I Asked You To Repair The Car: You Actually Built A Mecha

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Battle Armor Completed

“I object.”

The representative of China vetoed it by one vote.

“I also object, this is not China’s responsibility at all.”

The big bear country representative voted against it. The two permanent members objected, and the vote was voided. There was nothing Tris could do about it.

“I propose that each country send a person to dispatch the US-5 biological experimental warehouse, and China will provide mecha escort.”

This meeting seems to be a joint meeting, but it is actually a tit-for-tat between China and the United States. The strength of the motherland makes Tan Dongfang particularly confident in the negotiation. Even in the face of the joint targeting of Western countries, he is not discouraged in the slightest. .

“I disagree. We in the United States do not have the so-called No. 5 biological experimental cabin at all.”

Tesri categorically denied that the No. 5 biological experimental cabin was just salvaged. It should have been parked in the port for isolation measures because of the willingness to leak the medicine, and he did not dare to send it to the inland. All the contents of the experimental cabin could not be preserved.

“If there is no result of the adjustment, then we, China, will be responsible for this incident and will meet any compensation proposed by the United States. I don’t know this condition, is Mr. Tris satisfied?”

Tan Dongfang smiled slightly, the wise light reflected on the lens, just like a fox that became a fine.

“This…I need to think about it.”

Tris was silent for a long time, sighed, and he couldn’t stop the general trend. The representative of the United States left the meeting and the meeting was suspended.

Research base.

“This place uses nanomaterials as an insulating film, which can prevent leakage of the circuit system.”

Lin Feng looked at the individual combat mecha that was about to take shape, but his brows did not slacken.

“All areas have been repaired and testing can begin.”

Three hours later, the researcher in charge of the director came to Lin Feng to report. All the researchers gathered together. After nearly two months of hard work, they finally paid off.

In the transparent experimental cabin, there is a slap-sized silver war armor activation device, and in the middle is a small ball with blue light, which is an energy device.

“Start the experiment.”

With Lin Feng’s order, the silver armor activation device in the experimental cabin began to expand around the blue ball. The first thing to be constructed was the breastplate, which had a very ergonomic structure and looked exceptionally beautiful. Then the head, and the limbs are also perfectly outlined.

But the experiment is far from over here. I saw that the silver-white battle armor began to shrink a little bit, like a commoner that was bit by bit eaten away, gradually disappearing in the eyes of everyone, until it turned into a small silver plate the size of a palm.

“Start the simulation experiment.”

A dummy was sent into hiding. The starting block of the nano-suit was pressed against the chest of the dummy by the robotic arm. The starting block had its own adsorption capacity, and was tightly attached to the chest of the dummy without loosening at all. As the experiment started, the activation block began to cover the dummy with the armor, and the silver armor quickly spread to the dummy’s body, and the whole process did not take more than five seconds.


Everyone was overjoyed when they saw this, and even some people couldn’t help shouting it out. This step represents a major success of the experiment. Only the last step of the experiment can successfully declare the success of the experiment. Sweat dripped from everyone’s forehead, and they looked nervously at the experimental cabin.

An experimenter walked into the experimental cabin. This is the last step, a real-life simulation experiment.

“Start the experiment.”

Lin Feng watched the experimenter nod to himself and then gave the order. The armor starter began to spread on the experimenter’s chest. The experimenter looked nervous and his body was tense. Although he knew that the experiment could turn into a dog, he was still afraid of appearing. Accident.

The time of the experiment is very short, but it is a very long few seconds for everyone. Finally, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the individual combat mechas have all covered the experimenters without any accidents.


Lin Feng shouted, the experimenter began to shake his arms and found that there was nothing unusual, so he began to walk in the experimental cabin, the silver armor moved, there was no such shocking mechanical collision sound, but a sound It was quiet, with only the sound of footsteps in the experimental cabin. Seeing the experimenters flying around in the experimental cabin and having released themselves, a ray would be emitted from time to time, everyone burst into tears, and the two months of hard work was finally in vain, and they succeeded.

“Tonight, if you don’t get drunk, you won’t go home!”

Lin Feng raised his arms and shouted, and the researchers also cheered. This is indeed something to celebrate.

Compared with the liveliness of the experimental base, Zheng Xinli, who was far away in Kyoto, was frowning.

“How did this genetic sequence become like this?”

Zheng Xinli frowned as he looked at the DNA double strands of different sizes. This was a distorted DNA strand he had never seen before.

“Why is it still supercoiled after replication?”

The biology professor on the other side is also puzzled. Before replication, DNA is not only a double helix, but also in a supercoiled state. The two professors stared at the screen of the electron microscope for a long time, then stared at each other for a while.

“To accompany one?”

“Let’s go.”

Two biology professors came outside the lab and began to smoke,

“This has been studied for more than a month, and there is no brow at all.”

Zheng Xinli took a hard puff of his cigarette, and asked them to study the source of the mutation, but he didn’t find anything for more than a month, still in the state of studying DNA.

“This thing is out of the scope of our biological common sense. The global sea ban for more than a month is urging us to solve the source of the mutation.”

Han Shangyi also has two big heads, and now the pressure is on them both.

“It would be nice to have an expert in pharmaceutical research.”

“When you say that, I think of someone.”

Zheng Xinli slapped his brain.

“You mean?”

“Lin Feng, didn’t he research genetic medicine before? Let him take a look, maybe he can find something.”

“It seems that this is the only way to count on our two old guys, that will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon.”

This piece of Lin Feng was eating and drinking at the celebration banquet, and the first phone call over there came.

“Lin Feng, I didn’t bother you.”

The first one actually knew that Lin Feng’s experiment had been completed, or else he would not have called him to trouble him.

“First, what’s the matter?”

Lin Feng naturally knew that the first person would not call him if there was nothing, and something must have happened to be able to call him.

“Is such that,…”

The first person to tell Lin Feng the cause and effect of the mutation in the sea, hoping that Lin Feng can help find the source of the mutation and solve it.

“Marine creatures mutate? I understand, I’ll go back to Kyoto tomorrow.”

From the tone of the first place, this is a very serious matter, and it has already affected the interests of the country in his eyes. Lin Feng has no reason not to help.

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