I am Tyson

Chapter 172 - Big news: Tyson is in custody

“Mike, what’s going on here? How can I perceive that their eyes seem to be a bit wrong?”

Madonna walked to Tyson’s side at a brisk pace.

Her long dress fluttered like an elf in a banquet.

“Sien Pan is a fly. I drove away a nasty fly.”

There is nothing to hide, Tyson briefly told the story.

Madonna listened quietly, and her face was a little ugly.

“Mike, you are too impulsive. You can’t do that. You hurt him with violence.”

Tyson smiled and said softly, “I hurt his body, but he hurt my heart, he destroyed my impression of this country, and in this world’s top country, the most primitive happened. Things, Madonna, do you think I did something wrong? Like those people, they are angry because a black man beats a white man. If a white man beats a black man, they will not be angry, they will think that is justified Thing, it’s really fucking.”

Madonna froze for a moment, and she said, “Mike, you should know that I don’t mean that. I’m not partial to anyone.”

Tyson didn’t speak. He looked at those with strange eyes, who were avoiding his sight.

He said to Madonna: “I hate the atmosphere here. It makes me very uncomfortable. I’m leaving here. Are you going out together?”

“No, I will stay home for a while and go home.”

Madonna’s impression of Tyson is very good, but this does not mean that she will go out with him, especially since he just used violence against Sean Pan.

She had a good impression of Sean Pender, a very interesting person at the time.

Tyson shrugged indifferently.

“Goodbye, looking forward to meeting you next time.”

Tyson no longer ignored those people, he turned and walked out of the banquet.

Ryan was chatting hotly with a beautiful woman in the hall. He saw Tyson coming out and greeted him.

“Mike, why is it so early today?” Ryan handed his business card to the beauty, and then he walked up to Tyson and kept pace with Tyson.

Tyson usually stays at this high-end party for more than ten o’clock, but now it is only a little more than eight o’clock.

“A little unpleasant happened.” Tyson didn’t say much.

Ryan trot out of the hotel and opened the door of Rolls-Royce in advance.

Tyson got into the car.

The car started slowly.

“Ryan, are people equal?”

Ryan said casually in his car: “Of course, Mike, why do you ask such a question?”

Tyson thought for a while and continued: “The black people were slaves and people in the lower class here. This kind of thinking has been deeply ingrained. One person has achieved a high position. He is the world’s champion. He is The most powerful human in the world, but he will be despised because of skin color problems. Those proud white people will say: Hey, get away, nigga!”

“This is really an unreasonable thing, no matter how hard the black man tries, they will deny him. They think that all the good things should not happen to the black people, they should be enslaved.”

“Do you know? Ruiren? I used to live in a very beautiful place. There, if you are a minority, or you have a different skin color, no one will laugh at you, and no one will have a skin color problem. And to deny you, there is peace and beauty, there is no question of ethnic differences.”

“Now I’m missing it. It’s really a terrible thing.”

“In this most developed country today, the most primitive things are happening. This is simply an unimaginable thing. If a black man walks on the street, he will be inexplicably investigated, and those people will think he stole If something happens, they will hit him. If he dares to resist, then he will be shot and killed.”

“This scene is repeated every day, but no one does something real for those black people. They use a person’s skin color to deny a person. Even if this person becomes a person of high society, he is still despised by some people. , Just because of this body’s skin.”

“If such a contradiction is not resolved, then this country will eventually lose its hegemonic status, and it must be a peaceful and beautiful country without ethnic discrimination. The prophet Mike has seen the near future, and this scene will definitely happen. .”

Ryan kept driving, and he kept silent.

Because this is a heavy topic.

The slogan of equality for everyone has been very loud after World War II, but in this developed country, he has not even reached the most basic.

The ethnic distinction is very strict. Those white people demarcate exclusive areas. Once they leave there, the safety of those black people will not be guaranteed.

Tyson thought for a while, and he looked out the window: “I am not a great person, but this scene broke my heart, which made me unprecedented anger, equality between people should not be a slogan. “

Ryan said after a while: “What are you going to do?”

“If I feel cool, then I will do that!”

Tyson is an outspoken man and a bold man. He is fearless.

If one thing makes him uncomfortable, then he will do it.

Now some people discriminate against black people, which makes him uncomfortable, so he will die the person.

Sean Pan is a racist who offends Tyson and hurts Tyson’s fragile heart, then he will bear the consequences.

“Do I need to drive the car to the bar?” Ryan asked.

He thinks Tyson needs to vent.

Paralyze yourself with alcohol? Tyson is not that kind of person. He doesn’t like that kind of practice. He prefers to go home and go to the gym to hit your sandbag hard.

After that, he will sleep beautifully, and on the second day, he will immediately retaliate against the man.

This is Tyson’s style.

“Send me home, Ryan.”

As Tyson himself said, he came to his gym and hit the punching bag for more than three hours.

He felt tired and tired, so he took a cold shower.

Meimei slept, but the second day was awakened by the maid’s knock on the door.

“Mike, there are two police officers looking for you outside the door.”

Jenna is a black woman in her 40s. She is a kind-hearted and quiet woman.

Tyson took care of this, so she let her take care of her house.

Tyson put on his clothes, washed his face, and went out.

There were two police officers looking for it. He thought it was likely that Sean Pan called the police last night and asked the police to handle the matter.

Does this make me look good?

Tyson walked for two or three minutes before he came outside his house.

In the yard there are a man and a woman, two people in police uniforms are waiting.

Outside the gate of the yard, twenty or thirty paparazzi reporters were aiming here with their cameras.

They looked around and looked at this luxurious residence.

The man was about 40 years old, with two golden beards.

The woman was about twenty-six or sixty years old. She looked good and had a good figure. Against the background of her uniform, she was somewhat heroic.

“Are the two police officers looking for me?”

The two police officers looked at Tyson.

Last night they received an alarm. An action star named Sean Pan said he was beaten by a world champion.

When the action star said to bring Tyson’s name, the operator was almost scared.

It was a terrible thing to be beaten by a boxing champion. He thought that the other party should be lying in the hospital now.

But Sean Pan told him to slap him, he is now in the dental hospital.

This is a fight.

Xinpan’s teeth were injured. Now that he has called the police, the police have no possibility of shirk.

“Mike Tyson, someone called the police last night and said that you intentionally hurt. We need to understand the course of events. You should cooperate with our investigation. This is our certificate.”

Tyson looked at their credentials.

The female is Flora and the male is Jeffrey.

“of course can.”

Tyson detailed what happened last night.

The two policemen glanced at each other.

Flora said: “Mike Tyson, you need to come with us.”

Seemingly indifferent shrug, Officer Jeffery took out a pair of handcuffs from behind.

Tyson frowned: “Do you need to treat me like this? I won’t run away, it’s totally unnecessary to do so.”

Jeffery handcuffed to Tyson’s wrist: “We need to make sure that you are 100% under control. This is a rule, and it is also for our safety.”

The two left and right, sandwiching Tyson in the middle and walking towards the police car.

The camera in the hands of the paparazzi reporters rattled.

Some travelers who were playing on the beach also found this scene. They gathered around and watched the lively scene.

“That was Mike Tyson. He was arrested. What did he do?”

“Oh my god, it’s really Mike Tyson, this is big news.”

The people discussed and watched Tyson detained in the police car.

The camera in the hands of the paparazzi reporter has never stopped.

This is definitely a big news.

This will become explosive news and ignite everyone.

Because Mike Tyson, the world’s most watched sports superstar, was detained.

Tyson got into the car, Flora was sitting beside him, and Officer Jeffery went to the cab to drive. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The police in the United States is definitely a high-risk occupation, and the situation where guns are drawn out of line often occurs, especially in certain areas, where there are numerous incidents of police attacks.

“Flora, you don’t look like a policeman, you are more like a model or an actor, really, you have this temperament, you are very beautiful, more beautiful than most people I have seen, I think Your admirers will definitely be able to line up from Los Angeles to Washington.”

Flora sees all kinds of people every day, but she is sure that this is the first time she has seen the champion and handcuffed the champion.

Although he always had a voice in his heart telling him that the boxing champion is also an ordinary person, he is no different from ordinary people, but his inner curiosity can’t be suppressed.

“Thank you, you speak very well.” Flora paused, and then asked, “You are a boxer. Is the way you handle things using violence?”

Tyson said: “That’s not violent. I slapped him instead of punching him. That would be two completely different results. If I hit him with my fist, he would now Not at the dental hospital, but at the brain hospital.”

Flora: “I support you in my heart, but unfortunately I am not a judge”

“If you are a judge, then you will acquit me, right?”

The United States is a typical defense trial. Even if you kill someone, as long as the plaintiff does not have the most direct evidence, you or your lawyer can reasonably impress the judge and jury, and it is not uncommon to directly pronounce the acquittal or light sentence. .

The American judge is only the host of the trial. He will not actively intervene in the investigation and collection of evidence in the case. The evidence is collected and provided by both parties.

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