I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 226 Leave The Rest To Me

Chapter 226 Leave The Rest To Me


"I don't know what to say, Father... Brother... I only spent four years with you, but those memories are still vivid in my mind. I recall how proud you were of me, Father, and how you spoiled me, Brother," I murmured with a gentle smile as I placed tulips on their graves. "I'll take it from here. You can rest assured."

There was no need for further words, and I made my way over to where Mom and Christina were conversing a short distance away.

"True to my genes, huh?" Mother observed, studying me while stroking her chin.

"Mom..." Christina sighed, "well, it might be true. People at the Academy kept giving me odd looks, mostly from men," she added with a wry smile and a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

[<The whole family is quite full of themselves...>]

I winced internally at Cleenah's comment and chose to ignore it.

"I'm incredibly glad to see you again, Amael... These years without you have been really tough on all of us," Mother whispered, her fingers gently caressing my cheeks. "Your place is here with us. Promise me you won't go anywhere. No, why am I even asking? You won't go anywhere."

"It's terrifying, so I won't—ouch!"

"You little rascal! Am I really that frightening? I'm the most beautiful mother on the entire continent, you know!" Mom playfully pinched my ear, eliciting giggles from Christina.

"Speaking of which, what are those bracelets, Amael?" Christina inquired, her eyes drawn to the thick silver bands around my wrists.

"Oh, these?" I raised my hands and shrugged. "King Charles deemed me a dangerous criminal and slapped on these Anti-Mana cuffs to prevent me from channeling mana from my body."

While Melfina could have easily cut the bonds binding my hands, she couldn't remove the cuffs themselves since it was part of the agreement Charles had made with the old man to secure my release.

"Charles... I'll beat him up the next time I see him," Mother declared, a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"M-Mom? I know he is a bastard but he's still a King, you know?" Christina interjected, her expression incredulous despite insulting the King in question casually.

"I'm like a Queen here, so I don't really care," Mom shrugged with a playful pout. "He had no business laying a finger on my precious son!"

[<If only she knew that he imprisoned you one month in jail…>]

I should keep it a secret for this one.

"Let's head back home," Christina suggested, but I shook my head.

"I'd like to visit the Holy Tree first," I replied, my gaze fixed on the towering white tree that stood at the heart of Sancta Vedelia. It was impossible to be anywhere in the land without catching sight of this magnificent tree.

"But..." Christina hesitated.

"In that case, I'll go with you," Mother offered, but once again I declined.

"I'd prefer to go alone. Don't worry; I'll be back well before nightfall."

"No," Mother refused adamantly. "You can't channel mana, and it's risky to let you—"

"Mother..." I pulled them both into a tight embrace. "Nothing untoward will happen."

I understood their anxiety all too well.

Connor had passed away just a few months ago, leaving them with a lingering sense of wariness and caution. Their protectiveness over me was only natural. They were afraid of what might occur, scared of losing me. I knew that fear intimately.

"I won't leave either of you alone," I reassured them. "You don't have to shoulder the burden on your own any longer. I wasn't there when Father and Brother died, but the same won't happen to me. I won't make any promises, because there's no way I can die. I will never die," I stated with a touch of arrogance, though it was genuinely what I believed. "Leave the rest to me now, Mom, Sister. I'll take care of everything and protect both of you."

According to Christina, after Father's passing, Connor had assumed the role of looking after Mother and her. She spoke of the challenges he faced and how much it weighed on him, eventually leading to his own demise.

"I'll carry on Brother's mantle. Trust me."

Christina shivered slightly but held onto my shoulders with trembling fingers.

Suddenly, Mother cupped my cheeks, her gaze brimming with maternal affection. "You... truly are my son and Kleines'. Remember, Amael, before you're a Falkrona, you are an Olphean. The blood of ancient Gods flows through your veins. My blood and Kleines' flow within you. You and Christina are different from everyone else. You're special—be proud of that. Never stoop even a little for anyone else; otherwise, you're not my son."

"Why would I lower myself to the clowns of this land?" I said. "I'm born a Falkrona and an Olphean."

"Exactly," Mother grinned, removing her pendant, which held a beautifully crafted emblem in amber metal—a side-facing helmet. It resembled a Spartan helmet with a crest above it. It was the emblem of the Olphean House.

"You can't approach the Tree without this. Be cautious," Mother hung the pendant around my neck but by doing that she caught sight of the other pendant she gave me with the black coin. She stroked it with a smile before kissing my cheek and departing.

"Make sure to be back before night little brother," Christina gently slapped my cheek before leaving as well.

"Where shall I take you?" The driver stifled a yawn and inquired lazily, his hands resting on the wheel.

"To the Holy Tree of Eden," I responded from the backseat.

The man chuckled in response. "Good luck, young lad. You might have to wait quite a while. This year, due to the impending appearance of the next Prophetess, it's bustling every day."

"The imminent apparition of the next Prophetess huh," I mumbled.

"Yeah, that's-"

"Get me there quickly," I interrupted, displaying the Olphean emblem hanging from my pendant.

The man's complexion turned ashen, and he immediately straightened up. "My apologies, Milord! Please, don't take any action. I have a family-"

"Just drive quickly," I snapped, irritation evident in my tone.

"Yes, yes!"

The car lifted off the ground and surged forward, overtaking other vehicles on the road. The white leaves of the Holy Tree danced in the air, creating a mesmerizing scene that I begrudgingly admired. Thanks to the badge, passing through guards and traffic lights was a breeze; a mere display of the badge sent shivers down their spines, granting us passage. Leaning back in my seat, I observed the 'Human' realm—the area mostly occupied by humans but interspersed with the occasional elves, vampires, and werewolves. The Tree's blessings endowed them with strength beyond regular humans, a testament to its protective aura.

After a relatively short journey—thanks to certain privileges accompanying my Olphean status—we arrived at the VIP entrance to the Holy Tree. Reserved for high-ranking nobles and select outsiders, the entrance stood vacant, allowing us quick access. As expected, I chose the human entrance to avoid unwelcome encounters.

"Good afternoon, Sir," a woman in a booth greeted us respectfully. "May I see your identification, Sir?"

I extended my hand through the window, revealing the pendant adorned with the Olphean Emblem. The woman inspected the emblem with a magnifying glass before offering a smile and bowing her head. "Milord."

The roadblock lifted, permitting our passage. Stepping out of the car—its boundary being the farthest strangers could venture—I watched it depart with a wave of the driver's voice echoing after me.

"It was a pleasure!"

Another perk.

A gentle pat to my shirt, I ventured down the dimly lit corridor that led into the heart of the Holy Tree. The air was pure and carried a natural fragrance; the untouched verdant forest enveloped me. The walls lining the passage weren't walls at all, but sturdy white roots adorned with vegetation. Butterflies and other exquisite winged creatures flitted around, casting an otherworldly aura upon the surroundings.

Finally, after a few minutes, the muted whispers grew more distinct, accompanied by the flicker of numerous candles.

They were arranged in a symmetrical formation leading toward a grand chamber within the tree itself. The atmosphere grew more hushed and reverent the closer I came to this central space. The floor was made of intricate patterns, and the walls were adorned with murals depicting various scenes from mythology and history.

As I entered the grand chamber, the sight before me was breathtaking. The Holy Tree itself, a colossal and ancient entity, extended its branches and leaves high above, its white leaves shimmering in a soft ethereal glow. The ceiling of the chamber seemed to merge with the canopy of the tree, blurring the boundaries between the natural and the divine.

In the center of the chamber stood a large crystal, radiating a gentle light that filled the space. Around the crystal, figures dressed in robes were gathered, their heads bowed in prayer or meditation. The sound of whispered chants and soft hymns filled the air, creating an aura of serenity and spiritual reverence.

At the center, there was a tent-like structure where people would enter and leave one by one.

She is here.

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