I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 42

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With a creak, the door of the tavern opened, and two men who were happily drunk walked out, leaning on each other.

“I just wanted one more drink.”

“Arthur, seriously. If I get caught by your wife, I’ll be in trouble. She already gives me dirty looks every time she sees me.”

“By now, she’s probably sleeping with the child. Don’t say that. Hmm?”

“Forget it. We have a tournament tomorrow, so we should get some rest.”

The two drinkers, Dawson and Tom, moved forward.

Their steps were steady.

The citizens of Agellan weren’t particularly afraid of the night.

This was due to good security and the periodic extermination of monsters that kept the region safe.

Tom let out a sigh in response to Dawson’s words.

“Yeah. That’s tomorrow, right? Why did I forget?”

“Yeah, you should think about something productive instead of just drinking. When the gate opens, let’s roam around the outskirts together. Maybe they’ll give us some jerky this time too.”

The occasional tournament was a significant event not only for the nobles but also for the common folk.

This was because important decisions were sometimes announced after the meetings.

Usually, after the meetings, they would distribute things like wheat, bread, or even oats.

“It’s sudden. Could it be, the affairs of that family again?”

“Probably. Rumor has it that the new head of the Liurel family has gone crazy. A deranged Divine knight. I can’t fathom what His Majesty is thinking.”

“She killed her Fallen younger brother with her own hands, after all. Even if I were in her position, I don’t think I could live with my sanity intact.”

“Still, saying there are fallen ones in Agellan, it’s absurd… huh?”

Dawson suddenly raised his head with a grin.

After releasing their arms from around each other, he blinked.

“Is something wrong with my eyes…? The moon…”

“The moon, what?”

Tom turned his head to look at the sky as he grinningly arched his neck.

A vivid red full moon hung clearly amidst the fissured ashen clouds.

Even the surrounding clouds were tinted purple, and the moon was unusually large.

As Tom stared at the moon, his pupils gradually relaxed.

“A moon this big… it’s my first time… isn’t that right… Dawson…?”

In a daze, Tom’s eyes, as if they were drenched in cold water, returned to reality.


Dawson’s body was bending backward like a bow.

His mouth was gaping open to an incredibly unsettling extent.

His purple eyes were swirling in an unsettling manner.

“D-Dawson. Are you okay? Your… your waist…”

Tom’s stumbling words made his eyes well up with fear.

The cracking of bones spread from Dawson’s joints, and the skin on his cheeks began to tear as he couldn’t bear the strain.

Fangs emerged as his teeth fell out, revealing massive canine teeth in their place.

Snap, crackle—

Dawson’s waist bent completely backward.

His hands touched the ground, and as his joints bent in the opposite direction, his muscles swelled.

At the moment when a squid-like appendage burst out from his abdomen, Tom, who had lost his footing, fell to the ground.

“What… is this…?”

His mouth stretched wide open in a grotesque manner.

The sound of teeth chattering, as if a beast’s, echoed from Dawson’s mouth.

Tom’s breathing became ragged as he witnessed the spectacle.

The pupil in Dawson’s usually rotating purple eye stopped moving and fixed on Tom.

Horizontally split pupils.


Tom swallowed his breath and began to flee as if rolling on the ground.

Moonlight shone dimly on the street.

‘Don’t look at the moon. Don’t look at the moon. Don’t look at the…!’

Internally chanting these words, Tom sprinted down the street.

Sounds of four-footed running and heavy breathing echoed from behind.

The gasping breath of a beast.

An appendage brushed against Tom’s cheek.

In the moment when its breath almost caught up to him.


Tom grabbed the doorknob and rolled inside.

He pressed the door with his back and closed his eyes.

Thud, thud, crunch…..

The noise, as if the door’s latch was being tampered with, eventually subsided.

The sound of breathing gradually faded into the distance.

Tom’s body finally relaxed.

“What… in the world just happened…”

Tom’s sigh of relief was interrupted as he suddenly turned his gaze inside the house.

An open window.

Moonlight pouring over the empty bed.


Scurrying, scratching, creak…

A faint sound finally reached his ears.

Tom’s gaze slowly turned back.

Remnants of torn clothing were scattered beneath the bed.

And in one corner, a form resembling Dawson’s face was buried.

Thud. Scratch, scratch…

With eerie sounds, the scent of blood crept into Tom’s nose.

“This… can’t be…”

Tom, who had been muttering in a strained voice, gasped for breath.

The monster was staring at him.

A face that seemed like a twisted amalgamation of human and canine features, upside down.

Blood and flesh parted slowly as the gaping maw opened.

Beneath it, twisted purple pupils locked onto Tom.

“Yo… u… look…?”

The glare extended toward him.

The densely-packed abyss of fangs filled Tom’s vision.






Ian’s eyes snapped open.

A piercing sense of dread and unease pierced his mind.

The air was filled with a nauseating odor.

It was the smell that could be associated with the creatures in the hands of his master’s minions after absorbing the chaos energy of Regis.

Ian, who had seen the unnaturally large red moon through the window, stood up as if propelled by a spring.

A quest window appeared before him.

Night of Madness. In the game, it was the quest that adorned the end of the first chapter.

Though he had somewhat prepared himself after the conversation with Lucia, he was still quite taken aback by the reality.

The situation had changed so far, so it was only natural that the quest would be different as well.

‘Is it possible for events to unfold differently? But no matter what, engaging in such foolish acts…?’

While thinking this, Ian quickly equipped his gear and opened the door.

Thump- Thump-

The unsettling sound of bells chiming echoed through the city.

It was a signal for evacuation, indicating that the city was under attack.

“Ah… ugh…”

Faint screams from below gradually subsided.

Sounds of beasts and the gruesome noise of tearing flesh.

Leaping over the railing and flying into the lower floor, Ian forcefully kicked open the door.

The sight that met Ian’s eyes was the scene of a ripped-up body of a Liurel woman in the lower floor.

Clutch, Dang- Dang-

Being devoured by it was a monster covered in black fur with long tentacles sprouting from its back.

A hunting dog.

Crunch, growl…

As the creature noticed Ian’s presence, it turned its head and emitted a low growl while gazing at him.


Ian’s sword, which had already surged to its nearest edge, fell with a sharp wind.

The inverted head was severed and fell off.

The body of the hunting dog collapsed.

A thick stream of black blood flowed out.

The fallen head was slightly recognizable as it was when it was human.

It was a face Ian knew.

A servant who managed the garden and stable.


At that time, a commotion broke out on the second floor.


What caught Ian’s eyes as he turned and ran out was Maeve, wearing pajamas in the hallway, entangled with a hunting dog.

She blocked the hunting dog’s maw with her sword, and turned toward Ian.

“I don’t need any help.”

She struck her knee against the dog’s eyes and forcefully kicked its body, causing it to tumble and then slammed it to the ground again.

In an instant, she caught up to the flying creature.

Her movements, unlike when she wore her armor, were graceful and radiant.


Her sword passed through the dog’s open maw.

The hunting dog, with its upper and lower jaws separated, collapsed, blood splattering.

Looking down at the corpse, Maeve muttered as if chanting.

“…Strange occurrence. Vernon only suffered so much after all.”

She turned to Ian, who had leaped over the railing and joined her.

“I don’t feel that way anymore. I just… want revenge. On those who did this.”

Looking at her eyes, sunken like those of the dead, Ian nodded.

“…That’s what will happen.”

“Ah, aaah-!”

It was then that Miguel burst out from the corridor.

Growl-! Snarl-!

Three hunting dogs were chasing after him.


Seeing Lucia in Miguel’s arms, Ian and Maeve locked eyes and without needing to say anything, they flew toward the creatures.

Crunch-! Thud-!

Amidst the intertwining of Ian and Maeve with the hunting dogs.

“What the hell is going on… Miguel?!”

Philip, who had belatedly armed himself and came out of the room, saw Miguel rushing toward him and furrowed his brow as he spotted the situation.

Miguel fell to his feet.

Still, he didn’t let go of Lucia.

“I thought you were dead… you damn…!”

On his heaving back, a long wound extended from his shoulder down to his waist.

Traces of the tentacle attack made by the hunting dog.


When Philip looked beyond the corridor, the situation had already ended.

Among the beheaded hunting dogs, Maeve said calmly while catching her breath.

“Lucia is alive. Perhaps there are more survivors.”

“I will find them.”

Ian cut in.

His gaze met Maeve’s, who slightly nodded in response.

“Get equipped with weapons first.”

Finally, Maeve looked down at her own body.

The clothes she had worn had become tattered, almost resembling rags.

Blood trickled from the exposed waist and shoulder wounds.

It was a situation that could easily turn dire again.

“…Sure. I’ll do it.”

Eventually, Maeve turned her body around.

As she started to walk, she suddenly looked at Miguel.

“Thank you, Miguel.”

“…Of course, it’s what I had to do, Sir.”

While Maeve distanced herself with a slight nod of her head, Ian passed by Philip’s side.

“Come with me. Miguel, take care of Lucia. And never look up at the moon.”

“Ah, understood.”

With Miguel nodding and holding onto Lucia, Philip, who followed closely behind, asked a question.

“What on earth is happening?”

“Agellan has become a madland.”


Philip sighed heavily as Miguel exclaimed.

“Is the entirety of Agellan like this?”


“This is insane… it’s as if everything has gone to hell.”

“…That red moon is corrupting people.”

Philip spoke with downcast eyes.

Ian’s brow narrowed.

“Did you see the moon?”

“Yes. It was making me dizzy, so I turned my gaze away.”

“Good thing you didn’t stare at it for long. It was worth the bluff. But don’t keep looking at it.”

Descending the stairs, Ian looked up at the red moon.

“That’s not a real moon. It’s just a lump of curse. If you keep looking at it, you’ll eventually get corrupted.”

According to Ian’s perspective, the Madlands were not perfect yet. The fact that they weren’t completely isolated from the outside world was evidence of that.

The red moon was smaller than he remembered, and the curse was weaker too.

Back then, it had emitted a brilliant light that made space distort.

But even so, it was sufficient to corrupt those with weak mental fortitude or inner turmoil, just like the people of Liurel family.

Ian killed two more hunting dogs on the first floor and rescued a servant girl who had been hiding in the storage.

She was the only survivor.


As the atmosphere grew heavier, the sounds from outside reached deep into the building.

Soldiers yelling not to look at the moon.

Urgent footsteps and the breathing of the dogs chasing after them.

Followed by cries and pleas.

If this was the situation close to the capital, then beyond the gates, an even worse hell would be unfolding by now.

After completing all the searches.

“…What’s the Duke thinking, doing something so crazy?”

Philip murmured suddenly.

Ian responded nonchalantly.

“When you’re backed into a corner, it’s a good strategy to break the board and start anew.”

“Just for that reason? But such actions can’t simply be brushed aside.”

“He probably has someone to blame already.”

“Could it be… Sir?”

“Likely. There are rumors about him losing his mind, and he’s also actually fallen into corruption. This might be a perfect opportunity for him to eliminate Sir.”

“But exposing the existence of the corrupted… isn’t that Sir’s doing?”

“The truth doesn’t matter. What people believe becomes the truth. Or what they want to believe.”

“I see…”

Philip frowned but couldn’t deny it.

He, too, had experienced the true face of the Dark Ages enough by now.

“There will be enough time to frame and incite people. The Apostle of Judgement cannot ignore injustice. He knows that.”

“Maybe Sir wishes for those monsters to fight him and death happens.”

Miguel, who had been listening, interjected suddenly.

Ian nodded his head.

“Even if Sir survives, public opinion is already in his favor. By then, he’ll calculate that there’s nothing Sir can do. The Apostle of Judgement cannot harm innocent people.”

“Using Sir’s own restrictions… that’s your plan?”

“Yes. Only Sir, the Apostle of Judgement.”

At Ian’s significant words, Philip’s gaze sharpened.

“Are you saying that you expect Sir to become the Apostle of Vengeance?”

“If not, there’s no reason to create such a spectacle.”

“Are you saying you’re not thinking that I’m going to kill him and his minions right away?”

A voice continued on the stairs.

Maeve, now clad in armor, walked down the stairs.

“My thoughts are along those lines.”

“Then, we might have to shatter those expectations.”

“In addition, unexpected crises might arise to reveal our true colors. So I’d rather…”

Ian looked at her face, meeting her eyes.

“I hope Sir truly looks like a vengeance-driven monster.”

Staring into Maeve’s eyes, he added.

“Do you think you can do it?”

Maeve’s pupils, which were beginning to be tinged with a sinister red, gradually curved.


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Translator; ippo

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