I am Tyson

Chapter 4 - Legendary coach

Now Stewart has a certain understanding of Tyson’s technology.

This is really a boxing talented teenager.

Training in just one month has already begun to show its qualities in every aspect.

He never thought Tyson’s talent was so good.

In fact, Tyson can have such a performance, a large part of the reason is the memory he brought.

One-month break-in time, except for physical fitness. At the technical level, his level is able to catch up with Stewart.

“Okay, today’s training time ends here.”

Stewart drove the group of teenagers away.

Tyson asked: “Coach, why did you leave me alone?”

Tyson trained with him for a month, never opened a small stove for him, I do n’t know what happened today.

Stuart thought for a while: “I saw an unusual light from you. My coach is average and I can’t help you much. So I want to transfer you to a legend and let him To train you and discover your potential. “

When Stewart finished these words, Tyson fell into contemplation.

According to the original trajectory, Stuart should say this after two months. Unexpectedly, his performance has largely changed the original process.

Stewart thought that Tyson was thinking about this matter, so he didn’t bother.

After a few minutes, Tyson recovered.

“Of course, when are we going to leave?”

He could not wait to see this legendary person.

Stuart set a specific time: “Tomorrow morning at 9:30, I will find you.”

“no problem.”

After Tyson had dinner, he returned to the dormitory.

This month, Bach is significantly more cheerful than before, and now his fear of Tyson has been completely eliminated.

Even after a month of fitness, Bach ’s original thin body also gained some muscles and looked much stronger.

“Hi, Mike.”

Bach’s title to him also changed from the former Tyson to the current Mike.

“Leave, brother, go to dinner.”


At nine o’clock in the morning, Stewart came to Tyson.

“Little bastard, can I go?”

Tyson shrugged and said, “Of course, I am ready.”

Stewart led Tyson to the office to sign.

Although closed camps are not prisons, they are also regulatory agencies.

Only accompanied by the camp staff, these young people have the opportunity to go out.

Of course, he must come back to report before 8pm unless he gets another application.

After all the preparations were completed, Stewart led Tyson into his car.

That is a Ford car.

Ford is very new, it looks like it should have just been bought. The shape is exactly the square shape popular in the 1980s and 1990s.

Tyson exclaimed: “This car is so cool.”

Stuart had a satisfied smile on his face. It seemed that he was very satisfied with the car.

“Of course, dozens of cars were in front of me at that time, and the car sales lady kept recommending other models to me, but I saw it at a glance.” While speaking, Stewart touched the front engine lightly with pride cover.

“You are really a tasteful person, really.” Tyson does not skimp on the language of his praise.

Stewart said with great pleasure: “It’s unbelievable to say this from your little bastard. When you first came to the camp, it was a bastard.”

“But I have made a change, haven’t I?”

Of course, this month, Tyson was quite satisfactory in life, and there was almost no negative news.

“Well, I admit you now, let me take a look at it. Shall we get in the car first? I have greeted over there and agreed to arrive before ten o’clock.”

“Okay.” Tyson took the co-pilot position without hesitation.

Stewart started the car and drove in a certain direction.

“Have you heard of Kus D’Amato?”

Sure enough, it was this legendary coach, D’Amato.

Damato guided and taught Freud Patterson, after winning the Olympic champion, he began to move to professional boxing, creating a precedent for amateur champions to turn professional.

Damato helped him form a fast, brave and fierce style, and became the youngest world heavyweight champion in boxing history at the time.

Unfortunately fortunately, Patterson, who had just become a Catholic, left Damato with a New York Cardinal.

Damato, who was dug into the corner, was in a terrible mood. He never stepped into the Catholic Church during his lifetime.

Damato’s life is very legendary. If his experience is written as a book, it will be a very exciting best-selling book.

Tyson thought for a moment, then said: “I heard that it is a very powerful person.”

Stewart said sympathetically: “He is indeed a very powerful person, a legend.”

The two talked about Damato.

After a while, he has entered Catskills in New York.

Stuart came to the local police station in a familiar way.

“Asshole, you can get off, we have arrived.”


Police station?

Seeing Tyson staring at the police station, Stewart patted his head gently.

“What do you see? It is on the second floor.”

Under Stewart’s leadership, Tyson came to a narrow alley beside the police station. There was a staircase leading to the second floor near the wall.

The stairs are rusty, and there will be the sound of metal friction when you step on it.

“If two more people go upstairs together, you say it will not collapse.” Tyson whispered.

Stewart turned to look at him: “What do you think? This is a good place, you will like it.”

Tyson shrugged.

The iron gate on the second floor was hidden, and Stewart pushed away and went in.

The area of ​​the entire second floor is very large, about 300 flat.

The entire training hall has three lights on the roof.

There are some places with some old-style lamps to provide lighting.

Because there is no window. The whole training hall looked very dim.

It looks like this should be a conference hall before.

There are also some posters on the walls, and there are some local children who have performed well.

“Hi, how are you? Friend.”

A sound that sounded a little powerful, greeting Stuart.

Tyson followed the source of the sound and saw an old man.

It was an old man in his seventies.

He is a short, fat white man with a shaved head. It’s that typical **** boxing coach.

Although he is a little older, he looks very strong.

Stuart stepped forward and gave the old man a hug.

“Hi, my respectful Mr. D’Amato, I am really happy to see you in the future.”

It can be seen that Stewart’s respect comes from the heart.

Because Tyson rarely sees such a serious speech.

Damato and Stewart said Tyson after looking up and down.

“Is this the boy you mentioned on the phone?”

Stuart nodded: “Yes, sir, he is my student in the closed camp, he is very talented.”

Damato looked at Tyson again: “How about going to a fight with your coach?”

“Of course.” Tyson readily agreed.

The center of the training hall has a prominent boxing ring.

This is a standard boxing ring, but it looks a bit worn.

A young trainer gave them two gloves.

This man has short golden hair, blue eyes like the sea, and is about 1.8 meters tall. He looks very spirited and strong.

Tyson reached out and took the initiative to introduce himself after receiving the glove.

“Hi, my name is Mike Tyson.”

“Teddy Atlas, nice to meet you, Tyson.”

“me too.”

After wearing his gloves, Tyson was already on the boxing ring.

The two started fighting practice.

And the old man D’Amato watched on the edge of the boxing ring.

Tyson ’s fist is very heavy. Stewart had a lesson yesterday, and today he is very alert.

As long as Tyson rushed up, he always counterattacked the first time, and reopened the distance.

It can be said that in the first round, he was chased by Tyson’s full punch box.

In the second round, Stewart suddenly launched a round of counterattacks, and after nobody took advantage of it, he opened the distance again.

Unexpectedly, Tyson’s leg suddenly exerted force, and the pace under his feet moved quickly, hitting him with a straight back.

The straight punch hit his nose, and soon he was bleeding.

The confrontation exercise was no longer possible, the two men took off their gloves, and Teddy gave him a towel.

“Sorry, sir, we didn’t play three rounds this time.”

In the past, they played three rounds.

Stewart had a stuffy nose in his nose, and said to Damato with regret.

Damato said: “You are doing very well.” Then he looked at Tyson.

“He will become a champion, a heavyweight champion. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com”

Stewart was very happy, as if Tyson had become the champion.

He walked over excitedly and slapped Tyson ’s chest: “Asshole, I knew you were a gifted man.”

Damato looked at the clock on the wall: “It’s time to eat lunch, do you mind coming to my house to taste the lunch prepared for you?”

Faced with the invitation, Stewart said without hesitation: “Of course, sir, our pleasure.”

The four of them left the training hall on the second floor.

Although the conversation with D’Amato was very short, Tyson was able to detect that although the old man was tough in appearance and speaking, he was a very kind old man.

Kus’s home is very large, covering an area of ​​about 40,000 square meters. He has a very beautiful house, which is a white Victorian house.

Stood on the second floor porch and could see the Hudson River.

Outside the house, there are extremely tall maple trees and roses like the ocean. Even if you are far away, you can smell the unique fragrance of roses.

Is beautiful.

Even in his previous life, he failed to own such a house.

Damato’s girlfriend is a beautiful Ukrainian girl in her fifties, her name is Camille.

Carmel prepared lunch for them, and the four of them sat under the maple tree and chatted.

“Tyson, you are great. You are the best person I have ever seen.”

Praised by a legend is definitely a happy thing, even Tyson, who is a man of the two worlds, is a bit floating.

“You can become a strong boxer, you have this potential and talent. If you let me train you, I can guarantee that you will become the youngest heavyweight champion in boxing history.”

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