I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 564: Saphire's Nominations

Chapter 564: Saphire's Nominations

"First of all, I can speak for Shizu-chan and myself to say that we are so happy to receive every one of you to our Housewarming Party. I won't speak further as I know that everyone's

hungry." Ayia laughed, "But thank you for coming tonight! And let's dive in!"

Everyone cheered happily as they heard Ayia's words before they started eating.

They were merrily eating while talking to each other when suddenly Sam said something that shocked Theo, Aurora, Ayia, and Shizuka.

"Did you guys see that the Saphire Nominees were announced earlier today?" Sam said with a smile.

"Really?" Kumiko asked, "Any surprises?"

Everyone looked at Sam with curious eyes as they wanted to know if any artist was surprised to be nominated.

All of them knew that the Saphire Awards was the most famous and important award in the music industry, so it was obvious that the whole world paid attention to those who were nominated.

"I don't know if it's a surprise, but Moonlight was nominated in at least 8 categories including the 6 main categories of the award." Sam said with a smile as she looked at Theo with teasing eyes.

Theo, who was taking a sip of his drink, was so surprised when he heard that he almost spit the drink on himself.


"No way!"

"I knew that Moonlight would dominate the Saphire this year!"

|| ||

Everyone was so shocked by this piece of news that they didn't even notice Theo's strange behavior.

But Ayia, Sam, and Aurora couldn't help but giggle when they saw his shocked face. The girls were really excited to hear that Theo was in the race to win such an important award. They were so excited that they could barely hold themselves from running toward Theo to

commemorate the nominations, but if they did that everyone would realize the strangeness between Theo and Moonlight. So, they could only stay put and commemorate later when they were alone.

"Yeah, all the news portals are commenting on this." Sam complemented.

"When the Saphire will happen?" Kumiko asked.

"It usually happens around the last week of March." Lauren replied.

"Ah, there's almost 2 months before we can see Moonlight receiving his awards." Sayuri lamented.

"But how do you know he will win?" Max asked.

"Duh! He'll definitely win the category of Best New Artist as there is no new artist this year that can beat him. So, at least one category is already on the bag for him." Sayuri argued.

"That's true." Everyone agreed with Sayuri's argument.

"But will Moonlight even go to the event? Ever since he debuted last month, he hadn't appeared anywhere!" June commented.

"Oh, he has to go!" Kumiko said fiercely, "If he doesn't go I'll hunt him down and beat him!" "Count me in!" Gwen chimed in.

"Yes, let's hunt Moonlight down!" Lauren exclaimed with a smile.

"Let's gather all the fans and hunt him down!" Sam commented with a smile as she looked at Theo.

"Yes!" Everyone replied enthusiastically.

Theo paled a little as he saw how passionate his fans can be, would the rest of his fans act the same if he didn't appear at the Saphire's?

'What should I do?' Theo thought worriedly.

"What is it, Theo? You seem a little pale." Sam said with a teasing voice.

Theo glared at Sam with a wry look as he recognized that she took the day to tease him, but he could only dismiss everyone's attention as he said, "Nothing, I'm just imagining Moonlight's poor figure being chased by a crowd of fans."

Everyone started laughing out loud when they heard that, they had to admit that it was a funny scene to think of.

Just like that, the group of friends had their dinner as they enjoyed each other's company.

It was only when everyone finished eating that Ayia asked if they wanted to tour around the house, and everyone readily agreed to her suggestion.

After Ayia and Shizuka spent a lot of time decorating and reforming the house, the manor now had their unique style.

That's why everyone was impressed as Ayia showed them the house.

"Wow! I never knew a hallway could make me remember you, Ayia." June giggled as they passed through a hallway that had all kinds of purple and gold decorations.

The others agreed with June's comments.

In such a way, they spent the next half an hour touring around Ayia and Shizuka's new manor. It took so long because the manor was a little big, but they didn't even notice the time passing as every part of the house made them curious to see everything that the house had to offer.

It was only after seeing all kinds of places around the house that they came back to the living room where they had a view of the winter garden outside and the forest mountains of the Pedrarruna Forest at the back. It was a beautiful view.

"I have to admit, Ayia, Shizuka. You two have a splendid taste for decorations!" Sam exclaimed as they sat down.

"Yeah, we worked a lot to give the house our own style." Ayia said with a smile.

"What about the house you two were living in before?" Ryoko asked curiously.

"Well, that house is owned by my family while this house was bought with our own money, so you can say that this is our first house." Shizuka replied after thinking about it.

"Wow, your first house!" Shoko exclaimed in admiration.

"I was also thinking about buying my own house, but I was so busy lately that I ended up forgetting about it." Sam commented.

"Yeah, I'm living in an apartment near the studio, but I don't know if I should buy one or keep renting one." Ryoko said with a conflicted expression.

Everyone nodded in understanding as they were going through similar situations.

After they all started receiving the big salaries that Theo paid them, they had more than enough money to invest in a place where they could settle for good. Before, they barely had money to pay the bills, but now they had more money they could spend, that's why they were thinking about buying their own house or apartment.

"If I could give you all some advice, I'd advise you to buy your own place. There's nothing better than living in your own house. I don't have to worry about rent and other problems with landlords. That's why I invested so much in our house. If you could have your own apartment or house, you guys would be much happier. Plus, you guys earn a good amount of money, so you won't face much difficulties buying a house or an apartment." Theo said with a

calm face.

Everyone became thoughtful as they heard Theo's argument, and it was in such a way that they spent most of the rest of the night, discussing the pros and cons of buying their own apartment or house.

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