I am Tyson

Chapter 230 - Fierce battle

Field referee Strech is a middle-aged man who looks very ordinary, but don’t underestimate him. He was once a national middleweight champion in gold gloves.

  Because he was unsatisfactory in professional circles at that time, he joined the Sports Committee and became a boxing referee.

  The court referee Strech came to the center of the boxing ring.

   He pointed his fingers at the two boxing champions and motioned them to stand beside him.

  Tyson and Lidick Bow came to him without hesitation.

“this is……”

   “…Please touch your fist.”

  Ridick Bow extended his gloves, and Tyson also extended his gloves.

   After they touched their fists, they retreated to the corner, waiting for the referee Strech’s next instruction.

  Stretchy reached out and pointed to Rick Bau: “Are you ready? Bau.”

  Ridick Bow fists and nods.

   He pointed his finger at Mike Tyson: “Are you ready? Mike?”

  Tyson turned his body back and forth, staring closely at Ridic Bow.


   At the beginning of the game, the two of them quickly came to the center of the boxing ring.

  Ridick Bowe tried the fierce jab very carefully.

  Tyson responded quickly, he avoided the other party’s attack through the left and right rocker arms, and made a close-up fake action.

  Lick Bauer’s left hand slightly moved his uppercut, realizing that it was Tyson’s fake action, and then retracted it.

  If Tyson had really chosen to be close, just now, there is a high probability that he would eat a heavy backhand from Lidick Bow.

  Tyson once again made a few cover fakes, began to slide towards the left, quickly adjusted the pace to launch the first wave of offensive.

   He used continuous back-hand punches mixed with forehand jabs, and more often used straight-line punches to attack the attacking Tyson.

   His offensive speed is fast, but Tyson’s rocker is faster.

  Tyson evaded the opponent’s injury for the first time, and after getting close, he hit the abdominal and liver area with a heavy straight punch.

  Ridick Bow’s ability to fight is very powerful. Tyson’s two straight boxing fights have no effect on him. His offensive is still fierce.

  Ridick Bow changed his boxing style, and began to attack with a large curve swing and flat hook, while blocking Tyson’s movement route.

  After he switched tactics, Tyson took two steps backward without hesitation and came to a safe distance.

  Just when Ridic Bowe wanted to press it up again, Tyson suddenly moved, and he moved left and right quickly to deceive the other party’s sight.

  Ridick Bow made two quick punches, but his punches were outrageously low in front of the high-speed moving Tyson.

  Ridick Bow reapplyed his tricks, using continuous small swings to block Tyson’s offense.

   Tyson’s u-shaped movement played a crucial role.

   He evaded the attack of Riddick Bow by diving.

   A breathing kung fu Tyson’s body came to the right side of Rick Bau and hid his head forward at the opponent’s soft rib.

  This position can avoid the damage well, while hitting a heavy flat uppercut to hit the opponent’s liver area.

  Tyson moved to that position and instantly hit Lidike Bow’s liver with his signature flat hook.

  The power of this hit was great, but Rick Bauer still did not show too abnormal performance.

   He twisted his body quickly, left this dangerous position, and used a continuous uppercut to knock Tyson back.

   When Tyson retreated, Rick Dick immediately pressed over.

   He took full advantage of his height and wingspan to control Tyson at a safe distance.

   In order to avoid being approached by Tyson, his right-hand punch has been in a state of ready preparation, while his left-hand punch constantly uses stab boxing to hit and interfere with Tyson.

  While Tyson moved slightly, he used his right hand to punch without hesitation.

  The speed of Tyson’s rocker arm is very fast, but this time he was still punched in the shoulder with the heavy punch of Riddick Bow.

   His upper body rocked a bit, and at the same time took advantage of the rhythm of the rocking, quickly arranged a reverse u-shaped movement, narrowing the space distance of Rick Bau.

   Quickly uses a continuous combination of left-hand straight punch and right-hand swing to attack Lidick Bow’s head.

  Ridick Bow quickly put up his gloves and blocked.

   Two consecutive combined punches failed to achieve an effect, and Tyson quickly switched the attack target and carried out an internal abdominal blow.

  Ridick Bow’s response to abdominal punches is still not very big. He once again threatened Tyson’s internal position by hooking.

   Since the beginning of the two, they did not have too much temptation, but took more technical hits, which made the audience watching the show very enjoyable.

   His coach Adams has been shouting from the stage.

   “Go attack Tyson’s belly!”

   “Don’t be afraid of being approached by Tyson, limit his movement speed!”

   “Fight with him, fight with him!”

  Before the game, his coach Adams specified the tactics for him, which was to limit Tyson’s movement speed.

   Adams wanted to let Lidick Bow use the advantage of his body to exchange punches with Tyson in a way close to the top cow.

   But when the game started, Rick Bau did not execute the tactics that Adams prepared for him, but used more technology and Tyson to consume.

   Ended in the first round in the consumption of the two.

  Adams and his assistant hurried to the boxing platform, and placed the bench under Rick Bau’s ass.

“What’s the matter with Riddick? You should control Tyson’s movement speed with a close-up hug instead of using technical punches to control him. Mike Tyson is very flexible. He has a class that is not a heavyweight. Movement speed! If you are making a technical hit, it will be easy for Mike Tyson to seize the opportunity!”

“Remember, you can’t try to control Mike Tyson. He is a person who can’t be controlled by anyone. You should use internal suppression to make full use of our good body strength and hit Mike Tyson in the abdomen. At the same time, look for opportunities to hit hard.

  Ridick Bow took a sip of energy drink and nodded.


  As usual, Tyson still has no seat.

   He moved back and forth, observing his opponent with his eyes.

   His coach is very professional in the corner team, but this time they did not arrange some tactics for Tyson.

   just whispered his opinion of Lydick Bow to Tyson.

   “Mike, your opponent is a powerful boxing champion. His ability to strike hard is not inferior. His technical control tactics in the first round failed to achieve results. I believe he will change tactics soon…”


   The second round started.

  At the beginning of the round, Tyson still made several sudden fake moves, confusing the audiovisual and defrauding Rick Bau’s back hand punch.

  Tyson took the opportunity to get close quickly.

   This time, Rick Bauer did not choose to escape, but used his body advantage to press Tyson’s shoulder with his head, limiting Tyson’s movement speed.

  At the same time, his double fists started to do some abdomen blows.

   This time, Tyson did not choose to escape quickly, but adopted the same way of abdomen hit to fight back.

  Tyson quickly completed six abdominal hits, and Rick Bau completed four times.

   Both of them are very hard in their resistance to attack, and no one has an uncomfortable expression.

  Ridick Bow quickly changed his position. He got rid of Tyson’s shoulder and came to a lateral position capable of exerting force, while hitting the hook with a quick punch.

  In the moment when Lidick Bow’s head left, Tyson had reacted, quickly swinging his body, and at the same time hit a swing.

   Lydick Bow’s upper hook was evaded by Tyson, and at the same time he hit a counter-attack pendulum, accurately hitting Lydick Bow’s temple position.

  Ridick Bow’s body just wobbled a little, and then arranged a middle and close flat hook.

   His other hand rested on his chin to prevent being attacked by Tyson again.

   Unsurprisingly, Lidick Bow’s flat hook fell again, and Mike Tyson’s punch again fell on his glove.

   After Tyson’s attack was blocked, his movements kept on, and he made another U-shaped dive.

After diving down to a certain distance,    immediately attacked the soft underbelly of Rick Bauer.

  After completing the dive, he dodges to the side and rear, avoiding the upswept that followed by Rick Bau.

   After Ricky Bow missed a hit.

   Tyson immediately arranged an equally dangerous uppercut.

  His uppercut is very fast and short.

   Rick Bau instantly changed the position of his head, he used his face to protect his chin.

  When the attack cannot be avoided, many experienced boxers will adopt this method. If they are hit **** the face, it will only be pain at most, and it will be accompanied by slight dizziness.

   But if the chin is hit, the powerful shock will make the boxer instantly lose the ability to resist.

  Ridick Bow’s choice is correct.

   Tyson’s fist hit his cheek accurately, causing Ridic Bow’s head to shake violently, and sweat spattered far away.

   slight dizziness and discomfort made him fall into a small passive.

  Tyson continued high pressure and attacked his head with a more fierce little punch.

  Ridick Bow immediately deployed the defense.

   While circumventing Tyson’s heavy punches by moving left and right quickly, he protects his brain while protecting the boxing punches, giving him time to recover.

  In the face of Tyson, who was chasing after him, Riddick Bow’s frame blocked the fierce attack.

   About a dozen seconds, he has slowed down.

After    recovered, Rick Bau quickly launched a counterattack.

  He once again used a fierce jab to stop Tyson’s attack, and at the same time, after the right hand fist regained strength, he used a huge force to play a stretch punch similar to a small swing.

  His fist is very fast this time, and the movement and angle are very strange.

  Tyson’s rocker arm wasn’t very timely, he was hit on the cheek by his glove.

Although    did not cause too much substantial damage to Tyson, his consecutive offensive actions were forced to stop, and the body shook involuntarily a few times.

  Ridick Bow immediately began to press in. He began to use a lot of long-range straight punches to test Tyson’s reaction to see if Tyson had just been hit by the problem.

  After a short trial, Tyson counterattacked his attack immediately.

   A quick backhand straight punch directly knocked out Rick Bau.

   Next, Rick Bau began to use a lot of fake moves to limit Tyson from being approached.

   At the beginning of Riddick Bow’s style transformation, Tyson was very unaccustomed to this frequent fake movement, and he began to carefully look for the timing of the breakthrough.

   Just when the two were deadlocked, the bell at the end of the second round rang.


Lidick Bow just sat down~www.mtlnovel.com~His coach Adams said: “You are doing very well, Lydick! Mike Tyson’s punches are not as heavy as we think, you are successful. After his uppercut, he did not cause you much trouble!”

“Next, what we need to do is to look for more opportunities. You should reduce the frequency of your hits and increase your hit rate. Riddick. Your hit rate is very embarrassing in this game. There have been two rounds of your existence, but you only have seven punches on Tyson, and only one punch hits Tyson’s face.

“We need to make changes to reduce your offensive frequency as much as possible. You should make your punches more precise and use some fake moves to deceive Tyson’s moves, just like you did in the second half of the round. That’s it.”

  In high-level duels, physical quality is very important, and psychological quality is also important, but tactical arrangements and the supremacy of athletes are also indispensable.

   A high-level battle should be reflected in all aspects.

   The performance of this game, in general, the performance of Riddick Bow is remarkable.

   At the same time, he also under great pressure.

   Mike Tyson is more powerful than he thought. His heavy punches caused him a lot of trouble.

   And his fists rarely hit Tyson, and the balance between them made Ridic Bauer become anxious.

   “Adams, what should I do? How can I hit Mike Tyson more?”

  :. :

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