I Am the Corpse Master

Chapter 30

Page 30

Chapter [*] Secret Poison

Jiang Lin comforted Ren Tingting, and then sent her back to Ren’s house. Now that the zombies have been eliminated, it is inappropriate for her to stay home at night.

At dinner time, several dishes on the table were all peppered with peppers.

In order to make amends for Chen Yu, Wen Cai asked Jianglin if Chen Yu liked spicy food.

Ninth Uncle looked at the red chili peppers on the table, and could only pull the white rice.

“Do you also like spicy food?” Chen Yu was very satisfied with the taste of the food.

Both Qiusheng and Wencai became flaming red lips, but seeing Chen Yushui’s eyes looking over, they nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

“Chilli peppers are delicious.”

“Chili removes dampness.”

The two of them just stuffed a few red peppers into their mouths.

Ninth Uncle looked at the two people who were sweating profusely. Why did I accept these two apprentices who were not angry?

After the meal, Chen Yu explained to Uncle Jiu that they would leave tomorrow.

Chen Yu took on a lot of work, but Zhang Han never went back. She couldn’t find anyone to fight, so she had to come to Jiu Shu to drag Jiang Lin back.

In terms of cultivation, she is much stronger than Qiusheng and Wencai two and a half buckets of water. She has won the true biography of Zhang Han, and can take on some difficult tasks of exorcising evil by herself.

Knowing that Jiang Lin was leaving tomorrow, Uncle Ninth was very reluctant to part with Jiang Lin, but that was not his apprentice, so what could be done.

Chen Yu stayed in Ren Tingting’s room for one night, and the next day, he and Jiang Lin set off and hurried back to the teacher’s door.

When he arrived in town, Jiang Lin bought a lot of things for Chen Yu and brought a lot to his master.

Jiang Lin had a lot of silver dollars in his body, but unfortunately, when Chen Yu saw that he was rich, he turned over his pocket.

“Men get bad when they have money. I’m here to prevent you from getting bad. Once you have bad character, you will be expelled from the school.”

Jiang Lin really wanted to give Chen Yu a thumbs up, robbing him was as tall as he could say.

Besides, if a man has money, he will go bad. This money should be handed over to Ren Tingting, who has never been there.

Chen Yu doesn’t care, the reason given is very real.

Eat my food, live with me, I have to take care of you, these are all hard work.

She will never say that she wants to take back her dowry, even if she doesn’t know when she will get married.

Nearly a hundred miles away, the two of them traveled a day and a night to get home.

On the way, I met two evil spirits, but they were eliminated by Jiang Lin, and he gained [*] points of hostility.

Seeing Jiang Lin’s performance, Chen Yu was quite satisfied. This broke guy can now make money.

The two simply ate some food, and Chen Yu went to rest. She was a girl whose physical strength was not as good as Jiang Lin’s.

Jiang Lin couldn’t sleep, but he was very energetic.

Must have spirit.

The aphrodisiac medicine Ren Tingting boiled for him was made of high-quality ingredients, and the effect was really impressive.

Jiang Lin had to stay ten meters away from Chen Yu along the way, otherwise there would be embarrassment.

Jiang Lin could only divert his attention by checking the scriptures in his master’s room.

He didn’t have time to ask Uncle Ninth what is false fire. In fact, he was too embarrassed to go. From time to time, he would have a physiological reaction, how to ask.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Lin couldn’t find what the virtual fire was referring to in the system.

“Without Baidu in this era, it would be impossible to move an inch.”

Jiang Lin sighed and continued to read the books in the cabinet.

The information about Xuhuo was not found, but Jiang Lin made a discovery that surprised him.

This book in Jiang Lin’s hands records major events in the history of Western Hunan, one of which is directly related to the Chen Dao sect he worships.

During the change of Ming and Qing dynasties, the Miaojiang ghost witch line prevailed, taking advantage of the chaos in the world to harm the common people.The cultivators of the Xiangxi lineage formed an alliance to deal with the ghost and witch lineage, but the ghost and witch lineage was secretive, and the Righteous Path Alliance searched for several years and could not find the ghost and witch base.

In desperation, he could only come up with the last resort, and choose the alliance-centric tenacity to mix into the ghost and witch lineage.

However, things backfired. The ghost witch line is not afraid of going undercover at all. There is a forbidden technique in this line—the secret poison, which is called the secret poison slave curse.

It is said in the classics that this slave curse is extremely vicious. The person who is hit by the curse does not change significantly at first, but over time, even his mind will change, lose himself, and become the slave of the curser.

Even if there is no lost person, as long as they want to reveal the secrets of the ghost witch lineage, they will be sensed by the spell caster, and a person who is cursed in their thoughts will die violently.

The members of the alliance who mixed into the ghost and witch’s lineage were all blackened in the end, and they turned against each other, which eventually caused the Xiangxi Righteous Path Alliance to suffer heavy casualties.

At that time, a talented Maoshan disciple passed by Xiangxi. After learning about this, he voluntarily asked to join the ghost witch line.

Later, relying on his own cultivation and talent, this Maoshan disciple cracked the secret poison slave curse, cooperated with the righteous path alliance, and almost killed all the ghosts and witches.

However, this disciple of Maoshan was under the influence of subtle changes, and his temperament also changed, and he killed many innocent people.

Undercover, how can there be no blood on your hands.

This undercover Maoshan disciple was the founder of the Chen Dao School.

“This forbidden spell is so vicious.”

Jiang Lin sighed. After being hit with the curse, he suddenly became the servant of the curser, which is really shocking.

“However, from the description of the patriarch in the ancient books, the key to this secret poison slave curse lies in the caster. If the caster is not a wicked person who uses a curse to control people to do evil, the function of this forbidden spell is to protect his own secrets. Give way.”

Jiang Lin looked at the complicated forbidden spells in the classics, and secretly said that it was a pity that the forbidden spells could not be drawn.

If you want to learn the forbidden spell, you must use the power of nature, but after the ghost witch line was eradicated hundreds of years ago, its holy place was completely destroyed, and there is no possibility of repair.

It is difficult to form that kind of “holy land” between heaven and earth, so this book records the secret poison slave curse.

“This is for the reference and study of the righteous people.”

Jiang Lin smiled, thinking that after the American fighter jet was shot down, Chinese scientists rushed over immediately.

After learning from it, I negotiated with the United States.

“It turns out that the patriarch of the Chen Dao School was so arrogant, he broke the forbidden spell that the Xiangxi Alliance couldn’t crack. Although the price was a bit high.”

If this patriarch hadn’t participated in the extermination of ghost witches, he might have become a celestial master.

Jiang Lin guessed so.

“I have a system on my body. This is the biggest secret. Even if I am very careful in the future, I will not rule out the possibility of being discovered. If I can learn this forbidden spell, I will have another insurance.”

Jiang Lin was very sorry that this forbidden spell could not be learned by human strength alone.

“Wait a minute!”

Jiang Lin was suddenly clever. He wanted to learn this slave spell to protect his own secrets—the system would not be discovered, but the system was the system.

The system is hung up.

“I said the system, don’t let me down, I’m here to protect your secret.”

Jiang Lin took a pen and paper and drew it according to the pattern of the Secret Poison Slave Mantra on the classics.

An hour later, Jiang Lin was sure that he could draw it, so he quietly approached Chen Yu’s room.

After hearing Chen Yu’s even breathing, Jiang Lin left the room.

Chapter [*] The system has been discovered!

Not long after Jiang Lin left, Chen Yu came out of the room.

“This kid is weird now, and he is deliberately avoiding me. He has a lot of silver dollars on his body within a few days of leaving. I want to see what the hell you are doing.”

After gently closing the door, Chen Yu quietly followed Jiang Lin out.

The moonlight was good tonight. If it wasn’t for the overdose of corpse poison in his body, Jiang Lin would really like to bask in the moonlight.

The corpse poison in his bones can grow. Like leeks, after a period of time, Jiang Lin can take part of the corpse poison and refine the harmful parts.

The desire to kill and suck blood is related to these harmful substances, which can be refined by the corpse transformation.

Looking around, Jiang Lin ran wildly in the direction of a low mountain.

It is better to go early and return early.

A minute later, Chen Yu also came to the place where Jiang Lin had just stood, and she felt more and more that Jiang Lin was abnormal.

That running speed, after a few seconds, she could barely see Jiang Lin’s back.

“I didn’t die from being bitten by a zombie. This speed is the speed of a human being. This kid has a monster.”

Chen Yu didn’t know Jiang Lin’s changes during this period, Jiu Shu didn’t tell her, and Jiang Lin avoided her because of his physiological reaction.

Now Jiang Lin has become a superman from a sick man, not a monster.

In less than two minutes, Jiang Lin ran to the low mountain three miles away. After a little searching, Jiang Lin found a hidden cave.

Without sensing the existence of evil and living creatures, Jiang Lin walked into the cave.

The cave is very spacious, as if someone had constructed it a long time ago, and it is quite dry and sanitary inside.

In the cave, he collected dead branches and lit a fire. Jiang Lin sat cross-legged on a large rock in the cave.


The interface pops up.

Jiang Lin (code-named zero): the [*]th generation disciple of the Chen Dao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Daoist

Corpse Level: Purple Zombie

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