I am Tyson

Chapter 209 - Killer Mike

Will Tyson escape? Of course he will not escape, he will not be afraid of anything.

Also included emotionally.

The reason why he didn’t want Shirley to talk about this was that he was afraid to hurt Shirley’s heart.

Shirley is one of the few conservative girls among all Americans he knows.

Tyson has come into contact with many big stars. Those big stars have gorgeous makeup and the devil’s figure.

Of course, Shirley is undoubtedly worse in appearance and figure.

Tyson is also not a person of the Appearance Association. He needs to deal more with this matter. This involves his personal emotional issues.

If Shirley is promised, then they will communicate with their male and female friends, which means Tyson will take away his bohemian heart.

The most important thing is that Tyson has not yet thought about this. He is only 21 years old, and he still needs to choose in many ways.

As Carmel said, choose more and find people who are your own.

Seeing each other’s emotions getting more and more excited, Tyson was also a little confused.

“No, don’t, these words you say are messed up, do you know my heart? I have always regarded you as a friend, the best friend, you know, I don’t have too many friends, some people are around me, Those people are for something, but you are different, we grew up together, we have known each other for 7 years…”

Tyson stopped talking, because he didn’t know what he was talking about.

After thinking for about 30 seconds, Tyson said again: “I think of you more as a friend, we are good friends, don’t we?”

Shirley stayed there for a long time without moving. She kept her face down, her long blond hair covering her face, so Tyson could not see the expression on her face.

But Tyson knew through her tangled hands that Shirley was in sorrow.

After all, Tyson still didn’t want to involve feelings too much, so he chose to refuse.

Sometimes treating others mercilessly is good for both parties.

Tyson doesn’t want to be locked in an invisible chain prematurely, so he needs to keep refusing some people.

Especially some sincere women.

Tyson noticed a drop of crystal tears falling between Shirley’s hair.

Well, he is a heart of stone.

“Want to visit my home? I can show you around, there are many interesting places, I believe you will like it.”

He wanted to break this depressed atmosphere.

Shirley didn’t speak, did not move, and didn’t even make a sound.

He put away the strong smile that hung on his face, he said: “Sherry, don’t do this, you will make me sad.”

Shirley finally raised her head, her pretty eyes already had some bloodshot eyes, and there were two smaller crystals beside the corners of her eyes.

“But you have broken my heart, haven’t you? I have been ridiculed by my companions for being an old virgin, because I only have you in my heart, so I don’t care what those people think…”

Seeing Shirley pear blossom with rain, Tyson suddenly wanted to be a cruel man.

Become a killer! Mike!

There was a voice in the bottom of my heart, telling him.

Yes, Tyson is going to be a killer.

As for whether it will be bound, it depends on how Tyson will handle this matter.

Boyfriends also need to observe whether they are suitable, right?

He walked over to pick up Shirley who was still crying.

“Want to take a look at my 3m x 4m bed? You will love it there.”

Shirley raised her head in amazement, and looked at Tyson, who was close by, with a particularly unreal feeling.

What is good about his big bed?

She was carried into the spacious bedroom by Tyson in amazement.

Soon Shirley knew what a visit to the big bed was.

Shirley stayed at Tyson’s house for two nights. Tyson drove the car on Monday morning and took him to the door of New York University.

At any time, a Rolls Royce is a very eye-catching presence in front of the university.

There will be a lot of female college students who want to know who is sitting in Rolls-Royce.

“Okay, Shirley, you can go in.”

Shirley turned her head and kissed Tyson’s face.

“Mike, I am now looking forward to the next weekend.”

Shirley got out of the car, but Tyson found that her coat was still in the car.

So he took the coat and opened the door, shouting at Shirley who had not gone far.

“Hey, your coat.”

Shirley folded and took back her coat.

After kissing Tyson’s face again, he walked into the university gate.

The emergence of Tyson has attracted the attention of many people, who found that it is the world’s most powerful world champion.

“Hey, did you see that? That’s Mike Tyson.”

“Yes, it’s really Mike Tyson. Hurry, let’s ask for an autograph.”

Rolls-Royce is a dazzling existence, Tyson is a dazzling existence.

Seeing that many people were eager to try to come towards themselves, Mike Tyson hurriedly got in the car, increased the throttle, and disappeared at the door of New York University.

He didn’t know, because his appearance caused Shirley some small troubles, and some rumours appeared in the university.

Tyson saw the report of Golden Sun Daily.

The Golden Sun Daily is still under Tyson’s control.

But Tyson is not the editor in chief there. He does not pay attention to what will be reported every day.

Now the Golden Sun Daily is driven by Tommy, and has continuously set new highs.

It was the genius gossip editor who was not only a genius in gossip, but also a genius in newspaper management.

When the incident in Las Vegas happened, Tyson sent him to hide in the limelight in other newspapers.

After the incident passed, Tyson transferred him back and made him a partner of Golden Sun Daily.

Today’s newspaper published an explosive news.

Royce Gracie was officially deprived of the title of heavyweight champion!

The ufc executive explained to the media that: each weight level, upper and lower limits will be strictly controlled, and there will be no more strict upper limit and loose lower limit.

The decision to deprive Gracie of the title made many UFC fans feel very unhappy.

Gracie beats the weak with the strong, and plays with the small.

It is true that he won the UFC heavyweight championship.

No one can beat him so far, so he still is the ufc heavyweight champion.

It should not be deprived, nor should it be deprived of such absurd reasons.

Soon this thing quickly fermented and reported on various sports news.

Tyson was very angry when he saw the news.

He clearly told everyone at the meeting that Gracie’s championship belt cannot be deprived in this way.

These people’s handling methods are very improper, and too impatient, completely taking Tyson’s big boss’s words as a deaf ear.

Tyson pays them a lot of dividends every year. Are they using this attitude to give back to themselves?

The money donated every year can also fall into the reputation of a charitable pioneer, but given these people is degrading their reputation of UFC brand.

Then get fired!

Tyson immediately arranged for people to exchange blood for the senior UFC.

This group of people has such a poor ability to handle things, and Tyson has no reason to continue to keep a group of rice buckets.

Ufc’s high-level layoffs are in full swing.

Tyson did not give any explanation to the outside world for the sudden blood exchange of the senior UFC.

He does not need to explain to anyone!

The layoffs have also been cut, so should the gold belt be returned to Gracie next?

Many media have expressed their opinions. They believe that the reason for UFC to deprive Gracie is very far-fetched, and it is not enough to deprive a great champion.

The voices of these media have aroused the support of many UFC fans.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the newly appointed UFC executive returned the UFC heavyweight gold belt to Gracie, and officially issued an apology statement.

Gracie’s heavyweight at UFC is a nail.

Tyson personally found Gracie and talked to him.

Gracie told Tyson bluntly that he would not hand over the UFC heavyweight gold belt unless Mike Tyson came with him again.

Regardless of the final victory, he will give up the heavyweight gold belt and the title of the championship, and will participate in the middleweight competition according to the weight of UFC.

The purpose of Royce Gracie is already very obvious.

Since he was defeated by Tyson last time, he has been practicing hard and looking for his third brother.

With the help of his third brother, he practiced for a long time in practice, in order to be ashamed.

Royce Gracie’s third brother is Rexon Gracie, a legendary figure in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gracie family.

He is said to have 400 undefeated records.

Very common.

The conversation with Royce Gracie was not smooth.

If he promises to fight with Gracie, then he must end his vacation and get himself busy again.

Royce Gracie is a hard-to-eat person, and Tyson had no better way for a while.

Developing an emerging industry is definitely not an easy task.

Tyson thought for a few days.

Finally decided to complete Gracie.

He has very good reasons for doing this, because UFC is in the development stage, can not be hit by any reputation, if you want to deprive Gracie of the title, you must find someone to beat him, at present, this person is not Easy to find.

Unless Mike Tyson personally shot, and now Royce Gracie just proposed to let Tyson shot.

Then shoot it!

Then take his own hands to regain Gracie’s belt!

After considering this matter, Tyson let his team and Gracie team sign the relevant competition agreement.

On the day the agreement was signed, Tyson disappeared into the public’s vision again, and he began training,

This training, he no longer specifically aimed at anti-fall and anti-jujitsu, but to strengthen his boxing skills, looking for the feeling in the octagonal cage.

Tyson bought a professional octagonal cage and placed it in the middle of the gym, and he found a professional general boxer to accompany.

Tyson is a veteran of boxing, and at the same time he knows some wrestling and jujitsu, which is enough.

Finding feeling and training in the octagonal cage went very smoothly.

Tyson always wanted to find real hands-on practice, but he did not dare to start some private games.

Coincidentally, in a UFC6 match, a heavyweight boxer had a physical accident.

This game is a ranking match for the right to challenge the heavyweight.

Tyson learned about this situation and immediately found the wrestling boxer Theresa of the match.

“Your opponent has retired, you have no opponent now, and you are left with only two roads. First, you withdraw from this game and let this game go through completely. At the same time, you will not There will be a challenge to win the game, or let me replace the guy who retired, I will complete this battle with you…”

Before Tyson finished speaking, Teresa almost scared her pants.

Teresa said bitterly, “Don’t you be so good? I finally competed for a challenge game, but you told me that you will play, are you letting me fall into despair?”

Tyson’s had two octagonal records, all won, and gave the first defeat to the **** of Barou.

He didn’t want to compete with Tyson for the right to challenge.

“No, brother, I’m a person who doesn’t have much immunity to wrestling. I know you have watched the game between me and Mark Coleman. Mark Coleman fell me easily, didn’t you? Being a wrestler, I believe you can easily fall me to the ground, and then we will enter the ground fighting, which is what you are good at, not what I am good at…”

Tyson carefully analyzed his shortcomings for him, which gave Theresa a little confidence.

Tyson put more effort and continued: “You have nothing to think about. You are a strong wrestler. You are more than ten times better than Mark Coleman. Fighting with me is definitely your chance. , The opportunity to become famous overnight has been placed in front of you. You should cherish it instead of regretting it when it goes away…”

Tyson is constantly preparing a bright future for him.

Come on, brother, I am a rookie. I am more boxing than comprehensive fighting. These are two different fighting industries…

In the end, Theresa failed to withstand the temptation and agreed to the game.

Since the competition will take place in three days, Tyson is too late to arrange some publicity and promotion.

When people knew that Mike Tyson would suddenly participate in a UFC6 game, it was already on the day of the weighing event.

Several media newspapers who came to report were stunned.

They actually saw Mike Tyson in the UFC Ultimate Fighting match, but there was absolutely no news that Tyson would participate in this game.

Isn’t Tyson wanting to play tickets? Or come to pull the reputation of your own industry?

Soon Tyson weighed and stared at his opponent Theresa.

It’s actually true!

Mike Tyson really wants to participate in UFC6 very suddenly.

I believe such news will certainly attract the attention of many people.

So these newspapers soon made a report of this weighing ceremony and distributed it to the news.

Soon, many people know that Mike Tyson will participate in the UFC6 heavyweight challenge right competition in Atlantic City.

Originally quite good ticket sales, because of McSesson’s sudden joining, it instantly became hot, and the backlog of tickets that could not be sold was eventually snapped up.

Sales have changed from 2/3 before to 6/7 now.

The main title of UFC6 was the middleweight championship game.

After Tyson joined, the headline main game became a joint main game.

Tyson and Theresa became the headlines.

In order to prevent conflict between fighters and UFC, after the decision of UFC senior officials, the salaries of the joint main championship station will be greatly increased, and their dividends will be cancelled, and the dividends will be provided to the match between Tyson and Theresa.

Many people think that Mike Tyson appeared too suddenly. He appeared in the octagonal cage without any preparation. This is a very bad signal.

They don’t know that Mike Tyson has signed a contract with Gracie and has been training in comprehensive fighting in the octagonal cage of his gym.

Of course, they did not have time to discuss for too long, because the game started the day after the weighing.

Theresa is a white wrestler aged about 30 years old and has the Olympic bronze medal.

He practices classical wrestling.

This type of wrestling has many limitations.

You can only use your arms and upper body to grab the opponent, and you can only twist these parts of the opponent.

This wrestler is very good at catching and shooting.

Theresa’s popularity is good. When he appeared on the UFC field, it immediately caused a lot of cheers.

Tyson’s appearance hasn’t changed much, he lowered his head and trot down the Yongdao to the stadium.

Tyson stood in front of the inspector.

After passing the inspection, he drilled directly into the octagonal cage.

All four cameras were aimed at Mike Tyson, giving him a lot of close-ups.

Today’s Tyson is very irritable, he walks back and forth quickly, seems to be looking for the feeling in the octagonal cage.

Ekman appeared in the octagonal cage.

“Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to Atlantic City to watch UFC Ultimate Fighting 6.”

“Steve Rock Theresa…” A close-up of Theresa appeared on the big screen in the middle, and Theresa jumped a few times in place.

“Mike Beast Tyson…” Tyson still walked back and forth violently, twisting his body constantly.

The field referee appeared.


The two came to their respective corners with a fist, waiting for further instructions from the field referee.

The status of the two men confirmed by the field referee, and the match officially started.

At the beginning of the game, the two quickly approached.

Theresa stopped in the middle.

But Tyson did not stop advancing, but his speed became faster in an instant.

In the rapid advance, Tyson couldn’t help but say it was a left-handed punching attack.

His punching was fast, but Teresa stepped back and avoided.

Tyson’s advance and attack did not stop with a single air strike, he launched a continuous and rapid attack.

The swing of the right hand fell quickly and accurately on Theresa’s chin.

Powerful force burst out instantly.

Theresa grunted, tilted her head, and fell to the ground very simply.

Tyson didn’t even see Teresa on the ground, turned around and raised a hand, as if to announce his victory in advance.

Many people’s buttocks had just sat firmly, and they heard the earth-shattering roar.

what happened?

They hurriedly looked up, but they saw the referee waving his white gloves.


Many of them bought tickets just to see how Tyson faced other genre boxers in the octagonal cage.

However, they spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars, but saw nothing.

Bitlisa who died with the money was wronged.

But they saw the replay through the big screen and also felt the atmosphere of the scene…

Tyson is always looking for this feeling.

Don’t play wrestling and jujitsu, and don’t be afraid that the other party will come to hug yourself.

Press it up, hit the fist with the greatest explosive force, hit, and end.

Just these few steps.

This is what Tyson has been training.

The big screen in the center starts to play what happened just now.

Tyson’s continuous swinging punch hit Teresa’s chin with unmatched strength, hitting his braces to the edge of the iron cage and bouncing to the ground.

Many people exclaimed, and they were thinking about a question. If such a fist hit their body, what kind of scene would it be…their life might become this ellipsis.

Too cruel!

The medical staff quickly rushed to the stage and launched treatment for Theresa.

Theresa was unconscious for two minutes, but she lay on the ground for five minutes.

In the end he stood up with soft legs and feet.

Tyson walked over and gave the dude a hug.

“Dude, you are very nice…”

Theresa patted Tyson’s back hard.

“Mike, I feel this game is like a dream.”

Actually he really had a dream.

Theresa turned into a pure girl and was brutally devastated by Tyson.

What about trust between people?

Are you not immune to wrestling?

What about the entangled ground?

Up came two powerful punches that shattered my girl’s heart.

If time can go backwards, Theresa would rather give up this opportunity than stand opposite Tyson.

He not only hurt people’s bodies, but also hurt people’s hearts.

He is a bad guy.

Teresa choked silently.

Two lines of tears fell like rain…

Sad city, sad story.

“Mike, once again you quickly ended the game with your own unique attacking method. Do you want to express it to the audience…”

Tyson took the microphone.

“This is a very sudden game. Another player’s sudden retreat caused the senior executives of UFC to discuss. They had wanted to stop this game, but I showed up, and I told them, hey, I came How about participating?”

“I not only persuaded them, I also persuaded my opponent Theresa…what about Theresa?”

Teresa has left the stadium with a broken heart, he may find a corner without harm and deception to repair his broken heart.

Big lie!

It’s all big cheat paper!

Tyson’s eyes turned around and there was no figure of Theresa~www.mtlnovel.com~ so he stopped looking.

“I told Theresa, I said: Alas, brother, this is a challenge game. If you lose this game, you will lose the challenge right. You have to fight again for a long time to get the same Chance, do you understand what I mean? Brother.”

“That’s a person who likes to challenge very much. When I became his opponent, I saw no panic, only the excitement of his face. He told me: Well, Mike, I promised this game ,I can not wait any more.”

“So the game is formed…”

I don’t know how Teresa will feel when he sees this broadcast speech.

Will that newly restored heart break into pieces again?

Big lie!

It’s a big lie!

Tyson continued his speech.

“Many people think that I did not prepare for the battle, I am in a hurry, but now I tell you the fact that I have prepared for the battle, and I have been preparing for the battle for almost a month.”

“Someone will ask me why I am preparing for the game suddenly. Do I already know that the retreat will happen? Or is it like the wwe, is it already arranged?”

“No, this is not an arranged plot. The senior of UFC has arranged an opponent for me.”

“Yes, Royce Gracie, we need to use formal means to seize his gold belt, to achieve the division of weight, and strictly enforce the upper and lower weight regulations.”

“Yes, my fight with Gracie will start in a month.”

“You will see me again in a month, and I will solve this trouble by myself!”

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