I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 611: Close Call

Chapter 611: Close Call

Yukihime High School, Elffire City.

After the debate ended, the Principal announced that the election would start shortly after. So, for the next hour, each one of the hundreds of students of the Yukihime High School voted for the group each one wanted to assume the school student council.

Because of the quantity of students to vote, it took a while for everyone to be able to vote.

30 minutes after the voting ended, the results of election would be announced. The students were already free to leave after voting, but due to everyone's apprehension to know who would win, the majority of the crowd stayed back to receive the results.

While the school employees quickly counted the votes, the auditorium was steaming with tension.

Who would win?

"I'm so nervous!" Umaru exclaimed, "My heart is beating so fast!"

"Mine as well!" Carolla exclaimed back.

Aurora and Vivian nodded in agreement, the two of them were so nervous that they couldn't even speak. The calmness that both of them had during their speeches had already disappeared.

Just like that, the clock went by excruciatingly slowly for the next period of time.

It was only when the principal appeared on the stage that everyone let out a sigh of relief mixed with the excitement that they were about to know who was the winner.

"I'm sure everyone is dying to know who won the election, so I'll be direct." He let out a brief laugh before opening the envelope.

He read the name inside the envelope and smiled before saying to the microphone, "And the next members of the student council are..."

Everyone leaned in unconsciously with expectation as they waited for what name he would say next.

"Vivian, Aurora, Umaru, and Carolla!" He exclaimed.

The place was filled with thunderous cheers as soon as he finished speaking.





Everyone who was rooting for Vivian's group couldn't hold their excitement as they jumped and hugged each other in happiness.

It was without surprise that the girls were mad in happiness as they heard the results.

They shouted, hugged each other, and jumped around.

"I knew we could do it!" Carolla exclaimed.

"We are part of the student council!" Aurora shouted in happiness.

"Vivi-chan! You are the School President!" Umaru exclaimed as she laughed out loud.

"I'm the School President?" Vivian asked herself underneath her breath as she couldn't believe that they had won.

Bianca's group's trump card was so good that for a moment she thought that they wouldn't be able to win. Plus, the past few days were so crazy with the competition between the three groups.

But they were able to pull it off!

"I'm the School President!" Vivian shouted in happiness.

The girls laughed out loud as they let out all of the pent-up tension accumulated for the past few days.

Differently from Vivian's group happiness, the mood in Brenda's group was filled with gloom and sadness.

"How did we lose this?"

"Our proposal was so awesome..."

"I thought that as soon as the students heard that they would be able to watch Kaguya, our win would already be certain."


The girls heard a heavy sigh and they immediately turned their heads to their leader. Contrary to the expectations, Brenda wasn't overly sad. She was just disappointed.

"We did everything that we could, girls. It's just that our senpais were able to win a few more votes. I'm proud of the work each one of you did in the last few days." Brenda said with a simple smile.

"Bre-chan!" The girls shouted between tears before jumping to hug their leader.

This was the reason why Bianca found herself being hugged by several crying girls.

"Oshi, oshi, it's okay." Brenda consoled them with a helpless but happy smile.

She was happy that even in defeat, she had people who cared for her enough to shed tears for her.

"The official election numbers will released on the school web page and mobile app." The principal said to the crowd before announcing the ending of this year's election procedures.

The students started to leave the auditorium in droves as everyone talked among themselves about the things that Vivian's group promised to do. They mostly talked about the club festival, everyone wanted to win the competition. Even the students who weren't used to being part of a club wanted to join a club to join the fun as well.

It was already expected that the clubs would see a few more additions in their ranks in the

next week.

Brenda left the auditorium with her group members as they checked the election numbers on the school app. They wanted to know by how much they lost the competition.

"46% to 42%." Ohori said between breaths as they looked at the election numbers.

"I can't believe we lost by only 4%."

"So close!"

"I think the fact that Vivian's speech was the last before the election made a big difference."

"But it was their luck to draw that position."

Bianca watched their conversation before saying with a smile, "I'm sure next year the victory

will belong to us."

"Yeah!" The girls exclaimed.

While everyone left the auditorium, there were a few people left behind.

The new student council!

Their first task in their new job was to organize the auditorium after the election and debate.

The girls talked among each other as they organized the place.

"I still can't believe we won by such a small margin." Umaru commented.

"Bianca's group was too strong." Carolla shook her head.

"We have to thank Theo for his help with our proposal, without his suggestion, our proposition wouldn't be able to secure this victory over Bianca." Vivian commented.

"My brother!" Aurora suddenly shouted, "I forgot to tell him!"

Aurora suddenly picked up her phone and called her brother. She promised him to call to tell

the news after the election.

Vivian and the other two laughed as they saw their friend's silly actions.

Just like that, after a few beeps, Theo answered Aurora's call.

"Big brother! We won the election!" Aurora shouted.

"Really? I'm so happy for you, cupcake!" Theo replied with a smile.

"I'm part of the student council now." Aurora declared laughing out loud.

"Yes, you are. I'm proud of you, kiddo." Theo laughed as well, "We have to commemorate

this, let's have a gathering at our house after my shift at the restaurant. Tell your friends that they can sleep over. I'll talk with our other friends."

"Are you sure, big brother?" Aurora asked, "It's just a high school student council. You don't

need to make a big fuss over it."

"How can't I?" Theo retorted, "My baby sis achievements should never be ignored. It's decided. I'll see you after my shift. We are going to party tonight, baby!" Theo laughed


Aurora could only helplessly smile as she heard his words, but deep down, she was extremely happy that she had a brother who cared so much for her.

"Okay, I'll tell them. Bye. See you later." Aurora said before finishing the call.

Aurora looked at her friends and let out a smile, "We are going to party tonight, girls!"

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