I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 567: An Irresistible Proposal

Chapter 567: An Irresistible Proposal

At that moment, Koshikawa Mina and Anna felt guilty that they were the reason for their mother to give up her dream career. They felt awed by how awesome her mother really was. They felt grateful that their mother was willing to sacrifice so much to raise them. All in all, they felt so many emotions that they were not able to hold off their tears.

That day, the mother and daughter trio cried together as they poured their emotions out.

Since that day, the twin sister valued their mother even more than they did before.

For them, their mother was their idol, and that's why they wanted to grow up to be like their mother. That was the reason they wanted to enter the Maelor School of Music just like her mother did!

They wanted to be musicians!

Over the past years, with their mother's help, they were able to learn how to sing and how to play numerous musical instruments.

Their mother even allowed them to participate in the orchestra that she put together in Elffire City.

This orchestra was one of the few orchestras in the city, and Koshikawa Kyo formed this orchestra a few years after she moved over.

At first, she only wanted to keep her dream to be a real musician alive even if she was busy being a mother. But 10 years after the creation of the orchestra, Kyo's orchestra became one of the most important ones in Elffire City.

They performed in theatre plays, festivals, and other events in the city.

Kyo first started the orchestra as a social project where she taught poor teenagers who wanted to be musicians but couldn't afford to learn the instruments. After a few years, the orchestra was able to discover real talents among these kids.

After more than 10 years of operation, the orchestra was made of a mix of musicians that Kyo discovered through her social project and some ex-students that she taught at the Yukihime High School.

In January of 2021, the Salen Twin Orchestra had around 50 active members.

And it was at that month that they received an irresistible proposal.

The Tokyo Animation Studio offered a sky-high deal for them to become part of their sound studio.

When Koshikawa received the proposal, her heart couldn't stop beating just like the drums of a heavy metal song. Her eyes shone with excitement at the prospect of being part of a musical project.

She read the proposition carefully, and when she saw that she would be able to participate in the production of several soundtracks of animes and anime movies. She found herself with the same excitement she felt when she performed in several orchestras around the world.

She found herself feeling the same childish excitement she felt in her teenage years when she discovered her passion for music.

When her twin daughters were children, Koshikawa used to watch several animes with them. That's why she was a super fan of several animes until the current day. And she still watched the new animes that were released annually. So, being part of an anime production as a musician was something that she never thought of doing, but ever since hearing about it she couldn't stop thinking of doing it.

But before she decided on accepting or not the offer, she had to talk with the other musicians in the orchestra and her daughters as well.

Most of the musicians in the orchestra only did that on their off days from their main job. So, if they accepted this offer, they had to quit their main job and become a musician fully. And just like Kyo imagined, when she told them about this offer, no one stepped down.

They all dreamed of becoming a full-time musician, but because of their conditions, they could only settle for performing their dream job the few times that the orchestra performed in the city.

Plus, the money they would receive as musicians from The Tokyo Animation Studios was much more than they earned from their main job. So, there were only pros in accepting the offer.

But before Kyo could accept the offer, she had to talk with her daughters. That was because if she accepted the offer, she would have to quit the teaching job at Yukihime High School as she would have her agenda super busy during her time at the studio. She was a little reluctant to do that as she worked in the school for almost 18 years already. She was familiar with everyone there already. Plus, her daughters were about to start their last year of high school at Yukihime. What if they needed her during this crucial year of their lives?

Koshikawa's motherly side couldn't stop thinking of several reasons for not accepting this offer.

She had all kinds of negative thoughts when she finally sat down to talk with her daughters. At first, Anna and Mina were surprised that an animation studio opened in Elffire City without them knowing, but when they heard about the proposal, they paid extra attention to their mother. As they did that, they noticed that their mother's eyes shone with excitement as she talked about what she would do for the animation studio. The girls rarely saw this look from their mother, so at that moment, they made their decision even without hearing the rest of what their mother said.

They would support their mother in their dream without any hesitation!

"...that's why I'm afraid if I accept this offer, I won't be there for you in your final year in high school. That's why if you two are not comfortable with this, I'll deny this offer without hesitation. For me, you two are more important than anything." Kyo finished her long explanation of why she shouldn't take the offer with a smile.


But as soon as she did that, she heard her daughters exclaiming in denial at the same time.

"What?" Kyo asked with a confused expression.

Anna and Mina looked at each other to confirm each other's thoughts and with a quick twin telepathy, they confirmed that both of them wanted that their mother should accept this job. "Mom, I know you are worried about us in our final year in high school. But we are almost adults now, we can take care of each other." Anna started explaining.

"Plus, it's not like you are moving to another city. We can still see each other at home. The only thing different is that we won't see each other at school." Mina complemented.

"And we can see in your eyes how much you want this. We wouldn't forgive ourselves if we got in the way of your dream again." Anna said with a guilty look as she looked at the side.

Mina also did the same as she also had the same guilty look.

Kyo looked at her daughters who looked as if they did something bad and sighed.

"Baby girls, look at me." Kyo said with a motherly voice.

When Anna and Mina heard that, they couldn't help but obey their mother, but instead of the look of disappointment that they expected, they could only find an infinite amount of love and affection as they looked at their mother's face.

"I never once regretted my decision to give up my career as a musician to raise you two, you know why?" Kyo asked.

Anna and Mina shook their heads as they waited for the answer.

"That's because raising you two was the dream that I never knew I wanted. I was more happy with you two than I ever was as a musician. You two are my happy ending." Kyo said with a

motherly smile.

"Mama!" Anna and Mina exclaimed crying when they heard that.

The family of three hugged for a long time afterward.

And that's how Koshikawa Kyo decided to accept the offer made by the Tokyo Animation


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