I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 586: [SAO] First Display

Chapter 586: [SAO] First Display

Tokyo Animation Studios, Elffire City.

After dropping off Aurora at her school, Theo drove his car to the studio for another day of anime production.

Usually at the start of the month, Theo would have a meeting with Sam and the other company managers to go over the last month's reports from the companies he owned. But this time he wanted to wait a few days before he had this meeting.

That's because he wanted to have the meeting only after he received the royalty money from Moonlight's stream and view numbers on Track and Ruby. And it would take a couple of days for the platforms to round up the numbers and send the money over to his account.

Theo planned to put his projects in motion as soon as he had the meeting, so he told Sam and the others to reschedule the meeting for a few days later.

That's why he wasn't at the Umbrella Corporation Office on that Monday morning.

Theo parked his car in the studio's parking lot before entering the building soon after.

Although he wouldn't have his usual start of the month meeting, he still had a super important job to do that day.

After a lot of work, the first episode of the Sword Art Online Anime was completed. At least, the first version of the episode.

Ryoko scheduled the first display of the episode for the important people from the production team.

When Theo arrived at the conference room, the room was already filled with animators and employees who worked in anime production.

Representants from all departments were present. Even the newly established music studio had members present.

Theo took a seat beside Ryoko as he greeted her and everyone else.

It was only 5 minutes later that everyone arrived at the conference room.

"Good morning, everyone!" Ryoko greeted everyone as she stood up from her seat.

"Good morning, boss!" Everyone replied loudly.

"I'm sure everyone here knows what we will be doing now. So, I would like to emphasize to each one of you to pay extra attention to each detail you may think is odd about the animation. We'll watch the episode one time without pausing, and afterward, each department will have its turn to express what they think about the episode. Soon after, we will watch the episode one more time, but this time we'll be pausing at any time anyone thinks it is pertinent. Any questions?" Ryoko asked as she looked at the crowd.

When she saw that no one had any doubts, she signaled to the staff to press play on the episode.

Everyone looked at the huge screen in front of them with rapt attention, each one of them was holding a notepad and a pen to write down their considerations about the episode.

Theo's silver eyes didn't even blink as the episode suddenly started.

It was obvious that there was no anime intro yet as Theo hadn't produced the song yet, so the episode started directly with the story.

Just like that, for the next 20 minutes, the anime production team watched the first episode of [SAO] Anime. Every time any one of them found something off in the animation, they wrote it down on their notepads.

As it was the first version of the episode, they were able to find a lot of odd things.

It was good to remember that it was only after Theo hired the music studio member that they were able to finish the first episode. That's because the editing team needed the background music to finish the final edition. That's why it took them 2 months to finish the first episode. Actually, the animation department was already drawing and animating frames for the tenth episode already. This meant that during January, they were able to animate 6 episodes, which was 2 more episodes than they did in December. In other words, they were getting faster and faster as they gained experience.

If they maintained this speed, Theo was hopeful that they would be able to finish the anime production before the end of March.

Back to the present, as soon as the episode ended, everyone assumed a thoughtful expression as they went over what they just watched over their head.

"Okay, this was the episode." Ryoko announced when the screen went black, "Let's start with the In-Between and Keyframe Animators. What did you guys notice during the display?" Ryoko asked as she looked at the animators.

"I notice the mismatch of dimensions of a few objects and characters at certain moments of the episode. If you guys may remember that time that Kirito..."

Just like that, they spent the next 2 hours discussing what each person was able to find. It took so long because there were a lot of departments involved in the production.

For example, just the editing department spent almost 20 minutes exposing what they found odd in the episode.

The sound and music studio also spent a lot of time discussing what they thought was wrong with the episode. This was understandable because they were responsible for a lot of things like voice actors, background noises, special effect noises, background music, and many others.

And during these 2 hours, they were able to find a lot of wrong things in the episode.

It was only after all departments finished speaking that Theo expressed his opinion, as the anime director, his word was the law. So, as soon as he started speaking everyone paid extra attention.

"First of all, let's talk about the art, I notice some incongruences in the characters' designs in a few frames..." Just like that Theo started his long explanation of everything that he noticed

was wrong.

With his enhanced mind and eidetic memory, he was able to catch details that 99% of the people would let it pass. That's why he spent a long time unraveling everything he noticed he

was wrong.

He pointed at so many mistakes, that the more he spoke, the more astounded the production

team became.

They didn't imagine that they had made that many mistakes.

Theo knew that they wouldn't have noticed these mistakes, so he asked the staff to play the episode again.

And just like that, they watched the episode again with Theo pausing every time he found something wrong, which was a lot of times.

And when Theo showed them and proved the things they did wrong, they became even more ashamed. It didn't feel good to have worked so much to discover that they didn't do a good


Theo knew how they were feeling, but he had to do this if he wanted to release a high-quality anime that he wanted.

Theo spent almost 2 hours unraveling all the mistakes of the episode as he paused time after time the animation.

When the episode ended for the second time, Theo looked at his employees and said, "I know you guys are feeling bad to have let pass so many mistakes, but the good news is that after a few days of work, we can correct these mistakes without any problems. But I would like to advise each department here to pay more attention to the final product. Each supervisor here shouldn't have made so many mistakes, so this is a wake-up call for each supervisor."

When the production team heard that, they became even more fueled and focused to erase their mistakes and become better at their job.

"This is the first time this team is making an anime. So, I'll let it pass these mistakes this time. But from today onward, I hope everyone here takes this job more seriously." Theo said

with a serious voice.

Everyone nodded when they heard his lesson.

"Okay, we'll make a pause of 1 hour for lunch. After lunch, we'll all come back here and as a group, we'll discuss what we can do to improve the episode we have." Theo said with a smile. Theo smiled as he looked at their departing figures loudly discussing what they could do to become better and produce a better result.

Theo wasn't mad actually, he already expected these many mistakes. It was a fact that everyone there was together for the first time producing an animation, and it was normal for mistakes to happen. He even expected much more mistakes than they did if he was being


The lower number of mistakes than he was expecting proved that the animators he hired were

extremely talented.

Theo was sure that after a few weeks, they would be able to achieve the level he wanted.

He already could see a fully operational animation studio filled with talented animators

working on several projects.

He couldn't wait for it!

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