I Am the Legendary BOSS

Chapter 587 - The magic temple was taken over.

A year has passed.

When William returned to the empty space from the small world of the gods, he found that of the 35 people who had come here, only 16 successfully returned, and nearly half were left in, or they were either dead or were Treated as food.

And who are they from Legendary Continent?

In addition to His Royal Highness Prince’s invitation to use the Temple of God, four of the other five were reincarnation of the gods, and one was Akaro, a dual-temporal system.

But even then, there was still one person who never stepped out.

That is the reincarnation of the **** of the day, the great wizard Hemera.

Thor seems to have something to do with this young lady. He looked at the three saints and wanted to wait for them, but after a little hesitation, he still didn’t say this.

Hey, maybe he found a relationship with his girlfriend. He decided to forget the ex-girlfriend selectively …

In particular, everyone has seen the danger of the small world. The **** of the underworld has not died, and the four gods under him have not died.

What’s more, all the professionals who entered it were potential enemies, and the shrines that looked down upon them, plus the chaotic time factor, no matter what went wrong, it was possible to make Hemera again. Can’t get out of it.

Later, the Law of Time Law looked at them with emotion: “The small world of the **** of darkness can also be called the divine realm, and there are five gods living in it.

You should have seen and realized that the age of the advent of God is not far away. “

“Perhaps you have a reincarnation of gods, but I still want to tell you that not only do you have the original origins and memories, but also the blood of our people, elves, and feathers.

You have friends who grew up together.

You have loved one another.

You have parents who support you.

You have … partners to fight alongside.

If the age of God comes, if they really want to enslave us, I hope that you can stand up and block them with a smile …

Come on, Ollie! “

The style of the time law has changed dramatically.

However, Thor, Thor, the **** of war, Aros, sword **** Soderros, and others are all film emperors, all looking as usual, and I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

Shifa Sheng sighed, “All that is said, let’s go …”

And just when the time channel opened again.

His voice came again: “The world of the gods is not very good now, but it is better than all the slaves who become gods, right?”


Dawn City.

After William came out of the teleport hall, he did not let his breath out and attracted all his men to greet him. He just came all the way to the magic tower.

After learning about William’s arrival while practicing, Mexis looked back with a smile on his face.

Obviously, one year after His Royal Highness left, Mexis was really worried and missed.

However, after all, William returned safely and became much stronger.

So the magic goddess raised her head again proudly, and hummed coldly, “Going to the small world of the gods, do you know how long it took me to figure out this position, I almost wanted to find you.

Especially if you look at your face, you might be imprisoned by the little **** of the goddess of death! “

His Royal Highness was shocked. The woman’s sixth sense was real cowhide, but he still laughed and said, “Anna, Ann, I am not back, even closer to the holy realm.”

William didn’t mention the goddess of death, but came to Mo Mo and sat cross-legged, curling a strand of hair in front of her behind her ears.

Meiss raised her eyebrows and did not reject such a provocative gesture. She just held the former little restless hand and whispered softly, “Do you know how worried I am about you within a year of leaving?” .

Now the times have changed. The continents of the gods are about to merge. According to my calculations, the distance between the continents in ten years will be very close. “

“Well, I know, this is also one of the reasons I want to keep getting stronger.” William moved his buttocks, and stretched his lambs, and by the way held the goddess’s waist limbs, and with a little force in his little hand, he leaned on his own. On the shoulder.


Momo Goddess has resistance.

Very well-behaved.

For a moment.

Conquer the senses.

This is the magic goddess! !! !!

William closed his legs happily and asked indiscriminately, “What else do you infer?”

Mexis crooked his head and murmured to the sky outside: “The age of descent has begun, and many old friends are about to appear.”

“Yeah, in the next ten years, there will be some gods that solve the faith.”

“And after ten years, the dark invasion, the merger of the continents, and the arrival of the gods will appear at the same time. Today’s Dawn City is a little insignificant in the fourth era.” William thought about it, and couldn’t help but grin Mouth, feeling a headache.

Messi suddenly straightened her body. She looked at William, who was helpless, and suddenly patted his shoulder. Covering you.

Who dares to touch you with a sweat, I will cramp his skin and refine his soul into kerosene, so that he cannot survive or die …

Dirt! “

The goddess struggled to knock off William’s palm, and frowned and looked at him: “Why cover my mouth, the ghost knows what your hand just touched.”

“Huh ???? I just touched you, so don’t drive around, mainly because what you said is too villainous, just kill them directly if there are enemies, what a cruel thing to do.” William She smiled in embarrassment, and said in her heart, the goddess, do you know that those who talk like this are often killed by the protagonist, let’s be careful not to be wrong.

But Mexis hummed indifferently: “Read more about knight novels, what kind of villain does not rebel …”

“Speaking of which, I heard something recently.”


“Someone is about to pick up the magic temple.”

“What, is it the Dharma?” His Royal Highness was shocked in his heart. The Holy Ghost was suppressed, but he was not hung up. Where is the Dharma to take over?

Isn’t he afraid that he will not reach the Holy Land within ten years, can’t kill the Holy Spirit, and thus provoke a great enemy?

If William and Spirit Saint were hostile, it was because of Meses.

However, some people want to forcefully accept the offer. It is simply that the Holy Spirit went out to work. He did n’t say that the old king was green. He even raised the child by the way and even changed his family name. This is simply a hate for wives.

Mexis nodded: “Yes, it ’s the Fa Sheng, or a new Fa Sheng who has just stepped into the sacred realm. He is not a native of the legendary mainland, but you should have heard of the forces behind him.”

“Hunting the Temple?” The color under the Prince’s Temple changed slightly. This group of guys is endless, so you can’t let Dawning City sit in the top position.

But even if the magic temple rises again, it seems that there are not too many disputes with Shuguang City …

“It’s not a shrine, it’s a magic god!”

“Magic religion?”

“Wipe, Lao Tzu should have thought about the relationship between them.” William drew his mouth. The last time Messian disappeared and failed to overthrow the magic temple. He also farted in the game warehouse ahead of time. This is also him. Do not know the reason for the relationship between the two.

As for magic gods, they are also the top veteran forces of the continent level of the gods, and they are also the old opponents of the shrine.

The doctrine of magic theology is the belief in the Lord of Magic. Most of the members in the religion are magicians. They are basically followers of the Lord of Magic. Their ultimate purpose is to look forward to the coming of the Lord of Magic.

A word.

They are all traitors.

The location of the headquarters is unknown, it seems that it is in an island, a broken small world, or it is in some different space.

But there are many masters in this religion. There are at least five people in Fasheng, and there are divisions in many continents, but they dare not appear on the bright side.

Because on many continents, denominations that promote the belief in gods are all taboos. Unless this strength is too taboo, they will be suppressed by many forces.

Just like Asgard of Odin, if he didn’t pretend to brag that he was the king of the gods and PY the holy angel of the Yu tribe, he would also enter the realm of the gods at a fast speed. With constant temptation, after confirming his true strength, he will definitely resolutely kill him and kill him directly.

So members of the magic gods, like a group of cockroaches hidden in the dark, belong to the sect that everyone shouts.

William originally thought that they did not come to the legendary continent. It was the magic temple that prevented them from robbing resources. However, he did not expect that the magic temple was an organization born out of magic theology.

As for the magical temple of the Holy Spirit, although it has the doctrine of the Lord of the Magic, the spread is not large. It only brainwashes the members in the temple. In addition, the Holy Spirit is a Falun Gong, the legendary continent. Many of the forces are not too much against him.

But since the Holy Spirit was suppressed ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, it is enough to see how other forces have fallen.

“Well, Africa’s old iron seems to be very strong. Is it possible to enter the world of the gods and have a white skin, and you think of yourself as a European?” William murmured in his heart, and began to think about how to deal with the magic gods in front of him.

Don’t ask why you have to deal with it.

As long as it is the enemy of the Goddess Momo, it will be his enemy of William. In a word, they will be over.

But Mexis smiled and said at this time: “Is n’t the temple once invited you, you can promise them …”

“You mean, let the shrine be involved?” William’s eyes lit up, but it was actually a good idea.

不要 The temple is a group of deadly guys, not only targeting all the gods, but also really tired of magic gods such as licking dogs.

In the limited historical records of the gods world.

The shrine and the magic gods fought no less than dozens of times.

There are also six jihads, each of which has fallen over the saints. The blood and blood between the two sides is deeply hated. It is no longer a hatred of wives, at least 10 times.

It can be said that if you want to find a force that is hostile to magical gods, you really have to sacrifice the temple.

“But working with the Temple of the Gods also seeks skins with tigers. I still need to figure it out, so as not to let them bring me into the pit, especially when I killed one of their purple armors in the small world of the gods.” William raised a brow, He doesn’t hate working with the Temple of Puppets.

In this adult world, as long as there are common interests, then you can choose to cooperate, even if the two parties were very difficult to deal with.

But if the degree of cooperation between the two sides is not too deep, you need to think about it.

ps: ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets.

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