I am Tyson

Chapter 2 - Camp coach

? When Tyson finished 200 squats, he felt the two legs swell so hard that he could hardly stand up.

Walked to the bed and sat down to rest for 10 minutes, the situation improved a lot.

Next he started doing push-ups.

Push-ups can effectively strengthen the arms, chest and back muscles.

The powerful core strength and explosive power are the basis for the boxer to survive on the boxing ring.

A group of 50 push-ups is extremely difficult for the current Tyson.

After clenching his teeth and insisting on doing it, he no longer had the extra strength to lie directly on the ground.

50 push-ups is definitely a difficult challenge for a novice.

After taking another ten minutes of rest, he returned to bed and lay flat.

The next exercise is to sit up and turn around.

Sit-ups exercise abdominal muscles.

Exercising this part can not only enhance the rotation strength when punching, but also enhance the ability of the abdomen to fight.

After finishing a group of 50 sit-ups, he seemed to be lying on the bed as a whole.

After taking a rest for about half an hour, he regrouped the above actions.

This time, all the muscles started to swell.

This is a normal phenomenon, because a person who has never been in contact with fitness will have slight strains of varying degrees after starting these actions.

Just rest one night and recover the next day.

His current state is no longer suitable for training, so he lay in bed and bored to rest.

I don’t know how long it has passed, I only heard a sound from the iron gate.

Looked around and found that Bach came in.

“Hi, Bach.”

At first, Bach shuddered, but when Tyson really didn’t lose his temper, he suddenly smiled pleased.

“Tyson, it’s time for dinner.”

Bach went to his bed and changed his clothes.

Tyson stood up, because of muscle pain, he took a breath.

“Are you OK?”

Tyson smiled: “It’s okay.”

He washed his face and the two went to the restaurant together and had a dinner.

After returning to the house, Bach tried to invite Tyson to hang out together.

Was rejected by Tyson, he is now in pain, how can he play with a group of little farts.

Bach went out alone.

After a while, Tyson, who was really bored, started to fight with each other.

Double fist exchange is to extend two fists and place them on the abdomen. Through mutual blows, the phalanx will be able to bear the pressure and the hardness of the punch.

As he practiced, someone knocked on the door.

Tyson sat up and asked, “Who?”

“Hey, bastard, I heard you are looking for me?”

This is a completely strange voice.

Of course he didn’t come to this parallel world for a few days, and few people he knew.

But after thinking about it, he had a guess about the identity of the person coming.

Isn’t it Stuart?

Thinking of this, Tyson stood up hurriedly, enduring the pain, and quickly walked to the door to open the door.

Standing in front of the door is a tall white man, he can weigh up to 80 kg, very strong.

“Sir, please sit in the house.”

Tyson invited Stuart to the house very politely.

Stewart looked at Tyson a few times, then walked into the house.

“Please sit down.”

He dragged the only chair in the house to Stewart.

Stewart is also not polite.

“Speak, little bastard, what are you doing with me?”

Tyson thought about it and said: “Sir, I admire you very much, I want to learn boxing with you.”

“What did you learn boxing for? Do you fight?”

Stewart had heard that Tyson knew that he was not a very peaceful master. On the first day of entering the camp, he had a fierce fight with his friends.

“No, I won’t fight anymore, I won’t fight anymore from now on. I learn boxing for fitness and to be a respected person.”

Even though Tyson said it very sincerely, Stewart still couldn’t believe it.

A naughty boy who bullied his roommate every day suddenly said to himself that he wanted to be a respected person.

This sounds a little nonsense.

“Little bastard, are you trying to deceive me?”

Stewart’s eyes were fixed on Tyson.

“No, I am telling the truth, I dare not deceive you.”

“The other children also promised me this way, but they are still so jerks. They are still cowards in life. They lack the courage to face it.”

After speaking, Stewart stood up and left.

Tyson pondered for a while, then dragged the chair back to its place, and then lay in bed thinking.

After having breakfast on the second day, Tyson went directly to the place where Stewart trained his children.

“Arm raise a little, don’t look at your fist when punching, but look at the front.”

Stewart slapped a child’s arm and pointed at him.

After seeing Tyson walking in, there was no indication that he was still seriously teaching.

After a while Stewart freed these children to practice, and he came to Tyson.

“Little bastard, are you sure you want to learn boxing with me?”

Tyson nodded vigorously.

“I can teach you boxing, but you have to make sure that you can start a new life from today, and do n’t repeat the life of the **** before. Be polite to people and do the good things I think are right, so I can Teach you. “

“I assure you that I am already a brand new self.” Tyson swore on his chest vowedly.

Stuart nodded with satisfaction and asked, “Have you ever been in boxing before?”

Tyson thought for a while, then nodded and said, “I have an aunt who can box, and I have studied with him for a while.”

In his previous life, after all, he was a professional professional boxer. Although his strong physique and fighting instinct did not accompany him to this parallel world, the things in his memory will not be destroyed.

“Okay, since you have learned boxing, then you go and punch a few punches at the sandbags over there.”

Stewart pointed, not far from a hanging sandbag.

This is a light sandbag. It is estimated that the inside is filled with soft fabrics such as yarn ends and worn cloth pieces.

Such sandbags were originally prepared for their half-sized children.

Tyson set a stand.

Fixed his eyes on the sandbags, then hit a small combination of left straight fist + right uppercut.

His movements were slightly stiff and his force was not very full.

It’s not that he is acting, but his real situation.

Although he has been in contact with boxing for a long time, this body has never been exposed to this strike technique, so the rigidity of the muscles and the insufficient strength are not beyond his control.

Stewart nodded with satisfaction after seeing Tyson’s blow.

It seems that this kid did come into contact with boxing before, so he doesn’t need to spend a lot of time teaching him these basic movements.

“You did a good job, but when punching, do not use too much force, but wait until the moment you hit the sandbag, then clench your fist.”

After pointing out several shortcomings of Tyson, Stewart asked him to join the training.

His training method is quite satisfactory, there is nothing obvious shortcomings, there is no place too outstanding.

“Go skipping first.” Stewart took out the skipping rope and handed it to Tyson.

After took over, Tyson began to jump.

Rope skipping is an indispensable training item in boxing training.

Skipping rope can not only train the fighter’s balance ability, but also help the fighter find rhythm.

At first Tyson behaved as clumsy as a novice.

No surprise to Stuart.

But soon he discovered Tyson’s difference.

In the first minute, Tyson’s feet were clumsy, and if he could not jump three or five times, he would mix the rope.

In the second minute, his footsteps were equally clumsy, but the phenomenon of mixing ropes has basically not happened again.

Five minutes later, the speed was much faster and the rope disappeared completely.

Ten minutes later, I could no longer see the shape of the rope, and the pace of my beating became very brisk.

Half an hour later, the feet have begun to show patterns, one leg, two pendulums, changing legs, like a veteran skipping rope.

Then Tyson stopped.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to jump, but the legs are uncomfortable.

“Very good, have you been trained in this area before?”

Tyson nodded: “Yes, for a long time.”

Stewart did not ask.

“Take a 10-minute break and continue with the next training.”

Tyson heard this and found a stool to sit down.

After 10 minutes, Stuart asked him to do push-ups.

“How many push-ups can you do?”

“50.” Tyson answered truthfully.

“Okay, let’s take a look at 50 of them.”

He immediately lay on the ground and started doing push-ups.

When he made 45, the movement began to become difficult.

Insisted on finishing 50, sweat had already appeared on his head. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Stuart nodded his head: “Yes, your upper limbs exercise very well.”

“How much can a squat with a weight of 20 kg be done?”

Tyson shook his head: “I haven’t tried this.”

“There is a 20kg barbell over there, you hold the barbell in both hands, squat on your shoulders and stand up.”

According to Stuart’s request, Tyson raised the barbell and slowly placed it on his shoulders. With both hands fixed, he began to do a squat.

“Pay attention to your breathing and don’t be too anxious when you stand up.”

Stewart is guiding beside.

When he made the 28th, his legs were already weak and he started to tremble when standing.

It seems that it is almost reaching its limit.

“Do two more and stick to it! Believe in your potential, you can do it.” Stuart next to him constantly inspired him.

Tyson gritted his teeth and insisted on completing the remaining two actions.

“Very good, better than I expected.”

The next training project is to sit up and turn around.

Stewart sat on his feet to fix the position, and then began to count.


“Stand up, boy.”

Stuart thought for a while and said, “Your physical fitness is very good. It is the best one I have ever seen. But this does not mean anything. Can you understand?”

Tyson nodded.

Good physical fitness only shows that your physical fitness is excellent and you can have more room for improvement.

But his excellent physical quality does not mean that he must have achieved much.

This is just a foundation, a foundation that many people can achieve through hard work.

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