I Am the Corpse Master

Chapter 7

Page 7

In the end, Jiang Lin couldn’t sit still anymore, so he went to buy pen and paper, and sold calligraphy and paintings directly at the door of the store.

Calligraphy and sketching are Jiang Lin’s strengths. After he beat people to death in the past, he felt that there was no justice in the world and escaped to the field of art.

“I didn’t expect that one day I would make money selling calligraphy and painting like the ancients did.” Jiang Lin laughed at himself.

Originally, in this era, it was impossible to sell calligraphy, calligraphy and painting, but in this flower street and Liuxiang, some people really like to pretend to be literature and art.

Jiang Lin’s business is okay, plus he has practiced round English calligraphy, which makes him even more talented.

Jiang Lin’s business of selling calligraphy and painting is good, and even the business of bringing a cosmetics store has also improved. Qiusheng’s aunt is not too happy, and gave Qiusheng some pocket money, so that he can’t neglect Jiang Lin, the little god of wealth.

On the way back to Yizhuang, Jiang Lin spent one silver dollar to buy a pound of high-quality Pu’er tea, ready to give to Jiu Shu.I brought some food for Wencai.

“You sell calligraphy and painting? Can you write foreign calligraphy?”

After returning to Yizhuang, Qiusheng boasted to Jiu Shu how how talented Jiang Lin was, and Jiu Shu also felt unbelievable.

Jiang Lin is both civil and military?

“Uncle, I hope you don’t tell my master. For me, the family is almost unable to open the pot. I have a skill, so I can make some extra money. If Master knows about this, I’ll be pissed off.”

“You have this kind of filial piety, I won’t say anything.”

“Yeah, the junior brother is really good.” The literary talent who received the benefits changed his eyes on Jiang Lin. What a foreign junior brother, this is more kissable than a close junior brother.

Ninth Uncle looked at the Pu’er tea in his hand and liked Jiang Lin more and more in his heart.

Qiusheng and Wencai never gave him such a good thing on his birthday.

“Go to rest early, Wencai will look after the house tomorrow, Qiusheng and Jiang Lin will follow me to the next village.”

On the second day, the three of them set off and did not arrive at their destination, Liujia Village, until the evening.

The village chief of Liujia Village had long been waiting at the head of the village with his family.

“Ninth uncle, you’ve come.” The village chief saw the ninth uncle and hurried up to meet him.

“In general, I heard from the people who went to your village. Where are the remains of those children?” Jiu Shu didn’t even greet the village chief, and went straight to the topic.

The village chief nodded and took the three of the nine uncles to the Liujia Village ancestral hall.

The stumps of those children were kept here, and several women who had lost their children cried bitterly in the ancestral hall.

Although it is only a stump, the child will more or less have some birthmarks and the like, which will be recognized.

Qiu Sheng felt his scalp go numb when he saw the stump that was not covered by the white cloth.

Lifting the white cloth, Uncle Ninth saw that the stumps had changed color, appearing blue and black.

Pointing at the place where the stump was broken, Jiu Shu’s brows became even tighter.

“Uncle Shi, could this be…” After Jiang Lin crouched down, he found that there was a strong corpse poison in the stump.

He is particularly sensitive to the corpse poison of zombies.

“It’s corpse poison.” Jiu Shu whispered.

“Can zombies eat people?” In Jiang Lin’s understanding, he had seen zombies that bite people and suck blood, but he had never seen or heard of people eating people.

“It’s corpse poison, but it’s not a zombie.”

Ninth Uncle’s face was solemn, he did not expect to encounter such a thing in his lifetime.

“Village chief, let the villagers rest early tonight and don’t stay on the street after nightfall. If you have children, don’t turn off the lights at home.”

The ninth uncle discussed with the village chief, and the village chief saw that the ninth uncle said solemnly, where he dared to neglect, and hurriedly ordered.

“Ninth Uncle, what is it that appeared in our village?” the village chief asked.

“It’s a zombie, don’t worry, I will kill it.”

With Ninth Uncle’s guarantee, the village chief and others were relieved. He left the ancestral hall to Ninth Uncle to handle the affairs of the village.

“Master, how can zombies still eat people?” Qiu Sheng also had doubts in his heart. He had followed Master for so long, and this was the first time he saw a zombie that eats people.

“Because it wasn’t caused by zombies at all.”

“Then didn’t you say that these stumps are full of corpse poison?” Qiu Sheng felt that his brain was not enough.

“This is a murderer.”

“Murderer?” Jiang Lin and Qiusheng looked at each other with a confused look.

“Before a person dies, he is angry, suffocated, and suffocated. After death, a breath gathers in his throat. This kind of corpse is easily transformed into a zombie. Most of the ordinary zombies are caused by an extra breath.”

Uncle Ninth paused, then continued: “The zombies breathe more, and the more is human qi. If the corpse has more animal qi, the corpse will also change, but the probability is very, very small. This is ventilation, by A corpse that has been transformed into a corpse is not a zombie, but a murderer.”

kill evil

“According to what you said, Uncle Shi, is this murderer a different kind of zombie?”

“It can also be said, but the murderer is much more difficult to deal with than the zombie. Its evolution is different from that of the zombie. The zombie has four ancestors. If the conditions are right and the time is long enough, the zombie will evolve in the direction of these four ancestors. , but the murderer is moving in the direction of Qian.”

Hearing what Uncle Ninth said, Jiang Lin let out a long hiss.

Does it really exist?

“Then Master, how to deal with this murderer?” Qiu Sheng felt that there would be a lot of danger in this action.

“The way to deal with a murderer is similar to that of a zombie, but a murderer can change with yin and yang. This is the most difficult thing to do, and it’s hard to find it. In the daytime, it looks like a human being, but at night when the yin is strong or the night of the full moon , it will turn into a murderer. If it is not in a place with strong yin, it is difficult to distinguish it.”

Ninth Uncle tapped his forehead, and things were a bit difficult.

“Could it be that the werewolves in Western ghost legends are actually murderers?”

As a human being, he turns into a wolf on the night of the full moon.

“Uncle Shi, is that murderer covered in hair?”

“Yes, there is fluff on the face and body. Have you seen it before?” Uncle Jiu was a little surprised by Jiang Lin’s unreasonable question.

“I haven’t seen it before, I just know that there are legends of werewolves in Western countries, similar to the murderers you mentioned.”

The ninth uncle nodded, and then instructed the two of them: “We will split up to look for it at night, and the murderer will come out to hunt for food at night. If you meet, try not to fight with it, and lead it to where I am. You two are not murderers. man’s opponent.”

“Master, you underestimate my junior brother and me. Although I haven’t seen my junior brother make a move, Wen Cai said that my junior brother’s skills are not better than mine. Can’t we both deal with a murderer?” Qiu Sheng disagreed, and he There is not much confidence, but kung fu is not practiced in vain.

“What do you know? A murderer jumps like a zombie. It runs. Zombies like to bite and catch people. A murderer just rips.” Uncle Jiu gave Qiusheng a burst of chestnuts.

Looking at the master didn’t seem to frighten him, Qiu Sheng didn’t dare to be scornful anymore.

After nightfall, Jiu Shu and Qiusheng Jianglin divided their troops.

Everyone along the street in Liujia Village turned off the lights, and there was no light on the street. Fortunately, the moonlight was good today, otherwise it would not be easy for the three of them to hunt down the murderer in the dark.

Jiang Lin has a special sense of corpse poison and zombies. If it is not too far away, as long as he calms down, he can sense the approximate location of the corpse evil.

But Jiang Lin couldn’t show this ability. Uncle Jiu was going in another direction, so Jiang Lin and Qiusheng went to the depths of the street to search.

There are murderers in this direction.

Just after passing a corner, Jiang Lin noticed that something seemed to move in the corner, and Qiu Sheng also noticed.

The moonlight is blocked, and the black image in the corner is a child.


Qiusheng held the peach wood sword across his chest and gradually approached the shadow.


The cry of a child in the corner came over.

“Whose child, why haven’t you brought it home yet?” Qiu Sheng felt relieved when he heard the cry of the child.

The murderer they were looking for could not be a child, and the marks on the teeth on the stumps definitely belonged to adults.

Just when Qiu Sheng was about to go over and carry the “child” out, Jiang Lin suddenly felt a chill.

“Qiusheng, dodge!” In desperation, Jiang Lin picked up the copper coin sword in his hand and stabbed in front of Qiusheng.

At this time, the “child” in the corner had already jumped into the air, targeting Qiu Sheng’s neck.

In the moonlight, the appearance of the shadow was also revealed. It was a naked monster with turquoise skin. Both ears were pointed and long, and the mouth was full of dense fangs.


After Jiang Lin saw the monster, he thought of Gollum, the short monster in The Lord of the Rings.

What is this?Why didn’t I feel the evil energy from it before?

At this moment, Jiang Lin couldn’t even think about it. He threw forward with one hand and threw the copper coin sword in his hand.

A red copper coin sword shot straight into the monster’s chest.


The monster screamed and turned into a pool of pus in an instant.

“Crack, kill the murderer, and get fifty points of malice.” The sound of the system sounded in Jiang Lin’s mind.

Qiu Sheng was so frightened that he sat on the ground, it was really a close call just now.

“It’s okay.” Jiang Lin pulled Qiu Sheng up.

“No…it’s fine.”

“What did you use to kill it?” Qiu Sheng looked at the pus on the ground and felt lingering fears. If Jiang Lin hadn’t reacted quickly, he would have been bitten by this monster on his neck.

“Bronze coin sword.”

Qiusheng looked at the copper coins scattered by the pus, and then looked at Jiang Lin.

“The copper coin sword glows, I’ve only seen it when the master uses it.” Qiu Sheng twitched the corner of his mouth. The copper coin sword pierced through the real body, which only Ninth Uncle could do.

“Go back to the uncle first, the situation has changed, there are not only murderers here.”

Jiang Lin didn’t know what the “evil” prompted by the system was, so it would be better to inform Jiu Shu of this situation first.

“it is good.”

As soon as Qiu Sheng turned around, his body froze.

Ten meters in front of him, three short monsters appeared.

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