I am Vardy

Chapter 720 - I\\\'m here to wake you up to pee

After making up his mind, Valdi returned to the locker room with his arms around him. He didn’t want to know what the psychological shadow of Ibrahimovic. Imagine the psychological shadow that can cause Ibrahimovic’s arrogant guy. A horrible thing.

Therefore, in order to consider the quality of sleep and avoid nightmares at night, Valdi does not want to know!

Vardy’s abacus played very well, using a little careless Grigra in Juventus to create a penalty, and then let Ibrahimovic break the spell of Buffon’s head-to-head killing.

But things often did not change quickly, and no one expected that after playing in the second half, Valdi didn’t actually see Grigra in Juventus.

This item was replaced by Ranieri!

Yeah, Grigra was played by Vardy as a monkey in the first half. How could he continue to make him a defensive black hole on the court?

Of course, changing to any full-back may not be able to defend Vardy, but the key question is who will let Grigra speak hard to Vardi before the game. It is estimated that if he is replaced by other full-backs, Valdi should Isn’t firepower full?

This result made Vardy a little helpless, who do I look for in the second half?

No wonder Griegla still had the expression that his father and mother were dead when the first half came down. It turned out that he knew he must be out of the second half.

However, although there have been changes, the plan has not changed. If I really waved in the Juventus penalty area, it is estimated that no defender can stop it. At that time, the penalty is not in hand.

In fact, Valdi was not willing to fight against such a sweaty and smelly man when he attacked. Even if he didn’t have cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder, who would like to join a person with a body odor?

Isn’t that just making yourself uncomfortable?

Even if the opponent’s defensive player does not have body odor, the combined taste of several people is absolutely unpleasant.

But there is no way. I want to make some achievements on the court, and I can only bear it silently.

Otherwise, will you wear a mask to play next game?

Or suggest to FIFA that players must spray cologne before playing in the future, otherwise they will get out?

Vardi didn’t get into the penalty zone much before, so he felt a little bit less, but now, it’s really uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Juventus is counterattacking, Inter Milan is continuing to press tightly in the midfield, the two sides are playing with thunder and fire, and the defensive moves are gradually increasing.

At the beginning, everyone used two points of strength. There was a sudden mention of a three-pointer. I couldn’t stand behind, so I mentioned four-pointer. So, you get me a little bit. In the end, it becomes directly A fierce duel.

At this time, whoever was the first to pick it up, shoveled it first, and for a time, the two sides of the midfielder turned their horses up and down, feeling like a medieval battlefield, the cold weapon decided the victory.

But it’s strange to say that everyone else is very embarrassed, but Juventus has no one to find Valdy’s trouble. Until now, although the Vardy jersey was soaked in sweat, it was not stained with dirt and grass debris.

Players who want to come to Juventus also know that Valdy is not easy to provoke. Don’t think that it is harmless to make people and animals harmless.

Here you put Valdi down, and looking back the next round, Valdi can shovel you away.

If it only stops here, then everyone will not care too much. After all, on the football field, no matter how dangerous it is, it is not uncommon to eat this bowl of rice.

But Valdy could not be measured by common sense at all, as if there was a mysterious force attached to Valdy and contaminated, then it would be bad luck, and bad luck.

I just play a ball, there is no need to catch my life…

As the game time passed, the two teams were still entangled in the midfield, and the threat to the goal was not big. If you continue like this, Juventus should be in a hurry. After all, they are now the one behind.

But obviously there is a person on the field who is more anxious than Juve, that person is every day.

Say good to dispel the psychological shadow!

Can’t you let me face Buffon all my life as a soft-leg shrimp?

He didn’t know he didn’t score against Buffon just because Buffon brutally touched him.

Constantly giving Vardy a wink, he couldn’t help pulling Vardi to remind him as if he had burnt his ass.

Valdy is also helpless, you can’t really treat me as God!

Grigra is out of the game, and he has no way to make others easily lose his mind. If he takes the ball and rushes towards the Juventus defensive player’s dense penalty zone, is it not to ask for trouble?

Therefore, this matter can only be followed, and Valdy has no way to guarantee.

As for the fall, Valdy is really too lazy to do it. Sometimes this thing can be used to exhale once, but if it is considered to be a habitual diving, don’t think about preferential treatment in the future.

No matter how good the acting is, the script won’t work and it won’t catch fire.

If you want to fall fake, always pinch the timing and design the movement. If the movement is unreasonable, you will act like it, and it will be in vain.

The game continued, and Vardy did strengthen the breakthrough in the left rib. Even if it may not be possible, there is a chance. Always try, at least worthy of his good friends.

Of course, if Juve doesn’t foul, he may still finish the breakthrough directly, and the director will score next time!

In the 69th minute of the second half, Valdi and Maxwell made a wonderful cooperation on the left. The two’s quick transfer actually made Juve’s three defensive players only stare. In the end, Valdi slipped into the penalty area along the bottom line. .

Facing the defensive player who rushed over, Valdi tried to shoot from a small angle. After the opponent’s foot was blocked, the left heel heel slammed the ball from his back to the right side.

This can be regarded as an open air, whether shooting or passing, the angle is more suitable than just now.


Buffon waited in front of the goal, this is not a good idea.

Therefore, Valdi, who has been driving satellite positioning, aimed at the back point and directly picked up the pass. He knew that someone was there in ambush and was himself.

However, when the ball was flying higher and higher, and was about to fly over the side of the Juventus player who defended himself, the player didn’t know whether it was his head. He suddenly reached out and stopped the ball, as if he was the goalkeeper.

At the moment when the ball appeared in his hand, his expression was a little dumbfounded, he quickly put the ball down and pretended to look innocent.

But the problem is that the whole world saw what he did just now, and there is nothing to explain. The referee directly whistled and gave him a yellow card. At the same time, Inter Milan also got a penalty.

Inter fans in the stands laughed madly, although Valdi’s pick pass must be threatening, but it should not be more powerful than a penalty kick, Juventus is simply their undercover!

Even though Juventus players still don’t give up, they justify to the referee, but their words are too pale, and there is no explanation at all~www.mtlnovel.com~ Even they themselves know that the referee will never change the sentence, they do, but Do your best to obey your destiny.

This time, I am happy, and finally got a bit of a ball. This time, it is my turn to get out of the psychological shadow, right?

No one robbed Ibrahimovic. Since Valdi didn’t punish him, others didn’t have any idea, so Ibrahimovic directly held the ball to the penalty spot, put the ball there seriously, then slowly raised his head, Looked at Buffon with a complex expression.

At this time, Buffon is making psychological adjustments in front of the door. No matter how good the goalkeeper is, the success rate of the penalty kick will not be too high. Even if a primary school student is standing in front of him, it may be easy to take a penalty and break the goal. This is a kind of Penalty form.

Seeing Ibrahimovic looking at himself, Buffon grinned and gave Ibrahimovic a semi-provocative and defiant look. Obviously this is also a kind of psychological tactic.

Ibrahimovic feels very heavy, and even has a lot of pressure on his mind. This ball is not only about the team’s ability to win, but also about whether he can get out of the haze, and he can face Buffon sincerely.

Thoughts drifted into the memories of that night again. On that dark night, the tall figure that opened his door was lingering in his heart.

Fear, panic, fear, uneasiness, all kinds of negative emotions completely enveloped, Ibrahimovic at that time, there is definitely a feeling of facing death.

What is the purpose of Buffon?

“Uh, don’t be afraid, I’m here to wake you up to pee!”

When it suddenly lit up, Buffon exposed his two rows of big teeth and grinned at Ibrahimovic lying on the bed.

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