I am Tyson

Chapter 176 - Madonna\\\'s World Tour

Tyson’s strong rise has put countless boxing promoters under great pressure.

In order to survive, there are countless people in the business.

Those of them hate Mike Tyson, but they are becoming more and more popular.

The promotion of the entire boxing ring has become the only situation in the Tyson family.

His boxing contract guarantees the freedom of the boxer to the greatest extent, but the more freedom, the more restrained.

Stimulated by the high appearance fee, who would not stay in an event platform where personal freedom, equal competition, and higher exposure rate do.

Driven by Tyson, the historical trajectory began to change to a greater extent.

Ivand Holyfield defeated Quevi to win the WBA heavyweight championship…

He won the third place in a boxing at the 23rd Olympic Games in Los Angeles, USA.

After he moved to professional boxing, he even made great progress. After defeating many opponents, he won the WBA heavyweight championship.

His tall figure became a nightmare for all the heavyweight boxers.

Many senior boxing fans began to pay attention to this rising star.

Holyfield was clearly not satisfied with the status quo, he began to seek greater challenges.

He and WBC’s welterweight champion De Diang submitted warfare in the media.

This game has been hyped up in the boxing ring, and many boxing promoters want to get the right to host this game.

But they are not competitive, and Tyson won the right to host the game without any effort, once again showing his dominance in boxing.

Tyson has been too busy in recent days.

The belt war between Detian and Holyfield has already started, and he needs to do some careful publicity for this game.

On the other hand, UFC began to produce championships of various weights. Some major games require him to come forward.

In order to avoid being caught in this constant trouble, Tyson has found several good brokers and promoters through strict selection.

These people signed a contract with Tyson and became employees of the Tyson event.

Their task is to help Tyson deal with some of the problems in the event, including formulating corresponding publicity plans and so on.

As soon as he resumed his leisure, Tyson received Madonna’s invitation.

She had an 80-day concert named: Virgin Journey.

Tyson maintains a certain skepticism about whether Madonna is a virgin.

The loss of junior high school students is nothing new for the United States.

Madonna was a very open-minded person when she was performing. She was called ‘Fashionable Beast’.

The third leg of this virgin tour tour will be held in Los Angeles.

After receiving the invitation, Tyson went to Los Angeles after considering it.

After contacting, Tyson saw the Madonna in the restaurant of the star hotel.

Madonna belongs to the kind of fashion people, she can always highlight her **** and impressed.

For Tyson, he will use artistic eyes to discover the beauty of women.

“Madonna, why did you choose a world champion as your special guest?”

Madonna said: “You are not only the world boxing champion, you are also the most concerned superstar in the entire United States, not to mention that you have done so many major events recently, you have made a tremendous contribution to the equality of races, I can invite you It is a very face-saving thing to be my special guest!”

Tyson laughed: “Oh, you speak as sweetly as you do.”

Madonna said seriously: “Mike, I did not compliment you. So many sports stars, no one can reach your height. This is a fact that everyone knows. You become a hero!”

Tyson shrugs indifferently: “Well, let’s give up our compliments to each other for a while? Maybe we should talk about what I should do at your concert.”

“Mike, will you sing?”

Tyson didn’t have to think about it: “If you let me sing, I’d rather be knocked out of the boxing punch.”

Singing is impossible. Singing is impossible in this life.

He didn’t want to mess up Madonna’s very good concert, turning Madonna’s virgin journey into a slaughter journey.

Madonna said: “It doesn’t matter, as long as you cooperate with me to shoot a few posters and then show up on the stage, I believe that there will be countless people swarming and they will squeeze the whole concert.”

Her words are a bit exaggerated.

People who don’t like music will not go on a virgin tour when Mike Tyson appears.

Of course, this is not to say that Mike Tyson’s appearance will not be effective, he will make those fans who are indecisive make up their minds.

After all, it is quite tempting to be able to listen to songs and see topical gods.

“No problem, when do we need to shoot posters?” Tyson asked.

Madonna thought for a while: “Mike, you came from New York. Do you need to rest for one night? How about tomorrow? I will arrange the most professional camera to shoot posters for us.”

“You can make arrangements.”

The two had dinner together with laughter.

The paparazzi reporters hidden in the dark pressed the shutter quietly.

At 6:30 in the morning, Tyson woke up from the presidential suite on time.

He went to the hotel gym and did a series of warm-up exercises.

After having breakfast with Madonna, came to the room where Madonna used to shoot posters.

Explain that professional photographers are already waiting there.

Taking photos is common for Tyson, but he rarely takes photos with women.

“Mike Tyson, you should get closer… use your thick and strong arms to embrace Madonna’s waist… your face should be closer.”

The photographer pressed the shutter when the two were about to live in person.

The nose of the two people touched the tip of the nose in the photo.

But in reality, they have become a negative distance.

Yes, Mike Tyson nibbled her.

After a few seconds, the photographer said weakly: “Tomorrow is the promotion day, I think we should finish our work as soon as possible.”

Boxing champion Mike Tyson cast a fierce look on him.

When shooting, I feel that my soul is going to fly out.

In order to avoid the two superstars getting together when taking pictures, the photographer asked them to stand back to back…

The effect of the poster was very good. Many fans cheered when they heard Mike Tyson would appear on the scene.

Mike Tyson is a sports superstar and he has become the most iconic figure in the world.

There are numerous reports about him every day.

Now that such a character has come to Madonna’s concert, it is enough to show the relationship between the two.

Some gossip media even sent photos of two people dining together to the gossip newspaper.

In the eyes of many people, the virgin journey has become a stonehide journey.

They guessed well, and Tyson and Madonna got together that night.

Mike Tyson is a strong man, he can do something all night if he wants.

Tyson appeared on the stage of the virgin tour tour as planned.

Mike Tyson just took Madonna’s hand and made a few simple dance moves, then he disappeared on the scene.

The next Madonna virgin tour tour will be held in Tallahassee, Florida.

Madonna invited Tyson again.

Tyson readily agreed to her.

When Madonna’s virgin tour tour changed places again, she did not invite Mike Tyson again.

In fact, Mike Tyson wanted to listen to Madonna’s sweet vocal sounds alluring syllables.

So he dialed Madonna’s phone.

“Madonna, do you need me to go to Las Vegas to do something? I have great popularity there.”

Madonna asked for mercy from the phone.

“Mike, I feel like I am dying. If you come again, I will really die. I need to recuperate for a while. Do you understand what I mean? Mike, I love you, but my body has not allowed… …”

I don’t know why, their conversation content leaked out.

In gossip news, Mike Tyson has become a monster with a human killer.

The belt champions of Deion and Holyfield have come to an end.

Holyfield, the consistency judgment won De Tion’s WBC championship belt.

He became the second major world champion of the two organizations after Mike Tyson in the current championship.

The entire sub-heavyweight became turbulent.

Oliver is also eager to try, to see if Holyfield is really so powerful.

The championship battle between the two of them brought Tyson 9.7 million dollars in income.

This is a very good number, enough to show that Holyfield is attracting more attention.

Tang Jin fancyed the potential of Holyfield, he wanted to spend a lot of money will win the sign of Leefield in his name.

But was rejected by Holyfield.

The reason for his refusal is simple. Tang Jin is a recognized vampire. No one likes to show his neck and send it to Tang Jin.

With the help of some small media, Burbike began to speak out, and he hoped to play a unified battle with Mike Tyson for the title.

He did this only to ease his economic tension.

Now we need to talk about the situation of wbc.

After Mike Tyson left wbc, the promotion of the whole wbc began to stagnate.

Chairman Sulaiman temporarily curbed Wbc’s decline through a series of measures.

But as he stepped down, the entire wbc slipped towards the edge of the abyss.

In July, WBC’s earnings have shrunk by 30%.

A large number of boxers have switched camps, and their appeal has also continued to decline.

The current chairman Brewster is a typical conservative member, and his means have no effect on the weakness of wbc.

After the unanimous vote of the senior WBC and members of the boxing union nations, the position of Brewster chairman was abolished.

Suleyman became the chairman of wbc again in the appeal of all parties.

He began to carry out drastic reforms to remove all the ills that existed before.

A large number of talented and promoted young members have stepped up their cooperation with boxing union countries.

He began to do public relations for wbc, and widely promoted the authority of wbc all over the world.

Wbc has improved under his reform.

The first thing Suleyman did was to match Mike Tyson and Burbic’s championship united battle.

The four major boxing organizations need a unified world boxing champion, and even a super boxing champion, to promote the development of the whole boxing and prolong the golden period of boxing.

After hearing this news, Burbike was very happy.

He loan and Tang Jin canceled the contract in the first time.

And submitted to WBC the championship united war application.

Suleyman immediately contacted wbaibf and wbo and sent three waves of messengers to discuss the championship united war.

Wbo grew up under the influence of Tyson. He is a real boss behind wbo, and the entire wbo is his figure.

Tyson refused without hesitation after hearing Suleiman and Burbike’s request for a championship united war.

“What is he Burbike? Also cooperate with me to compete for the world championship? WBC should deprive him of the championship title and give it to me, so that I will consider becoming the world champion of the four major organizations.”

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