I am Vardy

Chapter 703 - Line up to shake hands with Loew

Walking out of the conference site, Heinx asked Valdy in a confused mood.

“Why didn’t you shake hands with Loew just now? There is a contradiction between you?”

This matter can be big or small. Heinks has to be prepared to make trouble. He doesn’t want England to be always entangled with too many off-site things. In the past, England has suffered so much.

So he will have this question!

Vardy sniffed his nose in disgust, shrugged helplessly, and shook his head and replied: “You know what I saw just now? Luff actually shook hands with us with his nostrils! God, I want to vomit! I miss me Will never shake hands with him again!”

After Vardy finished speaking, he also extended his fingers under his nose, pretending to make nostril movements, to explain to Heinks with actual actions.

Heinks’s face is green!

The problem now is that Valdy didn’t shake hands with Loew, but he did!

Instantly, I felt a sense of discomfort in my hands, as if I had just done a chemical experiment, and I felt that the skin on my hands was being corroded by some unknown substance.

Nima, such a big man, actually digging his nostrils!

The most important thing is that you will not find a place where no one digs, but you are a public figure!

What’s even more shameful is that you are actually disgusting. Bara shook our hands with his nostril!

Such bad behavior is outrageous!

Heinkes don’t talk about comforting Valdy, he will be sick for a while!

Soon, the news of Valdy’s refusal to shake hands with Luf spread across the network, and public opinion instantly surged.

“Refuse to shake hands! Love and Hate of Valdy and Love

“Super rich Valdy thinks he is superior and refuses to shake hands with Loew”

“Teasing is not the bottom line without respect”

“Valdy Hao said, losers are not qualified to shake hands with themselves”

Although a group of melon-eating people were equally puzzled and did not know why Valdy was making such a fuss again, they still expressed their delight in seeing that with Valdy, there would never be a lack of news. This thing was enough for them to gossip for a while .

If you choose the news person of the year, then Valdi is definitely selected, and may even be far ahead of the rankings. Even the heads of several superpowers may not be comparable to Valdi.

Every move, just throwing your hands to the ground can detonate public opinion. Vardi’s news-sensitive physique is simply the best in the world.

But having said that, why did Vardy refuse to shake hands with Loew?

What the media said was useless. God knows how they made it with oil and vinegar. It is simply not credible.

Is there a conflict between Valdy and Love?

Except for the two men who had played against each other in the European Cup, they didn’t meet at all. When did they have conflicts?

It is inexplicable!

Is it true that as some people have said, because of his super rich status, Valdi has begun to look down upon the civilian class?

This is also a bit nonsense, at least Valdi should not be such a person!

The public opinion was in a stir, and the limelight of the game was overshadowed for a while, and the attention was all on Valdy and Loew.

When Lough was interviewed the next morning, although the surface seemed calm, the stiff smile was enough to show his inner calm.

“I care more about the performance on the court and the performance of the team. As for whether the other player has a gentleman’s demeanor, I really don’t care, but I always feel that the basis for becoming a good professional player is to have good character. If Not even the most polite, do you like such a person?”

Although Loew said he didn’t care if Valdy shook hands with himself, he couldn’t help but criticize it, and his words were also recognized by a large number of people.

This is indeed the least polite question. Even if the gangsters meet, they have to shake hands first, let alone professional players.

Think of those world-class rich people, no matter whether they disdain civilians in their hearts, but in public, they will definitely show their side of the people.

Is Valdy really gone?

The criticism is endless, and from the general remarks, it seems that Valdy suddenly changed from a world-class superstar to a murderer.

Unfavorable remarks were so overwhelming that even Valdi felt inexplicable.

Regardless of the reason, even if it involves etiquette, you will not kill yourself with a stick?

Is this group of people who eat melons hate the rich?

The teammates all got the news and comforted Valdy with concern. In fact, they were also very strange, what is the situation.

However, like Heinkes, the teammates knew the whole story and instantly felt that breakfast was already tumbling in their stomachs. They really did not expect that Loew was such a loaf.

There are a lot of coaches in the world football who have a lot of hobbies, and they are all strange, but if Loof is habitually digging his nostrils, he will not see it. Do you not pay attention to hygiene?

And you still use hands with nostrils to shake hands with others.

If you don’t know, it’s okay, but if you’re afterwards, like Heinkes, it’s definitely the rhythm of the explosion in place.

“No, we can’t let them black you for no reason, we have to find a way!” Rooney said indignantly.

Although the bad luck of Valdy is also something he likes to see, but this is limited to them. If outsiders bully Valdy, it will definitely not work.

The teammates expressed their attitudes and supported Valdy.

Valdy didn’t really feel anything, he was seldom hacked?

If you want to be a pioneer in history, it will inevitably be accompanied by eternal controversy.

Since he walked out of a ridiculous route, although most people are used to it, there are still some full-fledged defenders who criticize themselves and find some unreasonable reasons to shoot at themselves, as if it would make them look very good. Noble.

Vardy is used to it!

However, the good intentions of his teammates Valdi can not refuse, the most important thing is that he really disliked what Luf did.

It is your own business to dig your nostrils. I can’t interfere, and I don’t want to interfere!

But if you hold the nostril hand to the whole world to shake hands, it is your fault!

I am disgusted, you still have to criticize me from the moral high ground, why?

Just because of your booger?

So Valdy and his teammates began to mutter, how to teach Luff a lesson.

Heinks naturally knew what the players were brewing, but he didn’t mean to stop it.

It’s not an important game anyway. They are willing to toss and go. Valdy is so hacked so badly that he has to vent.

Most importantly, Heynckes was disgusted by Loew himself, and Valdy didn’t shake hands, but he shook hands.

When the players from both sides came to the stadium to warm up, the broadcast screen had been cut in. The commentators and guests were constantly talking about it. Analyzing the players in this formation, what advantages and disadvantages are summarized in one sentence, it still depends on the final game results.

After the warm-up, the players were ready to return to the locker room, but the English players lined up uncharacteristically and walked in front of Loew.

Loew’s first reaction was to giggle in his heart. Wouldn’t this group of English men come to trouble themselves?

But then I thought about it. In the official competition, even if the English want trouble, they don’t dare, so don’t worry about it at all.

So, these guys are here to show their sincere respect?

Well, that’s right, just look at the hand that Ferdinand started with his hand!

It must be!

Thinking of this, Loew extended his hand with a smile, his face smiling like a blooming chrysanthemum.

However, just before Ferdinand and Loew’s hands were about to be held together, Ferdinand suddenly withdrew his hands back, and with Loeve’s stunned expression, he suddenly put his fingers into his nostrils, dug, and then stretched out. Come to Luff.

Lov suddenly saw a little dark dot on Ferdinand’s finger, his eyelids jumped straight.

Loew is really maddening, what is this operation?

You actually put your nostrilized hand in front of yourself and shake your hand. You don’t feel sick, I still feel sick!

But Ferdinand’s expression was even more frustrating. It was a natural surprise, as if to say, why don’t you shake my hand?

Loew felt that he must not have worn his evil trousers when he went out today, otherwise how would he encounter this neuropathy.

But ~www.mtlnovel.com~ This is far from the end of the matter. Ferdinand saw Loew shaking hands instead of seeing him, shaking his head dismissively and giving up the position in front of him.

Rooney pushed up, and under the collapsed eyes of Lough, he dug his nostrils as if nothing happened, and then stretched his hand in front of Luff.

Come, please shake hands!

Come, please shake hands!

Come, please shake hands!

The same action was repeated nearly 20 times, and Loew collapsed nearly 20 times.

Crazy shouted in Lough’s heart, are all the English people crazy?

Fortunately, the German players entered the locker room earlier, and were not on the court at this time. Otherwise, seeing Luf suffer such humiliation will definitely trigger a group fight between the two teams.

In the end, the English players laughed away, leaving Lough as if he had been petrified.

Fans who have seen this scene have no idea how to express their thoughts. This is the rhythm of surprise to the thrill!

The narrators also lost the ability to speak because they broadcast so many games and have never seen such a ridiculous change, which was once embarrassing and almost turned into a broadcast accident.

Fortunately, the fans in front of the TV are also in shock, not paying attention to the gaffes.

This is really incredible!

Crazy world, crazy football, crazy England, and crazy Vardy!

No, it seems that there was no Valdy in the queue in England just now. He just stood beside his arms and watched what happened here with cold eyes, just like a passer-by.

But that’s not important anymore, everyone knows that the English players are on the platform for Valdy!

This is the unique charm of Valdy!

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