I am Vardy

Chapter 782 - The status quo in England

After defeating Spain to win the European Cup, the Three Lions England has been hailed as the world’s strongest team, not compared with the past, not with the future, at least for now.

Therefore, in the 10-year World Cup, England is still the most popular hot team.

However, unlike the European Cup, the World Cup is not only about the participation of strong European teams, but also the emergence of powerful players from all continents. Of course, the most competitive team is South America.

The two super giants of Brazil and Argentina will definitely not be inferior to European giants, even if they did not achieve too good results in the 2006 World Cup, but the thin and dead camel is bigger than the donkey, and underestimating them, it is very likely that the ditch will overturn.

At the end of the season, the players didn’t enjoy the holiday much, so they returned to the country to gather for the World Cup.

For England, there are not all good factors. On the contrary, England is far less invincible than imagined.

Not to mention, Beckham, the core of the organization that was erected by Heynckes, has lost its competitive status due to age. It was difficult for AC Milan to compete for the main position last season, even if the reading ability of the game is still However, his physical ability severely limits his performance.

After Heinks took office, he reformed England’s style of play and determined the tactical idea of ​​using Beckham as the core of the organization. This indeed brought good organizational order to England.

But the problem is exactly what was left over at that time. Beckham is not young, can he be glorious for a few more years?

Sure enough, after the European Cup ended, Beckham played a good season, last season, the state has seriously declined.

Now, Heinks is hesitating whether to take Beckham’s place.

It is needless to say how important Beckham’s organization is, at least no one in England can completely replace him.

But if Beckham keeps playing, it is easy to become a hidden danger in England’s midfield, especially in the second half. Is England going to resume the offensive state like chaos and headless flies?

Carrick used a good organization, but his long-pass ability is far inferior to Beckham. If there is no better way, he can only let Beckham kick the starter. Carrick is on standby at any time.

This is not the most uncomfortable place for England. Except for Beckham’s position, England’s central defender combination is really scratching his head.

The famous English scandal, his wife and friend still happened as scheduled. Terry and his wife hooked up together. After the incident, the entire English football industry was ashamed.

A thorough scandal!

At that time, there was an uproar in the world football, and the verbal criticism of Terry, so that this guy couldn’t even raise his head, even Chelsea fans felt that this product was a bit excessive.

Even if you steal money, don’t steal people!

Really lacking virtue, do the thing that wears a green hat, do you think you are the old king next door?

The result of the previous life is that Bridge left Chelsea and also left the England national team, while Terry was stripped of the captain of the England captain and became an ordinary crowd.

In this life, Bridge did not say anything about the change, or was frustrated and fled from the sad state of Chelsea, and Terry, because he was not the captain of England, was directly expelled from the national team by severe Heinkes, even if the FA gave Heynx did not have little pressure, but Heynckes did so.

If you don’t consider the character, Terry’s strength is undoubted. If you lose Terry, England is equivalent to losing the most solid barrier on the back line. Even if Terry cannot be regarded as the world’s first central defender, the top three should be stable. Stable.

Of course, this can be regarded as the peace of other players.

Since Terry can steal Bridge’s daughter-in-law, then Terry can steal other’s daughter-in-law, and whose daughter-in-law or girlfriend is not beautiful in the England international?

With Terry, you have to worry about whether your daughter-in-law or girlfriend will be stolen. You will be worried every day. How does Nima play football?

Fortunately, the English wife team will go to South Africa with the team. If the wife team does not go with the team, it is estimated that the England internationals are even more anxious.

Here we are playing hard in South Africa, but Terry actually steals one by one in England. Who can bear it!

Now Terry, the reputation is really stinky.

Therefore, Valdy still supports Heinkes in doing so.

However, the loss of Terry is not over. Terry’s partner Ferdinand also kneels. England’s main central defender combination missed the World Cup in South Africa.

Ferdinand didn’t do anything to steal people, so he wasn’t expelled. This was a bad luck for him. The national team hurt themselves after leaving the team on the first day of training.

Vardy feels sorry for Ferdinand. This is England’s best chance to win the championship. If you can’t participate this time, the next World Cup, the older Ferdinand may not be able to enter the national team.

All the two main defenders missed the World Cup. Although England’s central defender has a good reserve, neither Dawson, Ledley King or Carragher are as good as Terry and Ferdinand~www.mtlnovel.com~ Therefore, England’s defensive ability is destined to decline significantly , This is by no means a joke.

Compared with the current Heincks must be very headache, which pair should be selected in the position of the central defender, in order to stabilize the team’s defense.

Looking at the old man whose hair fell down one by one every day, Valdy felt pitiful, and even wanted to tell the old man, or let me be a defender.

Of course, this is just a joke, even if Vardy is a defender, and may be better than others, but Heinkes will definitely not be violent.

This is not to say that guards are not as important as forwards, but how can you allow a super shooter with an average of more than 1.3 goals to serve as a defender?

You don’t want to win?

The outside media, especially the English media, have been hyped up to say that England is about to be crowned, but the actual situation is not so optimistic.

Of course, with Valdi in, there are infinite possibilities. Even the opponents have to admit that even if England sends a second-line squad, but as long as Valdi plays, England will have the chance to win the championship.

For Valdy, he has won all the honors he can win, won all the championships he can win, and finally he needs to conquer, only the supreme glory of the World Cup, so he has no reason not to fight.

The Hercules Cup is mine!

No one can take away!

This is the firmest belief of Valdy!

The final goal, the final battle, the final victory, everything is what Valdy desires.

So, let’s fight!

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