I am Vardy

Chapter 753 - Am I missing the opening time?

   5 minutes and 3 goals, Valdi shocked the whole world with his godlike performance.

  It’s what it’s like to dominate the game alone, maybe no one knows better than Valdy!

   looked at Valdi who was standing in front of the door with his hands up and three fingers outstretched. The fans bowed their heads in vain.

   World-class giant Arsenal has always been a very competitive super strong team in the Champions League. Although bad luck has not entered the finals, but no one can be underestimated.

   But such a giant team, actually beaten by Valdy in five minutes, and he was crying for his father. This is not a miracle?

  At least it is difficult for fans to find suitable words to describe Valdi, because no matter how noble the title is no longer worthy of Valdi.

   Inter players madly rushed to the front court of Valdi. Everyone roared with excitement in their mouths, even syllables that they could not understand. This exciting game has made them lose their minds.

  This is the legendary lying win?

   The game only started for five minutes. Most Inter players have not even touched the ball once, but the game has become 3:0, like a dream.

   There is no suspense in the game. Even Arsenal, under the terror of the big devil, Valdi, will still be dead.

   But before Inter players rushed to Vardi, Vardi turned around and ran to the bench quickly. The speed was desperate.

   Fans who didn’t know thought that Valdi was going to embrace Mourinho with excitement. The combination of the world’s first football player and super coach has already become Inter’s most terrifying power, and the relationship between the two is also very harmonious.

  However, just when Mourinho thought that Valdi wanted to hug himself, Valdi came to a sudden brake in front of him.

The huge inertia made Valdi stop in front of Mourinho. The distance between the two is infinitely small, and even intimate contact between faces must occur. If someone is behind Valdi at this time, it will give bad His buttocks are so tight, it is another kiss.

   “Boss, let me finish the hat-trick if you say it is good. Now that I have completed the task, let me flash people quickly. Elena and the children are waiting for me!”

  Vardi said excitedly that he could not wait for a moment.

   Mourinho had a black face and was completely defeated by Valdi!

   waved his hand, with a helpless expression on his face, and kicked him on Valdi’s ass.

   “Get out of here!”

  Vardi smiled and blossomed on his face in an instant, and rushed into the dressing room, preparing to change his clothes and make people flash.

   And at this time, no one knew what was happening, all with a look of dumbfounded expression.

  Vardi completed an unprecedented hat trick, but was kicked by Mourinho?

  Vardi left indignantly?

  Why is Valdi present, and the development of things is always unexpected?

Mourinho is ready to make substitutions. Although Crespo and Balotelli have just stood up and haven’t had time to warm up, but because the game didn’t start long, the warm-up effect before the game is still there. ready.

   Soon, in the noise, the fourth official on the sidelines raised the sign of substitution.

   Balotelli goes up, Valdy goes down!

   hat tricks in the first five minutes and substitutions in the first five minutes. What kind of routine is Inter playing?

   The fans of the whole world don’t know what happened, they just vaguely felt that Inter is going to change again!

  Vardi didn’t care so much, rushed into the locker room, changed his clothes, and went straight to the airport. Three hours later, he had appeared at Milan Airport, got off the plane, and rushed into the hospital anxiously.

   Elena, here I come!

  Baby, here I come!

The originally imagined picture is that Elena is doing her final efforts in the delivery room. The painful howling can even spread through the room wall throughout the hospital. When Valdy rushes into the delivery room, the baby comes to life, Valdy Looking at the nearly collapsed Elena and the nurse, the baby who had just arrived in the world and had not opened her eyes, wept with joy.

  However, when he rushed to the hospital, reality broke his fantasy.

   Elena was lying on the bed eating apples comfortably, her belly bulging high, and even from time to time she could see the baby’s restless fetal movements.

  Where does this look like production?

   “My dear, why did you come back so quickly?” Elena asked with a smile, curiously.

  Vardi didn’t know how to answer Elena, could he still say that it was because you lied about the military, so I destroyed Arsenal?

   “Because I missed you, so I came back. I think I should be by your side at this time!” Vardy sat by the bed and said softly to Elena.

  Okay, the two nurses spread the dog food, and the little nurse couldn’t stand it anymore.

   It was when Valdi and Jelena were tender and affectionate, Inter here also ended the game and returned to the hotel. This road trip, if not to consider Valdi to end in five minutes, should be considered a perfect game.

   4:1 score is enough to ensure that the second round of the game becomes a friendly match. At Meazza Stadium, no team can overturn a serious Inter Milan, no one can do.

  Vardi’s five-minute hat-trick broke Arsenal completely. After Valdi ended, the Gunners were also muddled. The whole first half did not know what he did on the field.

Although Arsenal fought back in the second half and pulled back to a city, the problem is that even without Valdi, Inter strength is not inferior to Arsenal, Ibrahimovic’s fatal blow before the end ~www.mtlnovel.com~ once again destroyed Arsenal’s fighting spirit, this time the gunman was completely stubborn.

   In fact, this uncommonly relaxed game, even the Inter players are inexplicable, like falling in a dream.

   They didn’t seem to do anything, and Valdi broke Arsenal alone. It was like the main force was preparing to ambush the enemy. As a result, the guerrillas took the lead and waited for the main force to slow down, leaving the battlefield cleaned.

   thoroughly lie down to win, this feeling, really can not tell whether it is good or bad!

   And the media and public opinion are about to fry. This game is beyond everyone’s imagination.

   This can no longer be described simply as a miracle?

   Perhaps Valdy’s hat-trick is not the shortest hat-trick, because the shortest hat-trick that is well documented only took 90 seconds.

   But Valdy’s hat trick is definitely the fastest hat trick, the fastest time from the opening.

  What can you do in the opening five minutes?

   Perhaps most fans have not had time to turn on the TV!

   That is to say, many fans just turned on the TV, the score on the field has become 3:0, I am afraid that these fans must have collapsed?

  Did I remember the opening time?


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