I am Vardy

Chapter 729 - Meet Manchester United

Ferguson was covering his chest while praying. This exciting occasion really didn’t fit his fragile heart.

However, Murphy’s theorem explains this phenomenon very well.

Manchester United actually encountered Inter Milan.

This is not a nightmare, but the nightmare really came to reality.

If it weren’t for the Manchester United staff who quickly helped Ferguson take out the medicine and pour it into his mouth, the consequences would be disastrous.

I don’t know if Ferguson will become the first coach in history to die suddenly because of a bad draw.

Of course, the veteran coach who has gone through a hundred battles will naturally not have such a little tolerance, he is just a bit trance for a while.

The Maotou kid who had been watched by him and handpicked to join has already become the most shining star in the world football. Ferguson should be with Rong Yan, he is Valdy’s Bole.

Recalling the days when Valdy once fought in Manchester United, Manchester United was so proud at that time. Valdy, Ronaldo and Rooney, the trident composed of the three most outstanding young people, cut off the heroes of the world and never had opponents.

However, this time has become the past tense.

Glazer is coming, Valdy is gone, Ronaldo is gone, leaving only the little fat man with thinning hair. Manchester United has long ceased to be the Manchester United in the world, but an empty shell, but no soul Manchester United, such a Manchester United, does not deserve the title of Red Devils.

Ferguson shook his head gently, his smile was bitter, and he was too old to think too much.

Valdi, who watched the live broadcast of the lottery at home, saw Inter Milan meet Manchester United, and he took a breath.

It’s not that it’s difficult for Manchester United to deal with. It’s just that there is a place where he once fought, there are teammates and good friends he has fought side by side with, and there is the old man who made him respectful like a father. He doesn’t know what mood he should use. To face Manchester United.

It’s as if he returned from Everton to Manchester United and faced Everton in the Premier League. There are hundreds of flavors in his heart, and he can’t say bitterness and sweetness.

People cannot always live in memories, but they always remember.

How will the Red Devils fans treat themselves when they stand on Old Trafford again?


Or is it like a stranger?

Or look at yourself calmly without saying a word?

This feeling made Vardy feel a twitch in his heart.

Perhaps, I can’t give up this indelible memory!

I don’t know how to release water, which is disrespect for Manchester United and disrespect for myself.

If you fight, you need to use the best state and show yourself the best.

Even in the face of Manchester United, it is necessary to tell Manchester United fans with wonderful goals and great victories, I will always be the one I am!

Unconsciously, Vardy was still looking at the TV screen, but his eyes had become firm.

The next day, sports media all over the world reported long and exhausted reports of this time the Champions League draw, because UEFA is so aggressive that it has created several classic battles.

Defending champion Chelsea hit Juventus after returning to the UEFA Champions League. One is a strong player without a rich history, and one is a team with a rich history but has not yet returned to the peak. The collision between the two is definitely a big look. point.

Real Madrid, who got Ronaldo, met the Premier League giant Liverpool, which will definitely be a super head-to-head matchup.

Real Madrid gathered in the stars and Liverpool have always been tough in the European War, it is still unknown who deer died.

The match between Arsenal and Rome is equally interesting. Even if neither team is too competitive in their respective leagues, their strength should not be underestimated.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the matchup between Inter and Manchester United. These two super teams will probably make the Champions League countless climaxes in the round of 16.

Manchester United have reached the Champions League final three times in the past three seasons and have twice won the championship. It is definitely the strongest champion in the Champions League. Even if it has lost two superstars, Valdy and Ronaldo, it is still a strong contender for the Champions League in the eyes of gaming institutions.

Inter Milan is the real uncrowned king. Although they have not won the Champions League in these strong seasons, no one doubts that they are the strongest team in European football.

The presence of Vardy has completely sublimated this team. Everyone believes that as long as there were no accidents like the previous season, Inter Milan won the Champions League and managed to win.

Even though football is round, everyone believes in this principle. Even the strongest team will have a gully toppling, not to mention that Inter strength has not yet crushed other giants.

But it’s very evil, everyone just thinks Inter can win the championship.

Not to mention the two factors of strong overall strength and mad Mourinho. Perhaps there is only one Valdi. UEFA should directly award the Champions League trophy to Inter Milan.

This is not a joke, but everyone’s real thoughts.

Even if the opponent can play an even match with Inter Milan on the field, but the presence of Valdi is enough to make the situation change from even match to the benefit of Inter Milan.

The teasing is not a white call, just the blow to the opponent’s morale, which makes Inter Milan’s 100 million euros worth it.

It’s just that Valdy will be merciful to his old man Manchester United. No one can tell for sure. Here is his mentor and his good friends. Whether he will be intolerable is hard to say. .

But in any case, this time the Champions League draw directly reversed the image of UEFA’s usual conspirators, because how to look at them this time does not seem to manipulate the draw.

If you change to the previous one, then there will be at most one strong dialogue in the round of 16, even if it is not possible, the giants have been escorted.

And this time, the powerful dialogue is like a mushroom in the spring.

Of course, it may also be that everyone in the group stage is touching, so many strong teams are rushing to appear as the second group, even if UEFA Lenovo engages in a dark box operation, there is no room for operation.

But no matter what, Valdy is not willing to think about it again. Everything will wait until the Champions League knockout in February begins!

In the first game after the end of the winter break, Inter Milan faced a difficult situation at home.

It’s really because the holiday is so big, the players haven’t generally recovered their competitive status. The main scene is against Cagliari, playing weakly, like a little wife.

Originally, Cagliari came to Meazza with the determination to die. It was extremely tragic, but the game was kicking and kicking, they felt a bit wrong.

No matter how Inter players are like soft-footed shrimps, let alone dominance, even stopping the ball may often make mistakes.

This time, Cagliari saw the problem. It turned out that the holiday came back after the end, and Inter has not yet entered the state!

For a while, Cagliari’s entire team was excited because they saw hope of victory over Inter Milan.

At least for the current season, no team has beaten Inter, or even draw Inter to do it~www.mtlnovel.com~ Could they be the first team to beat Inter?

The chance to become famous is here!

As a result, Cagliari began to erupt, fighting tenaciously against Inter, making Inter very uncomfortable.

Although Valdy is very active on the court, he obviously is not in rhythm with his teammates, and even the support he has received in the frontcourt is very limited.

You can’t let Vardi retreat to the midfield to catch the ball, and then single out the entire Cagliari, right?

I have to admit that Inter is crazy to die, and it is terrible to wither.

Valdy always worked **** the court, but the whole team dragged him down, and he could not make a difference.

The closest offense was Valdi’s corner kick, but unfortunately, because the rotation angle was slightly worse, after the ball bypassed everyone, it actually hit the back post accurately, which made Valdi almost breathe. Did not come up.

In the end, Inter Milan was tied at home by Cagliari, and the winning streak ended.

After the game, the Inter fans in the home stands were very lost. They thought it would be a big win without effort. It is okay to win again.

But they never imagined that Inter not only failed to win, but even failed to win. They were even tied by their opponents at home. This is Inter Milan’s defense is relatively good, otherwise they lose.

This is by no means the inter- fearless Inter in the past. The Inter in front of them makes them feel so strange.

After the game, public opinion was naturally heated up, and summed up in one sentence, that is Inter Milan.

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