I am Tyson

Chapter 223 - What kind of person is Tyson

Chris Yukban is crazy about money.

Four million appearance fees plus dividends, as long as Tyson is operating, it can definitely reach about ten million.

Is Chris Yukban worth it?

Absolutely not worth it.

Tyson laughed: “Yukan, I can tell you very happy that you only have 900,000 appearance fees, and the dividend system will be fully allocated according to my promotion.”

Tyson’s backrest seat continued: “If you can defend your gold belt, your dividend will be 10% of the net profit of a single game. If you lose and lose your championship belt, then your The cost of playing will remain the same, but your dividend will be reduced to 5%. This is my most definite price tag. Heavyweight champions are following such rules, and you have no privileges.”

Chris Yukban stood up immediately and summoned the courage to say, “Nine hundred thousand dollars? Is my double-organized middleweight champion worth nine hundred thousand dollars? Are you trying to exploit me?” It’s so arrogant, you’re no different from the hawkers on the street!”

Tyson deepened his waist and turned to take out a briefcase.

“In January 1990, you competed against Black for the first gold belt. The appearance fee was US$120,000. In the same year, you defended your championship. The appearance fee was US$230,000. In March 1991, You compete for wba’s second gold belt, the appearance fee is $360,000.”

Tyson spoke of the amount of Yukban’s appearance fee in recent years, and took out a stack of information.

“I came with sincerity, I collected all the announced amount of your playing fee.”

“In all competitions, you have never received dividends from the competition. I am giving you this opportunity to make a lot of money, understand?”

“With dividends alone, your guaranteed + appearance fee income will be more than two million dollars. If you defend your gold belt, your income will reach more than three million dollars. Before your game, I will vigorously promote you. The role of my promotion that you should know can make you instantly the focus of everyone.”

“So the actual expenses you get still have a lot of room for growth. If you defend your gold belt, you will become hot, because you beat Mike Tyson’s disciples!”

“Yukan, you can’t be too greedy. If that’s the case, I will probably give this opportunity to the world champion of Ibf or wbo. Do you understand what I mean?”

“I can let Alva challenge other champions. If he has the strength, then he can also get the belt, and he will still stand on the opposite side of you. With my help, his attention will also rise linearly. You should see the facts clearly, not just open your mouth with a lion.”

On this stack of information, clearly recorded each time Ukban played against the opponent, as well as the results he played against, and his corresponding appearance fee.

As a middleweight champion, although his level of attracting attention is very high, but the cost has not increased.

Tyson can use his identity to copy this game, and then many boxing fans will pay attention to this game, it can be said that for anyone, this is a good thing to be able to count on one stone.

Unexpectedly, he encountered the big opening of the lion of Yukban.

This made Tyson a little unhappy.

He told Ukban directly that if you want to play then you can sign it now, you will get an appearance fee of 900,000 US dollars, and a large dividend, and Mike Tyson will also personally play this game Promote.

If you don’t want to fight, then you can just refuse and I will arrange a new opponent for Alva.

Tyson said a few words, and Yukban had kept silent.

His team agent kept muttering to him in his ears, as if they were analyzing the pros and cons of this game.

Tyson looked at them calmly. He leaned back against the seat without any indication.

He knew that the price tag he had made could definitely make them feel excited. If the other party still refused, it was definitely the cause of greed.

After a while, Ukban stopped whispering with the team members.

He faced Tyson and said: “Tyson, the visit fee of 900,000 US dollars is too little. Anyway, I am also a double organization champion of wba and wbc. You will increase the appearance fee to 1.7 million. I will sign it immediately.”

Tyson laughed.

Yukban thought it was almost done, and laughed.

But the next second Tyson stood up, loaded the materials on the desk into his briefcase, and then led his team to leave the meeting.

“Mr. Tyson, I think we can talk about it.”

Seeing his Daikin leave, Yukban forgot his fears and hurriedly shouted at Tyson.

Tyson stopped and turned his head and smiled: “I have already given you a very high price, but you still do not accept it, then there is no need to talk about it. I will announce it in front of the media tomorrow, I will let Alva changed his goal, he will challenge the ibf champion!”

After he finished speaking, Tyson no longer gave him other explanations and turned and left the meeting room.

Chris Yukban and his team members looked at each other.

Ask for prices all over the world and pay back the money.

This is a very common thing. Why did Tyson leave without even discussing?

Many people do not know that Tyson is such a person. He has offered a slightly higher price and has already shown his sincerity. If the other party does not accept it, he will not go to nonsense with the other party. This is his style.

“Should we talk to Tyson again?” An agent of Ukban seemed not to let the money slip away.

After all, their appearance fee has never reached more than 500,000, and now Tyson has directly raised the price tag to 900,000.

This is a very good price tag, and there are large dividends.

Including dividends, their net income guarantees are all above 2 million.

Ukban thought for a while and said: “I think Tyson is playing smart, I believe he will change his tone soon and call us, then initiate the second negotiation! Trust me, I am now middleweight Double champion, I have two world gold belts, he has no reason to choose those who are not so famous.”

Two agents felt that Yukban said something very reasonable, and they nodded involuntarily.

Tyson returned to the hotel where he stayed, and that night he asked his younger brother Ryan to book a ticket back to New York.

He didn’t bother to talk to Yukban.

He is not a person who likes to joke with strangers.

He returned to New York, and will definitely change Alva’s goal immediately. He will use the ibf championship as Alpha’s next challenge challenge.

Ukban was still pretending to be clever, waiting for Tyson to call him.

But the next day he received news that Tyson returned to New York.

Ukban panicked instantly.

“What is he doing back in New York? Isn’t he going to negotiate with me for the second time?”

His agent who had previously consoled him said: “This is already very obvious. I think we should seize the opportunity to take the initiative to negotiate with him to discuss this matter! If we do not seize the opportunity, I believe he will soon It was announced in front of the media that his disciple Alva would change his goal. In that case, we would lose this opportunity to make a lot of money in the battle.”

This is definitely a good opportunity to beat Tyson’s disciples, defend his golden belt, earn a lot of money, and kill three birds with one stone.

Alva is very tempted, but he thinks Mike Tyson is now playing tricks.

Just like the spy wars in the movie, true and false!

Ukban smiled confidently: “No, he just waited for us to contact him actively, so that the price of the appearance fee would be reduced! Don’t pay attention to him, wait a few days, I believe Tyson can’t survive me, he finally Will come to the negotiating table strangely.”

The agent there is still persuading him: “It’s better not to do that. Tyson is a man of words and faith. If he says he will change his goal to challenge, then I believe he will definitely change his challenge. We should not lose this opportunity.”

The tourist-like self-confidence looks turned into a sneer: “Why is there someone in this world who is absolutely eloquent and trustworthy, even if he is a super boxer, I can tell you responsibly that when it comes to money, his credit It will become a negative number! Trust me, my guess must be correct!”

Three days later, Ukeban received calls from wba and wbc. During the call, the senior executives of wba and wbc told him that the challenge application was cancelled.

Ukban was instantly dumbfounded.

He asked the executives of the boxing organization what happened?

The senior manager on the phone told him that he could read some sports newspapers by himself, which had a very detailed introduction.

Finding sports newspapers in the UK is very easy. He asked his agent to find several sports newspapers of the day and found the news he wanted to find on it.

Tyson clearly pointed out in front of the media that this time his own challenge was cancelled!

The lineup transformed into Alva Challenge ibf active middleweight world champion, Brown.

Ukban sat in the boss chair behind him all at once.

Tyson actually changed his goal.

Obviously he is the best challenge goal, he can’t figure out why Tyson has a reason to switch.

Is there really anyone in the world who has a final word and does not talk nonsense?

Is Mike Tyson like that?

In Yukeban’s head, he couldn’t understand the key.

Boxing is a business, and since it is a business, there should be bargaining.

He believes that Tyson will continue to bargain with himself like those of other event organizers.

But they didn’t even take care of themselves at all. They turned around and flew back to New York. After three days, another game was scheduled.

He felt like he was acting big.

At the same time he also lost a chance to make big money.

There is no dazzling record in the middleweight, and it is a fantasy to want to get more than two million in comprehensive expenses.

Although Ukban is the champion of double organization, but his record is not perfect.

No sponsor would be willing to spend two million dollars to hold a competition for him~www.mtlnovel.com~After all, there are other people in the competition, as well as venue fees and decoration costs. Big expenses.

Ukeban secretly regretted his ignorance.

I knew Tyson was such a person.

Fart, Fart will sign the word well, waiting for the opportunity to make big money, is it not fragrant?

Well now, a big deal has just disappeared.

He felt that countless money swayed in front of him, then shattered and dissipated.

The outspoken agent patted Yukban on the shoulder and said: “Actually, losing this opportunity is not necessarily a good thing. Alva Hudgens is also very capable. He challenges the ibf championship and has a very good chance of winning. Big! Wait until Alva Hudgens gets the gold belt, then Tyson will still aim at you and we still have a chance.”

In the eyes of Ukban, he suddenly stood up and said, “Of course, I have known this situation for a long time, and everything is what I expected.”

You know a hammer!

The agent sighed in his heart and said: “Before the Alva Hudgens game, I think it is necessary for us to carry out some publicity about you, especially in the United States, we need to make a lot of exposure to you in the United States. At that time, we can pull Tyson in again and send out some news about the game not forming! In that case, it will definitely attract many people to pay attention to you. When Alva gets the ibf gold belt, Tyson will still find it. We, our price tag can also increase a lot.”

Ukban’s eyes lit up and said quickly: “Of course this is what I think.”

The agent said nothing, anyway, he already knew Yukban this man.

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