I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 684: The Darktower Family Enjoying The Festival

Chapter 684: The Darktower Family Enjoying The Festival

Vivian Darktower stepped out of the command center and took a deep breath, letting the fresh, cool air of the early afternoon fill her lungs. The sounds of the Yukihime High School festival buzzed around her, a mixture of laughter, music, and the occasional cheer from one of the many booths. For the first time in days, she allowed herself a moment of relaxation, her duties temporarily passed on to Aurora. It was her time off, and she intended to spend it well - with her family.

The Darktower family was a well-known name in Bluecorn State, steeped in history and tradition. Though her parents, Gregory and Eleanor Darktower, weren't excessively old- fashioned, they maintained the customs and values of their ancestry, especially when it came to family. This meant that, despite their busy lives, they always made time for each other, particularly for their youngest daughter, Vivian. As the student council president, she had been working tirelessly to ensure the festival's success, but now she was free to enjoy it in a different light-through the lens of a daughter and sister.

Vivian scanned the crowd until she spotted her family standing near one of the open volleyball courts that had been set up for the festival. Her father was tall and distinguished, his salt-and-pepper hair neatly combed, while her mother radiated a quiet elegance in a simple yet stylish outfit. Standing beside them was Megan, Vivian's older sister, who had graduated from Yukihime High School just last year. Megan was now a college freshman at Bluecorn University, but today she was back in the familiar surroundings of her alma mater, ready to spend the day with her family.

"Vivian!" Megan called out as soon as she saw her sister. Her face lit up with a wide smile, and she waved enthusiastically.

Vivian smiled and waved back, quickening her pace to join them. When she reached her family, her mother enveloped her in a warm hug.

"Vivian, darling, it's so good to see you outside of the command center," Eleanor said, her voice gentle yet teasing. "We were beginning to think you might never escape."

"I know, it feels like I've been living in there," Vivian replied with a laugh. "But Aurora has things under control, so I have some time to enjoy the festival with you all."

"Perfect timing," Gregory said, his voice deep and steady. "We were just about to start a volleyball match. Care to join us?"

Vivian looked at the court, where another family was warming up. The atmosphere was light- hearted, and the competition was friendly, but there was still a palpable energy in the air. The idea of playing a sport she loved with her family was too tempting to resist.

"I'd love to," Vivian said, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

With that, the Darktower family stepped onto the sandy court, ready for a friendly game of volleyball. Megan and Vivian were paired on one side, while their parents took the opposite. The other family, the Hayashis, consisted of two parents and their teenage children, who were also students at Yukihime High School. The match began with a serve from Gregory, and the game was on.

Vivian quickly fell into the rhythm of the game, her competitive spirit flaring to life. She had always been athletic, and volleyball was one of her favorite sports. It wasn't long before she and Megan were moving in perfect sync, their teamwork honed by years of playing together. "Nice one, Megan!" Vivian called out as her sister spiked the ball over the net with precision. "Thanks, Viv!" Megan replied, giving her sister a quick high-five.

On the other side of the net, their parents were just as competitive, but in a more relaxed way. Gregory's serves were powerful, but he always aimed them in such a way that gave everyone a fair chance to return the ball. Eleanor, on the other hand, was graceful and strategic, placing the ball in spots that were difficult to reach.

As the game progressed, the crowd around the court began to grow. Passersby stopped to watch the match, drawn in by the spirited play and the familial camaraderie. There were cheers and applause after each rally, and the energy of the spectators only fueled the players


Vivian felt a sense of joy and fulfillment as she played. Despite the formality and tradition often associated with the Darktower name, moments like this reminded her that at the core, her family was just that—a family. They laughed, teased each other, and played together, just like any other family, and that was what mattered most.

After a particularly long rally, where both teams displayed impressive skill and determination, the match finally came to an end with a narrow victory for the Darktower family. There were no hard feelings, only smiles and congratulations exchanged between the two families.

"Well played, everyone," Gregory said, extending a hand to Mr. Hayashi, who shook it with a grin.

"That was a fantastic game," Mrs. Hayashi added, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. "Your daughters are quite the athletes."

"Thank you," Eleanor replied, her voice filled with pride. "We're very proud of them."

Vivian and Megan exchanged a smile, their bond strengthened by the shared experience. As they left the court, Vivian felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Megan looking at her with a mischievous grin.

"You're not too rusty after all, little sis," Megan teased, ruffling Vivian's hair playfully.

"Hey! I've been busy, okay?" Vivian shot back, laughing as she swatted Megan's hand away. "Besides, you weren't exactly holding back either."

Megan chuckled. "I guess not. But it's fun to see you out here having a good time. You deserve a break after all the hard work you've been putting in."

Vivian nodded, appreciating her sister's words. "Thanks, Meg. It's been hectic, but seeing everything come together and having you all here makes it worth it."

The Darktower family decided to take a break and enjoy some refreshments from one of the nearby stalls. As they sipped on cold drinks and indulged in sweet treats, they chatted and caught up on each other's lives. Gregory talked about his latest projects at work, Eleanor shared stories about the charity events she had been organizing, and Megan regaled them with tales from her first few months at college.

"And what about you, Vivian?" Megan asked between bites of a strawberry crepe. "How's it going with the student council? Any plans for after the festival?"

Vivian hesitated for a moment, considering how much to share. The festival had consumed so much of her time and energy that she hadn't had much chance to think about what came next. But as she looked at her family, she realized that they would understand whatever she


"It's been a lot of work, but I've learned so much," Vivian said thoughtfully. "I haven't really thought about what's next, but I know I want to keep making a difference, whether it's

through the council or something else."

Her parents exchanged a glance, both of them smiling with quiet pride.

"Whatever you choose to do, we know you'll excel," Gregory said. "You've always had a strong sense of purpose, Vivian. Just follow that, and you'll do great things."

"Exactly," Eleanor added, placing a hand over Vivian's. "We're behind you all the way, no

matter what path you take."

Vivian felt a warmth spread through her chest at their words. She knew her family believed in her, but hearing it out loud filled her with a renewed sense of confidence.

"Thanks, Mom. Dad," she said softly. "It means a lot to hear you say that."

Megan nudged her playfully. "You're going to make me cry, Viv. Come on, let's go check out some more of the festival before you have to get back to work."

The family continued their exploration of the festival, visiting various booths and attractions. They played games, took photos, and even tried their hand at some of the more challenging activities. Vivian found herself laughing more than she had in weeks, the weight of responsibility lifting as she allowed herself to simply enjoy the moment.

Eventually, the time came for Vivian to return to the command center. She knew she couldn't

stay away from her duties for too long, especially with the festival still in full swing. As they approached the building, she turned to her family, feeling a pang of regret that she had to

leave them so soon.

"Looks like it's time for me to go back," Vivian said, trying to keep the disappointment out of

her voice.

Gregory placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Vivian. We'll be here, enjoying the festival. And when you're done, we'll be waiting for you."

"Yeah, go be the boss you are," Megan added with a wink. "We'll catch up again later."

Vivian smiled, feeling grateful for her family's understanding. "I'll see you all later, then.

Have fun!"

With a final wave, she turned and headed back into the command center, her heart full of love and appreciation for the family that had always supported her. As she walked through the doors, ready to take on the rest of the day, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she could face them with confidence-because she wasn't alone.

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