I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 161: The Battle Of Richten Hill (4)

At the command tent of the Swiss expeditionary force, me and six other division commanders pondered how to retreat the soldiers in a way that minimized losses while quickly and safely concluding the operation, feeling the long journey ahead and the daunting future.

We felt a heaviness in our chests like a stone, a tremendous responsibility weighing on our shoulders, and a mental fatigue that made it hard to breathe.

Such a convergence of feelings and pressure was truly a first in my life.

“It’s really not easy.”

As I muttered that, the other division commanders nodded in agreement.

But outside, thanks to my day-long significant role in facing almost 100,000 Swiss troops at the vanguard, everyone, from soldiers to non-commissioned officers to officers, cheered as if they had just popped a bottle of champagne.

“So, when I was fighting in the first line, I saw Lieutenant General Yaeger swing his sword sideways and kill three Swiss bandits at once.”

“Even if the Lieutenant General is skilled enough to kill a Khan, that seems a bit much, Sergeant.”

“You say that because you didn’t see it, Lieutenant. Especially when he went down the hill and counterattacked, swinging the mace in one hand. His murderous intent was so intense, it gave me goosebumps watching.”

However, due to the current situation, we didn’t permit the soldiers to drink, but rather to relieve their mental and physical fatigue and boost morale. I instructed the regimental commanders of each division to let the soldiers freely chat until bedtime, excluding those on guard duty, hence the current state.

Talking about my achievements like that could prevent fear from casting a shadow in their hearts and also boost their morale.

Thus, the atmosphere inside and outside the command tent was bound to be completely different.

While I contemplated a retreat strategy, Division Commander Falken approached, patted my shoulder, and said, “I’ve been an officer for 40 years. I’ve met many genius commanders, including His Excellency Otto Moritz. But even he couldn’t do as much as you at your age.”

“Ha, among the generals I know, only Captain Patton took the risk of leading the vanguard. Honestly, when the first line was retreating, I even thought of going myself to pull you out. To think that you counterattacked in that situation. A true genius is on a different level.”

“If we safely retreat and return to the empire this time, how about seeing my granddaughter for a date? Of course, since you have a lawful wife, she would be a concubine.”

Even if a division commander’s title was only that of a knight, upon retirement and until death, he was acknowledged with a status equivalent to that of a baron.

So, if someone considered taking a granddaughter from his own family as a concubine, they should at least belong to a ducal family.

Was this person already evaluating me so highly?

Other generals, without using direct words, also said that I was the next commander-in-chief.

We were in a critical crisis then, but it felt good to be the recipient of such genuine praise.

“Thank you, commanders. I just did my best.”

With those words, we took a moment to relieve our mental fatigue and exchanged praises with each other.

When a somewhat warm and friendly atmosphere was created,

“I would like to continue exchanging pleasantries and maintain this good atmosphere, but given the situation, we must quickly move to the main point. So far, we have overcome the two biggest crises in this retreat battle.”

The first was safely escaping with the Crown Prince and about 2,000 knights through the Ticino Canton.

The second was successfully reigniting the fighting spirit of nearly 50,000 soldiers whose morale had plummeted in an extreme situation.

“However, our food and supplies are limited. Moreover, unless the Swiss Duke were a fool, he would do everything he could, even sacrificing all his troops, to block our return to the Reich Empire through Ticino Canton.”

This was because the Duke was currently mobilizing soldiers, even to the extent of drawing on their very souls, in a genuine attempt to kill both the Crown Prince and all of the Reich Empire’s army.

But if the imperial army, unaware of this, crawled into the natural fortress of Switzerland and the Duke lost them after saving just a few soldiers and some money, all his investments until then would be wasted.

He would definitely block the Ticino Canton.

If necessary, he might even consider mobilizing women, who were not typically conscripted as soldiers.

“Therefore, we have to escape through Ticino Canton as quickly as possible with as many soldiers as possible without being detected by them. At the same time, we need to block any opportunity for them to gather soldiers near the paths we take through Ticino Canton.”

“That’s right. What are you thinking?”

“The answer is simple. Switzerland has rugged terrain and few plains. It’s impossible to build a village away from the main roads where people can travel, like in the Reich Empire. And usually, the villages near where the enemy passes play a role in supporting soldiers.”

Upon hearing this, the faces of the other division commanders seemed tense, as if they guessed what I was about to say.

They probably thought I was suggesting massacring everyone in the village, including men, children, women, and the elderly, who could fight.

Doing such an act would not only unnecessarily tarnish the Crown Prince’s reputation but also foolishly boost the morale of the Swiss soldiers pursuing us.

Although it was possible to massacre prisoners of war when it was unavoidable, slaughtering complete civilians raised significant ethical concerns.

“Burn all the villages and food along our retreat path. However, please don’t burn the crops in the fields, as they are not yet harvestable and edible. And this is the most important part.”

“Go ahead, tell us.”

“Give a substantial amount of money to the villagers of the looted towns. Enough to rebuild the burned villages and replace the food.”

Upon hearing this, the division commanders all looked at me with disbelief.

“It is true and usual not to compensate for any property when looting enemy villages. But if we give a large sum of money to the villagers in return for burning the houses that could be used by enemy soldiers as lodgings or bases and the food that can be eaten, the enemy would think like this…”

Then, I placed my right index finger in front of my mouth and said,

“The villagers in the towns along the way to the Reich Empire through Ticino Canton have betrayed Switzerland. Then, the Swiss Duke would not be able to recklessly mobilize the villagers as a military resource while pursuing us.”

The Duke was currently in a very urgent situation to dispatch soldiers to Ticino Canton.

Surely, he would try to procure food locally from the villages and fill in the shortage of soldiers. He would conscript local men for a delaying action.

But since we were breaking both of these premises, even if they tried guerrilla operations, their scale would be greatly reduced.

“And this operation needs to be carried out right away. First, Division 12 under Colonel Chepelin, who fought alongside me that day and suffered the greatest troop losses, should retreat and proceed as per my plan.”

“Understood. The important thing is that we need to move quickly and minimize baggage. If there is anything you’d like us to leave behind, let me know.”

“Leave behind durable food supplies like strong liquor, hardtack, jerky, cheese, and grain flour, as well as arrows and armor. In return, when Division 12 retreats, include pack horses and provide each soldier with a horse to move as quickly as possible and devastate the villages.”

Upon hearing this, Colonel Chepelin nodded in agreement, and I made one more request to preserve the dignity of this person, who had to retreat first.

“Once you arrive, send an urgent dispatch to gather as many soldiers as possible near the border. Our lives and the entire 7th Division depend on it.”

“Understood, I’ll do that.”

“Every minute and second is critical, Colonel Chepelin.”

The Colonel patted my shoulder and said,

“I truly envy you. Sincerely. A plain man like me would only think of defending here to hold off the enemy. But I wouldn’t have thought of such an efficient retreat. I may have the courage to fight at the forefront, but I lack the strength. You, having all these qualities, truly make me envious. So, I have one request. Please return alive. I promise to treat you with the highest honor on behalf of the Chepelin barony.”

Then he rushed out of the tent, and the remaining division commanders turned their eyes toward me.

“Our 7th Division, along with the other divisions, will do our best to deplete the enemy’s forces here. And as long as my condition allows it, I will be at the forefront tomorrow and the day after to encourage the soldiers. I count on you.”

With that said, the division commanders headed to their respective divisions.

After returning to my division and completing a general inspection and maintenance, I took Charlotte and headed to where the wounded soldiers were.

Honestly, I was so exhausted that I could fall asleep the moment my head hit the pillow, but since I had become the spiritual support for the 50,000 troops there, I had to bandage at least one person and offer a word of consolation.

In the area where the wounded soldiers lay, there was the sound of dying soldiers’ groans and the smell of blood from the injured, amidst which medics moved hurriedly and chaotically.

Among them, I found a soldier who seemed close to death and approached him quietly.

“What is your name?”

“Lindel… It’s Lindel. Please save me, Lieutenant General.”

“I’m sorry. All I can do is apologize and listen to your last words. Do you have anything you want to say?”

With that, the soldier named Lindel, gasping in his last breaths, said,

“I impregnated my wife before I enlisted in the army. If I die, she’ll have a hard time living…”

The soldier said only that much before he passed away.

I took out a piece of paper and wrote down his unit, rank, name, and what I had just heard.

I had similar conversations with several dying soldiers and planned to have more.

“Charlotte, what are you doing? Take him to the tent right away and let him rest! He might really pass out at this rate!”

“Colonel Kerzhit, but the Master insists it’s something he must do…”

“If the Lieutenant General dies, all the soldiers here are as good as dead anyway. So, take him to his quarters right now.”

So, I was practically dragged by Anya to my tent, and as expected, I fell asleep the moment my head touched the field bed.

But as I drifted off to sleep, I thought,

‘Since I have to keep pushing myself, I need to increase my food intake to about 1.5 times the usual amount starting tomorrow. And add plenty of salt…’

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