I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 573: A Day At The Mountain

Chapter 573: A Day At The Mountain

Michaelis Restaurant, Mountaintop Station, Musdurn Mountain.

Theo and the others just had a hearty meal, and now they were drinking some hot drinks to warm up their bodies before they had to face the cold weather outside again.

For example, Theo was drinking some hot camomile tea while Aurora and Ayia were drinking hot chocolate.

"Until which time are we going to keep practicing this afternoon?" June asked suddenly as she took a sip of her hot chocolate.

Everyone looked at Ayia, Kaori, Suzuki, and the other girls when they heard June's question. The six of them had much more experience, and as their instructors, they should know what time they should stop snowboarding and skiing.

"We can practice until 5 PM when the sun sets. We can even watch the sunset from up here. But afterward, we should leave the mountain as it can get dangerous here at night. Especially for newbies like you guys." Suzuki replied after thinking for a while.

"Yeah, Suzu-chan is right. We can practice more tomorrow morning." Ayia chimed in agreement.

"Plus, you guys won't master the skills for skiing or snowboarding in just one day. So, there's no hurry to practice so much in one day." Kaori commented.

Their students showed their understanding and agreed with their plan.

"Does that mean we can explore the town at night?" Lauren asked suddenly.

Everyone felt a little excited when they heard that. They all had heard about the attractions that Musdurn Town offered, and they wanted to see if it was really fun as everyone said.

"Yes!" Ayia exclaimed, "We should first go to the house to change clothes before heading to the town though."

"Well said! I'll be all sweaty after all this exercise at the end of the day." Sam commented.

Just like that, they spent around 40 minutes resting as they drank their hot drinks. They wanted to rest their bodies well before they had to make so much effort in the practice later.

However, when Kaori, Ayia, and the other instructors felt like they rested enough, they called everyone out to head outside.

They paid for their meal and left the station soon after.

Dutifully equipped once again, they were back at the Learning Zone to keep their lesson where they stopped.

As they were well rested after a hearty meal, everyone was excited to keep the practice going. Everyone showed steady progress, but Theo and Aurora were advancing so fast that Ayia had to give a private lesson for the two of them in the intermediate section of the Learning Zone. It was there they spent the rest of the afternoon as Ayia taught them various tips and tricks to control the snowboard in all kinds of situations. It was only then that Aurora's learning speed slowed down and became normal. But Theo continued being the oddball as he learned everything from Ayia as if he were a sponge.

Ayia was beyond impressed by how natural and skillful her boyfriend was at snowboarding. Although the others were not as fast as Theo and Aurora, at the end of the afternoon they already could glide down a slope without falling even once. Which made them extremely excited to keep learning.

It was a merry and fun afternoon for everyone there.

They arrived at a place where others waited to watch the sunset, so they stopped and waited as well.

They only stopped their practice when Ayia and the other girls noticed that the sun was about to set.

Curiously, during the day the sky was covered in clouds, and because of it they doubted if they would be able to see the sun setting. But a few minutes before the sun disappeared, the clouds cleared in the horizon and they were able to see the sun diving into the horizon covered by the mountains.

The Torringgar Mountain Range was the canvas for the masterpiece being painted by the golden colors of the sun setting upon the horizon.

The mountains stood as silent witnesses to the spectacle unfolding in the sky. The setting sun painted a masterpiece, its golden, orange, and pink rays cascading over the peaks, casting long shadows that stretched like fingers, reaching out to touch the valleys below. It was a moment of pure poetry, a symphony of light and darkness that lingered in the heart long after the sun had disappeared.

It was a moment of quiet wonder, a time when the mountains and the heavens met, and nature's grandeur was on full display

Theo and the others had seen all kinds of stunning sunsets during their travel to the Kokoro Islands, but this one wasn't one bit less wonderful than the ones they had seen before.

They all had the same feeling of wonder as they observed the beautiful scene in front of them. Some of them even chose to take pictures of it and they had their fun as they took a bunch of pictures together during the spectacle.

It was only when the night arrived that they realized that they should hurry to arrive home so they could enjoy the town attractions.

10 minutes later, they entered one of the lifts carrying their equipment. As the lift transported them to the foot of the mountain, they were able to see the stunning town lit up with yellow and red lights.

"Wow! it's so cute!" Aurora exclaimed in wonder as she took a bunch of pictures of the city with her cellphone.

"Let's take a picture together, Aurora-chan!" Carolla exclaimed as she took a selfie with Aurora with the city in the background.

"Let me in too!" Umaru exclaimed, "Come with us, Vivi-chan!" Umaru said as she pulled Vivian to take selfies together.

The four girls had their fun as the others talked about their experience during the afternoon


"You guys had to see as I glided down the slope, I was so cool!" Max exclaimed smugly.

"Yeah, baby, you were awesome." Lauren said with a wry smile.

"Well, I'm not Lauren. So, I can say for sure you were not cool. Actually, you looked extremely silly as you tried to not fall down." Kumiko mercilessly said.

"Ouch! Kumiko is out for the kill today." June laughed.

"Poor Max." Theo commented.

"Hey! Theo! You shouldn't say anything as it seems you are laughing at our expenses!" Sayuri



"He thinks he's better than us just because he could glide down that big slope as if he was a


"If we weren't in this lift I would want to show you a piece of my mind."

The others sullenly attacked Theo as they wondered why god was so devious to make Theo skillful in everything while they had to face difficulties like mere mortals.

Theo could only laugh loudly as he saw their sullen faces.

Just like that, a few minutes later, they arrived at the foot of the mountain. They entered their

cars and headed straight to the Yamada Manor.

The night had just started and they wanted to enjoy it!

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