I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 126: This Is Peace Negotiation (3)

Chapter 126: This Is Peace Negotiation (3)

Upon hearing those words, Assistant Henri started to sweat profusely due to surprise and tension, rolling his eyes from side to side.

Eventually, he responded as if feigning ignorance, like a high school student caught watching an inappropriate video and awkwardly whistling.

Pro pro-war faction and pro-peace faction? Our Francois Republic was established by nobles and the people together after overthrowing the oppressive Cafe royal family. So, we are all one. To suggest dividing us into factions what a terrible joke

Watching him speak like that, I inwardly wanted to advise him to wipe the sweat from his forehead and neck and lie a bit more convincingly.

However, since he was a top diplomat of the Empire, making such direct comments in a diplomatic setting could hurt his pride.

Ah, since I didnt have to be tactful, I could just say it, but anyway.

After all, he was bound to be sweating profusely today, so it seemed unnecessary to tell him to wipe it off.

Isnt it a fact known to even a mere peasant of the Francois Republic? The Republic is divided into pro-war and pro-peace factions, and they engage in lengthy discussions to find common ground whenever their directions differ.

Though I termed it lengthy discussions, what I meant was that it was standard to engage in arguments and not hesitate to do whatever it took to weaken the position of the opposing faction.

Upon hearing this, Assistant Henri, who had spent years in diplomacy and become a master of circumlocution, responded with a calm expression, quite different from the tense one he had just two minutes earlier when he heard that I might negotiate with the pro-war faction.

Haha, even a young general and famed commander of the Reich Empire doesnt seem to know much about the Francois Republic. Although our opinions differ, we all wish for the prosperity of Francois with one heart. So, we are united.

Is that so? Then, I made a faux pas. I misunderstood that unlike the pro-peace faction, who can set aside their opinions for national interest, the pro-war faction might betray the opposing faction for their survival. I deeply apologize for my misunderstanding and will make it up to you personally later.

Since the political systems of the Republic and the Empire are different, such misunderstandings can occur. Your intention is enough.

At that moment, Henri smiled, thinking he had an opportunity to regain the initiative.

It seemed he thought I had failed in probing the division of the Republics leadership into two factions.

He seemed to plan on using that as a basis to gain an advantage in the negotiation, but it was a big mistake to think I would fall for it so easily.

I looked at his smiling face and responded with the cold expression and voice I used when commanding on the battlefield.

If the pro-peace and pro-war factions of the Republic were truly united, they wouldnt stop the war just because an army of about 100,000 men was defeated. Therefore, even if a peace treaty is signed, the Republic might mobilize an even larger army of over 200,000 next time for revenge. The Reich Empire does not wish for such a cycle of war.

Therefore, it would be better for you to offer us more generous terms. What do you think? Would you be satisfied with the area around Sargminne Castle? If you agree to end the war on these terms, I will personally give you 30,000 gold. If you wish, Ill also provide a beauty from the Republic.

Those are tempting terms, alright. Lets do it this way.

Upon hearing this, Assistant Henri seemed to think he had made a big career leap by extracting such concessions from me, the negotiator for the Reich Empire.

He already smiled as if he had gone to Hong Kong and looked at me, but all I could give to that guy and the Francois Republic was the finest Ulleungdo pumpkin candysomething beyond their imagination. 1

Lets see them eat that candy.

Then, may I call the members of the pro-war faction here right now and ask them this?

What do you mean? Ah, if you intend to test whether the members of the Francois Republics parliament can unite despite differing political beliefs for the sake of national interest please feel free to do so.

Yes, I dont particularly like war either. If its confirmed that the two factions can unite and fight together even in extreme situations, His Majesty the Emperor will significantly ease the conditions considering your opposition.

Then, I gestured for him to listen closely, and when Henri leaned his ear toward my mouth, I whispered.

Youre telling the pro-peace faction that one of the conditions for the peace negotiation is to revoke the Popes excommunication by designating all nobles of the pro-war faction as heretics, and to have Robespierre, the representative of the pro-war faction, and a few permanent committee members appear before the Papal Inquisition Tribunal.

Upon hearing this, Assistant Henri began to sweat, not just profusely, but as if a rainstorm had broken out.

If I were in his position, I would have reacted the same, if not more intensely.

Because if a civil war breaks out due to the intensifying conflict between these two factions, the neighboring Barcelo Empire, our Reich Empire, and even that island nation that salts herrings would seize the opportunity to invade.

They only agreed not to start a civil war, but they were the kind who, out of boredom, would plot and even resort to assassinations, using lawsuits and accusations to reduce the influence and number of parliament members of the opposing faction.

Now, its as if I said this to those guys.

The pro-peace faction has handed over you, the pro-war faction, and all your families to the inquisitors to save the great Francois Republic! Now the women will be raped and tortured to death by the inquisitors, and the men await execution after being tortured! But its all for the nation, so youll accept it, right?

If even between parents and children, a betrayal like this would immediately sever ties and lead to violence, what more for opposing factions?

The answer was clear. A civil war would break out across the country, starting with both factions.

The Reich Empire and other nations would not miss this opportunity and would covetously invade the territories of the Francois Republic, the prime land of the Europa continent.

Then, both the pro-peace and pro-war factions would be cleanly destroyed within five years, or the Cafe royal family might even resurrect using the civil war as an opportunity.

For reference, whether the Republics parliament members perished or the royal family would be resurrected, all current politicians and their families would meet their demise.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Assistant Henri suddenly grabbed my hand, almost in tears, and pleaded.

Yes, Major General Yaeger

Ah, then, since I do not want war, Ill tell Duke Benner that its important to confirm if both factions still have the will to continue the war. You would think that if the two factions are working together for the good of the nation, this wont affect their unity, right? We can also use generous terms to minimize damage.

Ah, ah

Members of the pro-war faction, in their patriotism, have to endure the thought of their wives and daughters being raped and sexually tortured by the inquisitors, dying miserably.

If the leadership of the Republic were preparing for war, the situation would head towards the worst possible outcome.

Even if I had to give up my promotion and couldnt become a General for about 10 years, I would beg His Highness the Crown Prince and His Majesty the Emperor to keep the demands on Francois to a minimum.

Because if the pro-war and pro-peace factions were so determined to fight, this operation would eventually turn into a total war, the worst type of war that grinds up the lives and assets of the entire population, like the one that led to Germanys downfall on Earth.

If the Francois Republic, with a population difference of several tens of millions, and the Reich Empire engaged in total war we were not confident of victory either.

No, if Francois engaged in total war, neighboring countries would seize the opportunity to attack the Empire, resulting in a gang-up, and there would be no country left for me to live in with my stars.

Well, there was not the slightest chance of that happening.

So, when I was about to step out of the meeting room with the documents I had already prepared, Assistant Henri began to kneel and beg in front of me.

Please spare me. I have a beloved youngest daughter, who is only 10 years old, along with six daughters and sons who are like my own flesh and blood. I will persuade the parliamentarians and the assembly to meet as many of your countrys demands as possible

Hearing that, I inwardly sighed with relief.

Because His Majesty the Emperor said that any threat was acceptable for the Empires interest, but what if Assistant Henri hadnt listened to my words?

It could have backfired on me as well.

Do you really want to live?

Yes, please save me.

With a grin, I responded.

Then make a peace deal with me. In return, we will give you a justification to sweep the main battle and rule.

  • ED/N: Ulleungdo is an island off the east coast of South Korea, known for its natural beauty and distinctive local products. The mention of "pumpkin candy" from Ulleungdo suggests a specialty item from this region, likely known for its quality or uniqueness. In this context, the speaker seems to be implying that while they might not be able to offer something conventionally prestigious or globally recognized (like experiences related to cosmopolitan cities such as Hong Kong or something significant to the French Republic), they can offer something unique and valuable in its own right - a special, perhaps artisanal, product from Ulleungdo.

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