I am Vardy

Chapter 708 - The best way to fight opponents

San Siro seemed to explode, and the horrible boos of tens of thousands of fans gathered together, as if to blow Valdy into scum, and completely destroy the world.

Vardi fell to the ground, but it didn’t hurt much. He knew that this was a penalty, and he didn’t even perform any performances.

Unexpectedly, at this time, AC Milan’s defensive players, including Abbiati, all rushed over and snarled at Vardy angry.

“You fell pretty, bastard!”

“Damn, do you still have the minimum qualities of a professional player!”

“Stand up, the eggless guy!”

Vardi didn’t even have time to get up, and was surrounded by this group of Milan players who seemed to see their father’s enemy.

I fell?

What are you really shy to say with a shy face!

Abbiati, how dare you say you didn’t knock me down?

Vardi jumped up sharply and stood with Abbiati. Although Abbiati was a bit taller than Valdi, in terms of momentum, Valdi was not inferior at all, and even exceeded it.

“Asshole, how dare you say it again, dare you swear you didn’t slam my foot?”

Vardi roared roaringly, and gave way to Abbiati.

Inter players also quickly ran over to join the team, the players on both sides quickly entangled together.

The fans in the stands roared, as if the wild beasts roared. Such a hot scene in the Milan Derby is really nothing new. If the Derby can go smoothly, it is incredible.

The referee’s rapid whistle also showed his urgency. With the help of the assistant referee, the two players were finally separated, but they looked at each other glaringly, as if they wished to rush over to tear the opponent.

Everyone’s attention is focused on the referee. How will the referee award this ball, I am afraid will directly determine the trend of the next game.

The referee was really embarrassed. The angle was not good just now, and it was not clear. The sideman could not give him a definite answer, so he had to be cautious.

Judging from Abbiati’s save action and Valdi’s fall action, this is a foul in the penalty area, a penalty is inevitable, and Abbiati’s yellow card cannot escape.

The AC Milan players were filled with indignation, and the referee’s heart was shaken again.

After considering for a long time, the referee finally awarded AC Milan a foul ball, but he called Abbiati and Valdi, one of them gave a yellow card, the reason is that the two men just clashed in the dispute, The action is wild!

The punishment almost didn’t make Valdy’s eyes glaring. He slammed the referee, his lips twitched, but in the end he still couldn’t scold.

What a **** penalty!

Obviously an undisputed penalty, just because AC Milan showed extreme indignation, can you take away your penalty?

Where is the reason?

What makes him unacceptable is that Abbiati came to find his troubles, but he just stood up and resisted, but did not act excessively. Even so, he did not escape with a yellow card, which is unreasonable.

“Are you sure you want to be fined like this?” Valdy spit out a cold word.

The referee was stunned and felt Valdi’s boundless anger, and this anger made the calm even more terrifying.

“Yes, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can report it after the game, but now on the court, please keep calm!” Although the referee was surprised, he still said a tough word in his mouth.

Valdi once again looked at the referee coldly, then turned and left, and when he passed Abbiati, he did not forget to remind Abbiati.

“Anyone can act, so be careful!”

He didn’t hear Valdy’s anger or anger in the words, but instead had a playful meaning, which made Abbiati suddenly alert.

I just thought about how I could escape this penalty, but I ignored the person in front of me. This is the same as the big devil!

According to statistics from authoritative sources, the referees and others who have been hit by various accidents during the game are not considered for the time being. Only the goalkeeper who has dealt with Valdi, after the game, a large number of people will go to the hospital to check the heart, because in the game In the face of Valdi’s terror, the first thing they could not bear was the heart.

And some goalkeepers may go to see a psychiatrist to dispel the fear that Valdy brings to them.

At least not many goalkeepers can be safe after playing against Valdy, what a strong psychological quality!

Valdy is a terrifying existence that turns goalkeepers into high-risk occupations. Is it really a good choice to fight against Valdy himself?

Thinking of this, Abbiati regretted it.

First, he loves football and does not want to say goodbye to this green field soon;

Second, he wants to live a few more years;

Third, is it too late to apologize now?

It’s just that there is no regret medicine to buy in the world. Even if you pay the price of life, you still can’t make up for what you did.

The fans in the stands still booed, and it was given to Valdy, who fell, and to the ignorant referee.

Valdi has fallen falsely, can’t you punish him with a red card?

Of course, it is best to punish everyone at Inter Milan, so Milan will win without a fight.

They don’t care so much, no matter who fouls, it’s the opponent’s fault!

However, this controversial punishment caused a lot of discussion among the fans in front of the TV.

Unlike the live broadcast, the TV broadcast is able to see the slow motion playback. The movements of the two were just captured clearly.

“Let’s take a look at the slow-motion replay. Vardi unloaded Sneijder’s pick pass. Abbiati attacked at the same time. Vardi wiped the ball over Abbiati. Vardi fell to the ground… .”

“There is no doubt that this is a foul in the penalty area. Abbiati knocked down Valdi. This is a penalty!”

“The referee’s decision was obviously influenced by the reaction of AC Milan players. They behaved as if they had been wronged!”

“This time the controversial punishment, I am afraid it will cause a great reaction after the game!”

“Vardi behaved very calmly, but no one knows what is brewing under the calm. We can fully expect the performance of Valdy next. According to the previous experience, Valdi may explode!”

The narrator explained with excitement, as if he had already seen the scene of Valdy’s wind and rain.

It’s just that the commentator and the fans may really want to be crooked.

With the continuous improvement of Valdy’s strength and continuous improvement of his vision, he feels that as simple as before, using various means, such as black holes in the stadium, to provoke his opponents to be embarrassed. This is really a childish way of breathing.

You hit me, I give you back, what’s the difference between this kid fighting?

And this is not funny, at best it is a thunder accident!

What he most wants to do now is to fight his opponents through real games.

The best way to fight opponents is to defeat opponents one by one through real victory, so that the opponent can no longer bear the heart of resistance in front of himself, seeing himself trembling, making him completely a shadow of his psychological eternity, never able to disperse.

Since Abbiati is the goalkeeper, it is very simple, just let him keep picking the ball out of the goal in the game.

Vardy, who had made up his mind, became more active on the field, and seemed not to be affected by the yellow card at all.

AC Milan is still in control of the midfield, and Inter Milan is constantly strangling up and down, playing unmatched, as if they are not just fighting for the midfield, but for the ownership of the entire world.

With the addition of Valdy, the sweeping intensity of Inter Milan’s midfield has improved by one grade. I’m afraid no other midfielder in the world can have such an outstanding defensive ability, even in England, which won the European Cup.

In the 21st minute of the first half, Inter got a best chance.

Inter Milan’s high pressure forced Gattuso to pass the ball and make mistakes. As the most technical player in AC Milan, Gattuso is really difficult to play a big role in the offense.

After Vieira stole the ball, he quickly handed the ball to the retreating Vardi. Valdi had a collar on his back. After stopping, he directly flashed Pirlo’s rush and faced the direction of AC Milan’s goal. Fully open, the rocket generally rushed out.

The AC defense line quickly withdrew, and the offensive players of Inter Milan rushed to the AC Milan threat zone for the first time. A sharp and fast attack once again exploded in AC Milan’s halftime~www.mtlnovel.com~ The flexible change of direction during high-speed travel made Milan The defenders were overwhelmed. This was Kaka’s best way to make breakthroughs, but it felt that Valdice was on display, but it was faster and more difficult to deal with than Kaka.

After detaining Karaze, Valdi has entered the penalty area because of his speed, the Inter attackers have not been able to keep up. Similarly, AC Milan’s defensive players cannot defend in place. In front of him, only AC Milan’s Last center defender Nesta, and Abbiati guarding in front of the door.

Although Nesta is no longer in the peak period, as a stream of consciousness central defender, the decline in status is not obvious, and he is still the most trusted defender.

Facing Valdi’s breakthrough, Nesta chose to face the difficulties, using his most accurate judgment and card position, ready to intercept Valdi head-on.

Because he is very clear, it will be meaningless to retreat.

However, at this time, Valdi didn’t seem to care about the tall defender in front of him. He suddenly lifted his right foot during the march and suddenly exerted force. After entering the big penalty area, he shot with a fierce foot.

The ball was shot like an arrow, Nesta didn’t have time to make an intercept, only to turn his head back and watch the ball hit the goal.

Abbiati’s pupils contracted suddenly, staring closely at the ball, the body has involuntarily made a response to the save, and flew in the direction of the ball.

However, in the air, Abbiati has felt a desperate atmosphere surrounding him, because no matter from which angle he judges, he can no longer touch the ball and cannot prevent the ball from flying into the goal behind him.

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