I Became a Heartthrob After A Job in Quick Transmigration

Chapter 76 - Here Comes the Evil God (8)

Ye He faintly heard someone talking in his ear, but the voice was vague and unreal. Compared to the rustling sound of writing in the exam room, it was more like an illusion.

The feeling of fullness made him have no time to think deeply, and it took a lot of effort to hold the pen now. But the young man behind him threatened that if he still couldn’t hold the pen, the young man would not mind him holding the pen in another place.

Ye He understood the meaning of the other party almost immediately, his back was cold, and the originally weak fingertips forcibly hooked the pen.

After realizing that the young man was extremely sensitive to his gaze towards Feng Zheng’s back, Ye He forced himself not to see what Feng Zheng was doing at this time.

“You… Who are you?” Ye He said with difficulty while holding the pen. The existence of the other party made him feel that he was not the one who dreamed this dream, and the silver-haired youth behind him was the real master of the dream.

He didn’t expect much from the other party to answer his question. After all, he had already begun to guess based on the youth’s hair color, which textbook was more like which subject he had failed.

Unexpectedly, the young man leaned his head into his ear and said word by word, “My name in the human world is Ilphis.”

“I like your voice calling my name.”

Ye He: “……”

Why did the second half of the sentence sound so familiar, a bit like what Mary had said to him before.

The young man felt that he was expressing that when he saw Ye He did not react, he naturally regarded it as Ye He who was deliberately resisting.

His eyes darkened, his knuckles probed inward, and the next second he touched a point, Ye He almost uncontrollably let out a groan.

“Call my name.” The young man whispered.

Ye He didn’t know why the other party suddenly attacked just now, so he could only subconsciously obey: “I… Ilphis.”

He softened his voice, with a little pleading that he didn’t even realize.

Ilphis’ fingertips just left that point.

For the first time, Ye He felt that he had slept for such a long time, and it also gave him a feeling that he might never wake up again.

Although he had tried other methods to wake up from the dream before, the slight pain could not let him leave the dream in front of him.

His eyes fell on the pen in his hand, he gritted his teeth and suddenly raised it, stabbed straight at the wrist of the other hand, trying to break free from the dream.

The expected pain did not strike. One second before the tip of the pen was about to touch his wrist, someone grabbed his wrist, and the tip of the pen naturally stopped moving forward.

“You…” Ilfis obviously didn’t expect Ye He to do this, his cold voice was filled with anger, and the strength of his wrist was gradually tightened.

Feeling the unshakable power on his wrist, a burst of despair surged in Ye He’s heart, just when he thought he was going to fail again this time and be punished, Ilphis’s cold voice sounded in his ear: “This time, let it go first. See you next time.”

See you next time?

Just as Ye He was about to ask the question, he saw that the exam paper and table that had tortured him for a long time were turned into fly ash, and the figures of the students around him disappeared.

He turned his head to look, and the figure of Ilphis also began to become blurred.

Immediately afterwards, Ye He heard a very penetrating music suddenly sounded in his mind, mixed with erhu and suona, and as his consciousness gradually became clearer, there was a trend of getting louder and louder.

He subconsciously said: “Wait, don’t bury first, people are still alive…”

As soon as Ye He’s voice fell, the sound of music stopped abruptly, and was replaced by the system’s mechanical sound with no ups and downs: [Ye He. 】

Hearing the system’s voice, Ye He suddenly opened his eyes. Because he had closed his eyes for a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes and saw the sunlight, which made him feel a little uncomfortable and blinked, and there was some moisture hanging on his eyelashes.

Seeing that Ye He finally opened his eyes, the system breathed a sigh of relief: [You finally woke up. 】

After realizing that there was a problem on Ye He’s side, it tried various methods outside, but it couldn’t wake Ye He, and finally used this music without hope. reacted.

Ye He stayed for a few seconds before realizing that he had woken up from the dream, and slowly recalled while rubbing his temples: “I seem to have had a long dream…”

System: [It’s half past seven now, you got up an hour and a half later than before. 】

Ye He: “…the alarm clock is broken? Didn’t you call me?”

System: [The alarm clock rang, and I called too, but you didn’t respond. 】

It was only then that Ye He understood why he had been tortured for so long in the dream, it was because he was not able to be woken up at all.

why is that?

An ominous premonition emerged from the bottom of Ye He’s heart. After all, the young man who called himself Ilphis in the dream vowed to say goodbye next time.

The system tentatively asked: [What exactly did you dream about? 】

After all, Ye He’s dream talk sounded too colorful.

Thinking of his dream, Ye He was a little embarrassed: “I dreamed that I was taking an exam, and then there was an invigilator who called himself Ilfis, saying that I will see you next time…”

“Silver-white hair, green eyes…”

The system’s attention is on this name: [Ilfis? 】

It was stunned for a while, and for some reason, the name also made it aware that it was a little bad. Relying on the Internet of this world, I searched for the name of Irfis.

Ye He didn’t know that the system here had secretly checked the information. Hearing that the system didn’t speak any more, he thought that the system was not interested in his dreams.

This made Ye He secretly relieved. After all, the content of the dream was too shameful. And that dream was too real, he can still remember the nervousness when he stabbed his wrist…

At this moment, his wrist suddenly felt itchy, and when he looked down, he found that Xiao Hei was licking his wrist.

Ye He touched Xiao Hei’s head, and then looked down at his wrist. The fair and clean skin had a few red marks due to the black cat’s cock, like a mark on it.

He laughed dumbly and looked down at the black cat. At this time, the black cat also looked away from his wrist and met Ye He.

When Ye He and the black cat looked at each other before, he didn’t feel anything else, but after being stared at by those green eyes in his dream all night, now he met the dark green eyes of the black cat, which made him involuntarily think about it, The first to look away, look elsewhere.

As for Ye He’s behavior of looking away, the black cat was obviously very dissatisfied, but it didn’t bark, but jumped directly into Ye He’s arms, with its claws hooking on Ye He’s clothes, as if to attract the other party’s attention.

There was a banging sound on the stairs, Ye He looked up, and it turned out that Judith came out and was looking down at the entrance of the stairs. Aware of his sight, the little girl smacked her lips and whispered, “Brother Rivel, I’m hungry…”

Hearing what Judith said, Ye He felt that his stomach was empty and a little hungry. After all, he usually got up and finished breakfast at this time.

Ye He asked Judith to sit on the first floor for a while. He went upstairs to quickly change clothes and then took Judith to buy food.

The system side didn’t know what they were busy with, and they didn’t speak.

At this time, the system also found the information of Ilfis, but there was very little information about the other party.

It is said that Irphis is the evil **** that the world thinks, with a strange personality and unknown gender. Some people speculate that his prototype is as tall as a skyscraper, and some people speculate that he is just an ordinary human.

There are hardly any humans who have seen Irphis, or have never seen it alive. Although his summoning method exists in some cult books that are about to become extinct, at least on the Internet, the system has not seen an example of successful summoning.

The system tried to find the content of the cult again, and found that it said that Ilphis would create dreams based on the fears hidden in people’s hearts, but there was no other record.

The system suspects that the silver-haired young man Ye He saw is Ilphis. It speculates that it is because Ye He has been preparing for the test in the past few days and subconsciously fears the test, so he dreamed of the test room and Ilphis.

Thinking that Ye He had been dealing with the Evil God for so long in a dream, Rao’s system couldn’t help breaking out in a cold sweat.

It just makes it strange, why did Ilphis focus on Yehe, and why did he come to this remote town?

Ye He has been moving under its nose, and the trajectory of his activities is also very normal, which can completely rule out the possibility of accidentally provoking Ilfis; and the body where Ye He is located is even less likely to have anything to do with Ilfis. , after all, the system has already investigated before, Revere is a boy without a story, and he just moved to the town not long ago.

After thinking about it, the system did not know what exactly attracted the attention of the evil **** in Ye He. And the other party even said goodbye to Ye He next time, which made the system even more uneasy.

Ye He had already bought the meal with Judith over there, and after hurriedly finished eating, he started to handle the order to deliver it to the door.

Being busy made him forget the content of the nightmare for a while, and just wanted to finish the work at hand quickly.

After being busy until the afternoon, Ye He did not finish today’s entrustment. Seeing that Mary had not come to take the child, he decided to send Judith back in person.

Judith is still a child after all, even if Mary was not very kind to her before, and she did not see Mary after a night, she did miss her a little. After Ye He tentatively asked if she wanted to send her back, she immediately nodded happily.

Xiao Hei was very sticky to Ye He, and when he saw the other party going out, he subconsciously wanted to follow, but he was driven back by Ye He unexpectedly: “Stay here, I’ll be back in a while.”

As if Xiao Hei didn’t hear it, he still wanted to go over to Ye He, Ye He had to use the old method: “If you don’t listen to me, I won’t take you out again in the future.”

He actually didn’t know whether Xiao Hei could understand him, but it was undeniable that every time he said these words, Xiao Hei did not move forward as if he understood.

Xiao Hei raised his head and looked at him pitifully. If Ye He used to be soft-hearted, but now seeing the other party’s pupil color similar to that of Ilphis in his dream, it is really difficult for Ye He to feel pity in his heart as usual.

Seeing Ye He’s unwavering expression, Xiao Hei probably also realized that Ye He couldn’t agree to it as before, and lowered his head extremely lonely.

This time Ye He has no plans to bring Xiao Hei. After all, Xiao Hei is the culprit who scratched Mary’s face. If Mary sees the other party, it is estimated that she will have to endure another stimulation. After all, Bob who was scratched by Xiao Hei said Seeing each other again, a fluffy feeling arose in my heart.

Ye He saw Xiao Hei obediently staying where he was, so he took Judith out of the threshold, and he didn’t forget to close the door when he left.

According to Judith’s guidance, Ye He did not know how long it took to finally reach her home. It was at the very edge of the town, almost beyond the town, and there were only a few residents nearby, in stark contrast to the crowded town center.

When Judith arrived at a familiar place, she was a little restrained, grabbing Ye He’s clothes and leaning against him, as if she was afraid of something.

Soon Ye He knew the reason why Judith was afraid. A man with a cigarette came out of the window, his eyes fell on Judith, and he shouted loudly: “Your mother was taken away by the mayor. , I guess I won’t be back in a while, come and sit in my room!”

Although there was a smile on his face, the sight that fell on Judith was filled with disgusting saliva.

Although Judith was usually slow, she was obviously stared at by this kind of gaze before. She immediately hid behind Ye He and shook her head: “No…don’t…”

Ye He directly blocked in front of Judith, blocking the line of sight.

The man’s vision was blocked, and a “squeak” came out of his throat.

Judith’s house was right behind the man’s house, and Ye He directly pulled her to the back. Although Mary was well-dressed, her house was very dilapidated.

There is a mountain forest behind the house. Although the sky is still bright, the mountain forest forms a sharp contrast. Because of the lush woods, the sun does not seem to penetrate the woods, which makes the mountain look a bit gloomy.

The door was locked, and it seemed that at least half of what the man said was true, that Mary was indeed away from home.

Ye He wanted to ask Judith if she knew where the spare key at home was, but seeing the confused look on the other’s face, he knew that he couldn’t find the answer either.

After hearing the suggestive words of the man just now, it was even more impossible for Ye He to leave Judith here alone, so he waited with her.

The system suddenly said at this time: [Did you dream of Ilphis last night? Have you ever dreamed before? 】

Ye He thought about it carefully, and then shook his head: “No.”

He suddenly became vigilant about the system’s sudden mention of Ilphis’ name: “Is there something wrong with this name? I…I won’t dream of him again, will I?”

Thinking of the possibility of dreaming of Ilphis, Ye He silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

System: [Thinking about in the day, dreaming in the night. 】

Ye He said dejectedly: “But I really didn’t know him before. If I saw such a person in real life, I would definitely be able to remember it clearly.”

And he wanted to make himself stop thinking about Ilphis’s face, but he obviously underestimated the rebelliousness of his head. The more he didn’t want to think about it in his mind, the more that face appeared in his mind.

What’s more, Xiao Hei’s eyes are also green, every time he looked at him, Ye He couldn’t help but think of Ilphis.

Judith has been standing beside Ye He obediently, and she can have a good time by herself, but at this moment, she suddenly exclaimed excitedly as if she had caught a glimpse of something: “It’s her!”

Before Ye He could react from the conversation with the system, Judith ran in the direction of the forest with excitement.

After reacting, Ye He chased after him. He wanted to make Judith stop, but Judith was still running forward, not knowing if he heard what he said.

Ye He almost stumbled upon a fallen branch as soon as he entered the forest. After he barely stabilized his body and did not fall on the sharp branch, he raised his head, and Judith was nowhere to be seen.

Ye He was a little anxious, and while walking in, he tried to call Judith’s name: “Judith, Judith…”

His voice echoed in the forest, but Judith didn’t respond.

The system is also trying to search for Judith’s trace in the forest, but the forest seems to be blocked by something, and the map of the forest cannot be obtained.

Hearing the system’s words, Ye He had to keep walking forward, trying to find Judith back.

There are many branches in the mountain forest, Ye He has to avoid Judith while trying to avoid it.

Ye He said with emotion: “I think Judith must be very familiar with the mountains, otherwise it is impossible to run so fast.”

The system is similar to Ye He’s thinking: [But what did she see just now? 】

Ye He and the system have the same doubts, but he was busy talking to the system before, and Judith also ran away after he reacted.

At first he thought that what Judith saw was some small animal. After all, this mountain forest was not suitable for human habitation at first sight, but he did not see any animal along the way.

Just when Ye He wondered if Judith had misunderstood something, a thin childish voice suddenly sounded, as if she had used a lot of strength, and there were echoes in the mountains and forests.


what sound?

Ye He subconsciously stopped, and began to look around vigilantly, trying to find out where the sound came from.

Ye He whispered to the system: “This is not Judith’s voice.”

But he looked around and saw no sign of anyone else.

Just when Ye He wanted to continue walking forward, he thought of the child’s voice again: “No… don’t go any further, if you go further, there will be a swamp, and if people sink, they will If it is completely swallowed, it is very likely that there will be no bones left.”

Ye He was stunned and stared at the front of him, there really was a strange depression, but it was covered by leaves. If you didn’t look carefully, you wouldn’t be able to see that it was a swamp at all, it would just feel like a low-lying area.

When he thought that he almost stepped on it with a few steps left, Ye He suddenly felt a little scared.

In any case, the strange voice saved him.

Ye He said thank you, and then asked suspiciously, “You are…”

The boy’s voice stopped talking again, and he didn’t know whether he left or didn’t want to answer.

Ye He couldn’t see where the figure was, so he had to continue: “I wonder if you saw a little blond girl in a skirt running over, I entered the forest just to find her…”

It didn’t take long for his voice to fall, and there was some excitement in the child’s voice: “Are you looking for Judith? It’s a little unsafe in the mountains, I’ve already told her to go back first.”

Ye He: “But I didn’t see her shadow along the way…”

Tong Sheng explained patiently, “She took a different path. There are many paths in the mountains and forests.”

Ye He didn’t know if what Tong Sheng said was true or not. Thinking that the other party had reminded him that there was a swamp in front of him, Ye He felt that this Tong Sheng was not a bad person.

And more importantly, it seemed that this childish voice clearly knew Judith.

When he was hesitating whether to turn back to Judith’s house for verification, the childish voice continued to ask, “Are you Brother Revere?”

Ye He nodded yes.

Both Bob and Judith liked to call him that, but thinking that this childish voice was obviously familiar to Judith, Ye He felt that she should have learned it from Judith’s mouth.

It seems that Judith also told her about her existence.

I know Judith very well, childish voice…..

Could this person be Judith’s friend?

Ye He: “You are Judith’s friend…Ariel?”

Judith had only called her by name this time, and she said she still prefers the word friend.

The voice was silent for a few seconds, and then said, “It’s me, and I entrust Judith to help me find my father.”

It turned out that Judith ran away suddenly because she saw Ariel.

Ye He didn’t expect to see Ariel so soon, he couldn’t hide his excitement and asked, “Where are you, can I see you?”

“I have some questions I want to ask you, and you can only find your father if you understand them.”

Ariel fell into silence over there, and seemed to be seriously thinking about Ye He’s proposal. After a while, she made a soft “um”.

Ye He hurriedly turned his head to look around, looking forward to Ariel’s figure.

Xixi’s rustling voice sounded not far away, just listening to this dull movement, Ye He felt that it was not like the sound of a human walking on two legs, but more like……

It’s more like the sound of walking when all fours are on the ground.

Ye He remembered that Judith had said that Ariel was injured, and quickly asked with concern, “Do you need my help?”

Ariel shyly said no.

Ye He had to give up when he saw Ariel’s rejection, after all, he really couldn’t see where Ariel’s figure was now.

Ye He listened to the gradual footsteps, and suddenly his face changed: “System, did you hear Ariel’s breathing?”

Before the distance was far, Ye He felt that it was normal that he did not hear the sound of breathing. But now, the distance between him and Ariel was obviously getting closer, but there was still only the sound of his own breathing in the silent forest.

The author has something to say: start working hard tomorrow day eight (make a fist

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period from 2021-07-2322:07:44 to 2021-07-2422:06:12~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: KKK-sk2;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of hibiscus muli; 3 bottles of or2 nifty ancient; 2 bottles of coriander; 47260926 1 bottle of the author who will become bald without updating;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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