I Asked You To Repair The Car: You Actually Built A Mecha

Chapter 85

Chapter 85 Signal Shielding

“Secretary General Terrys betrayed the White House. He rescued the criminals Baier and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Terrys was killed on the spot, but Baier and the Speaker of the House of Representatives have fled into the California area. The military is hunting them down. According to reliable information, Baier And the Speaker of the House has a potion that can make the infected go crazy.”

White House Incident!

More than 30 high-ranking officials were implicated in the incident, and many generals who held military power were captured.

The event was highlighted in a video conference between President Shet and the leaders of 20 countries,

“Our country’s team has entered the California area, how can this be good?”

Some national leaders frowned and said that although they were only a few dozen people, they were also their own people, dozens of people, and biologists who were not authoritative. Huge loss.

“President Shet, I hope you can send your troops to get them out.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to save. The army has no way to effectively stop the infected. If they enter rashly, it will only make the army infected, and the situation will only get worse.”

President Shet shook his head helplessly. Most of the troops dispatched to Los Angeles and the Old Silver Mountains have lost contact and are likely to be infected by the army of infected people. Although this plan was written by him, he couldn’t control this demerit. What he wanted was for 20 countries to clear Bayer, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and his party members.

The leaders of various countries on the screen were silent. They had already learned the specific information about the infected people, and they had also watched the video that President Shet gave to their army to be broken by the army of infected people. In the absence of heavy firepower, there is simply no way to stop the infected.

“President Shet, our Chinese people want a lot to come back.”

The first one glanced at President Shet with a little deep meaning, and he could naturally understand President Shet’s thoughts. The first person hung up the phone, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

“Tell Fu Sheng that he must bring Lin Feng back.”


“The above gave the news that the former President and Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States had mastered the medicine that can make the infected person go crazy and fled to California.”

Lin Feng and his party were resting in a shop. Gu Suping came over and said, this is definitely not good news for them. If the other party is going to break the jar, then they will face millions of manic infected people. They have already seen how terrifying the infected are, even if they wear battle armor to face millions of infected people, they are powerless.

“What kind of abacus is the United States playing?”

When Lin Feng heard the news, he immediately realized that this might be the work of the United States. Less than a day after they came in, the former President and Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States ran out and went to California.

Washington, D.C. is nearly 4,000 kilometers from California. How did it get here?

“The above order is for us to withdraw from California and launch this California rescue operation.”

Gu Suping added that although they are very safe now, there are often unknown monsters hidden under the calm surface.

“I’m afraid it’s too late.” Lin Chen rushed in, the closed door was knocked open by him, and shards of glass were scattered.

“The militia team in the city center has been wiped out by the army of infected people. Now the infected people are moving around the city. American planes have bombed the city center, but not many infected people have been eliminated at all.”

Even if the dense group of infected people is bombarded by a round of artillery fire, it seems a little pale. Millions of people are running between high-rise buildings and shuttling between streets and alleys. This is what Lin Chen just observed on the roof in the distance. The scene, within a few minutes, an army of hundreds of thousands of infected people will attack.

Gu Suping’s face became very ugly, such speed and quantity were enough to drown them.

“Go upstairs!”

Gu Suping instructed the team to quickly open the security door and head towards the roof. Chen’s broken glass door poured in, and several other floor-to-ceiling glass windows were also smashed, and the infected were poured in like water.

Fortunately, the entrance to the stairs is very small, so not many infected people can get in at a time. After more than a dozen special forces are left behind, the infected people cannot get in for a while.

This is a high-rise building with more than 20 floors. Standing on the top of the high-rise building, you can see that the bombardment of the city center is extending outward. It will be bombed here after a while. Although they are targeting the infected, it is inevitable that they will not accidental injury.

Below is the roaring army of infected people. They ran along the street in a chaotic manner, and they were crowded for a while.

“We need to get out of this building quickly.”

Gu Suping and the others began to hang ropes between another tall building and this kind of building, preparing to transfer everyone to that building. The armor only has the ability to fly at short distances at intervals, but the distance between the two buildings happens to exceed this flying distance.

Live, the infected swarmed in, and more than a dozen people stayed behind to score explosive energy orders as a break. The violent explosion instantly drowned the influx of infected people, and the stairs collapsed, but as the infected people piled up, some infected people quickly climbed up.

Lin Feng and the others had already come to another building. They aimed at the stairs of the original building with their guns on their hands. Soon a dozen people ran out, followed by the infected people who were chasing them frantically.


After a few people were broken, coupled with the suppression of firepower here, the pace of the infected people’s pursuit quickly slowed down. A dozen people slipped through the ropes without any risk, and the infected people also followed closely, but they did not. Unable to walk a tightrope, the infected person who stepped on the rope lost his balance and fell, falling on the top of the surging army of infected people below, and was taken away.

There were only a few infected people half-raising their bloodshot arms, their faces that were gnawed out of the bones had big mouths, their black eyeballs protruded from their sockets, and their twisted bodies walked up and down the edge of the building, moving towards Lin. Feng they roared.

“Bad news, we’ve lost our communication channel.”

The team walked into the interior of the high-rise building for rest. Occasionally, the infected people wandering between the corridors were also killed by them mercilessly. Gu Suping tried to talk to the top a few times, but found that the signal had been lost.

“How? Even if the cell towers in California fail, we still have satellite channels, so there’s no way the satellites will fail.”

Lin Feng frowned and said that the team rested in a slightly safe office area. Although they were driving the armor, their physical strength was still not small. Lin Feng ate the compressed biscuits.

“This area is blocked from the signal.”

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