I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 82: Just One Step To The Stars

Chapter 82: Just One Step To The Stars

A month later, in the Reich Empire’s military conference room, central generals of the Reich Empire’s military, including Otto Moritz, Minister of Military Affairs, had all gathered.

They discussed rewards for battles involving thousands of troops, though not as significant as major wars, that took place in various regions.

“For the battle between a Chekovian division and our division at the Bisochean border, where Colonel Chaplin’s 4th Regiment defeated a Chekovian regiment, we will award Colonel Chaplin the Iron Cross and grant him ten villages and 3,000 serfs in the Bisochea region, with the rest handled as per these documents.”

“Colonel Lorelai, having achieved several victories against the Benikians, despite being young, I propose promoting her to Major General.”

“Colonel Elfridel, having foolishly disobeyed orders on the Switzland Republic front and lost nearly 200 soldiers, shall be dismissed.”

Thus, appropriate rewards were given for the achievements of colonels who had served the empire’s army for decades.

“Now, let’s discuss the last item for today, regarding Colonel Peter Yaeger of the 24th Regiment, Northern Army. His achievements include annihilating T?ner and over 20 tribes, completely devastating their villages, rescuing over 700 imperial citizens taken prisoner, killing all barbarian males over 15, a total of 4,000, and capturing over 12,000 prisoners.”

This statement caused Otto Moritz and the other generals to murmur among themselves.

“Merely dealing a blow to T?ner’s army is an achievement, but the subsequent accomplishments are also remarkable. Truly more than what was expected.”

“It’s hard to believe these are the achievements of a single regiment’s deployment.”

“Looking at him makes all the young ones these days seem foolish. That 23-year-old kid outshines those who have lived 20-30 years longer…”

A few older generals felt a sense of deflation, comparing their own children, about 20 years older than Colonel Yaeger.

Of course, their children weren’t rascals or incompetent.

Some had proven to be more capable than their parents, who had achieved the rank of three or four stars, at that age.

But the comparison was simply on a different level.

On the other hand, Major General Benner, whose daughter communicated monthly through letters expressing ‘love for the Colonel’, or rather, General Benner, genuinely smiled with joy.

Because not only did he cherish his daughter and not want to lose her to any man, but it was also time to start considering a suitable fiancé for her.

If that fiancé turned out to be someone capable of rising to one of the highest positions in the Empire’s military and nobility, he felt it would be okay to give his daughter to him.

“It’s truly a joy for the empire to have such an excellent talent and to be able to reward him generously.”

“I agree, General Benner. What do you propose?”

“Marshal Moritz,1 Lieutenant Laura serving under him, is my daughter and his banquet partner. Although they are not yet engaged.”

Upon hearing this, several generals glared at General Benner, grinding their teeth, and those aligned with the second and third Princes clamored in protest.

“We acknowledge his great achievement, but he’s a Colonel. It’s inappropriate to promote him for just one victory.”

“He’s only about to turn 24, an age where most noble officers would be in their second year as lieutenants. It would be better not to promote him too quickly.”

“Rather, consider granting him a fiefdom or promoting his subordinates. We can request His Majesty to increase his fiefdom, and promoting his subordinates would be more equitable.”

Marshal Moritz found their ulterior motives amusing.

“Let’s do this then. Promote Lieutenant Laura to Captain and all officers below the rank of captain who participated in the battle by one rank. As for commanders like Werner and Marco, who are Lieutenants, are equivalent to knights but without a fief, so I’ll request a few villages for them and the Cross Sword Medal. Additionally, for Colonel Yeager, I’ll recommend the Northern Conquest Special Medal, a reward, a suitable fief, and additional units under his command. Also, I’ll increase his field decision-making authority by one level.”

The other generals all nodded with bitter expressions.

Then, Otto Moritz, the Minister of Military Affairs, recalled the information about Colonel Yaeger he had heard from the Director of the Staff College a few months ago.

Smiling, he laid down the plan Yaeger had prepared on the desk and said,

“Moreover, this operation that will be used against the T?ner tribe is identical to the one Colonel Yaeger communicated through Major General Nordenburk of the Northern Army. The results were very good, so for the operation against the Ludwig Tribe next March, we shall refer as much as possible to Colonel Yaeger’s proposed method. Additionally, the overall commander of the war to seize the North will be you, General Benner.”

The other generals, specifically the 2nd and 3rd Princes and even those of the Crown Prince’s faction who were not close to Colonel Yaeger, were astonished by this news.

While it was understandable for Count Benner to lead the punitive expedition as a General, they had never imagined that the operational plan of a mere colonel would become the strategy for moving an army of at least 50,000.

Moreover, what would happen if this operation succeeded?

Colonel Yaeger, having achieved significant victories in the punitive war and credited with devising the strategy, would be promoted to Major General.

However, if his unprecedented and extraordinary achievements in the history of the empire lead to his promotion to Major General, along with immense rewards and a higher title, it would elevate him to a level that could threaten the position of even the lower-ranking generals present here.

“Today’s discussion of military achievements ends here. Everyone, go and rest comfortably.”

Northern Army 24th Regiment’s Command Office.

“Loyalty! I, Peter von Gaines, the official, have brought a letter from the Imperial Capital commending the achievements of the 24th Regiment and documents containing the details of the commendations, as ordered by His Majesty the Emperor.”

“I will gather the regiment members and read the letter myself later, so for now, please read out the commendations.”

Saying this, I saluted the Emperor’s document containing the commendations.

The official read the contents in a very solemn voice.

“Emperor Fernando von Reich of the Reich Empire is greatly pleased with the 24th Regiment’s annihilation of the T?ner Tribe. Therefore, he decrees that officers below the rank of Deputy Regiment Commander, including Battalion Commanders, shall each receive the Cross Sword Medal and five villages as fiefs. Additionally, Lieutenant Laura von Benner is promoted to Captain, and officers below the rank of Lieutenant are granted one rank special promotion.”

Thus, Laura became a Battalion Commander, and the rest of the officers were promoted by one rank.

Those among them from ambiguous backgrounds, having graduated from the Staff College or academies, would have tasted such special promotion and were likely to follow and support me.

Especially since the Deputy Regiment Commanders and Battalion Commanders, having received fiefs and medals, have become nobility in name and thus would become completely loyal to me.

So, did this mean that people who could be considered my own forces were gradually starting to emerge for me?

“Among them, Colonel Peter Yaeger’s contributions are the most significant, so I bestow upon him Chelsheim and grant the Northern Conquest Special Medal, along with one Knight Battalion and one Infantry Battalion to be additionally organized. Furthermore, in recognition of his outstanding insight shown thus far, his field decision-making authority is elevated by one level.”

With a one-level increase in field decision-making authority and the additional organization of a Knight and an Infantry Battalion, it was practically the same as entrusting me with a brigade instead of a regiment.

And since brigades were typically commanded by Major Generals, this essentially equated to giving me treatment similar to that of a one-star General.

With the formation of political forces and such treatment… it was quite satisfactory.

“Please convey my gratitude for His Majesty’s grace.”

  • ED/N: Minister of Military Affairs is an administrative position, whereas Marshal is a military rank. It's possible for a person to hold both positions, but they signify different aspects of responsibility and authority. ?

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