I am Vardy

Chapter 734 - You can cheer on 1 on the field

Vardy had to say goodbye to his cheerleader teammates he had just formed, and Rukawa Feng’s personal guard had just been established, and he announced the dissolution because Vardy was about to play.

Adjusting your mental state and changing yourself from a role as a cheerleader to a player is not easy, because there are still three hairy thighs in your brain.

“You’re finally on the field!” Beckham pulled Valdy, and couldn’t help feeling from the bottom of his heart: “Playing with you on the field is a kind of pain, but I never expected that you are not on the field, but it is more Big suffering! I can’t stand it anymore!”

Valdy smiled, isn’t this the purpose of his cheerleading team!

The referee whistled and the second half of the game officially began.

Valdy replaces Mancini Jr., and naturally has to take over the task of Mancini Jr., which is to use the counterattack to attack Milan’s defense line when Inter is shrinking.

However, it is obvious that Valdy’s deterrent is far from comparable to Mancini Jr., when Valdi comes on the field, the Milan defender will not dare to push up. It is really a terrible anomaly of Vardi’s personal ability. One or two defenders come up, just give Vardy just delivered the dish. Even if the four-person defense was intact, Valdi would dare to rush up alone.

In this way, Milan’s oppressive offense has lost its power, making it more difficult to threaten the Inter Milan defense!

Seeing this scene, Ancelotti shook his head, and Vardi’s appearance really meant a worse situation.

Defending the line is not his instruction, but the spontaneous actions of the players. Obviously, the players’ fear of Vardy is by no means a bit.

Think about it and understand how many painful memories Valdi has left for Milan. If you underestimate Valdi, what is the difference between Milan players and idiots!

On the Inter side, Mourinho has no new instructions, so even if Milan loses their pressure on offense, they will not be easily dispatched. They are very clear that this game does not necessarily have to score three points, if they can tie Milan In fact, it is already the best result, so they are still piled up in the backcourt, and the bus can’t be drained.

Ancelotti is about to cry, your killer is already on the court, can’t you be brave enough to attack?

The game was very stalemate, Vardi stood in the midfield position, a little boring, Milan offense is concentrated in the frontcourt, Vardi defense can not help, so there is only a daze.

No, who said I can’t cheer for my teammates on the field?

The brothers who squatted in the backcourt defended because of Milan’s mad attack, and their days were not very good, so they must urgently need their own cheer. I believe that with their own cry, they will be able to refuse Milan’s offensive as if they have played chicken blood. Outside the door.

If you want to do it, Vardi is in the middle position, picking up his pants again, and starting to roll around…

Zambrotta, who was always next to him and stared at Vardi, opened his mouth when he saw Valdi’s movements.

This reminded him of the fear of being dominated by Valdy’s teasing.

Man, haven’t you played enough off the court just now?

You still have to play cheerleaders on the field?

After thinking about it, Zambrotta decided to stay away from Valdi as well. The ideal is sincere and the price of life is higher. To stay away from Valdi is to cherish life.

So, in the almost collapsed eyes of all the fans, Valdi pinched his waist and raised his thigh again with a sly expression. The thick leg hair was about to drift with the wind…

Everyone was stunned, and Valdire was out of focus. He didn’t even know whether he should laugh or cry.

The Milan players no longer have the intention to attack. With Valdy, a guy who is amused by the dead, what are they doing?

And Inter players don’t want to play anymore. Vardi’s way of cheering is really a killing of the two teams. Milan is definitely affected by cruelty, but Inter is not good, and they can’t bear it.

The fans in front of the TV had already laughed and collapsed to the ground, and Valdy’s teasing once again refreshed their awareness.

Other players are fighting hard in the backcourt. They don’t even have time to breathe, but you are so swaying in the midfield. If I are your teammate, I will kill you directly!

The referee next to him looked at Valdi and wanted to directly draw out a red card to punish Valdi. This is the first time in his law enforcement career that he had such a serious tendency when others did not foul.

Can’t we be allowed to finish the game smoothly and smoothly?

After a long time, it may be that Vardi was a little tired, and finally stopped such a thrilling way of cheering, but at this time everyone looked at him, as if they were looking at aliens.

How can you ignorant mortals understand my realm!

Vardy doesn’t care about other people’s strange vision at all. Many groundbreaking ideas are often considered crazy at the beginning. When the future world football is full of fun, you will understand my greatness.

The game is still going on, but Valdy is so engaged in it again and again, I feel that Inter and Milan have little energy to raise, and it seems more like dealing with errands.

One attacked weakly, and the other only knew about defense, but it was a good match.

Vardy knows the current state of the team, so he knows that the main purpose of this game is not to win. If he can get a point while reducing his consumption, the result will be perfect.

Therefore, Valdy often walks in the midfield and even stands still. In the case of worry-free defense, he has no need to take the risk and hit the Milan goal alone.

Therefore, under the threat of both sides of Valdi, the two Milan teams of Milan City played a dull match in the number of derby encounters.

At the end of the game, Beckham slammed Valdy with a big hate, and this one came to disgusting people today!

Seeing the look of Valdi, Mourinho also wanted to bruise him.

Although Valdi used his own way to help the team achieve a draw that was not too expensive, and reached the set goal, this way is really a bit unacceptable.

He sometimes even wonders whether he is the right decision to come to Inter.

Although he likes Vardy very much, the problem is that coaching Valdy really needs an iron heart, otherwise he might be like Ferguson, holding his chest and calling for help.

The draw didn’t actually make much waves in the hearts of fans. Anyway, the two teams already have a gap of more than 20 points in the league. A win or loss does not change the situation.

But the question is, is the way of this draw a bit inexplicable?

How do you feel kicking and kicking, the style of the game is completely wrong!

Vardy always has the ability to change the game situation, or use his own strength, or use his own teasing.

Even if it is just on the sidelines, it can still make opponents at a loss. At least a few people have such a thick line of nerves, they can be indifferent to Valdy~www.mtlnovel.com~The Milanese derby, the Valdy, is this Is it the correct way to open Milan Derby in the future?

God, this is terrible!

At the press conference after the game, Ancelotti expressed regret that the biggest mistake of Milan in this game was that he could not restrain Vardi, even if Valdi did not play in the first half, otherwise this game will be another one. Situation.

But fans felt that this was Vardy’s style.

People form cheerleaders to cheer for the team, is there no problem?

Although in fact the three cheerleaders did not really cheer for Inter, on the contrary, they also helped. You know, Inter players are actually the same as beeping dogs, but it is undeniable that the injury to Milan is more Big, so much so that Milan, in their cheering, simply could not lift the momentum.

I’m afraid this is the most productive cheerleading team ever. At least, they can really change the game.

However, many so-called football experts have different views. They think that the practice of Valdy and other three people is simply a retrogression in football.

Imagine that if you want to win unscrupulously, then every team is doing something messy on the sidelines. Over time, football will no longer be football.

But the fans did not buy into this public opinion.

Who has the strength to be as real as Valdy?

Unless you put a bomb on the sidelines, maybe you can make players on the field shudder and change to any other way, you don’t want to achieve the same effect as Valdy.

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