I Became a Heartthrob After A Job in Quick Transmigration

Chapter 101 - Xenogeneic Experiment (2)

The laboratory was silent for a while.

After reacting to what the person said, many people’s faces showed mixed expressions of panic and fear.

Dr. Lu’s expression did not change, but his eyes were cold: “Let’s go first.”

His words seemed to have a special magic power, making the experimenter who was still a little panicked behind him instantly quiet down.

Dr. Lu walked towards the door first, and the experimenter behind him also followed in his footsteps.

A researcher glanced at Ye He who was about to be pushed into the cave: “Then he…”

Dr. Lu turned his head and glanced at Ye He, as if he was just looking at a half-processed item: “We’ll deal with it later.”

After his words fell, he led a group of people to file out, and the door of the laboratory was slowly closed, and it was tightly seamed.

For a while, only Ye He was left in the room.

Ye He felt that the mechanical arm that had been holding him suddenly loosened his grip. He rolled on the ground and moved away from the square hole on the side.

It was just during the tumbling process that Ye He felt as if he had been bitten by something, but he quickly forgot about it, stood up from the ground with difficulty, and asked the system aloud: “Now What is the situation? Why am I a defective product?”

He is still a little confused about the fact that he is a defective product.

System: [As I said before, aliens are not humans…]

Under the systematic explanation, Ye He finally understood the situation he was in.

Xenomorphs are not humans. To be precise, they are new creatures created in the laboratory that can switch back and forth between humanoid and beast-like shapes. Their physical qualities are also far superior to those of humans. They are potential humanoid weapons/tools that have been created.

But so far, only one xenogeneic species has been successfully produced in the laboratory, namely No. 1.

The experimental items are all the products of failed experiments and can be disposed of at will—most of them are given to the alien species as toys, which also facilitates them to collect more data about the alien species, and a small part can be left in the experiment as a helper .

Ye He’s identity is more complicated. He is a defective product that has been detected. The human form is extremely unstable, it may become a prototype at any time, and his physical fitness is also very weak, so it is impossible to receive any preferential treatment.

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Ye He’s heart: “…Prototype? What is my prototype?”

Forget it, as long as there are no ghosts, whether the prototype is a tiger or a lion, he can barely accept it.

The system was silent for a few seconds, and the volume suddenly dropped a lot: [You touch the back of you, is there something more. 】

Ye He suddenly thought that he really felt a bit of something just now, and his heart suddenly lifted.

He was wearing loose lab coats, so Ye He reached out and touched his back without any hindrance.

At the end of his waist, Ye He felt a lump of fluffy things.

Ye He: “……”

His body froze, and at this moment, he seemed to have lost his ability to speak.

what is this…

Why is there such a thing behind him? !

This fluffy blob is solidly grown on him, and extra sensitive.

Ye He just touched it with his fingertips, and then he felt a faint itch spread from his back to his whole body, making his body tremble a bit, and he had to bite his lips so as not to let out a small moan/ chant.

System: [When the experiment changes into human form, there will be some fused animal features left, and the fusion of No. 666 is the white rabbit gene, and this fluffy ball is your tail. 】

Ye He quickly touched his head, but fortunately he didn’t have too many ears.

But he turned out to be a rabbit…

Ye He felt that it would take him some time to digest this matter.

System: [The reason why No. 666 is a defective product is not only because the transformation between the two forms cannot be freely controlled, and it is easy to become a prototype when it encounters danger or fright, there is another reason for the characteristics of the human form. There are very few reservations. 】

If it weren’t for the risk of being destroyed, Ye He suddenly felt that it was not bad to be a defective product.

Because of the extra sensitive/sensitive tail, Ye He could only give up the posture/posture he wanted to sit down. He also didn’t want to lie on his stomach when he just came in before, so he could only maintain a standing state and couldn’t help sighing. He took a breath: “I think I have to get used to this identity for a few days.”

Ye He: “Then I will have rabbit habits, such as eating grass?”

The system said ruthlessly: [As long as you want, you can eat spicy rabbit head. 】

Ye He suddenly became angry: “How can you eat my kind, it’s too cruel, I didn’t expect you to be like this.”


Just now, he vowed to get used to his identity for a while. It seems that Ye He is getting used to it quite well now, and he has assumed the role of a rabbit so quickly.

System: [This task is to live in the laboratory for a month. If you succeed, you will get 2.5 million yuan. 】

[There will be random tasks dropped in the middle, please pay attention to check. 】

Although this number is not very pleasant, Ye He still couldn’t help calculating in his heart how much money it was.

System: [Converted to a life span of seventeen days. 】

……Well, even having a tail on the back is not an unbearable thing.

Ye He thought contentedly.

As if sensing his happiness, Ye He suddenly felt that the fluffy tail trembled, as if they were also happy together.

Ye He: “…”

Well, it seems he still needs to get used to this tail for a while.

His eyes swept across the precise instruments in the laboratory, and suddenly realized an important problem – now he is still in danger of being destroyed, and Dr. Lu just let him go temporarily.

As long as the other party gives an order, he will still be destroyed.

Just when Ye He was thinking hard about what to do, the door of the laboratory suddenly opened again, and then the woman who spoke for Ye He hurried in, and there were several young people behind her, pushing a Glass case with wheels.

When Ye He saw the woman came in, he ran straight to him. She didn’t know what to press on the instrument next to her, and Ye He felt that the mechanical arm suddenly grabbed his arm and arm again.

It’s just that this time it wasn’t to throw him into the square hole, but to stuff him into the glass box after those young people pushed the moving glass box over.

When Ye He reacted, the glass box had already been closed by these young people, and the movements were done in one go.

This glass box is 2 meters high and wide enough to hold two Yehes, so he didn’t feel aggrieved after entering the glass box.

Ye He touched the wall and found that it was not made of ordinary glass, it was extremely hard.

He lay on the glass box and looked at the experimenter who was pushing him: “What happened?”

The woman winked at the young man, they immediately pushed the glass box and moved, while the woman followed and explained: “There is a riot over the aliens, No. 666, you have experience in appeasing him, as long as you catch him Take this opportunity to appease him, and the doctor will not destroy you!”

Alien? Soothing experience? !

Ye He’s eyelids jumped, thinking of the words of the experimenter who suddenly appeared before, and realized that this was not a good job.

Listening to the experimenter, the alien species will kill the experimental items that are sent there.

What’s more, he doesn’t have the memory of the past, and he doesn’t know how to appease the alien.

It’s just that now he doesn’t have any choice, and just like what the woman said, if he wants to stay in the laboratory and not be destroyed, he can only appease the alien species first, so that Dr. Lu can see his value.

After being pushed out of the laboratory, as soon as he arrived in the corridor, Ye He saw the warnings on the top of the corridor flashing non-stop, and the rapid footsteps were getting closer.

After a while, more people in white appeared behind the researcher pushing the glass case.

They are all heading in the same direction, and the destination is obviously the same as Yehe, where they are all aliens.

Ye He could vaguely hear their noisy discussion: “No. 1 has developed resistance to anesthetics, so it is useless to spray anesthetic gas into the room…”

“Why did he suddenly go crazy, wasn’t it all fine before?”

“I heard that he was looking for something, who knows what the aliens thought, and he didn’t speak…”

Ye He didn’t know how long he had been pushed and walked through several doors that required a password to open before reaching the door of a laboratory.

The closer you get to this door, the more red light above your head flickers, as if to remind you how dangerous it is.

Ye He noticed that the door of this laboratory was much thicker than the door he had just seen along the way, but at this time, intense sounds could still be heard inside, accompanied by gunshots and screams from time to time.

Ye He’s tail hidden in his trousers trembled quietly, a little nervousness filled his heart. In order to hide his nervousness, he deliberately put his hands behind his back, trying to hold his tail so that the other party would stop shaking.

However, the system thought that Ye He put his hands on his back because he was not afraid at all, and thought that after knowing that there were no ghosts in the dungeon, Ye He was obviously much more courageous.

The experimenters who were pushing the glass box were also very nervous. Ye He noticed that their legs were shaking, but still pushed open the door in front of them and pushed Ye He in.

This laboratory is much larger than the laboratory where Ye He is located, and the equipment is more luxurious.

The first thing that catches Ye He’s eyes is an observation room that occupies half of the room. There is half glass on the observation room, but now there are cracks and blood splattered on it, as if it will shatter in the next second. Lose.

A few gunshots suddenly sounded in the observation room, followed by a few stray bullets that landed on the glass, but did not leave any traces.

Just as Ye He was about to retract his gaze, he saw a human head floating in the air on the window of the observation room. He was suddenly startled, only to feel that the temperature of his body suddenly increased, and vaguely heard the system shouting “don’t be afraid”, and the world suddenly turned around in front of him, and then the things in front of him suddenly became much bigger.

What happened? !

Ye He realized that he was lying on the ground now, and he couldn’t see his hands.

He bowed his head laboriously, and saw only white fluffy claws.

Ye He: “…”

A terrible idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

At the same time, the system’s painful voice also sounded: [I said before, if you are frightened, it will become a prototype. 】

…… It turned out to be the case.

Ye He couldn’t help but sighed: “Then when will I be able to return to human form?”

System: [According to experience, it will be a few hours later. 】

Hearing the system’s words, Ye He’s heart was slightly relieved – as long as he could change back into a human form.

Ye He thought of the floating head just now, and his body couldn’t help trembling: “Are you sure there are no ghosts?”

System: [Of course. 】

Ye He: “That window…”

Halfway through his words, he stopped abruptly when he saw the empty window.

The head had disappeared.

And the researchers who pushed the glass box naturally saw that Ye He had turned into a white rabbit, but they were not surprised.

It was only then that Ye He realized that the loose clothes should be specially made for his experiment. After changing back to the prototype, those clothes disappeared.

The movement of the researcher pushing the glass case in quickly attracted several people standing in the room.

In addition to Dr. Lu and a few researchers standing outside the observation room, there were also a few more people with animal ears and tails, all shivering and huddled together, Ye He’s eyes slid over their ears, guessing that these were Same experiment as him.

And around them stood a few solid people holding guns and wearing helmets. The goggles covered most of their faces, making it difficult to see their expressions at this time. The height is barely distinguishable between men and women.

It’s just that these people have some blood on their bodies, as if they have already experienced a fierce battle. And compared to the protective posture of standing beside Dr. Lu, these people are more like watching when they are standing beside the experiment.

When the experimenter moved a little, they gave a low voice to tell the other not to move.

After making the comparison, Ye He felt that his treatment in the glass box was already very good.

There were still begging and screams in the observation room, and the gap in the window was wider.

One of the men saw the pushed rabbit and stepped forward. Even through the goggles, Ye He could still feel the other party’s interesting gaze falling on him.

The goggles showed Ye He’s current appearance – a fluffy rabbit that was shivering.

This white rabbit may have a bit of lop-eared genes, with drooping ears, but not as long as normal lop-eared ears.

In the researcher’s exclamation, he directly opened the glass box, held the rabbit’s neck and lifted it up, chuckling: “This is Experiment No. 666?”

In all fairness, it was a pleasant male voice, and it could be heard that the other party was not very old.

The movement that Ye He originally wanted to struggle stopped instantly after hearing the youth’s voice.

This voice was all too familiar to him.

He stared at the man’s inexplicably familiar chin, and finally confirmed one thing – he did know him.

It turned out to be Lu Yinglang.

Because in the copy of the entertainment circle before, the other party was not less attached to him, so Ye He can be said to have a fresh memory of Lu Yinglang.

It’s just that the current Lu Yinglang made him a little unfamiliar. He was no longer the gentle and timid brother he was familiar with, but the temperament exuded from him made him a little unspeakably afraid.

And since Lu Yinglang appeared here, it only showed one problem – the other party was also a player.

Ye He swallowed silently: “System, Lu Yinglang is also a player.”

The system quickly remembered who Lu Yinglang was, the younger brother Ye Hegan who seemed inexplicably hostile to him.

What it didn’t expect was that Lu Yinglang appeared here again.

One person and one rabbit stared at each other deeply, not knowing each other.

Ye He took the lead to look away. He didn’t know whether he should be glad that he became a rabbit so the other party couldn’t recognize him, or he should be disappointed that the two couldn’t recognize each other.

However, according to what the system said, it is obviously not a good thing for players to recognize each other. Even if Lu Yinglang in front of him looks gentle and harmless, he can’t let Lu Yinglang know that he is the true identity of the player.

At this time, Lu Yinglang also realized that the rabbit’s eyes were inexplicably familiar, which reminded him of a person.

It was rare for him to be gentle, he held the rabbit’s buttocks in one hand and hugged the other in his arms, his voice was gentle and clear, but what he said made Ye He’s body stiff: “Just throw it at the alien species. ?”

Ye He began to struggle, but was held down by Lu Yinglang’s hand.

Lu Yinglang could feel the warm body temperature of the white rabbit under him and the trembling body of the other party, as if frightened by his words.

The opponent is not much bigger than his fist, so one hand can hold it.

Perhaps it was because he was too nervous, the white rabbit’s ears were shaking nervously, and it tickled Lu Yinglang’s hand.

Lu Yinglang rubbed the rabbit’s ears, feeling the soft touch, and suddenly showed an inexplicable smile: “Poor little.”

If you just listen to his tone, it will only make people think that he is the white rabbit in the arms of pity.

Ye He turned his head with difficulty and glanced at Lu Yinglang’s smile, but he really couldn’t associate the other party with the shy silver-haired youth in his memory.

The silver-haired youth only rubbed the rabbit’s ears, and Dr. Lu’s voice rang impatiently: “Bring him here and throw it in directly.”

Even though there were screams and collisions in the observation room not far from him, Dr. Lu still didn’t show a moving expression. He frowned slightly, as if he had just encountered a difficult math problem.

After Dr. Lu’s voice fell, Ye He felt that all the experimental objects around him were looking at him, with sympathy and happiness in his eyes.

The sympathy was for Ye He, but fortunately it was reserved for himself – at least this time, it was not them who were pushed in.

Lu Yinglang responded and walked towards the door of the observation room with Ye He in his arms.

Looking at the bloodstains that were continuously splattered in the observation room window, Ye He’s heart jumped, and his tail and ears trembled even more.

Lu Yinglang opened the door in front of him, and then threw the rabbit in his arms directly into it.

Ye He’s body briefly vacated the air, and then fell to the ground quickly.

The white rabbit rolled around on the ground and stopped in front of a pile of flesh and blood. Ye He can feel the dust on his back, but now is not the time for cleanliness.

The door behind him slammed shut.

Ye He turned his head to look, and could see Lu Yinglang lying on the window, watching the fun with great interest. Seeing the rabbit turning his head to look over, Lu Yinglang even gave a thumbs up, as if praising the bravery of the white rabbit.

If it wasn’t for the wrong timing, Ye He would have thought that he was the child who was sent to kindergarten on the first day, and Lu Yinglang was the parent who came to check on him secretly.

The personalities in Lu Yinglang and Ye He’s memory were really different, or rather bad.

The system didn’t like the other party originally, but now seeing Lu Yinglang’s reaction, he snorted coldly: [He must have been pretending before. 】

Ye He didn’t have time to think about the possibility in this sentence, he raised his head tremblingly, just in time to see a person who was almost dressed like Lu Yinglang being strangled by a beautiful hand.

The owner of those hands is a handsome young man. Even wearing loose lab coats, he looks like a show model. The good ratio of shoulder width to leg length makes Ye He a little envious. On the other hand, the arm of the other party extending from the sleeve is beautiful and smooth, like a carefully carved artwork.

His long hair was tied behind his head, but his gilded eyes were full of tyrannical emotions.

Ye He understood that the only young man standing in front of him was No. 1, who terrified the researchers outside, but for some unknown reason, No. 1 did not retain his animal-like characteristics.

At the young man’s feet, a lot of corpses have been poured, including researchers in white clothes, and experimental objects that were sent in before.

The person who was strangled by the young man was still holding a gun in his hand, struggling to aim the muzzle at the person in front of him, but the young man’s other hand grabbed the gun first.

Just listen to the “Kara” sound, the gun/muzzle is directly twisted.

Ye He, who witnessed this scene, moved silently to the corner, only to see the head that startled him just now.

Now the head is silent, and it doesn’t look like it was floating just now.

System: [You don’t think that the trajectory of the human head when it is thrown is floating in the air, so you are frightened and turned into a rabbit, right? 】

After thinking about it, it could only think of the only reason why Ye He suddenly turned into a rabbit. After all, it remembered that Ye He was not afraid of corpses.

Ye He: “…”

Although he didn’t want to admit it, he was indeed a soldier, and was startled by the flying head.

But being a rabbit isn’t a bad thing—at least for now, rabbits are petite and unremarkable.

The black-haired young man’s attention was on the man with the gun, so he did not find his intrusion.

He silently shrank his body into a ball and hid behind his head, intending to fish in troubled waters and hide his tracks.

Apart from the bed behind the black-haired youth, there was really no shelter in the observation room.

if only…..

As long as he persists until the black-haired youth is completely mad, then Dr. Lu will definitely give up the idea of ​​destroying him.

Just thinking about it, Ye He suddenly felt his body being hit, knocking his entire rabbit to the ground.

The author has something to say: an overhead world, and the setting is also overhead

Looking at the information, the rabbit can’t lift its ears. The best way is to pinch the back of the neck with one hand and support the body with one hand~

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period from 2021-08-1722:43:18 to 2021-08-1822:36:39~

Thank you to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: @小茶叶儿小白剑剑20 bottles; Flowers, please update 10 more bottles; wow haha ​​1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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