I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 70 (2)


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Charlotte growled.

She’s being quite obedient now.

Thinking this, Ian swiftly pulled out the dagger gradually emerging from the back of Tessia’s neck.

Slurp –

The blood clinging to the dagger’s blade flowed into Tessia’s wound.

The penetrating wound connecting her nape to her face quickly healed with a slurping sound.

Simultaneously, light returned to her previously dull pupils.

Blinking as if waking from sleep, Tessia turned her head, seeming to feel the hands binding her.

“Let go of this and fight me again, you tasteless beast.”

Her voice was gentle yet laced with venom. Charlotte mocked her.

“The torn-up rat dares talk big. Try breaking free once.”

More force went into Charlotte’s knees and arms. The bandages on her arms turned red.

Tessia gritted her teeth and struggled.

“If I had just a bit more energy, this measly -“


Tessia’s jaw instantly snapped shut.

The dagger that had pierced her nape was embedded in the ground before her face.

Only then did her bloody eyes, which had been glaring behind her, look up.

An expressionless face looked down at her. A chillingly dim black gaze.

“…Long time no see, Ian.”

Her voice softened.

A faint, bewitching smile spread across her face.

A carefully crafted beauty, both girly and womanly.

Of course, it could not sway Ian’s heart.

“Long time no see. Tessia.”

“When did I tell you my name…?”

“I don’t recall telling you my name either.”

“I hear your name whether I want to or not. Well, what does it matter? Nice to see you. Shall we deal with this beast first before chatting? Actually, there’s something I really want to tell you.”

“I’m quite comfortable in this position. Your persistence is remarkable, following me all this way.”

“I could smell your scent from the ends of the continent. Plus, leftovers just kept falling behind you as I followed.”

So that was it.

A wry smile crossed Ian’s lips.

Well, he had left a trail of human and monster remains reeking of blood. Just picking up those scraps would have been enough to keep her from starving.

After scanning Tessia’s disheveled hair and face, Ian eventually said,

“You look a bit thin for that, though.”

“There were…circumstances. As I said, I did actually want to talk to you about that issue. But I was too scared to approach you easily. Anyway, now an opportunity has presented itself.”

Tessia smiled wanly.

“So, why don’t we sit down and talk? This beast’s scent is too foul. I’ve only been eating rabbits and squirrels lately, so I feel like vomiting just smelling beast blood.”

What nonsense she’s spewing while sitting there.

Ian snorted and looked at Charlotte, dagger in hand.

“Watch closely. You can’t kill a vampire with an ordinary blade like this.”

Shink –


The dagger plunged into Tessia’s shoulder joint.

She screamed.

Ignoring her, Ian continued,

“These just temporarily incapacitate them or inflict pain to make them less unruly. Of course, that doesn’t make them immortal. There are plenty of ways to kill them.”


Tessia gasped.

A look of disbelief.

Charlotte nodded gravely as Ian went on.

“The simplest way is to cut off their head or pierce their heart with a silver weapon. But silver weapons are hard to come by and not that useful otherwise. So usually…”

Whoosh, flames burst from Ian’s grip.

“You either burn them until their blood boils away, or melt their brain or heart with holy power.”

“…Wait. Ian? Wait, let’s talk for a bit. Please?”

Tessia pleaded, seeming to realize Ian spoke the truth.

Whoosh, Ian extinguished the flames in a nearby snowbank and picked up the Sword of Condemnation lying beside him.

“Burning takes too long, so using holy power to kill you will be quicker now.”

“I, Ian? Ian. Please, wait.”

Desperation crept into Tessia’s voice.

The composure left her face.

Charlotte moved a hand, gripping both of Tessia’s arms with one.

Licking her lips, she whispered into Tessia’s ear.

“Thanks to you, I learned something good, rat girl. I’ll keep it in mind when hunting your kind next time.”

“Shut it, beast. I have no kind. Ian, please, I beg you, please? Spare me. I didn’t follow you to kill you. Well, at first I did, but not recently. Seeing what you’ve accomplished, I realized my power could never defeat you. So I just decided to scavenge the remains you left behind instead. Aahh!”

Tessia screamed again.

Charlotte had twisted the dagger embedded in her shoulder.

Tessia’s desperate voice continued,

“I’m telling the truth, Ian! Please spare me. I really didn’t intend to kill you. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I can’t die here. I can’t!”

“Same tired words, Tessia.”

Ian cut her off, slowly drawing the Sword of Condemnation.

“Tessa. Call me Tessa. You can do that.”

Forcing a smile, the thrashing Tessia pleaded,

“I really do have something to tell you. Ian, please listen.”

Ian looked down into her desperate, bloody eyes.

She seemed to have little strength left.

Judging by how drained she was from fighting Charlotte, she was clearly far weaker than in the game.

Naturally, he couldn’t expect the same kind of rewards or experience from her as before.

But there were others he could vent on.

The vampires of Rusard.

In the game, most were eaten by Tessia before he could fight them, but not this time.

The guide said going after them before Tessia killed them would not only weaken her, but net more experience and loot.

So killing Tessia first would let him take out the vampires without that time constraint and gain even more.

“A shame you never got to drink my blood to the last drop, Tessa.”

“I’m not lying! Please, just listen to me for a bit, please? Please!”


Ian raised his sword.

Tessia wailed, bloody tears streaming down her face.

“I won’t run or resist. Just listen for a bit, please! No, a request! Yes, a request! I have a request for you!”

Ian’s raised hand froze for an instant.

…A request?

His eyes narrowed as…

“You’re a mercenary, aren’t you, Ian? You can at least listen if a request comes in, right? Even if the requester isn’t human?”

Tessia added imploringly, face covered in bloody streaks.

Translator; ippo

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