I am the Monarch

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Poskein Exodus (8)
    “That crazy bastard!”Dass, a soldier of the information squad, cursed when he looked at the troop settling down in the mountain ranges.

“A beacon has surged up!”

It was a sound that hit your ears.

As he turned his head, he saw a beacon surging up from the west.


Dass spat out on the ground and then walked towards the camp.

‘Damn. I have no face to see troop commander Roan. No face at all.’

He was a soldier of the information squad in charge of surveilling the front lines of the east.

He had the role of quickly informing Roan in case the nobles didn’t follow his orders.

And especially Baron George Ant who had a lot of complaints against Roan.

Because of that, he was putting in more effort and checked on him thoroughly.

‘I was a bit relieved when they moved the camp to the south as troop commander’s orders but……’

He was a bit slower than the other nobles, but George had also moved the camp to the south.

It was a settling look in the defensive lines.

But after two days of having settled down, they started to show weird movements.

‘They started to suddenly withdraw the camp.’

For now, he sent the soldiers of the information squad to Mediasis village.

But as George’s troop kept moving towards the north, he couldn’t stand watching anymore.

In the end, he sent an information squad to a close beacon.

Meanwhile, George who kept moving towards the north, started to settle down in a mountain range.

‘Crazy bastard.’

It was a shape that he couldn’t understand at all.

Dass moved his feet towards George’s camp.


The guards, that were at the entrance, raised their spears.

Dass took out a piece of cloth that had the symbol of Amaranth troop drawn in it.

“I’m a member of the Amaranth troop.”

They were already familiar with each other.

The guarded entrance opened up.

Dass hurriedly crossed the camp that was starting to take shape.

‘He’s there.’

As he approached the center of the camp, he saw George standing below a big shadow.

“Sir Baron Ant.”


George, who was lightly casually up a grape, frowned at Dass’s entrance.

‘He was from Amaranth, right?’

It was obvious that he came because he pulled back the camp.

George shrugged his shoulders while feigning ignorance.

“What’s the matter”

“What’s the reason you broke the formation and fell back?”

Dass asked as politely and humbly as possible.

“Aha. You are talking about that.”

George brightly smiled and scratched his belly.

“I was looking at the position of the camp. I think that rather than the plains of the south, this mountain range would be much better. The back is blocked by the rough mountains and at the front it’s mere plains, so there was nowhere better than this place.”

He grabbed one more grape and put on a fishy smile.

“Even so, it seems like troop commander Roan made a mistake because he lacked in experience. For a general at my level, this is the most suitable place to set up the camp.”

Dass took in a breath and then carefully spoke.

“But if Baron Ant falls back alone, then all the other defenses will be put in danger.”

At that moment, George burst out of laughter.

“Hahaha. You worry too much. If that does happen, I will lead my troop myself and rescue them. Even if I look like this, i’m a renowned general. Hahaha.”

George was speaking nonsense as if it was nothing.

Dass was about to say something else but he didn’t.

Because he realized that he wasn’t someone he could hold a conversation with.

“I understand. Then, I will go back now.”

Dass bowed and then turned around to keep walking.

‘Damn. Stupid bastard.’

Curses roamed around in his mouth.

‘Because of you, the entire defensive line has become fragile! For even a villagers like me had realized it and a bastard that calls himself a noble doesn’t!’

He had an urgent expression on his face.

‘If monsters appear……..’

His face became red.

His annoyance and rage surged up.

Dass left the camp and went towards the close by mountain with the information squad.

It was to monitor the plains in the south.


At that moment, a low exclamation came out of Dass’s voice and the other members.

Their faces became pale.


A white dust cloud surged up from beyond the plains.

It would have been good if it was the Amaranth troop or another allied troop, but unfortunately, what appeared was an amazing number of monsters.

The monsters were charging through the south because the defensive line was opened up because of George’s troop falling back.

‘If I leave it like this, the northeastern region of Tale becomes a wasteland!’

Urgency appeared in Dass’s expression.

He made someone blow the horn trumpet through a handsign.


A sound that made your heart beat beat faster while flowing through the wind.

But George’s camp didn’t show any movements.

‘Why! Just what are you doing?! Stupid bastard!’

Dass ground his teeth.


A chilly murdering intent appeared in his eyes.

“Go to the beacons! Tell them to light the beacons!”

An urgent voice flowed through the wind.




The cries filled up the entire battlefield.

Red flames surged up and black smoke covered your field of vision.

It was a cruel sight.

There were countless corpses that didn’t have their heads on the battlefield.


Roan stood in the middle of the battlefield and let out a long sigh.

He had a stiff expression on his face.

He held the Travias Spear upside down and looked towards the north.

“Son of a bitch.”

Curses came out on it’s own.


“For now, we have cut down the tails of the monsters!”

Austin’s voice was heard.

He was completely covered in blood.

Although they had obtained victory after the fierce battle, his expression wasn’t good.

“The troop of Baron Rael Piad was annihilated.”

Rael was right next to the west of George’s camp.

As George pulled back the camp on his own, the camp that was next to it suffered the attack of the monsters.

Because of that, they suffered damages close to annihilation and the strong defensive line crumbled down like a sand castle.

“And Baron Piad?”

“Fortunately safe. He has fled towards the camp of Viscount Blick.”

At those words, Roan slowly nodded.

Then, a group of people appeared at their north.

It was Dass and the information squad.

“Troop commander!”

They kneeled down as soon as they approached Roan.

“We are sorry!”

An earnest voice apologized.

Their shoulders trembled.

But Roan’s expression was composed.

“It’s not your fault.”

It gave a short response.

At those words, Dass and the others that were about to shed tears, forcefully help them back.

Roan looked at them and ground his teeth.

‘In a battlefield, the role of magicians diminishes……’

After facing today’s scandal, he felt regret at the absence of magicians.

‘Even if we could use communication magic, we would have been able to move quicker.’

The magicians in Tale were the ones in Simon’s troop, and those amounted to a mere 500.

‘They are all attack purposed magicians, so they don’t even know communication magic…….’

In the current situation, they weren’t of much help at all.

“Everyone, stand up.”

He spoke in a soft voice.

Dass and the others hesitated and then carefully stood up.

Tear marks were seen on their faces.

“George Ant. That bastard?”

He didn’t even add the title.

Dass pointed to the north.

“He’s not even moving from the mountains.”

Roan slowly nodded and then moved.

His feet led his forces and went towards Viscount Tio Luin.

“Viscount Luin.”

“What happened?”

There was complete annoyance in the face of Tio, who was cleaning up the battlefield.

Because he realized that this battle occurred because of George.

“Lead your troop and chase the monsters that went to the north please.”

“And you?”


Roan glared at the north and said.

“I will have to go and find Baron Ant.”


Tio let out a low cry of exclamation and nodded.

He didn’t have any words to say anymore.

The two people looked at each other for a moment and separated.

Roan got on his horse and raised his spear high.

“Amaranth troop, we are going to the mountains where George’s troop is at!”

“Yes! Understood!”

A loud voice rang out .

It was a voice that kind of had a chilly murderous intent inside of it.

Roan called to Austin with a handsign.

“Austin. When we arrive the camp……”

He gave him orders in a low voice.

Austin nodded with a severe expression.

“Don’t worry.”

A short salute followed afterwards.

Roan looked at that and nodded, and then pulled the reins.


The head of the horse headed towards the north with a cry.


The order fell.

Roan and the Amaranth troop moved over the corpses of their allies and moved towards the north.

Tio, who was looking at that scene, mumbled in a low voice.

“George Ant. My stupid friend. It seems like your power only amounts to this much.”

His voice was as lonely as the battlefield.



The flag covered in blood fluttered at the front.

Roan and the troop appeared at George’s camp located in the mountains.

The flagman ran a step ahead and then shook the flag.

“It’s the Amaranth troop!”

The soldiers, who were on the watchtower, quickly shook their hands.


The closed gates opened up.

Roan looked at Austin once and then kicked the horse.

The Amaranth troop entered the camp with the cavalrymen at the forefront.

“It seems like they had a tough fight.’

“But seems like they won anyways.”

“Can we stay like this?”

The soldiers of George’s troop gathered up.

They conversed in nervous expressions.

But Roan didn’t even glance at them.

His objective was fixed.


‘Yes, commander.’

The two of them exchanged glances.

Austin shook his hands quickly to the sides and sent a sign.

At that moment, the troop members pulled their weapons from their waists.

At the same time.

Flutter! Flutter!

The flagman that was at the front shook his flag.

And the troop members charged to the front as if they had been waiting for it.

“Huh? Huh?”

“Wh, what is it?”

The adjutants of George’s troop, that were looking at Amaranth troop, put surprised expressions.

They saw the members of Amaranth troop running towards them and opened up their eyes where they were as large as saucers.

“Capture them!”

Austin’s voice rang through the battlefield.

It was a short order, but the troop members moved nimbly.

The Amaranth troop was the strongest among the strongest.

They weren’t someone a troop like George’s, who enjoyed partying in the middle of the battlefield, could face.

Cheng! Checheng!

The spears and swords were pointed at the necks of the adjutants.



George’s troop commanders couldn’t even properly resist and raised their arms.


The capturing was so easy that it was disappointing.

“Thi, what is this?”

“Why are you like this?”

The normal soldiers of George’s troop gathered up with half absent-minded expressions.

Roan dismounted the horse and pulled out the Regate dagger.

“I, Troop Commander Roan of  the Amaranth troop, received the commanding and strategizing rights by the 1st prince. But Baron George Ant moved the camp as he pleased while ignoring my orders and broke the defensive lines. This is a severe violation of military discipline. From now on, I will name Baron George Ant as a sinner.”

He had fierce eyes and a cold voice.


The normal soldiers swallowed dry saliva with nervous expressions.

Roan kept talking.

“If there’s someone trying to obstruct my actions, I will also treat them as sinners.”

As soon as he finished talking, the members of the Amaranth troop raised their weapons.


The tips of the sharp weapons were pointed at the soldiers.


“We, we just did as we were ordered to.”

George’s soldiers already lost all will to fight back.

This was because the commanders above the rank of adjutant had already been captured.

Roan calmly caught his breath and then put back his dagger.

His sight naturally moved over to the center of the camp.

The remaining one was only George Ant.


A low calling voice spoke out and he gave out a signal.

“Yes. I understand.”

Soon, 50 members of the Amaranth troop moved towards the center with Roan at the front.

“Wh, what are you!”


The soldiers, who were guarding the center, discovered the Amaranth troop and yelled.

‘Damn. I thought the camp was noisy. So it was because of them!’


They pulled out their weapons late.

But Roan’s and the troop member’s movements were faster.

Cheng! Checheng!

The spears and swords hit their weapons.


The knights and commanders of George’s troop ground their teeth at the numbness they felt.

Roan moved in between them.

Pubuk! Pububuk!

He executed Reid’s battle technique.


The knights and commanders kneeled down with a painful sound.

“Tie them up!”

The members of the Amaranth troop quickly came running over and firmly captured them.

It was a perfect suppression.

But they didn’t have leisure to lower their steps.

Roan walked towards a huge and luxurious tent located in the center of the camp.

‘George Ant.’

He unconsciously ground his teeth.

Then, the stiffly closed gates opened up and five knights with big bodies appeared.

They moved out to check what was happening outside because it was too noisy.


“Yo, you?”

The knights discovered Roan in front of them and had surprised expressions on their faces.

Roan didn’t even talk and extended his hand to grab their throats.

His movements were filled with Reid’s battle techniques.


At one hand movement, their posture broke, and his fists hit them from the broken stances.


Five knights collapsed in just an instant.


“Yo, you crazy bastard…….”

Their grunts were filled with pain.

Roan glared at them with a composed expression and then opened up the doors.

At that moment, a luxurious place was seen inside the doors.

“Huh? Yo, you?”

In a fashionable chair located at the center.

George was sitting on that chair eating sweet fruits.

He was surprised at Roan’s sudden appearance.

‘The reason why it was so noisy was because of you?’

The knights he sent to check what was happening weren’t here anymore.


Even if he had the commanding and strategic rights, a mere commoner troop commander laid his hands on knights belonging to a noble family?

George couldn’t believe it.

“Was it you making the fuss outside of the tent?”

‘Even if you placed a hand on the knights, you won’t be able to do anything to me. Kukuku.’

He laughed in a strange way and grabbed another grape.

He wanted to show Roan a look of leisure.

“It seems like you won’t answer. A noble is asking you but you dare…..”

He couldn’t continue speaking.

Because Roan suddenly charged forward.

“Son of a bitch!”

A sound exploded out where he was yelling with all of his strength.

At the same time, his right fist split the air and hit George’s chest.



George rolled on the ground with the chair.

“Cough! Cough!”

The coughs were clearly heard.

Roan moved his feet like that and stepped on his chest.



George struggled with a pained expression on his face.

But Roan’s foot didn’t move at all.

“You, you bastard. What are you doing right now?!”

George yelled.

“It seems like you forgot who I am! I am Rinse kingdom’s……..”

When he talked up to that point.

Roan’s mouth twisted.

“I know too well. You are the trash of Rinse Kingdom.”

He put more strength in the leg, pressing even harder on his chest.

George struggled even more at the feeling that his breath was getting cut off.

“You crazy bastard! Do you know what kind of thing you are doing right now! You are committing violence against a noble!”


Roan suspiciously smiled and pulled out the Regate Dagger that he had on his waist.

“This is Regate Dagger that the 1st prince gave me while granting me the commanding and strategic rights. My orders are the orders of the prince. George Ant. You haven’t obeyed the orders of the 1st prince.”

“Th, that…..”

George was at a loss for words.

It was true that Roan had received the Regate Dagger.

‘Even so, for a commoner to place his hands on a noble!’

It was something that couldn’t be pardoned or comprehended at all for a noble.

Roan pressed down on the chest even harder.

“Why didn’t you follow my orders and move the camp as had you pleased?”

“That’s because this place is more advantageous in setting up a camp!”

A confident yell came out of George’s mouth.

Roan shook his head with a stiff expression on his face.

“Stupid bastard.”

“Wh, what?! This bastard…….. Kuk!”

George shut his mouth in the middle of cursing at the feeling where his rib cage was breaking.

Roan glared at him with cold eyes.

“Why didn’t you charge out when monsters appeared in the plains after you had set up the camp?”

“Th, that……”

He couldn’t say that he had gotten scared after looking at the scale of the monsters that was greater than what he had thought.

Naturally, he paused his words.

Fire appeared in Roan’s eyes.

“Trash like bastard.”

Right before he finished saying that, his arm moved.

It was a fist with Reid’s battle technique behind it.


Roan hit George’s face with all that he had.


His nose became bent and all of his teeth broke.


George spat bloody foam because of the severe pain.

“Because of you, allies that shouldn’t died, have died. And the ones that shouldn’t have gotten hurt, became injured..”

At Roan’s words, George yelled with abusive language.

“So, son of a bitch………. You hit a noble because mere common soldiers died?”

“Mere common soldiers?”

Roan frowned.

George laughed as if he had gone half mad and continued saying.

“Right! You bastard! You dare to hit me because some of your trash like allies died? Huh? Huhuhu. The life of a noble is worth a lot more than those trash-like bastards! Kuhuhuhu.”

At that moment, Roan’s eyes shined with a red light.

That was a terrible killing intent.

“George Ant. Don’t badmouth the fallen ones. If you do it one more time…..”

An ice-cold voice replied back.

“I won’t leave you alone.”

It was a warning.

But George, who was half mad, wasn’t planning on stopping.

“Trash-like bastards. As you are also trash, you get……..”

He couldn’t continue speaking.


The Regate Dagger split the air.


A terrible sound rang out.

At the same time, the dagger stabbed George’s right hand.


George rose himself up along with his scream.

And Roan hit him in the face just like that.



George felt severe pain and his breathing was labored.

Roan glared at him with cold eyes.

“Shut up. Next will be your neck.”

< Poskein Exodus (8) > End

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