I am Tyson

Chapter 30 - Refuse the Olympic trials

Holyfield is eager to win. There is nothing wrong with using the rules. His goal is to become the second Ali.

He achieved his goal and gained the fame and fortune he should have.

However, it is a bit too much to use the head hammer in the second battle.

Of course, the angry Tyson went too far and directly killed the earlobe …

Tyson’s thoughts quickly returned to reality. He realized his gaffe and coughed up his embarrassment.

His words are in Mandarin, and neither the boxers nor the prize winners on the scene understood.

Holyfield looked at Tyson next to him with doubtful eyes. He was sure that he had never seen this heavyweight champion, but the other party’s inexplicable language just said to himself.

What is he talking about?

“Is there any problem? Brother?” Holyfield asked.

Tyson waved at Holyfield to signal that he had no problem, and then extended his thumbs to express appreciation and encouragement.

Maybe they will meet on the boxing ring, but at least it is not now. In the future, Tyson believes that everything will be different.

According to the course of history, Tyson and Holyfield met as early as two years ago, because both of them participated in the junior Olympic competition at that time.

But Tyson did n’t participate in this event after crossing, and this became the first place where the two met.

Holyfield was a face-pressed expression of the actions Tyson showed him, but he couldn’t figure out what the heavyweight champion dude was doing, but he also gave his thumbs up.

Soon, is the awarding session.

Brandon Bessemer is the top of the Golden Gloves side and the guest of honor for this award.

After awarding trophies to all the champions in turn, he came to Tyson.

Tyson did not take the trophy, but let Kus stand in front of him, let Kus take his place to receive the award.

“He is my professional teacher and has paid a lot for him. He deserves this trophy.”

Tyson said a few words into the microphone.

The people at the scene stood up and applauded.

Kus took the trophy and raised it over his head.

After the award ceremony, several media wanted to interview Tyson. This time, Coos did not stop him. He cooperated and introduced everything about Tyson to those people.

It’s just that his condition doesn’t look good, and he coughs from time to time.

Tyson can only hurriedly ended the interview and brought Kus back to the small hotel.

He felt that Coase’s situation was wrong. Coase had been tightly wrapped in his coat, and it seemed very cold.

So Tyson reached out and touched Coase’s forehead, and suddenly became anxious.

“You have a fever, Kus.”

Kus does have a fever. During the game, he has already started to feel cold, but he has been enduring.

“I have no problem, just a good night’s sleep.”

Kus’s mental state began to languish, but he still talked hard.

Tyson said in an undoubted tone: “You must go to the hospital, immediately.”

“No, Mike, I’m fine.”

Was almost burned out and still saying that he was okay, Tyson couldn’t help getting angry for his stubbornness.

Tyson saw the medicine on the bedside table, which Kus got back a few days ago. The medicine did not seem to move.

“Kus, you shouldn’t ignore your health, your age is older, this is a fact.”

Tyson accused him angrily while holding him up.

“Teddy, go find a car.”

Teddy hurried out of the hotel and came to the street.

It is now eleven o’clock at night, the street is empty, what kind of car is there.

Tyson ran out holding Cus, he said again: “Go to Lawson, he has a car.”

Lawson, the owner of the small club.

Lawson lived not far downstairs, and Teddy knocked on the door of his room smoothly.

Teddy said anxiously: “Lawson, Kus is having some trouble. Can you drive us to the hospital right away?”

“Okay, I’ll come right away.”

Lawson got dressed and drove his pickup truck out of the garage.

Tyson put Kus in the car, and then they drove straight to the nearest hospital.

“What happened to Kus?” Lawson asked in his car.

“He had a cold before, and he hadn’t paid attention to it. He started to have a fever today, and his forehead was terribly hot.” Tyson said briefly.

Lawson said in surprise: “No, I watched your awards. He looked very happy, not as sick.”

At that time, the adrenaline of Kus was soared by the champion who got it, and naturally he could not see his something wrong, even Tyson didn’t notice his strangeness.

If Kus had a fever at the time, Tyson would drop the trophy and take Kus to the ambulance.

Kus is his family, far from being a Rausch trophy.

After being delivered to the hospital, the doctors and nurses were busy for a while.

The doctor returned to the office and Tyson found a seat to sit down.

“How is he, doctor?”

“His lungs have been infected by the virus, and he already has symptoms of inflammation.”


Hearing this, Tyson was terrified.

According to history, Kus will die of pneumonia after two and a half years, and pass away with endless regrets.

Is such a thing really inevitable?

No, never let it happen.

Doctor noticed Tyson ’s nervousness, he hurriedly relieved: “You do n’t have to worry too much. The pneumonia virus he infected is cured very well. I believe it will recover in a few days;

Tyson thought for a while and replied: “If there is any need, just tell me, please be sure to cure my coach. UU reading book www.uukanshu.com”

“I will, sir, you should believe our professionalism.” The doctor seemed a little unhappy.

Tyson left the hospital’s office and came to Kus’s bed.

At this moment, Kus kept talking about some words.

For example: King of Fighters, Carmel, Mike, Continue, Us and the like.

It seemed that the high fever made him no longer sober.

“You should go out, the patient needs to rest.”

A nurse carrying a tray came in, and after seeing Tyson in front of the bed, he drove him out.

The hospital has professional doctors and nurses to take care of Kus. Tyson can’t help, so he and Teddy found a hotel near the hospital.

Early the next morning, the two came to the hospital.

Kus was awake a lot at the moment. He was looking at the ceiling of the hospital with his eyes open, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Hi, Kus, are you better?”

Tyson walked in and greeted him.

Kus immediately sat up: “Mike, I don’t want to stay here, it makes me feel free, like a canary in a cage.”

The thought of a typical American is about to lose his life, and he has to talk freely.

Tyson refused him directly.

“No, Kus, you must be treated in the hospital.”

Kus shook his head: “Our time is very tight, you need to participate in the Olympic trials, we must start preparing immediately.”

“I don’t want to participate in any Olympics, the rules there disgust me, and the officials there make me sick and vomit. You have a deep experience, Kus, did you forget what happened thirty years ago?”

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