I Asked You To Repair The Car: You Actually Built A Mecha

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Showing Your Power

The image of Lin Feng in front of people at this time is somewhat like that of a star, which made many netizens think that Lin Feng is the star.

“No way, this is a military exercise.”

“Then this person doesn’t wear a military uniform, what’s so cool here.”

“It should be of some use.”

Many netizens questioned, and some said to take a look. Under the attention of all netizens, Lin Feng slowly put his hand into his pocket.

“Blind guess one-handed nuclear button.”

However, Lin Feng took out a triangular object with a yellow edge and a blue middle from his pocket. All the netizens looked at what was going on, but Lin Feng swung the triangular object in his hand to the sky and shouted loudly. shouted,


Many netizens: ? ? ?

“I said why it looks so familiar, it turns out to be a Gaia Transformer!”

“Sure enough, this person is here to ease the atmosphere of the battlefield.”

“Low EQ: It’s a joke.

High Emotional Intelligence: It is to ease the anger on the battlefield. ”

“Damn, stupid.”

Netizens began to criticize Lin Feng in the comment area of the live broadcast room. Almost all netizens across the country were watching the live broadcast, and there were hundreds of millions of people at least. The huge amount of comments almost overwhelmed the server in the live broadcast room.

The screen of the live broadcast room turned again, but saw a flash of red in the cloud layer, and due to the occlusion of the cloud layer, no specific thing was photographed.

That smear of red stopped over the aircraft carrier, and then fell rapidly, not far in front of the aircraft carrier, and the huge splash made the aircraft carrier a little bumpy.

“This is Gaia, right, this is definitely Gaia.”

“Fuck, let him buy the real thing!?”

“No, look carefully, there are still some gaps on this Gaia, it looks like a machine.”

“It’s a bit like a mecha, not sure, I’ll take a look.”

All the netizens were amazed at the sudden appearance of “Gaia”, and some people quickly cut down the video and circulated it.

“Xiao Ke, catch me.”

Lin Feng jumped off the deck of the aircraft carrier, Xiao Ke manipulated ‘Gaia’ to catch Lin Feng with his hands, and sent Lin Feng to the cockpit of the mecha.

The appearance of ‘Gaia’ blocked most of the missiles coming from the front of the ‘Liao Province’, and these missiles did not even leave a mark on ‘Gaia’.

“Lin Feng, I’ll leave it to you next.”

Fu Sheng said to Lin Feng in the channel. Before coming, Lin Feng discussed with Fu Sheng again. In order to reduce the loss of the warship from being shot, Fu Sheng issued an order to retreat after Lin Feng appeared.

“In linking neural units…

Energy is starting…

Weapon system is starting…

The ‘Gaia’ has been launched and the pilot link is successful. “The report of the mecha itself fell in Lin Feng’s ears, Lin Feng opened his eyes, and the wide sea was in sight. The fleet of the Chinese nation was retreating in an orderly manner, but how could the American fleet stop here, and the firepower increased. Fierce up.

Several warships were hit and withdrawn from the battlefield during the retreat. The moment Lin Feng opened his eyes, the two eyes of ‘Gaia’ also lit up, looking like they were alive.

“Damn, what is that.”

Admiral Hitveri looked at the tall body in the satellite image, and felt uneasy in his heart, feeling like a goddess descended on the battlefield.

“Focus on it for me, and shoot it out for me.”

Hittwilly was a little flustered by the ‘Gaia’ who suddenly appeared on the battlefield, but it was only a moment. At present, the loss of Huaguo was greater than his own. As long as he held on to the end of the exercise, then the victory would be his own.

Unfortunately, his wish was doomed to fail. Lin Feng operated the mecha and ran forward. After all, the speed of the mecha in the water was much slower, but it was still faster than those warships.

Lin Feng operated the mech to jump out of the water and landed near an American destroyer. The huge splash made the destroyer almost roll over.

“Sheet, what the hell is this!”

Some U.S. soldiers saw that ‘Gaia’ landed near them, and they ran towards the cabin in a panic. Lin Feng didn’t care about it, but lightly pressed a hole on the deck and didn’t care anymore.

When the destroyer saw ‘Gaia’ leaving, it was amnesty, and with the red indicator lights full, it quickly increased its speed and headed towards the battle damage statistics office.

The rest of the warships poured their firepower towards ‘Gaia’, but these missiles and bullets hit ‘Gaia’ without pain or itching. Lin Feng grabbed a destroyer and pressed a hole, then threw it on the ground. On one side, the other side picked up another destroyer, pressed a hole and threw it aside.

“It would be great if it was really hit. I could hit it directly with a beam of light, and most of the warships here would sink.”

Lin Feng was a little helpless. The weapons equipped with the mecha had too high attack power. He was afraid that these warships might not be able to hold up, and it would be a big trouble at that time.

“Catch the thief first to capture the king.”

Lin Feng decided to eliminate the two aircraft carriers first, so that he could play casually. Once the two aircraft carriers were eliminated, the loss of the United States would be far greater than that of China, and the Ying Family of this battle would also be locked.

Based on the images transmitted by the satellite, Lin Feng immediately locked the position of an aircraft carrier. Lin Feng ignored the cross-fire network composed of many warships and went straight to the aircraft carrier.

“Damn, stop him, stop him for me.”

Admiral Hitvery saw that the mecha was coming towards him, and he knew without thinking that it was coming towards his aircraft carrier. If he pressed a few holes, he would have to go to a military court if he went back.

Many warships tried their best to stop Lin Feng’s progress, but none of their missiles could be blocked by Gaia’s hard mecha. Gaia was bathed in a hail of bullets and walked out like a god of war.

Some warships were ordered to collide with ‘Gaia’ by Hittwilli, in order to block its progress. Lin Feng looked at his mecha with disdain and felt that it was a little over-the-top, pressing it with one hand. The other hand pressed a hole on the bow of the ship, and then threw him aside, the warship could only helplessly leave.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Feng came to the aircraft carrier where Hittwilly was located. He didn’t do it the first time, but looked down at the aircraft carrier. Admiral Hittvili was caught by the two glowing lights of ‘Gaia’. The eyes looked a little scared.

But he still bit the bullet and walked out, looking at the tall mecha, Admiral Hittwilly shouted with a horn.

“Dear Chinese friends, can we talk?”

Admiral Hitvery raised his head and looked at this tall and mighty mecha. While panicking, he sighed at the incredibleness of China.

“This is war, and I have no reason to talk to you.”

‘Gaia’ made a loud noise, which shook Hitwilly’s eardrums.

“If you don’t attack our carrier, you can make any offer.”

Admiral Hitveri thought about his response. The maintenance time and resource consumption of the aircraft carrier are huge. If Lin Feng presses a few holes to come out, the aircraft carrier will not be able to come out for half a year.

Lin Feng fell into silence here…

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