I am Vardy

Chapter 776 - Top of Europe (Part 1)




The whistle representing the end of the game rang from the mouth of the referee. In an instant, the Rome Olympic Stadium fell into a violent atmosphere, and the hustle and bustle broke through the sky.

Inter players have been unable to restrain impulse and excitement, ran their arms, hugged everyone who could be seen, hit their chests, played against each other, and even put their heads against each other’s head, hitting hard.

I can’t feel the pain at all, nor can I feel the exhaustion. I am full of joy and excitement after winning the championship.

The champion is finally here!

The Inter team members were crazy about Sahuan. The players on the bench could not bear the loneliness. They also rushed into the court and joined the ranks of the carnival.

In the big fourth, Valdi, who helped Inter win the championship, is like a tenacious **** of war. Even if he is embraced by his teammates, he still feels a hand with clenched fists, and his expression is proud and untamed.

Champion, I did it!

Even if it is difficult and dangerous, even if the heart is sinister, or even the thorns everywhere, I still walked all the way.

No one can stop, just like my promise, death will be done.

Looking back on the way I came, my beloved Manchester United did not have the footsteps that I could fetter. I stepped on Porto’s body and advanced. Arsenal, who had a life and death feud last season, was beaten out of faith and finally reached the Champions League final.

What if the whole world is advocating Barcelona, ​​even if UEFA regards it as a son, even if the referee loves it all?

After all, there is only one winner.

God is standing opposite, I want to win!

The devil is standing opposite, I still want to win!

Not to mention Barcelona, ​​the Catalan team will never win Valdi.

Looking at the Barcelona player who lost his soul, Valdi couldn’t help but sneer.

Once proud, do you think you can win forever by vile means?


Even if only Inter is left alone, Valdi can fight to the end, tearing Barcelona to pieces and dying without corpses.

In front of the great Vardy, everyone can only worship, he is the god, he is the Buddha, he is the man who can bring the team to victory.

Mourinho also rushed into the field, embracing every player. Inter this season did not experience too many bumps and bumps along the way, until today.

Inter Milan suffered too much injustice in this game, and even Mourinho, who was used to it during the Chelsea era, felt unbearable.

Fortunately, the players stood up to their difficulties and gritted their teeth to defeat Barcelona in all situations that were not conducive to themselves. This is where Mourinho is most proud.

This is my team, an invincible team.

The whole world is celebrating the victory of Inter, and the era of the great Inter has finally come again. This time, no one can stop Inter’s footsteps.

The disappointed Barcelona players have stumbled into the locker room and want to escape as soon as possible from the place where they are sad and frustrated. If it is not for a while that there is a runner-up medal to receive, they have already flown back to Catalonia.

The Inter players had enough trouble, and they also returned to the dressing room to prepare for the award ceremony for a while. That is where the real excitement is.

It’s time to reap the rewards!

In the locker room, Valdy and his teammates are still crazy. The champagne that was prepared early is like a water column sprayed from the fire hydrant. It is sprayed everywhere, and everyone is having fun.

Laughing arrogantly, screaming, even if the embarrassment is abnormal, they still cannot suppress their fiery heart.

Valdy stood on the spot, raised his head, opened his mouth, and just drank the champagne that fell from the sky, even if it only dropped into his mouth, he also entered his heart.

After taking a bath, wearing a specially-made commemorative jersey, Valdy and his teammates returned to the court again, ready to accept the final award.

Standing in two columns, applauding the Barcelona players who greeted the defeat, although this is polite, but in the eyes of both sides, this is very ironic.

“We have all failed, and we have to be ridiculed by the winners. Is this interesting?”

This is the bitter idea of ​​the Barcelona players.

In the opinion of Inter Milan, it is also good to find an opportunity to look at Barcelona’s hardships.

Perhaps when Barcelona used conspiracies and tricks on the court to play Inter, they should have thought of such a day.

If you find yourself dead, do you still expect others to save you?

The Barça players walked blankly on the temporary podium, accepting the runner-up medals. Valdy felt that this was definitely a faint trick made by UEFA.

People have failed, but they have to endure the endless pain in their hearts, and they are carried out and spread salt on the wounds. Is this the rhythm of corpses?

But Valdy likes it, anyway, it is not himself who was whip corpse!

Can he deserve a word?

At this time, Valdi saw an inexplicable scene. When Messi was about to go on stage and passed the stage where the Champions League big ear cup was placed, he suddenly leaned over and stared at the Champions League trophy with complicated eyes. Let Valdy seem to have traveled through time and space.

In the 14th World Cup final in the previous life, after Argentina lost to the powerful Germany~www.mtlnovel.com~ The lost Messi stared at the Hercules Cup with this look, this scene made countless Messi fans tearful, and became a A very classic scene in world football.

Vardi never thought that this scene would qualify early.

It’s not impossible to think about it.

In the past life, Messi, the prince of Barcelona, ​​has already added to the Champions League in 2006. Even if he was not the main force at that time, for him, the Champions League is no longer a rarity.

And this season in the previous life, Messi, who became the absolute core, led Barcelona to the Champions League again, and since then began the journey to the ball king, and will not have such a hunger for the Champions League.

And now, because of the presence of Valdi, Messi has never tasted the taste of the Champions League.

What is not available is the best, and the endless desire for the Champions League will make Messi make such a move.

At this moment, Valdy is very satisfied. For him, perhaps Messi in the previous life was definitely a high presence, but in this life, Valdy played Messi almost lost his faith. This wonderful sense of accomplishment will make people intoxicated.

With a slight smile, Valdy wanted to tell Messi that if I were there, you should never think about getting the Champions League in your life. You can only stand here and look at me with envious eyes to win the cup.

Work hard, young boy. If you don’t work hard, you will never return to the gap between you and me.

Of course, after hard work, you will be desperate, because after knowing the gap between you and me, you will no longer have the fighting spirit to challenge me!

Valdy laughed heartlessly again!

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