I Am the Legendary BOSS

Chapter 609 - Enter, the dark world!

When the light show pope in his supreme majesty, saints surrender.

Whether convinced or oral, on the surface anyway, it is served.

What people did not really say, I singled you’re looking for that kind of thing.

of course.

Saints temporarily down then it’s no counseling, but nothing from the heart, after all, forbearance temporary calm, take a step back grew more and more gas, whatever the outcome, they have entered the realm of the super-saint wherever he goes back ah.

So everything is so organized and carried out in full swing up, ready to work all forces must be completed within one month.

Gods in this whole continent under extremely exaggerated pressure, returning to the peace together.

As for the real attack, when there’s space to coordinate door leading to the temporarily unknown, because the bright Pope will inform all the forces at the same time, the world of darkness to attack, to prevent an accident suddenly appeared.

The dawn of the city this huge machine head, naturally intense start running into a spatial ring of Warcraft are filled with meat, water, ordinary food, etc., and each is assigned to the hands of the quartermaster.

William is now in the territory, a total of 18 million civilians, the direct effect of the two million employed persons, 1.3 million of the regular army, 700,000 of NPC mercenaries.

Players who are not there are naturally not counted.

“At least half of the troops were dispatched, plus three legendary professionals and twenty epic masters.” William made this decision after a little contemplation.

Of the 1 million troops, he decided to let the regular army and mercenaries each account for 500,000.

no way.

The regular army is his favorite cub, and his blood potential is relatively high.

Although Dawning mercenaries also have an unparalleled loyalty to him, they have to be slightly weaker in regular forces regardless of training or combat effectiveness.

William didn’t want to show all the cards in this mission.

of course.

The Dragon Blood Legion with the legendary label will definitely play. This is an invincible BUG nail. Let them go wherever there is a problem.

When Her Royal Highness re-entered the Tower of Magic, she saw the letters and scrolls left by Messius.


The goddess Momo has already left, she is only one step away from the holy realm, and she is about to make a breakthrough, she just doesn’t know how long it will take to make a breakthrough.

So William glanced at the little witch who was in charge of guarding the magic tower, and walked over with a smile, his eyes moved slightly.

Not that he really wanted to see it, it was just too big.

And Meses wasn’t here yet.


The Blood Moon Witch saw him with such an expression, clenched Xiaoquan and stepped back nervously. When she could no longer recline against the wall, she couldn’t help closing her eyes and whispering, “Master, please Pity me … “


William went over with a brain blow, and he looked at the little witch with tears in his head and said, “I know all day long, don’t think I don’t know that you want to pit me anytime, but don’t stay in the magic tower Looking at it, Xiya will guard the Tower of Magic instead of you, and you follow me to the dark world. “

“Ah ……” blood moon little witch look at him pitiful, it seems quite want to go.

His Royal Highness Prince but can be said: “put me little piece of the way, I can tell you, there are many organisms have a dark world of blood, endless, if you think about it a million creatures make you swallow, you will not have You may step into legend? “


· · Blood Moon large chest legs little witch’s eyes lit up, but also extremely evil licked his lips, to ensure that he would go.

But now the little witch for they have no power threat, His Royal Highness Prince saw her lick their lips the way, how can any evil sense, only special What’s guilt.

Fortunately William’s self-control is good, waved to let her stay to one side, the province that white and big things too obtrusive.


William visited a lot of cable ships on the ocean, they would have become a legend in front of the Road Glitter said: “beast tide outbreak depend on you and Jack, and if there are really tough thing to when he through the door space, go to the dark world to me. “

“Your Highness assured enough!” Tao Glitter confident to come up with Poseidon Trident, Chen Sheng said: “I inherited the tradition of Poseidon, coupled with the effects of this artifact, are beyond the control of the sea own imagination. “

“Jack Paul also controls the sea monster, it can be the owner of the legendary peak, even in seawater burst Celestine combat power, as long as there is no real beast tide Celestine sea monsters appear, that they can never break us in this life line of defense. “

William nodded, many problems in coastal cities will not be considered the dawn of the city, then he went to a different space magic to weapons manufacturing plant.

After a series of issues and determine who is responsible.

He can complete the magic weapon issued to all corps assigned to use.

Dawn army one million out of the city.

There are 200 5,000-person corps.

Each legion will have 100 heavy magic energy gatlings, 30 magic energy annihilation guns, and 30 magic cannons.

Almost so.

As long as it can give the Dawning Corps a chance to form a formation.

These 20,000 heavy mana gatlins are enough to teach the creatures of the dark world how to be human, and let them understand that in front of mana gatlin, all beings are equal.

As long as there is no ace force comparable to the legendary Dragon Blood Legion, or unscrupulous legendary masters, almost no one can rush into the large array of Dawn.

But this is not the most critical.

Among the 200 legions, there are five legions equipped with magic weapons, all of which are composed of gunners.

There are 5,000 heavy-duty Gatling versions of these five corps. The light-portable Magic Gatling is standard, and the same is true of the Destroyable Gun.

A word.

These five gun divisions will be another trump card in Dawn City.

In this battlefield of millions of souls, they will exert unimaginable power.

“This is just the fighting power of Dawn City. Since I joined forces with the Temple of Light, they obviously will not be weaker, even stronger than Dawn City.” William squinted his eyes, he believed that under such fire Even if there are endless dark creatures in all directions, you can build an outpost there.


“Well, Shaote stands.”

And just when William was not sure, it was time to let those legendary masters go to the dark world.

Sugon City suddenly stunned a breath of incomparable breath.

The metal elements are overwhelming, spinning around the entire city of dawn.

When William turned his head.

A storm of metallic elements has already formed, causing the clouds in the sky to turn golden.

Countless small particles of metal are agglomerated.

Countless people looked up at the sky, looking at the metal ball slowly floating above.

Time goes by.

The metal spheres are also getting bigger and bigger, and even finally fly into the clouds, floating like a satellite on the top of Dawn City.

Many people exclaimed: “Diablo, he was going to walk into the realm of legend.”

“Vindictive and magic alike Diablo, his momentum good strong ah.”

Civilians were making prayers, I hope it can succeed into the legend.

A full three hours.

As soon as a click.

It seems very sturdy metal ball appeared a rift.



More and more cracks, like a spider web.

But as the satellite-like metal ball did not fall fragmentation.

But in some strange state began to transform.

Shrinking, pool, in cohesion.

Until that date kilometer foot metal ball into a figure.

next moment.

An annular blast accompanied by the roar spread.

Diablo wearing a metal element falls slowly armor surface.

His Royal Highness This is really a bit surprised, that from the first to follow the old iron is now really strong ah, back in high order, master, epic, when Diablo fighting always strong.

But because of his own hanging, not hanging open some children already can not keep up their pace, and that makes sense of presence Diablo is not so too.

You may have capable people who can speak out sooner or later.

Even if he did not care for his special, Diablo is still early to be able to step into the legend of rank by virtue of their ability, of which it is not easy.

And William is the first time I saw this situation, yet there are elements of the professionals use force when breaking the territory, but also to easily create their own elements of a suit of armor.

Mom sells batches.

Fortunately, only the legendary quality of the elements set, I did not divine suit more cattle batch.

Otherwise, really envious.

Burn out, Thorley Commons, Alfred, warm Atlantis, Legolas, who have to fly here, continue their celebration.

Diablo mood is clearly very good, waving condensed out of a lot of disposable metal guns, as long as the projectile out, not only has a strong cross-cutting, but also the formation of an explosion caused by metal fragments, with legendary power of rank .

He will give all these little gifts had an old friend, Wales, Tyrannosaurus and others have all of their income in the hands of smiling.

William saw these guys get together, they also came up and said:. “Dark Outpost tasks you have any ideas.”

“Go.” Everyone says the same time.

. “A bit difficult, not only dawn City Road Glitter legendary, at least two people,” William shook his head, he gazes flashed some of the disappointment of many men, but still smiled and said: “You do not these missions as a good thing, if once the tasks are fifty – fifty, this time it appears they might fall situation. “

“Because you know, and dark world war, they can not pay attention to what you guys are not big bullying the small, dark king of shot you, I find it difficult blocked lives.”

“Well, Soli Commons, burning ember, Diablo, warm Atlantis, you should talk to me four to go, at least let outpost task after a little stable door after the space of guardian also completely live, others may also wish to go. “William subsequently point out some of the epic master can get there.

Alfred discovered I had not been to the point, naturally a little depressed, he joined since the dawn of the city, only to find that the benefits of this camp, and now William’s loyalty has been as high as 800 +, and now regretted dawn against the city, very I want to show it.

William just patted him on the shoulder: “Leviathan crisis is not resolved, other city may also be threatened, your mission is very important, and to have a chance when you go.”

And just when Alfred scratched his head.

Anne children also riding a pony rainbow flying, she whispered:. “I can go.”

His Royal Highness Prince happy smile: “Good.”

Then he spent another 45 days.

Bright Pope’s voice passing in their ears.

Seat space of a door is opened.

Holy bear the brunt.

Legendary followed.


Guru ……

A legion branch, one after another!

And when William into the dark world of ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ about to face hiding in the dark army of demons.

Day appear.

The whole world is like a snow-white warm darkness of the world.

Numerous hidden in the dark of dark creatures kept howling, even very low dark creatures at that moment into Huifei.

Bright Pope shot ……

this moment.

He put down the whole dark world!

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