I am Tyson

Chapter 206 - Intimate lovers hanging around the neck

On October 23, Tyson came to Mexico City full of energy.

He came to see Suleyman.

Suleyman did not see Tyson for a long time, and expressed his miss on the phone.

Tyson chose to fly to Mexico City without hesitation.

The old man gave Tyson a good impression, so Tyson wouldn’t mind having a year-end deal with him.

Knowing that the old man liked his ‘Tyson Whiskey’, he checked four boxes of whiskey with different flavors and came to Mexico City with him.

Suleyman and other WBC executives warmly received Tyson.

In private time, Sulaiman asked Tyson’s views on Holyfield and his challenge to power.

He asked the official business in a private space, to a large extent, wanting to know Tyson’s attitude towards this matter.

Tyson’s attitude will largely become his attitude.

“Hoaryfield suddenly emerged and won Oliver with a controversial performance. Personally, I hope to find a strong opponent. Now that Horfield appears, I think he should be given some opportunities, isn’t he? “

Tyson’s words made Sulaiman understand what he meant.

“Well, Mike, I already understand your thoughts. I will facilitate the fight between you. WBC will give Holyfield a chance to challenge him to your gold belt.” Suleyman replied, using a A playful tone said: “Holyfield defeated your disciple. You promised him a challenge. Is there any element of revenge for your disciple?”

The old gossip changed.

“His winning method is very controversial and makes me very unhappy. Of course, I can tell you responsibly that I want to smash Holyfield’s face.”

Tyson’s boxing style is very clean. He just doesn’t like those fighters with frequent small movements, especially the purposeful hug fighter.

One or two organizations alone cannot finalize the game, and nods from wba and ibf are needed.

The next morning, Sulaiman announced at the meeting that WBC’s heavyweight gold belt challenge was handed over to Holyfield.

After this news broke out, it quickly attracted the attention of all the media.

Soon, wba and ibf also got the news.

Their senior leaders called Tyson.

Tyson once told them that his personal will was to facilitate this game.

As a boxer who **** money, the four major organizations have almost maintained their obedience to Tyson. After all, under Tyson’s propaganda, boxing has become more and more prosperous.

Wba and ibf’s high-level leaders understand.

Soon there was further news on this matter, wba and ibf held a press conference, and they made a positive and public response to Holyfield’s challenge to Mike Tyson.

They took out Horfield’s challenge to apply for a contract, signed in front of all the media, and expressed their support for the game with practical action.

Needless to say about wbo, Tyson almost made a speech there.

This time, the Holyfield Challenge was officially put on the agenda.

Holyfield did not expect the challenge to go so smoothly.

He just submitted an application for the right to challenge. Without further action, the game has taken shape.

If there is no Tyson behind this matter, he will not believe in killing Holyfield.

Tyson contributed to his game with him.

Holyfield remembered what Tyson once said: Mike Tyson will not back away, will not back away, he will not be afraid of anyone.

This is the spirit of boxing.

He admired Tyson very much, and he also regarded Tyson as his biggest enemy.

Every boxer’s ambition is very big, and their ambition has become their motivation, urging them to keep moving forward, and do their utmost to remove all obstacles.

Holyfield is a man with great ambitions. He climbed step by step to the second step. However, he found that he still needed to look up to Mike Tyson at the top.

There is only one person at the top of the pyramid, and Holyfield wants to reach that position and must cross all obstacles.

When this time came, he did not hesitate to choose to give up all the current in exchange for a right to challenge.

Tyson gave him a chance, and world boxing fans gave him a chance.

He won this opportunity, then he will work harder to train.

His tactical coach Morris is someone he trusts very much.

Holyfield was very convinced of Morris’ ability.

In the last game, Holyfield strictly executed Morris’s tactics, which also allowed him to win the game and qualified to hold Tyson’s ankle.

Morris arranged and directed the tactics that suit him well.

This allowed him to further improve his technology and gave him such courage and confidence.

He began closed training under the guidance of Morris.

In order to win the game, he can only train!

Tyson did his best to give Holly Phil the chance, which quickly led to the game.

Although the game has facilitated, there are still many things to be dealt with.

Tyson has fought against George Foreman’s Century War this year. He is no longer suitable for the game this year.

For his own situation, after thinking about it, he set the final game date in March next year.

In other words, they have more than four months of preparation time, and the preparation time is very sufficient.

A high-end boxing fight for hegemony is not so easy to facilitate.

It is only a trifle that the fighters have contributed to.

The most important thing is to publicize the whole world, let the whole world know that Mike Tyson will have a game.

Although the media news has developed further, it is still much slower than the Internet era in later generations.

Propaganda requires a process that requires constant participation in touring tours around the world, or to find some worldwide media people for further promotion.

His contract with Holyfield has not yet been signed, and some specific details have not been finalized. These need to be further improved.

Tyson has a mature economic team, many of his things will be arranged for these people to do.

The signing of the competition contract requires constant contact and meeting between the two parties.

Tyson hands these matters to his team.

The same is true for Holyfield, who gives all of his power to his agent and boxer promoter.

This will allow Holyfield more time to focus on training, he does not want to be disturbed by anyone, because this is the most important game in his life.

For Holyfield, this game is a very gambling game.

If he wins the game, he has the whole world.

But if he loses the game, he will lose everything.

Because he has given up the four organizations’ heavyweight gold belt, if the challenge fails, his ranking and situation will become very embarrassing.

If you are unsuccessful, you will become a benevolence. This is Holyfield’s most real idea.

Tyson set Holyfield’s appearance fee below $5 million.

This is a very reasonable price.

After all, Holyfield is a heavyweight boxer after all, he has not played any games in the heavyweight.

Even if Tyson gave him the right to challenge, this right to challenge was not very convincing.

Considering that most of the people watching the game went to Tyson, Tyson set Holyfield’s appearance fee below $5 million.

If it fails, there will be a 5% dividend, and if it succeeds, his dividend will reach more than 10%.

After preliminary calculations, if the opponent wins, Holyfield will get no less than 17 million dollars.

Even if Holyfield eventually fails, the total amount of his appearance fee will be more than ten million dollars.

This is already a superb price for the current appearance fee.

Before Tyson’s strong rise, the income of a boxer with more than ten million dollars had never appeared!

In the last match between Tyson and George Foreman, Tyson provided George Foreman with a guaranteed playing fee of $7 million, and George Foreman finally received a dividend of $9 million.

In the late 1980s, such appearance fees have already broken records.

Tyson’s ability to absorb gold is super powerful, and he even has the opportunity to make big money for his opponents.

Because of his ability to absorb gold, many media have given him a nickname: a money printer that wears pants.

Because there was no official promotion of the event, many people learned from the media news of the four major boxing organizations that Tyson accepted the challenge from Holyfield.

Holyfield’s rise time is not very long, his play is not as old-fashioned as Tyson, and he has a huge gap with Tyson in reputation.

The only record he could get was the sub-heavyweight title united battle, but he did not defend his title, which made his four gold belts not much gold.

Many people don’t understand why Mike Tyson would accept Holyfield’s challenge.

Tyson spoke bluntly in the Golden Sun Daily.

‘I just want to teach Holyfield the wicked guy. I hate his style of play. Since I hate it, then I will destroy it, so I gave him a chance! ’

‘Yes, the king gave a soldier a chance, because the king wants everyone to see who is the most dominant boxing champion! ’

In fact, there is another reason, Tyson did not say it.

The heavyweights of the four major organizations dominated by Tyson have never appeared strong fighters. After playing with George Foreman, they have no goals.

This is the time when the history of boxing misses.

All the powerful people have basically been wiped out by Tyson, and those who are slightly inferior have not grown up.

Lewis and Bao, for example, are now playing in amateur boxing.

Even at this time, Holyfield seemed a bit immature. Although he was four years older than Tyson, from the perspective of Tyson, Holyfield was a younger brother.

Holyfield completed the unification of the heavyweight, then jumped out and stood opposite Tyson.

Tyson, driven by many reasons, accepted the challenge…

Tyson started training in his own gym, and he once again pushed away all recorded interviews for entertainment and shows.

On the first day of Tyson’s training, Oliver received the news and appeared at Tyson’s house.

“Mike, I need you, I need to train with you. In this way, we can grow up happily together.”

Tyson felt his head hurt.

What if one day this kid angered himself and could not hold himself up?

Killing and wounding is a hassle.

“Oliv, you should train yourself instead of following me. Understand? When training with me, I will focus on me, and I will train for my physical condition. It is only me who improves.”

Oliver is not so easily dismissed.

“Mike, you can’t do this. You are hurting my heart and breaking it to pieces.”

Tyson looked at him with his fierce eyes and stood up quickly: “Yes, I will blow your heart to pieces in a moment.”

While talking, he took off his fist.

As soon as Oliver saw that Tyson was going to move, he stood up and ran. He ran back and said, “You should calm down, I will come to you after a while…”

Tyson stared fiercely at Oliver’s escape.

This kid is just beating!

He turned around and started training with those sparring partners…

After Mike Tyson and Holyfield signed the competition contract, it took more than ten days to launch an official publicity conference.

Holyfield devoted himself to training, and he did not even participate in this official press conference.

At the press conference, Tyson told all the media that the game with Holyfield will be held around March next year.

The announcement of this game caused a sensation in the boxing ring.

No one expected Tyson to set the date of the game at such a speed, and signed a game agreement with Holyfield.

This means that Mike Tyson will soon usher in his second defending.

At the invitation of Espn, Tyson and Holyfield launched four world tour press conferences.

Because of the provisions of the contract agreement, Holyfield had to stop the closed training and cooperated with the world tour.

Their tour locations are London, England, Tokyo, Japan, Paris, France, and Atlantic City, USA.

Tyson went to the first three places for the first time.

Every time he went to a place, it caused a sensation.

Those boxing fans are crazy and want to see Mike Tyson.

Under the protection of many security guards, Mike Tyson’s tour conference was successfully implemented.

At the tour conference, Tyson made no secret of his aversion to Holyfield.

He called Holyfield: a close lover hanging around his neck.

This is not ambiguous, but mocking Holyfield’s tactics.

Tyson’s attitude and his style detonated the passion of the three big cities!

Holyfield calls Tyson: nine-rate action boxer.

The two men’s lip battle started.

The whole world already knows that Tyson is going to play his second defending battle, the opponent is the former heavyweight champion Holyfield.

This news caused a huge sensation. Many people lined up and wanted to come to the tour conference to see Tyson.

However, due to the large number of people, the local police had to assign more police force to the maintenance of public security~www.mtlnovel.com~ This shows that Tyson’s appeal is evident.

On January 17, 1987, the tour conference ended.

Tyson trained as soon as he returned to New York.

Oliver heard that Tyson was back, and immediately came to the gym of Tyson’s house again. The dead skin stayed, and he had to train with Tyson.

When Tyson wanted to beat him, the kid would run, and he would come back soon after, showing his shameless talent.

Tyson couldn’t help but sigh: If your kid used this shameless power on Holyfield, would you still lose the game that way?

Oliver’s Tyson was troubled.

Taking into account that Oliver’s level is indeed good, and he still has a reason to justify him, so he finally agreed to Oliver’s request.

With a heavyweight boxing champion as a sparring partner, Tyson has a lot of hands-on skills in the practice.

The news of his game with Holyfield quickly spread to every corner of the world. Everyone who likes boxing knows that Tyson, who is currently dominant, is going to defend his championship. His opponent is Holyfield. .

Many people are not very familiar with Holyfield, they have consulted the information of Holyfield in the shortest time.

Only in the game that Oliver confronted, many people reached a conclusion.

This is a very tedious man!

Holyfield’s style of play is indeed very insignificant, especially his unique bottom-up hug.

This tactic is more like a head attack, causing poor Oliver great trouble.

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