I Am the Legendary BOSS

Chapter 575 - Dead world

Does Mesis know where the King is?

Obviously, she doesn’t know!

If she knows the detailed location of this place, or some information, she may really tell William what to be careful about. But by divination and reckoning, she really does n’t know where the place guarded by many saints is. .

And Thor, and others relying on the human empire seem to already know where it is, or maybe they are some relics from the mythic era.

So before William left, he asked Akaro carefully.

The latter, as a PY friend of His Royal Highness, did not conceal in the slightest, telling out all the information and information he knew, plus many memories of William’s previous life, he had a lot of impressions of the King’s Land.

Extremely dangerous.

There are undeads formed by falling gods.

There may be gods that have not fallen, temple ruins, unknown mythological ages of Warcraft!

to sum up.

The land of the king can really be called the land of the dead, because there are many undead souls that exist in the mythic era, and what shocks William is that this small world seems to have something to do with the Hades.

Unfortunately, he didn’t let him think for too long. Gregory, the gold ruler of the Empire, came in person.

After being the chief gem of the empire and honorary dean of the School of Magic, after the time gem opened the portal, he glanced at William and others with a faint look, and sighed, “Just say you are careful. Good luck to you. “

Everyone nodded saluting and stepped into the water curtain.

William felt as if he had entered a tunnel of light particles. He reached out his hand and could easily feel the touch of those light particles colliding with his hand. Not only did it have a slight sting, but it also caused him some time illusion.

But he immediately raised an eyebrow, stinging? ? ?

His hand was the hand of the Lord God, and there was a stinging sensation. What are these light particles?

Then he saw the guys in front, all nervously tightening his body, for fear of hitting the surrounding light particles, causing him to knock out a few holes.

this moment.

His Royal Highness understood.

He entered into not a space tunnel at all, but some other time tunnel. The so-called small world, the so-called land of kings, is not a thing of this era at all, and it is likely to be a strange place out of time.

As for why Akaro did not tell himself, obviously he did not know, but as a professional in time and space, he could naturally understand the danger of this time tunnel.

The governor of the gold, Gregory did not say, or he just wanted to pit himself …


Although normal people certainly will not touch these strange time particles with their hands.

In this tunnel of time, time seems to have lost its effect. He doesn’t know how long it has passed. He just feels that his thinking is getting slower and slower …

Maybe a few months, a few years, maybe only a moment.


His eyes brightened.

Five people in the time tunnel appear in the empty space at the same time.

A huge crack in space-time was right in front of them.

At the same time, a small space-time channel appeared around them, and the professionals stepped out of it in sequence. After a while, 35 legendary masters appeared in this endless white space, plus three guards in time and space. Saint in front of the crack.

His prince’s expression changed slightly, all of them are the sacred law, one time sacred law, two space sacred law. It is these three people who keep guarding this space, and continue to strengthen the large cracks in space and time The key reason why the gate of King’s Land never disappeared.

The clothes of these three saints are quaint and old, and they have never looked at them, as if they have experienced too much, and they have a disregard for everything in the world.

William couldn’t imagine how long the three saints had been held here.

But he also understands why the top continents of the seven continents need joint control, because one side obviously cannot extract so many sages in time and space.

“I heard that it takes at least a thousand years to rotate each time. The law of time is the top priority. I can come here, but these forces think that my father and I have the opportunity to step into the sacred realm.

If I can really enter the sanctuary, I will also promise them to come here to help him defend for 1000 years. Akaro said to William.

“That’s the case. Then you can cheer. Give me two tickets at random and let me go in.”

Akaro drew his mouth. It is enough to go to this place once. As for how many opportunities can be obtained, it depends on luck.

Just then.

In a white robe, Fasheng opened his eyes and scanned them.


An invisible pressure came.

Fortunately, this unknown time Fasheng just checked the invitations they carried. The former glanced at William in amazement, and seemed a little curious why he didn’t walk with the people in the temple since he had tickets for the temple.

But this time sage saint did not bother much, but just reached out and pointed at the crack of space and time several meters high: “The land of the king may be a miracle born in the world of gods, maybe an unknown left in the myth era place.

In any case, the land of the king must have been forcibly dragged away from the river of time by the Lord God, and wandered in the world beyond the river of time.

Do you know what it would be like to leave the river for a long time? “

Many legendary professionals are aggressive or do not want to answer.

Only Akaro reverently replied: “Endless, endless life, but if you cannot be sanctified, God, you will lose your consciousness in an endless time, and become an immortal monster, unless you have time dragon Talent to avoid these. “

Shi Fasheng nodded comfortably: “That’s right, you are the son of the Lord of Chaos?”

“Yes, Master Fasheng.”

“Very good, your father’s hope of going into the holy realm is too small, although he has been here before, but I feel that your chance of going into the holy realm is great.” Shi Fafa smiled and said again: Go in, do n’t explore too far outside, otherwise you will lose your sense of direction in the chaotic space-time, your scroll of space teleport can’t save you.

Remember, you have a year in there.

Where to go from there, just waiting for the year to come.

At that time I will reopen the time tunnel …


You will stay there and wait for the next opening of the Land of Kings.

But I don’t think you can safely live the next chance to open the time tunnel. “

And when some big-hearted legendary professionals are about to step into the cracks of time and space, the Fa Sheng said again: “After entering, always calculate the time, because the time inside is chaotic, and you ca n’t feel the passage of time. No reference will tell you how much time has passed, “

The words came out.

Many legendary masters have changed their faces. As professionals, they usually perceive the change of time based on their feelings. This feeling has become a habit. Even if you practice for months, you can know that you have used it. No matter how long it takes, it won’t be too long.

But this land of kings apparently deprives them of their sense of time.

What does it mean.

They are likely to have lived there for a hundred years, and they are all ignorant …

If you forget your mental arithmetic time, you may be trapped in it forever, until you become a lunatic.

But everyone has come, and for no reason has come to the door, but want to quit.

Shifa Shengsheng didn’t say much anymore, and watched this group of super talented professionals walk in. I didn’t know how many of them could finally come back alive.


Will William worry that he will not have time to calculate.


As a man with a property panel, he obviously doesn’t need to worry about such things.

And William, who finally entered the King’s Land, saw a dark world with no sun, moon, or starlight above his head!

As for his feet …

It is a mass grave formed by countless dead bones, corpses, and graves.

It used to look like a battlefield. There are countless things dead. Some people, elves, warcraft, animals, angels, dragons, all types and ages of bones and layers are gathered together to form a picture. Very weird picture.

Not only does it look scary, it’s also very disgusting.

His Royal Highness frowned, and he scanned a lot of bones under his eyes. It seemed that it had been a long time, but the corpses in some places seemed to have died just a few minutes.

William walked in front of a human corpse and reached out to touch it.

The blood is still hot.

“Slot!” William drew his mouth. This is indeed the land of the dead. It is truly a world without time. This corpse that has not known how many years has died ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ There is still temperature now, almost his mother Some perverts.

And soon.

He saw the living creature.

It was an undead of an epic rank, and it seemed to stand up because he smelled William’s breath.

But just when William was going to capture him, to see if the goods had wisdom, and wanted to ask for something.

The bodies in the mass grave post, one by one wake up …

The breath of seniors, grand masters, epics, and legends continues to wake up.

Half of the countless dead bodies in this mass grave post were turned into undead, or turned into something weird, and they all stood up, looked at William with unwise eyes, and walked towards him step by step.

His Royal Highness drew his mouth, raised a **** in silence on these things, turned his head and ran.

Desperate is …

This group of things similar to the undead is full of several legendary ranks of space-dead people. They rely on the instincts formed by their instincts to make them difficult to move, no matter how many pieces they fly, they constantly fly back to their original positions.

William finally couldn’t help this time, he raised an eyebrow: “Okay, if you want to play, then don’t blame me for using your corpses to make equipment.”

one hour later.

His Royal Highness gasped and watched the group of things that had been broken up, killed, and ashes, and gradually recovered …

He finally couldn’t help but feel a little scared.

Because this group is out of the existence of Changjiang River.

Never die!

Really won’t die.

This is not the land of the king, but the land of the dead.

They are not undead.

They are a group of immortal dead.

This is … a world of countless dead!


ps: ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets.

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