a prisoner who has been pardoned as his wife.

If this is not the case, Zhong Kui really feels that it is not easy to handle.

Given Jiang Lin’s character, if he would use any means against this wife-protecting madman’s daughter-in-law, it would be to light Jiang Lin’s powder keg.

Jiang Lin is about to explode.

It’s not a big deal to blow up the disgraced face of this fellow.

“I…I know.”

The Black Fox Ghost King also understood that he had no choice at all, so he nodded and agreed.

Moreover, she also wanted to keep the marriage that she was given from the bottom of her heart.

Just now, seeing the image on the veil formed by Bai Ling, she decided in her heart to seize this opportunity no matter what.

Even in her previous dreams, Jiang Lin was not as sweet to Mo Chou in these pictures.

The lover prepares three meals a day, and they are all delicious, and even the lover eats and drinks with spoons and chopsticks.

Such a life, as long as it is a woman, who does not desire it?

According to Zhong Kui, if she doesn’t miss this marriage, Jiang Lin will treat her like Mo Chou in the future.

She’s not stupid, how could she not agree?

Zhong Kui laughed and was quite satisfied with the attitude of the Black Fox Ghost King.

“Luo Caiwei.”

Then, Zhong Kui turned to look at Cai Wei again.

“Weier, kneel down quickly, this lord is equivalent to our emperor, and the ghosts after death are now under the control of the lord.”

“Listen to the arrangement of the adults.”

Caiwei’s parents immediately asked Caiwei to kneel, and Caiwei hurriedly knelt on her knees and kowtowed: “Little girl Caiwei, I have seen Lord Zhong.”

Zhong Kui closed his eyes and thought about it, and his mind was directly from MMP and TMD.

He was once killed and slaughtered by this fellow Jiang Lin, and he was slaughtered like a pig, making him miserable. Now, he wants to give this slaughtered food a wife.

Also gave his mother another one and another.


Although this kind of thing can really make him profit from it, and it can ensure that the mana will never be exhausted again, but he is still very nervous in his heart.

For the sake of the love light, for the sake of future calamity, that’s the big picture.

But for the sake of the overall situation, the private accounts between himself and Jiang Lin can’t be counted, and he has to be a matchmaker for this well-known product again and again.


Bad luck!

Forget it, forget it, have a broad mind and a big pattern.

Zhong Kui comforted himself in his heart, and then said to Cai Wei: “Since you were just an ordinary girl before your death and didn’t know much to read, I will tell you to keep it simple, the Uncle Yan you know does not exist, it has always been me. And Fengxiang Town and even the surrounding area of hundreds of miles, also because I used a magic lamp to cast great magic power, there has been a big change from the original. I did this because Jiang Lin wanted to come over, that is, you I need to borrow his strength from the young master Jiang I know. However, even if there will be changes, some people’s life, old age, sickness and death will not change. For example, you should have drowned and drowned not long ago, and then reincarnated. Go to another place. But what I didn’t expect is that you will meet Jiang Lin, and he will change your destiny. Therefore, you will get married, and you will live in the world as a ghost now. And you should have The younger sister who died of illness, because of her encounter with Jiang Lin, not only did not die, but was able to live a hundred years. I said this, you might understand?”

“Caiwei can understand.”

Caiwei nodded slightly, she still understood what Zhong Kui wanted to express.

According to Zhong Kui, she has even been reincarnated now, and her sister should have died a long time ago.

But now she exists in the world as a ghost, and her sister is still alive.

Chapter [*] Jiang kills cooked, you kill me so miserably (Part [*])

“You understand, although this is not the result of your initiative, but you and your little sister also benefited from it. This immortal is in charge of the order of life and death in the two worlds of Yin and Yang. Now if you want to pursue such a thing, it is also reasonable. as it should.”

“Sir, please send a kind heart and pity us. My sister and I have never done anything bad…”

When Caiwei heard the words, she immediately begged to Zhong Kui, she was not too worried about herself, but her younger sister was still a child, she had already escaped the disaster, and now she has to be hooked to Yangshou, how can it be like this.

“I haven’t finished speaking yet!”

After being drunk by Zhong Kui, Cai Wei immediately fell silent.

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