I am Tyson

Chapter 202 - A record-setting night

The audience on the scene was applauding like crazy. All of them stood up, expressing their admiration and appreciation with all the actions that can express their hearts.

From the second round, Tyson gradually controlled the rhythm of the game and launched a high-pressure offensive mode.

This makes Foreman struggling to cope, and the consumption is constantly increasing.

Although the two of them continued to win and lose each other, Tyson’s high-pressure attack never stopped, and Tyson won the game not easily.

In this game, his metamorphosis played a crucial role.

Long-term scientific and reasonable training makes his physical strength the most solid backing.

It avoids the situation where Foreman hasn’t dragged down Furman before he collapsed first.

The splendor of their war has exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Especially the tenacious Foreman, let everyone know that the explosive power and anti-strike ability of a person can be so strong.

Tyson’s powerful uppercut can get a lot of champions, but Foreman has withstood five blows, and he is barely ended.

The two hosts first interviewed Foreman.

“Mr. Foreman, you have brought everyone a wonderful battle of the century, do you have any feelings about this and want to express it?”

Foreman’s condition seems to be recovering very quickly. He said slightly with ease: “Mike is a well-deserved world boxer. Since the second round, I have been in constant trouble. He used it reasonably. All the conditions he can use, his heavy blows, his rocker, his pace, he controls the rhythm of the game, I have to say that he is indeed a great fighter, I have no regrets, I may have to rest for a long time to make up for my own shortcomings. Yes, I may come back, but who knows?”

Foreman returned the microphone, as if he didn’t want to speak more.

Ekman: “Okay, let’s send the most powerful warrior, George Devil Foreman, with the warmest applause!”

Many people stood up and applauded and gave their most enthusiastic applause to George Foreman.

George Foreman walked down the stage, waved at the audience, and then left the scene.

The two presenters came to Tyson.

To facilitate the speech, Tyson had to put the four gold belts on the assistant’s hands.

When Ekman had not asked questions, Tyson had already picked up the microphone.

“This is a very good city and country. I have been treated very well here. Everyone is helping me and my team. Thank you!”

The scene cheered.

“This time my opponent is George Foreman, so I don’t want to say too much nonsense.”

“As you can see, Mike Tyson defended his gold belt. I showed the world what kind of warrior Mike Tyson was, and I showed all my means.”

“Devil George is definitely a difficult character, he is more difficult than everyone I met.”

“But Mike Tyson is not afraid, and I can accept any challenge.”

“I defended my 4 gold belts for the first time. As the first challenger George, he caused me a lot of trouble.”

“But I believe that there is only one George Foreman in the whole world. I will wait for the four major organizations to choose the next challenger for me. Everyone should remember: Mike Tyson will never flinch!”

“Okay, let’s talk about the income of this competition. I will quickly count all the income of this competition and then publish it in the media, because I promised George that this competition Half of the proceeds will be used to save children. As long as Mike Tyson has made a commitment, then he will certainly realize his commitment.”

“I won’t give away the gloves this time to anyone. I want to organize an auction to auction off my gloves. The money will be donated in the name of me and George.”

Tyson handed the microphone to Ekman.

The host of the translation translated all the words of Tyson in Arabic.

The atmosphere was very warm.

The media people in the audience took crazy pictures, and Tyson’s Battle of the Century was undoubtedly a great success.

I believe that Mike Tyson’s name will appear on various lists soon.

Tyson and his team left the scene with 4 gold belts.

When passing by Yongdao, those crazy fans still wanted to ask for autographs.

Tyson met some people.

Then he left the stadium.

More than 150 million people have watched the live broadcast of this battle of the century. I believe that more people will watch the broadcast of the battle of the world soon.

Espn’s PPV sales reached 2.45 million times.

This is a mythical record in an era when the Internet is not popular.

Mike Tyson and George Foreman won a lot of gimmicks and attention this time, and also set new records.

When the media released all the data, many people were shocked.

They did not expect that this century’s war could actually set new records.

I believe that for a long time in the future, no boxer will be able to break the record set by Tyson and Foreman.

Unless Tyson can find a powerful opponent.

Who can break this record, and the boxer who has the ability to attract so many people’s attention, who else besides Tyson?

If Tyson was just a sports superstar before, then now he has become a world-renowned superstar.

I believe that no matter where the competition is held in any country, the boxing fans there will make him the most popular person.

Those **** fans of Tyson instantly went crazy.

Mike Tyson’s victory and the way he won, let their **** fans benefit greatly while feeling the shock.

Bike to become a motorcycle.

Bet the cottage to a villa.

It’s true that the cottage becomes the villa, and there are not a few.

This time Mike Tyson brought a wonderful game to his die-hard fans and swelled their pockets.

Soon the media came out to report that they speculated that Mike Tyson’s golden belt would be held for a long time. Within 10 years, heavyweight boxing was completely in the era of Tyson’s rule. If there is no strong opponent, Ty Mori is likely to rule for a longer time. As long as he wants, then 15 years or even 20 years…

It is not a simple matter to shake Tyson’s supremacy.

Tyson was hailed by some media as the ‘5 billion strongest man’ (the world’s population was around 5 billion around 1987, and the population in the beginning of the 21st century reached over 6 billion).

Similar titles are endless…

Many people are guessing who Mike Tyson’s next opponent will be.

More people can’t wait to see Tyson show off again.

At the same time, they also know that Tyson needs to rest for a while, and will not play in a short time. Even this year, it is impossible to see Tyson on the ring.

Dura has certain rights and status in Saudi Arabia, he is currently the first crown prince.

As King Fahh’s old age deteriorated, Dura took over more powers and more national affairs and was the actual person in charge of the entire Saudi Arabia.

Dura met Tyson.

This is an old man in his 60s. His face is covered with vicissitudes. His life experience is so rich that he can write a masterpiece of a personal biography.

This time Tyson held a competition in Saudi Arabia, which attracted the attention of the whole world.

As the controller of power, he will naturally talk to Tyson about boxing promotion.

Dura said that Saudi Arabia’s door will be opened for Tyson and the four major boxing organizations, they can send some excellent boxers into the professional boxing match.

The official talks were very harmonious.

During the talks, Tyson said that he would do his best to promote boxing career and make more people like boxing. Saudi Arabia is a rich country. People here like some sports, so Tyson will do its best. Here we have recruited talents to promote boxing…

The content and time of the talks will be announced in the news media soon.

This also became Mike Tyson’s first official meeting in another country.

At the urging of Tyson, the income of this game was quickly made into a report and passed to Tyson.

As the main promoter and organizer of this event, he has the right to distribute certain benefits according to the content of the previous contract.

Especially this competition involves some charitable donations, so every aspect needs to be confirmed by relevant authorities.

Tyson summoned all the benefit distributors this time and held a large benefit distribution meeting.

In accordance with the content of the contract and the distribution of benefits of the signing system, everything is carried out in an orderly manner and quickly.

Excluding cost expenses, including labor costs, material costs, etc., the final total income is 270 million US dollars.

Of these 270 million, 135 million will be allocated as charitable expenses for further arrangements.

The remaining 135 million will be distributed according to the distribution system.

Tyson’s personal income is around $60 million.

This is a situation of great joy, even if their personal gains are divided into half for charity, but this game still makes them earn a lot of money.

After reaching a consensus, Tyson flew back to New York by plane.

There are more things in New York that he needs to deal with.

Tyson has temporarily pushed everything away, making charitable donations a top priority.

This kind of thing can’t wait, determine all things one day earlier, then get rid of all troubles one day earlier.

If this kind of thing is really delayed, countless media people will stand up and blame Tyson.

The worst case scenario is that countless followers will join in the denunciation.

If that is the case, things will become very troublesome.

Under Tyson’s strong requirements and supervision, all departments are fully cooperating with Tyson to count the accounts.

With 135 million donations, will Tyson donate to those charitable organizations?

Of course impossible!

Many foundations or non-profit organizations in the United States are trying to avoid the heavy taxation in the United States.

Taxation in the United States is a very complicated matter. If you pay taxes in accordance with the most basic taxation obligations, 50% of your personal assets will become taxable.

His tax exemption clauses are equally complex. In many cases, personal taxation can be reduced.

In the United States, those foundations or non-profit organizations are not subject to government supervision.

This has caused a lot of commercial predators to use this way to reduce the heavy tax and keep their pockets.

Of course, there are still a lot of good people in the world, and there are not a few people who really do charity.

Tyson’s idea is to establish a real foundation.

All the money on this foundation is really charitable money.

This foundation is not just for a certain country, but for the whole world.

At the same time, it does not represent a certain country or government, and it is a truly charitable organization without borders.

He is simply doing charity, not in the name of anyone.

To establish a foundation, it is a very simple thing to say simple, but it is also a very complicated thing to say complicated.

It is easier to say in terms of procedures, but this foundation needs to organize internal monitoring and fund scheduling, which requires Tyson to find some reliable people.

What kind of talent is reliable?

Those who do charity all year round without seeking fame and fortune.

Do those who never care about their own food and clothing only care about others need help? .

Such people are not easy to find.

At the same time, it also needs to be carefully screened to avoid being mixed in by those who are famous.

Tyson looked for a place with better security in New York and set up the headquarters of the foundation.

The “Mike Tyson Foundation” was formally established on April 18.

Originally, the establishment of the foundation did not cause much repercussions.

But this is not the same as the foundation established by Tyson.

Tyson announced in front of the media that the establishment of the foundation is absolutely committed to helping others help the world, not him or some people’s profit tool.

On April 20, Tyson held a charity donation charity event at the New York International Hotel.

Many people who really want to do charity come forward. They donated some of their collections to the foundation for auction.

There are many things in this event, including some celebrities used or famous paintings.

It also includes the glove used by Tyson in the Battle of the Century.

The number of celebrities and celebrities who came to the scene exceeded 140.

Tyson found Foreman and asked him to preside over this charity event.

Foreman did not refuse, and appeared on the venue on time.

Tyson’s glove and George Foreman’s glove were sold together. Finally, it was bought by a rich man for a high price of 3.76 million US dollars.

Some people who really do charity did not participate in the auction, but simply made donations.

In the final statistics, the donation amount reached 12 million US dollars.

In the end, Tyson raised the amount of the foundation from 147 million to $200 million in the name of an individual ~www.mtlnovel.com~.

This money will be delivered to the world as quickly as possible to help children who need to study or have difficulty living.

At the invitation of Tyson, Foreman also joined the operation and supervision of the foundation.

Tyson has added charity kings to many titles.

Being able to do charity at this point is enough to illustrate one’s character.

Tyson’s momentum in the boxing world has become unstoppable, and has become a charitable pioneer in the hearts of people throughout the world.

More and more people know Mike Tyson’s story, they like Mike Tyson.

Stars are easy to find sports stars, but stars who vigorously promote philanthropy are really hard to find.

Tyson was busy all over April.

The foundation of the foundation requires him to personally control and select talents.

The operation of the auction is also a very worrying thing.

Also participate in some programs that promote the ‘Mike Tyson Foundation’.

By the time he was busy with all the major events and the whole person was relaxing, it was mid-May.

Mike Tyson, who came home, saw the white Bengal tiger who had been away for almost two months.

The body length of the Bengal tiger has grown a bit, and it is much larger than the average cat.

The little guy didn’t immediately recognize Tyson when he saw it.

When Tyson hugged it, it finally remembered that it was its owner.

The little guy happily broke free of Tyson’s arms and twirled back and forth on the lawn, showing his excitement.

Under the maid’s cleaning, his home was very clean, and nothing changed much when he left.

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