I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 215 [Final Event] [Closing Ceremony] [15] Milleia Sophren



"Yeah?" I replied, but my attention was drawn to a specific area where a fierce battle seemed to be unfolding. The crackling of golden lightning in the distance captivated me, and I couldn't help but fixate on the spectacle.

Why does this feeling seem so strange…?

An inexplicable sensation surged within me, elusive and enigmatic, making it difficult to decipher its origins.

Shaking off the unsettling feeling, I redirected my focus to the sight in front of me.

The Garden of Eden—more specifically, its replica, as we had learned on the last floor of the dungeon—loomed high in the sky.

"Second Wing," I muttered, taking a few steps back and channeling mana and Ruah into my legs. With a swift kick off the ground, I propelled myself forward with astounding speed before stomping the earth and launching myself high into the air. "Ah!"

Unfortunately, we couldn't directly access the Garden as it was protected by a shimmering golden dome. Thus, we were compelled to take the underground route through the cave.

I deftly caught the edge of the cliff, pulling myself up and landing gracefully on the ground.

"As expected, the doors are open…" I whispered, observing the giant golden doors already ajar. Just like in the Game, they must have used the Scepter as the key, but it left me wondering why they chose Sylvia over Aurora.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I ventured into the dimly lit rocky corridor. Apart from the purity of the air I breathed, nothing seemed remarkable about this passageway.

This ground must have been last traversed during the First Great Holy War, when Dorian Celesta clashed with Deimos Arvatra. Before that, it might have been the era of DemiGods...

"Now… which way to go?" I pondered aloud, gazing ahead at the three distinct paths branching out before me.


"..." The sudden scream from the left pathway immediately caught my attention.


Without hesitation, I stomped the ground and raced down the left path at full speed.

Please let her be safe.

My heart pounded heavily in my chest as I sprinted, desperation urging me on.

"Ah… ah…" Breathless, I came to a stop, my gaze fixed on the scene before me.

There stood a black-haired woman emanating the pressure of a Monarch. Her reddish-orange eyes locked onto mine, and a smile spread across her face.

But I ignored her and looked at Miranda, who was held captive by the woman.

"E-Edward… run…" Miranda's voice trembled as blood trickled down from her forehead.

"Release her," I demanded, my tone cold and unwavering.

"Ahaha! Why should I? She nearly took away my right eye, you know?" The woman taunted, pointing at a fresh scar on her brows.

"Ah!" Miranda let out a pained yelp as the woman struck her head, causing her to fall unconscious to the ground.


"Don't even dare to take a step," the woman threatened, pointing a sword at Miranda. "Otherwise, I will kill her."

I halted my movements and clenched my teeth in frustration. "What do you want?"

"Actually, Brandon and Leon want you right now but…" she smirked. "But Alphie and Lisa were against it."

Her words puzzled me, and I furrowed my brows. "You share the same objective, but your thoughts differ from each other?"

"Ahaha!" She laughed derisively at my question. "We are not friends, Edward. We have never been friends. Ante-Eden is merely a gathering of individuals who despise Eden. We all seek Eden's demise, but each of us has our own distinct goals."

Her reddish-orange eyes narrowed, and a sense of familiarity washed over me. Those eyes… where have I seen them before?

I couldn't help but voice my thoughts, "Your eyes…"

"Hm?" The woman raised an eyebrow. "Don't you recognize me, Edward?"

"What?" I was dumbfounded; I had no recollection of ever meeting this woman before.

"It's me, Jasmine! Jasmine Reis Aquila."

"R-Reis Aquila?" I repeated, taken aback.

Reis Aquila was another powerful House, considered a rival and friend to the Falkrona House.

"It actually hurts a little, Edward. Did you forget since it was a long time ago?" Jasmine sighed in disappointment before suddenly tossing Miranda towards me.

"Miranda!" I swiftly caught her, but when I looked up, Jasmine had vanished.

What the hell just happened? My mind raced to make sense of the unexpected encounter with Jasmine, but there was little time for contemplation. Miranda's safety remained my top priority, and I needed to find a way to confront the others and secure the Garden's Key before it fell into the wrong hands.

"Miranda." I gently patted her cheeks, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Edward…" Miranda mumbled, visibly in pain.

"Are you okay?" I inquired, concern lacing my voice.

"Yes…I'm just a little tired…" Miranda replied weakly.

Concern deepened in my frown as I asked, "Why are you here?"

"I…was worried about you, Elona, Carla, and Sylvia…" Miranda averted her gaze, her voice tinged with guilt. "I-I'm sorry…I c-couldn't even beat-hmm?!"

Before she could finish her sentence, I sealed her lips, silencing her words.

Miranda's initial shock turned into a gentle acceptance, and both of us could feel the intensity of the moment rising as our bodies grew warmer with each passing second. However, I held the gesture for just a moment longer, sensing the need to convey a more important message.

"Ah…E-Edward…?" Miranda looked at me with flushed cheeks and moistened eyes, her emotions palpable.

"Don't do that again, Miranda," I said firmly, my gaze fixed on hers.


"Worry about yourself first and…please, don't act so recklessly like that," I implored, my concern for her well-being evident in my voice.

Miranda managed a faint smile and leaned in, her intent clear, but her body betrayed her as she lost strength.

Her eyes closed, and she fainted.

I smiled gently and held her in my arms, ensuring she was safe and cared for. Miranda had always been fiercely protective of those she cared about, but she needed to remember that her well-being was equally important.


"?" I turned around, my eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Milleia.

"Edward!" Milleia's face lit up with relief as she saw me.

"Milleia?" I muttered, my attention shifting to the unconscious Alfred lying beside her.

"I-I'm so relieved to see you, Edward! I-I thought something happened!" Milleia gently placed Alfred down and hurried towards me.

I did the same, carefully bringing Miranda to lean against a nearby wall before facing Milleia. "Why is Alfred with you? Everyone outside is looking for him," I asked, trying to understand the situation.

"A-Ah, that! I found His Highness inside, and I-"

"Enough of lies, Milleia," I cut her off, offering a tired smile.


"Can you please tell me what happened? You were with Jayden and Eric, right?" I inquired, adopting a more serious demeanor.

"I-I lost them on my wa-"

"Milleia." I interrupted her again, my gaze growing cold.

Milleia flinched under my stare, nervously scratching her cheeks. "A-Actually, I learned that His Highness was kidnapped... and you know what, Edward?! Professor Walter Celesta is working with Ante-Eden! He wanted to harm Alfred, and that's why I separated myself from Jayden to find His Highness."

"I see. Take Miranda with you outside," I nodded, turning to leave.

"W-Wait! Where are you going?" Milleia asked, her voice tinged with panic.

"My sister is still inside; I need to save her," I replied resolutely, not bothering to look back.

"N-No! Y-You can't, Edward!"

"I can't?" I frowned, puzzled by Milleia's fervent plea.

"Y-Yes!" Milleia nodded earnestly. "I-It's dangerous! Ante-Eden...they want you!"

I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation, and turned to face her once more.

Let's find out.

"How do you know all of that, Milleia?" I asked, my gaze penetrating, seeking the truth.


"I asked how do you know all of that? Starting with Walter Celesta, then Ante-Eden, and me. Don't try to lie to me; I will find out the truth. I sincerely hope you won't lie to your friend, Milleia Sophren."

"..." Milleia hesitated, her expression wavering under the pressure.

After a moment, she opened her mouth hesitantly. "Lady Raphiel told me…"

"Raphiel? The Goddess? Since when can you communicate with her, and since when have you awakened?" I continued my inquiry, maintaining my unwavering stare.

"T-That's…" Milleia struggled to find the right words, but my resolute gaze coaxed her to reveal the truth. "A-After my father's death…"

"Your father's death…" I muttered, unable to hide the shock on my face.

Her father's death?

Didn't he die when she was seven or something like that?

She awakened at seven years old?

Is that even possible?

What the hell?

"I-I'm sorry, Edward…" Milleia's voice trembled, and a pinkish energy began to swirl around her. "I didn't want to lie to you…" Her once blue hair turned completely pink and took on a silkier texture. "But Raphiel told me to keep it secret." Milleia apologized with a sheepish smile, her pink-tinged blue eyes meeting mine with sincerity.

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