I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 122: Battle Of Crecy Plains (7)

Chapter 122: Battle Of Crecy Plains (7)

While the Empires infantry was struggling to fend off the enemy knights charge, Commander Patton pondered atop his galloping horse about when and how to launch an attack.

According to the scout knight, the enemys infantry are positioned in a three-row formation like ours, but their morale is extremely low. Seeing the Empires knights charging towards them will likely cause many of them to panic, unable to even hold their spears properly.

Knowing this, Commander Patton judged that a charge from any direction would inevitably succeed.

Moreover, the only variable that could counter our knights, who are now turning clockwise from the left to target the enemys right flank, are the knights of the Francois Republic, but they are entirely preoccupied with the Empires infantry.

Patton knew that, in such a situation, the outcome of the first charge could significantly affect the number of casualties among our knights.

Combining his instinct with the knowledge gained from the academy and Staff College, he finally decided on a plan for the charge.

If the enemy infantry are in a three-row formation, the usual tactic would be to pierce them vertically from the side, but they wont fall for such a conventional strategy. So, the best approach now is to strike diagonally, which will be hardest for them to counter.

His reasoning was that a formation made by infantry with low morale would inevitably be a long rectangle.

Since a rectangular object was weaker at its corners than its edges, the corners of the infantrys pike formation would be the most vulnerable in terms of defense and offense.

Of course, the Republics army was not completely foolish, so they might try to adjust their formation in response.

Then, the Empires knights could simply adjust their charge direction to target the enemys weak spots.

On the other hand, for knights in a wedge formation, maintaining the formation would ensure almost equal penetration power in any direction.

Listen, all troops! Our 6,000 knights of the Reich Empire will charge not at the center but at the front-right corner of the enemys formation! Brace yourselves!

As Commander Patton issued this command, the knights who heard it opened their helmet visors to spread the message widely.

Start by piercing through the right corner! Remember, its the right corner!

If youre not confident, just follow the movements of the knight regiments around you!

Simply follow the lead! Right corner! Breakthrough at that point!

Shortly after the command spread

The enemy infantry is visible 500 meters ahead! Due to low morale, their formation seems improperly organized!

This was the situation that everyone here had been hoping for.

News spread among everyone that the infantry, unable to properly form their spear formations, were losing their ability to halt the cavalry.

Hearing this, the morale of the brave knights of the Reich Empire soared to the skies.

Long live the Reich Empire! Long live His Majesty the Emperor!

Follow the Captain! Deus is with us!

This war is as good as won by us!

Meanwhile, the Francois infantry, watching this situation from 500 meters away, started to panic and scream as they saw the approaching knights.

Knights! Where are the knights?! If it continues like this, were all going to die like dogs!

Private Jang, you crazy bastard! Jump out right now! If you dont want to die, run here!

Damn, I cant die like this! Its unfair to die, leaving my innocent kid and cunning wife behind! And to end up in hell after dying!!!

Some of those who said this tried to break out of formation but were beaten in the face by senior soldiers and returned to their positions crying.

A very few truly lucky ones managed to escape without being stopped by their comrades, taking advantage of the chaos.

The officers watching this development secretly resented their commander.

And for good reason, as that damn Duke Balua was throwing all the knights into slaughtering the Reich Empires infantry.

No matter how much they thought, they saw no chance of the infantry alone stopping the charge of the knights coming from the side, raising dust.

Still, as free citizens and nobles of the republic, they resolved to fulfill their duties as the chosen ones and began to desperately struggle to survive instead of fleeing.

You idiots! If you dont want to die, grab your spears and stick together! Otherwise, you will die!

Anyone cowardly enough to run away while our comrades are dying will die by my sword!

Damn deserters! Youll die right here!

Thus, by scolding and beating the soldiers or killing a few as an example, they somehow managed to maintain the formation.

To the 6,000 knights led by Commander Patton, their spear infantry formation looked weak enough to collapse with a single poke.

Therefore, even the most skilled knights would normally feel fear when charging head-on into a formation of infantry, facing a dense wall of spears.

As the distance between the knights and the republics infantry decreased, the knights morale rose, thinking about how easily the enemy would break under a lance charge.

Are they so inept because theyve been dishonorably discharged? Even when these soldiers group together, it doesnt seem like theyre united!

Crush them like this! Each of our infantry should kill at least ten of these bastards!

Show the glory of the Reich Empire!

Watching the scene with great satisfaction, Commander Patton ordered the knights, who were charging in the direction he desired with the most appropriate mindset.

Increase speed to the maximum! Charge with the heart of a beast!

With that command, the knights spurred their horses to the maximum, charging and colliding with the enemy, their lances mercilessly piercing the enemy soldiers.

Each lance, used by cavalry, skewered at least one, sometimes two to three, enemy infantry, who groaned and fell to the ground.

The fallen infantry began to die, crushed into meat paste under the 0.5-ton weight of the horses.

Of course, some of the Reich Empires knights were also killed by the soldiers of the Francois Republic who had built spear formations.

However, the casualty rate was overwhelmingly higher on the side of the republics spearmen, who had lower morale.

Moreover, the knights charge had a significant effect beyond just stabbing and trampling numerous infantrymen.

Damn, damn! Jean, Charles, Louis!!

Ah, ah Why has everyone been turned into damn meat chunks? Im going to die like this too

Why do we have to fight in a battle thats already lost? Damn, I want to run away!

It successfully demoralized the enemy. freeweb(n)ovel

However, Commander Patton, unsatisfied with just this, gave another command.

Whole army, briefly withdraw from the enemy lines! Then, as previously coordinated, disperse into units of 1,000, reform, and charge autonomously! Turn them all into minced meat!

Upon that order, the empires knights began to beat and kill the surrounding soldiers with maces or swords at their waists and left their positions.

Following Commander Pattons order, they grouped into units of 1,000 and charged with swords and maces in the most advantageous direction, timed apart.

Then, the already collapsed formations of the republics infantry disintegrated to the point where not even a trace remained.

Those like brigade commanders and division commanders, judging that there was no chance of winning, gritted their teeth and gave orders.

Retreat! Retreat! Were going to regroup!

Run back!

If you dont want to die a dogs death, run! Run for your life!

It seemed that even the soldiers, who had been passively taking hits until recently, had been waiting for this order.

From sluggish recruits to experienced soldiers, as soon as they heard the order to retreat, they split into two groupsthose who gave up the fight and surrendered and those who ran desperately to avoid being captured and becoming prisoners.

Ill surrender, so please, please spare me!

Damn, you have to run a bit faster to live! Dont stick to me, you idiot!

Feet, save me!

Commander Patton, seeing this, considered chasing them, but since the outcome was almost decided already

We will not pursue the infantry. Instead, were going to strike the enemy knights from behind!

Having given the order, he led the empires knights to attack the now-isolated Francois knights.

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