I am Tyson

Chapter 138 - Tyson pressure

The data report was already in Tyson’s hands on the third day.

This event is exclusively broadcast by ESPN. The purchase rate of PPV pay TV is good. Coupled with advertising revenue and the sale of some broadcasting rights, in the TV media, the amount allocated to Tyson is 700 $360,000.

The real big head is ticket sales.

The tickets sold this time were 31,200, and the average ticket price was $3,050.

The total revenue of the ticket hit a terrible $95 million.

Yes, this is the horror of Las Vegas’ active economy.

After seeing this value, WBC headquarters and the sports committee quickly called Mike Tyson.

This is the real God of Wealth!

The first cash cow in history.

The current boxing gold sucker!

Although their dividends are a small part of the total ratio, each of them made millions of dollars in this competition.

What a century war, Mike Tyson’s every game is a century war.

His box office appeal is today’s boxing man.

He is the most familiar non-championship boxer.

The champions of all levels are his brothers in front of him.

It is unbelievable that this young man is not yet 19 years old.

Such small youths, these official organizations have to rush.

After coaxing the cash cow, they can also bite behind the buttocks.

Mike Tyson, who has always been the biggest beneficiary of the ultimate beneficiary, after deducting taxes and other payments this time, the pure money received was $37.3 million.

Coupled with his previous deposit of 41 million U.S. dollars in his account, combined, his personal assets have reached 78 million U.S. dollars.

That is to say, in just a few months, his assets have broken from a limited four-digit number to the peak of the current eight-digit number.

This is a number that ordinary people can’t imagine. No one except business predators and top star singers can do this.

Tyson officially entered the ranks of top traffic superstars.

Although the income makes Tyson very satisfied, but he is still dissatisfied, that is, the real championship belt has not yet been obtained.

Now that the matter of the game has been dealt with, other finishing work is also handled by Austin, and the idle Tyson decides to start putting pressure on WBC.

These organizations eat and drink behind his buttocks, and it’s time to do some work.

So he enveloped a group of journalists and put pressure on WBC through newspaper media and television media.

The ability to put pressure on is to ask WBC to give an accurate answer. When will the real championship be held? If Burbike can’t fight, can Tyson get it right?

After the pressure on the WBC, several meetings were held.

The conservatives, led by Vice Chairman Brewster, proposed to follow the rules. Since Burbike had fought a defending battle seven months ago, he would have the right to make adjustments and deal with things for an 18-month period.

Although an interim champion has now been produced, Burbike’s injury has not healed, and he should not be forced to conduct a championship united battle.

It is in line with the rules to conduct a championship united battle by the end of the year.

Conservatives are conservatives, they only care about their own interests, and Mike Tyson’s strong emergence has disrupted their interest market.

Tang Jin also looked for them and vaguely stated that he should curb the development of Tyson.

Conservatives also feel very necessary.

The most important thing is to cover your money bag!

It is naturally a good strategy to follow the rules under normal circumstances.

But is it normal now?

Those reporters have arrived at their doorstep, waiting for them to show their attitudes and then announce the world.

There are naturally conservatives who will have radicals.

The radicals are mostly ambitious young people in their 30s and 40s.

These people suggested that the big tree of Mike Tyson should be drawn and all the resources in his hands should be tilted.

He deserves the whole WBC to do so, and there is still huge potential in him. WBC should praise him as the representative international superstar of WBC.

For Burbike, he should be put under pressure. Within three months, he must be allowed to come out to play. If he refuses, he will directly strip his gold belt.

Two groups of people can’t talk in the meeting room.

Three consecutive meetings were held, and these people sprayed each other three times.

Suleyman was undecided for a while.

On the one hand, he wanted to make Mike Tyson a WBC gold signboard, on the other hand, he did not want to break the rules he deduced.

In terms of trade-offs, Sulaiman is in a dilemma.

His daughter Delisa makes countless calls every day to urge him.

He knew that his daughter was absolutely inclined to Mike Tyson, and that the relationship between the two was not simple.

The development of WBC has always been fast, especially after Tyson turned out, they are faintly becoming the leader of the boxing organization.

He was inclined to Tyson at heart, but that did not help him make up his mind.

WBC did not give a definite answer for three days, and those reporters who were waiting for the content were anxious.

They began to attack WBC, a pedant boxing organization.

Just then, the Golden Sun Daily broke a big news.

Mike Tyson intends to abandon the temporary belt and switch to the WBO boxing organization.

Tyson this is an ultimatum. If you don’t come up with a charter immediately, Lao Tzu will jump directly. I believe that WBO will definitely welcome you over there.

Suleyman heard the news and understood that it was Tyson who forced him to express his position.

Suleyman thought for a long time, and finally called Delissa.

“Delissa, the time is right…”

Suleyman held an emergency press conference at seven o’clock in the evening.

Boxing reporters waiting in Mexico City rushed to the conference.

They knew that today Sulaiman would announce the next decision.

At the press conference Suleiman stated the glory of the WBC’s low years to the present.

Their strategic approach and outlook for the future.

The reporters became impatient.

They came to Mexico City thousands of miles away, but they did not listen to this old man.

Suleyman also realized the current situation.

“After the board resolution, we will make the following adjustments…”

Burbike will have a six-month recovery period. Before December 1, no matter what trouble he has, he must unconditionally fight for the championship. If he refuses, he will be directly deprived of the gold belt. Mike Tyson turned around.

The time of more than six months is a very compromising time. They left the time for Burbic to cultivate, and they also gave an explanation to Tyson and boxing fans.

Although there is a suspicion that neither side is pleased, but the largest organization this is also no solution.

Next, Sulaiman announced some personnel changes. Some conservative personnel were transferred to positions without real power, and those who succeeded them were those of the radicals.

Those who are too radical members of the organization are sent to work in the area…

Tyson saw the WBC decision in the newspaper.

To be honest, he was very dissatisfied.

The six-month period is a bit longer.

Injuries like Burbike, three months is enough to return to the best condition.

He can’t wait for six months.

On the third day of Suleyman’s announcement, Delissa called Tyson and said she would meet at the Michelin restaurant.

She’s heart… itchy?

Tyson went to the appointment as scheduled.

It would have been better to meet at six o’clock in the evening, but in order to show his gentlemanship, he had arrived at Michelin at half past five.

Didn’t make him think that Delisa was earlier than he came.

At this time, Delissa ordered a cup of coffee, stirring with a spoon, and looking out the window, she seemed to be thinking something.

Tyson walked over and asked, “Beautiful lady, can I have dinner with you?”

Delisa turned her head to reveal a delicate face.


Tyson sat down and began to question her.

Although Delissa responded normally, Tyson could detect that she was worried.

“Delissa, if you have anything, you can just say it.”

Delissa hesitated for a while and said, “Mike, I need your help now.”

Delisa once helped Tyson get a televised match. At that time she said that she might need help at some point.

She only helped Tyson with an attempt at the time. Although Tyson’s game was turned into the main game, her help became the icing on the cake.

Unexpectedly, Tyson’s strong rise is all unexpectedly fast.

Now she really needs Mike Tyson’s help.

Tyson leaned on the seat, made a deaf ear, and said, “Delissa, I will help you, no matter what, I will help you!”

He was telling the truth, and Delisa once helped him when he was the most difficult, not to mention that the two had a relationship beyond friendship.

He has no reason not to help.

Delissa said, “I have left WBC.”

After her words were spoken, Tyson froze for a long time.

What do you mean?

She is Miss WBC’s Qianjin, and she is now out of WBC. Does she have conflicts with her father?

Delissa seemed to have guessed Tyson’s thoughts, and she continued: “It is the WBC that I voluntarily detached from. I have nothing to do with my father. No, I can’t say it has nothing to do with it. I got rid of it with his support.”

Tyson is a little confused.

“WBC is developing rapidly, but there are irreconcilable contradictions inside. Those conservatives only think about their own interests, and they don’t care about what is beneficial to WBC and what is harmful to WBC. They are short-sighted and do not want to make progress. At the same time There are also a group of radicals who want to expand quickly and make WBC the largest boxing organization, ignoring a lot of basic things.”

“The entire WBC contradiction is starting to become more antagonistic under your influence.”

Tyson froze.

Is it related to him?

“Your rapid rise disrupted WBC’s promotion plan~www.mtlnovel.com~ and had to make some adjustments for you, but obviously, no one can stop your development, so WBC is ready to make you a superstar , Mike, you have this potential.”

“The conservatives are firmly opposed. My father withstood the pressure and gave you a temporary belt while also pushing himself to the opposite of those conservatives.”

“Burbike has become the last line of defense for the conservatives. They will soon hold an election meeting. My father is likely to lose in this election.”

The WBC conducts presidential elections every three years, and this year happens to be the year of the election.

Tyson nodded.

If Sulaiman stepped down, there is a great possibility that the current conservative representative Brewster will become the new chairman.

Then Tyson will face pressure from the entire WBC.

Tyson will be an obstacle to their profit.

“Now I can tell you, Mike, we need to set up a new boxing organization, a more pure and more suitable boxing organization.”

Create a new boxing organization?

Tyson is full of incredible.

Is it so big to play?

Building a boxing organization is not a play.

There needs to be a lot of signing boxers, strong start-up capital, long-term development policies and top talents.

Besides, what does it matter to him?

Delissa continued: “We have talents in this area, but we can still cope with the shortage, and we also have signed boxers willing to come. Although there are few people at present, I believe its scale will grow rapidly, but we are There are two difficult problems…”

Tyson knows that the following words have to do with himself.

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