I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 76

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Charlotte lifted her heavy eyelids.

The first thing that entered her sight was the emerald green eyes of a fairy, holding a strange smile on her lips.

Tessia whispered.

“Did you sleep well, useless beast?”


Charlotte gasped and jolted upright.

Hazy memories flooded her mind in disarray.

A thick black mist. Countless gazes hidden in the shadows. The back view of Ian walking alone above the darkness.

And in the middle of the intersection, a demon silently standing there.

“The Judge…! What happened to him-?”

“Calm down, Charlotte.”

Pressing her shoulder firmly, Tessia smiled.

“It’s all over now.”

“Over… you say?”

“Yes. It’s all over. While you were snoring away.”


Charlotte’s mouth slightly opened.

Suddenly, her gaze drifted down blankly to her exposed forearm.

More precisely, to the haphazardly wrapped bandages on top of it.

Tessia’s voice continued.

“I sucked a bit of your blood. I didn’t really want to, but the situation was that desperate. Of course, you were completely oblivious.”


“You’re not going to get mad over that, are you? Even though I risked my life to protect you too.”


Charlotte could not even retort to Tessia’s words.

There was nothing to refute. Not a single word she said was wrong.

Her wavering orange eyes eventually drooped defeatedly.

It was the look of one completely overwhelmed by a storm of immense self-reproach.

“Oh my. Your ears drooped too. Pitiful. Were you that shocked, Charlotte? Don’t worry about it. As you can see, we won in the end.”

Tessia whispered softly. At least she was clearly enjoying this situation.

“Ian turned that wretched vampire into a pile of ashes.”


Charlotte uttered with a cracked voice. She looked back at Tessia with a dazed gaze.

“Where is Ian now?”

“He said he had some cleanup to do. He was just surrounded by soldiers and went somewhere. Probably…”

Walking to the window, Tessia opened the wooden shutters.

A cloudy sky and a mess of a street were revealed. Along with residents cleaning up the chaos and a noble giving them orders.

After surveying the entire scene, Tessia’s gaze stopped on the crooked, dull grey tower rising beyond the rooftops.

“He’s probably somewhere in there by now. He’s taking a while though. It’s already been quite some time.”

Looking back at Charlotte, who was also staring at the tower, Tessia put on a refreshing smile.

“Want to sleep some more? I’ll wake you up when Ian returns.”





The silence inside the conference room grew heavier and heavier.

The guards standing side by side in front of the door still remained expressionless, but as time passed, they kept glancing at Ian, who sat alone at the round table.

None of them had failed to see what had become of the city center.

Of course, Ian had been consistently cooperative and testified that it was the demons who caused the mess.

But in their eyes, even this mercenary who single-handedly turned those demons into ashes was just as much of a monster.

It was only natural for the soldiers to be anxious with such a monster left unattended for over an hour.


But Ian himself had no particular thoughts.

In fact, he was not in a bad mood.

He had even steeled himself for temporary imprisonment. Not only was he not imprisoned, but he wasn’t even shackled, and the conference room was warm with decent food served.

It must have been because the evidence that he killed the demons was clear, and his identity was vouched for by the worker of the Temple of Furnace.

He could afford to wait like this leisurely for half a day more.

Clunk, clunk—

Then footsteps approached from beyond the door.

The one who entered the conference room was a brown-haired knight in a plated armor.

At most in his mid-twenties, he looked like a typical Emperian.

He sat down across from Ian with a smile.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir Ian. I am Lucas Ramfield, commanding the Glomir Defense Force.”

“…Pleasure is mine, Sir Lucas.”

Ian responded with an odd gaze.

Of course, being addressed so formally was a bit bewildering.

But the real reason his eyes narrowed was something else.

‘To think I’d see this face here.’

In the game, Lucas had given him numerous major and minor quests as an important NPC.

But back then, it was in Travelgar and Karingion.

‘Did he start from commanding this outskirt area and work his way up…?’

As Ian pondered, the smiling Lucas continued.

“I’ve finished examining the evidence you submitted. The vial still had what appeared to be artificially made blood, and the ominous magic device showed signs of use. The remains also matched the descriptions of vampire remains in the records. I came here to reconfirm your testimony and address any lingering questions.”

“I will of course cooperate…”


“But there’s no need to address me so formally. I’m not a knight.”

The corners of Lucas’s mouth curved upwards.

“How humble of you, Sir Ian. I saw the sword you used. I could feel the divine presence imbued within. I’ve felt a similar divine presence before. From the blessing of the Stern Goddess.”

“That was a reward for a request.”

“I also serve the Stern Goddess, Sir. The Goddess would not grant her divine presence to the unworthy. At most, she would unleash her wrath. Whether you are a knight or not, the fact that you are one of the Goddess’s holy warriors remains unchanged. Moreover…”

Lucas shrugged.

“I heard you also played a major role in reviving the Sacred Flame of Luo’Enter. I already have more than enough reasons to respect you.”

“…You heard from the captain of the guard?”

“The one who confirmed your identity.”

Well, knights will be knights.

Ian ended up giving up.

“Do as you please. Let’s move on to the main subject.”

“Was it thanks to a holy relic of the Goddess that you were unaffected by the demon’s curse?”

It was because of his mental power.

Contrary to expectations, Ian nodded.

His testimony had already been fabricated more than once or twice. One more addition wouldn’t make much difference.

“And you subdued the beast with the Goddess’s divine power.”

“That’s right.”

A few quick questions and answers were exchanged. Eventually, Lucas stroked his chin and muttered.

“The only remaining question is… why that monster visited Ninglosl. There doesn’t seem to be a reason for it…”

“There must have been something.”

“The church in the homeland will uncover that part. Your testimony and evidence will be sent there.”


“You have my gratitude, Sir. Whatever that accursed demon’s goal was, many innocent lives could have been lost if not for you. That you’ve cooperated fully with the investigation like this will set an example for many.”

An example? I was just trying to avoid more trouble.

Ian smiled.

“So can I leave now? My party is waiting for me.”

“Ah, you mentioned traveling as a mercenary.”

“Not traveling as one. It is my profession.”

“I highly doubt that. If you were just a mere mercenary, you would not have risked your life to fight when you learned the demon’s magic had engulfed the city. There would be nothing for you to gain. And you’d have to deal with troublesome consequences like this.”

Well-spoken, isn’t he?

He was practically treating Ian like a pilgrim apostle of Tir En.

Ian suppressed a wry laugh.

He suddenly wondered if this young commander would have the same look in his eyes if he knew a vampire was part of Ian’s party, and that he fought for experience points and quest rewards.

Of course, he didn’t reveal that fact.

There would likely be more encounters with Lucas in the future.

“I may have said too much unnecessary. I didn’t mean to flatter you.”

“Did you have something else?”

“By any chance, do you not plan to visit Travelgar or Karingion?”

“I do plan to, but…”

“I see.”

Lucas’s expression brightened.

“I’m scheduled to be transferred to Travelgar next month. I’ll be stationed there for a while before joining Karingion.”

Karingion was practically the northernmost frontier fortress.

Because the Black Wall was not far from there.


“I’ve been hearing that the conditions of the Black Wall have become rather unusual lately. I don’t know the exact details, but there seem to be several noticeable changes.”

Ian’s eyes narrowed.

It’s too early for that.

“So the entire front line is on high alert. Another invasion or a tide of madness could occur.”

Ian nodded.

Both the invasion and the tide would indeed occur.

In a year, or a year and a half at most.

And the front line would crumble.

At least, that’s how it was in the game.

“So all forces will be deployed near the Black Wall. But as you know, there are many other problems in the north besides that.”

“You’re saying an extra helping hand or two would be needed.”

“Yes. Likely, definitely.”

“I understand your intent, but I still have outstanding requests to resolve for now.”

“I heard. You’re headed to the mountain range.”

That blabbermouth guard captain must have let it all out.

Lucas nodded in understanding.

“When you finish all your affairs and pass through Travelgar, would you seek me out?”

It was then that a quest window popped up.

The young commander.

‘Is this how a chain quest could start?’

It was already the second quest in a city he thought would have none.

Ian smiled.

“Booking a request from a mercenary you just met. Rather bold of you.”

“The northern commanders always need outside help. They’ve each formed their own forces already. Young commanders like me don’t last long up north because we lack such foundations.”

“I’d imagine fearing for your life is the biggest reason.”

“That’s true for me as well. But shouldn’t I still give my best effort?”

Lucas smiled faintly.

Ian recalled how he was in the game.

More worn out than now, but still giving his all for the peace of the north.

“I’ll stop by Travelgar after finishing my request. Let’s talk about this matter again then. It doesn’t seem like something to discuss right now.”

“An excellent decision. Capable and responsible mercenaries are rare, so I’ll be waiting.”

I don’t remember him being such a smooth talker.

Ian ended up chuckling.

“If I don’t show up even after months, just assume I’m dead.”

“The Stern Goddess will protect you. Then, the investigation is over, Sir Ian.”

Lucas stood up.

Following suit, Ian asked,

“Where can I retrieve my weapons?”

“I’ve had them prepared. They’ll be waiting when you go out.”

Just as Lucas said, the guard captain awaited him at the end of the hallway, holding all of Ian’s weapons.

Upon making eye contact with Ian, the captain smiled.

“Didn’t you say you’d just rest up and spend lots of money before leaving?”

“…Well, it’s not as easy as I said.”




“Ian…! Why are you so late? I was worried.”

As Ian opened the door, Tessia came running as if she had been waiting.

Ian, with a furrowed brow, brushed off her outstretched arm, but she giggled nonchalantly.

“Did you cleanly finish the cleanup?”


Answering briefly as he closed the door, Ian’s gaze eventually turned to a corner of the room.

There stood Charlotte, unable to even meet his gaze, pressed against the wall.

“Why are you doing that?”

Tessia answered for her.

“Why else? She must be feeling shameful, that’s why.”


Looking at her, Ian’s brow naturally tightened.

Looks like they really beat her up badly.

He clicked his tongue and walked over, soon plopping down on the bed.

“Are you alright?”

Charlotte answered with dazed eyes.

“Why wouldn’t I be… alright? While you were… fighting… I was just… sleeping…”


Ian’s gaze brushed over Tessia once more.

To leave the one who should be fighting on the front lines in this state.

“Here, take this.”

Regaining his composure, he threw something he took from his bosom.

Catching it haphazardly, Charlotte looked at the object with a puzzled expression.

A necklace with a red gem embedded in it.

It was the Bloodstone Necklace they had obtained long ago by hunting the chief of the Kobolds.

It had become an unnecessary item now that he had a new necklace.

“Wear it. It will make your mind a bit sturdier.”

Tessia’s eyes widened.

“What…? I’m the one who risked my life fighting, so why are you giving a gift to that beast?”

Ignoring her, Ian added.

“I’m giving it to you so you don’t experience the same thing again. Wear it at all times. And next time there’s a big battle, I’ll send you against the most dangerous enemy. Redeem yourself with your body.”

Charlotte’s eyes grew large. After gazing down at the Bloodstone Necklace, she nodded firmly, as if in resolve.

“…Yes. I will fight with the resolve to sacrifice my life.”

Who asked you to keep throwing your life away?

Ian stood up with a wry smile.

“Follow me. We’re going to decide the fate of that half-corpse.”

“Ian? About me? You really don’t have anything for me? Really…?”

Tessia’s voice grew distant.

Finally putting on the necklace she had been looking down at, Charlotte began walking.

Unknowingly swaying her shortened tail slowly.

Translator; ippo

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