I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 120:

“I-I’m screwed.”

Otto broke out in a cold sweat as he realized how little time he had left before Elise came to visit.

“I didn’t even get to do a single training session…….”

Of course, Otto wasn’t just playing around.

He was too busy running from one place to another, ransacking the tomb of the Great Argonne, traveling to and from the Kuntachi Residence, and taking care of Quran.

He had no time for personal training in the midst of being king.

The problem was, there was no way Elise was going to extenuate Otto’s situation.

“What’s wrong?”

Camille asked worriedly as he saw sweat break out on Otto’s forehead in real time.


He was even shivering, so much so that he looked like he had suddenly caught the flu or something.

“Are you sick?”

“Uh, not that.”


“In three days… Elise is coming.”


Camille nodded in understanding.

“So you’re going to be beaten like a dog again?”

“… Maybe I’ll die?”


“If I don’t satisfy her, she’ll kill me.”

Camille interpreted Otto’s words completely differently.

‘She’ll kill me if my stamina is weak.’

The reason for Camille’s misunderstanding was that Elise had previously broken into Otto’s bedroom.

Since it was clear that Elise had eaten Otto, he had no choice but to interpret Otto’s <Satisfaction> as such.

“There’s nothing I can do about that. But for now…”

Camille handed Otto a <Lloyd Potion>, a specialty of the Lota Kingdom and a filial piety product.

“Please drink this for now.”

“What the?”

“It can’t be helped, can it? Keep drinking it every hour until Lady Elise arrives.”


“I will tell the servants to prepare foods that are good for energizing virility: eels, garlic, oysters, dried ogre genitals, and minotaur testicles….”


“I don’t know that much about it, but if you eat foods that are good for your virility, perhaps it will help you somehow. Don’t be discouraged if your virility is weak, if you eat good food and increase the intensity of your lower body exercises….”

“What the hell!”

Otto snapped at Camille.

“Why are you talking about virility all of a sudden!”

“Isn’t it about virility?”


“You just said that if you couldn’t satisfy the lady, you’d die.”

“Hey! It’s not sexual stamina, it’s martial power!”



Otto exclaimed.

“Once a month… she’ll check my skills, and if I disappoint her, she’ll kill me.”

“Do you really think she’ll kill you?”

“Really kills me.”


“I don’t know about other things, but I’m sure of this one thing, she’s relentless, and if I don’t show her that I’m making an effort, I’m going to die.”

The Elise Otto knew was never evil.

As the strongest person in the game, she was a great person who would give her all to defend the continent, even to the point of death.

But with strength comes no mercy or compromise.

Not even for her fiancé, Otto.

When playing this world as a game, there were times when he tried to sway Elise to his side, but he was never successful.

Of course, the game and the reality weren’t 100% aligned, so there was no telling if she’d actually kill him.

However, that does not lessen the pressure.

He couldn’t risk his life to find out if it was 100% accurate to the game or not, could he?

“Kairos, where’s Kairos!”

“He’s probably having a drink at the tavern outside the palace by now.”

“Bring him to me now… No, wait. I’ll just go.”

“You’re going yourself?”

“Do you think he’ll come if I call for him?”

Otto narrowed his eyes at Camille.


Understanding Otto’s statement, Camille nodded.

The former Emperor Kairos was not a person to be told to come, as he would never listen.

Sending a messenger was likely to be mercilessly chewed, and there was a good chance that the messenger would be beaten for being a nuisance.

In other words, the only way to move Kairos was for Otto to go and get him himself.

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Kairos was in a ramshackle tavern in the back alley closest to the royal palace, enjoying himself with some of his old men in a drinking binge.

The only problem was that the drinking session itself was quite bizarre.

Kairos’ men.

Soul Knights, the flesh-less, armor-dwelling undead, were naturally unable to consume alcohol at all.


They poured the full bottle through the gaps in their helmets, and it trickled down through the joints of their armor.

The ground beneath the Soul Knights’ feet was now soaked with the spilled liquor, and the air around them reeked of cheap alcohol.

Of course, the breeches of the tavern’s servers and the owner, who watched the scene, were also wet.

In all the years that they had been selling alcohol, they had never seen anything like this before.

“Whoa, what the hell!”

A passerby walks by and smells the alcoholic fumes and their face turns red.

At this point, instead of drinking, they’d simply be spilling it on the ground.

But the Soul Knights didn’t stop pouring into their helmets.

“‘Mmm! It smells good! Mmmmm!”

“How can I even feel this!”

“Damn it! I want to get drunk, but I’m not getting drunk! Hey, boss! Bring me more alcohol, the strongest and most concentrated!”

When they were wraith knights, Kairos’s men couldn’t feel anything.

But now that they’re Soul Knights, they seem to be able to smell a bit of alcohol.

Like Kairos, the Soul Knights were severe alcoholics who had lived a rough and tumble life as mercenaries, binge drinking whenever they were bored, so they had a huge insatiable craving for alcohol.

“Customers, don’t drink like that, it’ll cause you to lose a lot more, and besides, you’re already wasting more alcohol than you’re drinking!”

The tavern’s proprietor was somewhat bewildered by the antics of Kairos and his men.

“Take off your armor or something, take it easy, take it slow, and when we run out of liquor,….”

“If we don’t have any, we’ll get some, we’ll go to another tavern nearby and buy all the liquor they have!”


“Okay. I’ll give you any amount of money you like, just go get the booze. No need to concern yourself with us.”

Kairos tossed a kilogram of gold to the tavern keeper for the payment to the drinks.

“Oh! Ah, my goodness! Sir! I’ll provide as much alcohol as you want! What are you waiting for? Quickly, go to the nearby store and buy some alcohol!”

The tavern owner sent his only employee to grab some alcohol.

The barkeep rushed off to get it.

“…What a bunch of lunatics.”

Otto clicked his tongue in disbelief at the behavior of the entire group.

“If they’re going to do that, wouldn’t it be better to fill a pool with liquor instead of water and then jump in it?”

“I agree.”

Camille nodded at Otto’s words.

“He must have known that both the boss and the subordinates are stupid. These blockheads.”

Otto walked over to Kairos, sympathizing with what Oghma, Kairos’s former strategist, must have been struggling with during his life.

“Hey, you need to come with me.”

“What’s the matter, Pansy?”

“I need your help.”


“I need to train, so I need your help.”

“You’re asking me to help you train on this late night, ruining my fun, how dare you?”

Kairos snapped at Otto with half-lidded eyes, his mouth twisted into a snarl.

“How dare I? Be good. Don’t be a pain in the ass.”

“What? You’re the one who’s being a dick….”



“I guess you don’t want to hear about Oghma, do you?”

“How the hell do you know that name!”

“Gaius’ interrogation ended a few days ago. I got some information.”

“All right, tell me everything, now!”

Then a strange phenomenon occurred.

“Oh, Ogma?!”


“Holy shit, I forgot!”

The Soul Knights shuddered as if they’d heard a name they should not have.

Apparently, the name Oghma was a taboo for the Soul Knights.

“Oghma, hurry up and tell me what you know about that bastard, Pansy!”

“With nothing in return?”

“This guy?”

“I’ll give you information if you help me train. You help me, I help you, right? Isn’t that fair?”


“Let’s go nicely. Don’t irritate people.”

With that, Otto jumped on his horse with Camille and rode off toward the palace.

“Gee, Wait, Pansy, come with me!”


As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of wind rose up around Kairos, followed by the nauseating stench of alcohol.

As usual, he had used his mana to expel the alcohol at once.

Kairos shouted and ran after Otto and Camille.

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“…So you’re telling me that Oghma created a secret organization called the Black Crusaders to oppose him, and he never got caught?”

“That’s right.”

Otto nodded, relaying the information he’d gotten from Gaius to Kairos.

“At least they didn’t meet a miserable end, seeing as how the Black Crusaders weren’t completely wiped out even after the fall of the Krares Empire?”


“They’re still around, harassing the Imperial family for generations. I have to give him some credit. How does a man manage to run a secret organization and torment the imperial family for generations?”

Honestly, even Otto wondered about it.

“Wouldn’t they get tired of it after a few decades? Oghma would be dead, the top executives would be dead. It seems a bit obsessive to continue fighting for generations, and it’s not like the cause is particularly appealing to their descendants.”


“I suppose one could rally the various discontent groups and rebel factions while the Krares Empire is still standing. But it’s been a long time since the fall of the Krares Empire, and I think it’s a bit much to still be operating.”

Passing on grudges from generation to generation.

Considering how bad it would be for future generations, the Black Crusaders’ activities made no sense to him, based on conventional logic.

“Anyway, you’ve been resurrected, and that Argonne bastard has been reincarnated, so I don’t think the Black Crusaders need to act on their own anymore.”

“I agree.”

“I’ll get some more information from Gaius, and if we get a chance, we should try to make contact with the Black Crusaders. We are allies with the same enemy. They were founded by your closest confidant, Oghma.”

“That’s a good idea, Pansy.”

“Either way, you’re the biggest problem.”


“You know how Ogma used to nag you about drinking less, getting some work done, getting married, studying, staying in shape. All that shit?”


“How many times must he have told you to get rid of that Argonne bastard, too, so that scab could grow on your ear? I’m guessing he’s made a move or two without your permission, too?”

“Well, there were a couple of times when the bastard dared to do things without my permission. He’s an insolent bastard. He thinks the emperor is shit.”

“Well, this still rattles me. If you’d listened to Oghma back then, this whole division wouldn’t have happened. The Emperor doesn’t know shit because he’s an asshole.”


Kairos was pierced with another painful blow, became completely mute and could not say anything.

He was guilty, so he had to keep his mouth shut, even if it meant being prodded.

“Just sober up and take this.”

Otto tossed a wooden sword at Kairos.

D-3 until Elise’s visit.

He didn’t want to die at the hands of his fiancée, so he was going to spend the rest of his time cramming.

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