I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: The Class Dinner for the New Semester

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the four classes of the Finance Department, there were two counselors; each counselor guided two classes.

The counselor for the Financial Class 1, which Su Chen was in, and Financial Class 2 was Gu Shan. She was not much older than her students. She had stayed in their university as a counselor after she graduated. This was her second year guiding the students.

After the students arrived, two counselors walked into the classroom together.

“Students, welcome back to uni. It has been two months since we last met; you all look more handsome and prettier now!” Gu Shan stood in front, smiling and greeting them in a friendly way, but her eyes fell on Su Chen, who sat in the back.

As a counselor, she was also in the chat group, so naturally, she would have known the changes Su Chen went through. Her heart still leapt with surprise when she saw Su Chen in person.

It is not easy to lose weight, and most girls know that.

When Gu Shan said that her students had become better looking, they laughed together at once and looked at Su Chen.

“Miss Gu, you also became prettier.” Su Chen smiled and praised.

She giggled. “Not bad, not bad. Your mouth became sweeter as you got more handsome. Our single girls, catch up. Don’t miss the chance.” Gu Shan smiled with deep meaning, and she looked around at the girls from the two classes.

Their age difference was not big, but she was their senior. Gu Shan got along with the students like friends, and their relationships were harmonious.

When the girls heard this, they immediately started to play around, chattering. Some bold girls looked directly at Su Chen with intentions.

Su Chen awkwardly scratched his head and reminded her, “Miss Gu, aren’t you here to take our attendance?”

“Looks like someone is shy. Okay, okay—stop playing around.”

Gu Shan blinked her eyes, then stopped smiling, lifting the attendance list in her hands, and said seriously, “I’ll call your names now, Class One first.”

Soon the attendance for the two classes was taken. All the other students were present except for one student from Class 2 who had something to do. Gu Shan discussed a few more things with them, such as tuition fees, getting their textbooks, and so on.

“Also, the new students are coming in tomorrow. If you have time, please go and welcome them. It is voluntary, but at this time of year, there will be a lot of couples forming, you know.”

A group of single boys gave an understanding laugh.

Gu Shan pressed down her hand and told the students to be quiet. “The last thing is, after the military training for the freshmen, we will hold a welcome party. If you have any talent, you can sign up for a program. Young people, you should be brave in expressing yourselves.”

When the students heard this, they discussed it with great enthusiasm.

“Freshman party—this is a good opportunity. Any thoughts?” Pan Xiaojie’s elbow hit Su Chen, and he smiled as he picked up his arm.

“Not interested.”

Su Chen shook his head. Although he had decided to change himself, his character had stayed the same. He still disliked standing out in the crowd.

“Boy, you are too boring. How about tomorrow’s freshman reception?” asked Pan Xiaojie solemnly.

Su Chen was stunned when he heard this. Lin Yumeng’s sweet and lovely smile inexplicably emerged in his mind, and he gently nodded.

“If all of you go, I will go too.” Guo Lei grinned.

“I’m not interested. You all go ahead!” Zheng Bin shook his head without even lifting it.

The three of them did not force him either. That was this guy’s character. His heart could not tolerate anything except studying for a master’s degree.

“Good. You can leave if you have no more questions.” Gu Shan announced the end of the first roll call of the new semester. “You can come and sign up with me anytime if you are interested in joining the new students’ welcoming party.”

The students got up to leave.

“Class One stay back for a while.” Xu Lei, the class monitor, stood up and shouted.

The students looked at her all at once.

“This is the first day of the new semester. How can there be no program? I still have some of last year’s class funds; how about going to dinner together?” Xu Lei suggested with a smile.

“Good idea. Hail to the monitor.”

“We agree, we agree. I want a big meal.”

“I agree.”


The students laughed and approved. They were all teenagers, and very few did not like this kind of activity.

“So that’s decided. Now it is seven-thirty; we will meet in the Chu Banquet and start our dinner at eight o’clock sharp. If you are late, you’ll have only leftovers.”

Xu Lei smiled and clapped her hands, then looked at the counselor, Gu Shan, and asked, “Miss Gu, do you want to join us?”

“It is okay. I have something to do later. Remember to pay attention to safety when you all are outside!” said Gu Shan with a smile.


Chu Banquet was a hot Hunan Cantonese restaurant near the University of Modu. Students celebrated their birthdays there and held other parties there as well.

At eight o’clock four of them, including Su Chen, walked into the restaurant. They found a lot of students from the University of Modu dining there. Four to five good friends dined together, and customers had joined several tables.

Led by the waiter, the four went up to the banquet hall on the third floor.

Including Xu Lei, more than half the class had already arrived. They sat together and chatted.

“Wow, the handsome guy is finally here.” Xu Lei laughed exaggeratedly and shouted when she saw Su Chen and the other three.

The girls’ laughter was like a silver bell.

“Ah! This name used to belong to me. Women are temperamental!” Pan Xiaojie helplessly smiled and shrugged.


“Thick faced…”

The girls spat and said in disgust.

When the four of them were seated, Su Chen sat beside Mu Ya by coincidence.

They didn’t know each other very well, so they just smiled and nodded hello.

“Su Chen, you hide your ability quite deeply. The blonde played well today. You abused even the professional player. Our Mu Ya was shocked.” Xu Lei, who sat on the other side of Mu Ya, put her right hand on her chair and said casually to Su Chen.

A few girls at the same table heard it and looked at Mu Ya and Su Chen with a strange look.

“LeiLei.” Mu Ya frowned and glared at her bestie.

“I’m just telling the truth!” winked Xu Lei with a smile.

“Su Chen, do you play a good game? Take me along to play with you when you have the time. I like to play games, but I am very bad at them,” said a girl with a sweet smile.

Everyone could see her intention and smiled without saying anything.

“Okay, let’s play together sometime.” Su Chen smiled and nodded.

Women are visual animals.

Su Chen just gave a simple smile at that moment, and a few girls’ eyes lit up, and they were enchanted.

Soon everyone was there, and food and wine were served. The crowd ate and drank, talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was pleasant.

Su Chen was mostly the topic of conversation. After all, he had changed so much in these two months that he became the focus of attention. All brought the topic to Su Chen, especially the girls.

“Oh, after dinner, let’s go and sing. Last time Su Chen said he celebrated his sister’s birthday with karaoke. We’ve never gone to sing together!” a girl suddenly suggested.

“Yes, I agree.”

“Okay, count me in.”

“It seems that I, the king of songs, finally have a chance to show my real strength today,” said Pan Xiaojie as he smiled cunningly.


The crowd sighed in disdain at the same time.

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